Sunday, August 11, 2024

Weekly Up-date 8/11

 Happy Sunday to all.  I surely hope this finds you well and safe.  Hoping all that have been involved in the flooding and the hurricane are safe as well as their homes and families.
I had a couple neighbors check on me this week, when they hadn't noticed me out.  I had been, but they hadn't seen and thought something may be wrong.  That is nice to know that we look after each other.
Have a new family that moved in catty corner from me.  The little fellow, I am used to, as the lady across from me babysits him - but he is there now with mom & dad and a new baby coming anytime!

Mornings are very cool now that the front has come through. Need a light sweater chilly!  Days have been glorious.  Humidity gone.  Looks like this coming week will be in low 80's - nice.

Had my cable remote completely die for the TV in the bedroom the other night.  I even called Direct TV and they tried to give fixes over the phone.  Nothing - so they sending a new one (mine is very old).  I like to have TV on for sound at night to fall asleep - I need a quiet noise.  Last night I turned on the radio very low and read until sleepy!

My frugal week:
  • Washed a lot of jeans this week - and line dried them on a very hot day.  That was almost quicker than the dryer!
  • Used dehumidifier water in washer
  • Made new hummy nectar and cleaned feeders
  • Washed many windows
  • Trimmed Blackie's front nails
  • HARVEST - lots of peppers, cherry tomatoes, 2 zucchinis, 2 more cabbage and 7 regular tomatoes!
4 of the 'regular' tomatoes were like this.  They were all over a pound each - with one being almost 1 1/2 lbs.!
  • I did run out to stock-up on kitty treats - they do love their treats.  I also got melons!  They had honeydew, cantaloupe, & watermelon for 1.99 each w/digital coupon.  I got one of each - all cut and ready to munch on now.  I have found the best tasting melons this year.  I have eaten more melon this summer than many of the past years combined.  Got a few other stock ups for freezer
  • Made another batch of kraut
  • Mowed and trimmed
  • Lots of yard work - finally finished the one front bed (one more to go).  Worked out back cleaning and clearing weeds & deadheading from beds - boy have the weeds thrived.
  • Been eating from home and using what I have
  • AC off for a couple days and airing the house
  • Kitties got their flea meds
Meals this past week:
Chicken strips, small baked potato, salad
FRY day! - Zucchini, onion slices and mushrooms (last portobella in strips) all breaded and fried
Open face Swiss/salsa burger topped w/sauteed peppers/onions & salad
Seasoned rice with shredded pork & peas added, fresh veggies on the side
Stovetop enchiladas (used leftover rice/pork in them)
3 cheese/ham grilled sandwich & fresh zucchini salad
BLT - YUMMO!!! (w/'my' fresh tomato)
Stove top enchiladas.  Not the prettiest but they were good.  Fill and grill in pan - turning until lightly browned on all sides.  Add sauce and cheese and heat slightly - turn off heat and cover for a few minutes until cheese melts.  Beats using the oven!

How was your week?  What is going on in your gardens?  Mine are finally starting to produce nicely.  Weather plays a huge part.  Any deals this week?
Is anyone canning or freezing their goods?

I pray for all of you and wish some would check in.  I hope all is well, if possible, please check in so we all know you are OK.  I have many of you on my mind.
I know it is a busy time of the year - but please take a moment to let us know all is OK.
Have a wonderful upcoming week.

Blessings to you and yours from me and my humble little home.

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the lands!  Serve the Lord with gladness!  Come into His presence with singing!
Psalms 100:1-2

Dear Lord, thank You for this new day.  Thank you for letting us get our houses together, both in prepping for the unknown, but our souls as well.  May everyone 'find' You and prepare for eternity.
Please continue to watch over and protect us all in this coming week.  AMEN


  1. Hi Cheryl. It sounds like you had a really nice week. That is so good that your neighborhood is starting to get together and look out for each other. We have nice neighbors, but our houses are pretty far apart, so we don't see each other much. I hope you have a wonderful week ahead.

    1. It was nice - thank you. Yes, after all these years - people are finally friendly and watchful. Many of us around the same age - so it comforting that someone is watching.
      Have a fantastic week.

  2. I love it when the humidity is gone and it feels so good! Lucky you! I sleep with my tv on too to help me fall asleep. It works better than a sleeping pill. LOL That tomato is HUGE and I'm sure they made some delicious BLTs. Yummy!

    1. The noise just lulls me to sleep! Yep, don't like pills - so TV is better.
      It was TASTY too! Yep, that was the first BLT of the season - many more to come!
      Have a great week.

  3. FABULOUS tomato. I can't wait until my heirlooms start growing. 1 1/2# is common w/Brandywine.

    Happy Sunday.

    1. It tasted fabulous too! Hope you harvest many!
      Have a lovely week.

  4. Returned home yesterday after a week away with my family in the ocean air on the W coast of Vancouver Island. A beautiful respite. Community is so important. Community members responded to my request to tend to mom at the nursing home during meal time, do her laundry, water my outdoor plant pots, check on my place. I guess my first attempt at hilling the potatoes wasn't good enough for the kind soul who did it again. Home, sweet home. I started the relish with the cucumbers that my DIL sent home with me. I mowed the lawn. I see there was ~1" of rain in my absence. My car is pockmarked after a severe hailstorm in the city we flew out of; I'll have to deal with that this week. In the kitchen? Time to think about menu planning after a week of my DIL's meals & eating out.

    1. I hope your visit was just delightful. I bet that ocean air was wonderful. It has many years and years for me - but oh, that smell!
      Community is so important - especially as we get older. I am glad we have all united here.
      Sorry about the hail storm and damage.
      Have fun making relish and happy menu making!
      Have a super week.

  5. I am finally "home" and trying to recover. Some side effects of the surgery are lessening but others are still problematic but I am only just over 2 weeks out so I need to give it more time. It's hot as heck here(as it always is)so no windows are being opened. lol I hope everyone is well.

    1. Glad you are home and recovering. Do what the doctor says and get better quickly. Stay cool.
      Have a great week.

  6. As you've read, I had a very quiet week. We may have some rain early in the week, fingers crossed as it is very dry out there.
    Those tomatoes, oh my! I've only grown cherry tomatoes and they've done so well this year.

    1. I hope you get some much needed rain.
      Aren't they pretty? Quite the slicer. Cherry tomatoes are so prolific - they just give and give. Enjoy.
      Have a great week.

  7. Gorgeous tomato! It is good to have younger families move in. Our neighborhood is getting to so many retirees that I am hoping for some younger ones here.

    1. Thanks. That is what I thought too. We have a few younger families - but not a lot. It is getting older again. When I moved in (38 years ago) we were the youngsters, and the rest were original owners. Now I am the longest here - and many are getting older, so new blood is nice.
      Have a lovely week.

  8. What a week you had! I need to take a nap after reading about all you've done :) - Madelyne

    1. Nah, not that bad. I have lots of down time too! It all evens out.
      Have a super week.

  9. A quiet week can be a very nice week. :)
    Glad you are having harvest time. I'm picking a few beans, not enough for a meal but enough to add to other veggies for a side dish.

    Also weeding email folders, deleting old dead ones and actually very much enjoying reading some of the oldest from some years back, to and from people I've lost. Tripping down memory lane, so to speak. :)
    Love your Psalm verse.

    1. Love calmer weeks. At least you are getting some beans, that is something. It all helps.
      Those trips down memory lane can get you sometimes! I still have dozens and dozens of emails Glen sent me - recipes and funnies, etc.
      Have a beautiful week.

  10. Great prayer, Cheryl🙏🏻 Amen! I’m a little jealous of your tomato crop - we had too much rain over about a month and our raised beds got drowned. Oh, well…glad you have some good uns 👍🏻 Yummm, BLT 🥪 That and tomato sandwiches are true harbingers of Summertime.
    I’m so glad you have neighbors who check on you and each other.
    You and the kitties have a wonderful week.
    Mary in OK

    1. I hope you end up with some tomatoes. They just taste so yummy. I am with you - BLT and tomato sammies are the best!
      It is nice to know people watch and are aware.
      Thank you. You have a fantastic week.

  11. Glorious weather here: mid-70sF-low 80sF and low humidity. Supposed to be nice nearly all week. Despite dire predictions, Hurricane Debby was a no-show here, though places 75mi. to the east had flooding.

    I have been picking more cherry tomatoes than I have neighbors willing to take them, so I will be freezing some to use in chili this fall. I have only four producing plants.

    Yesterday I took advantage of the nice weather to start painting my front porch railing. Got the primer on, need to get some house paint to finish later this week. I also walked 3.5 miles at the trail.

    I paid my neighbor to now the grass because I'm still on activity restriction due to slow healing in one eye from cataract surgery. Not frugal, but necessary. Certainly don't want a torn retina.

    I took Tuesday as a Me day. Slept in and canceled all of my planned errands for the day - nothing was urgent. I left the house only to put something in the recycling bin. No TV, no other human voice besides the announcements on the classical music internet channel, and those are in French. It was a nice, relaxing day, a day for me. Listened to music all day, cut out quilt squares, took a nap, did four loads of laundry, took a shower, fixed some mac & cheese to eat this week, read a cozy mystery library book and played the piano in the evening. Self-care at its best.

    Attended a Project Linus blanket distribution on Thursday. Normally we don't get to meet blanket recipients, but we do get to hand out blankets to kids going to UPMC Transplant Camp and their siblings. The kids pick out a fleece blanket to take to camp before they get on the bus, and the families then gather for brunch. There were a number of doctors, nurses, and other treatment partners there, too. It was so nice to have the siblings come to our table and pick out their own fleece blanket. A number of parents and other attendees thanked us for the blankets the kids have received in the hospital over the years. We don't do it for the thanks, but it sure was nice to hear.

    Roger is doing okay, despite still having care issues. They just have too many high need residents and too few aides. From what I hear, it is the same everywhere around here. I visited him today, and we watched a little of the Olympics.

    Not a frugal week, but I bought a padded piano bench for my new electric piano. My antique wooden bench is just too hard for my unpadded backside! Wal-Mart has back-to-school clothes in stock, and I bought a pretty blue long-sleeve thermal top to wear this winter. I have the same top in six other colors; it is warm and cozy in cold weather.

    Have a blessed week!

    1. Your temps sound like ours at the moment and most of this coming week. Glad you were missed by the hurricane. Super that your tomato plants are providing so many. Good idea to freeze for winter cooking.
      I am so proud of you that you took a day for yourself. You surely do deserve it. It sounds like a perfect day.
      How neat on the blankies for the kiddos. They sure deserve nice things and little treats. I bet those blankets mean more than any of you could ever know.
      I have heard that most care homes are short staffed. My niece works at one and she says that a lot.
      Hey, some weeks are just not frugal - and that is OK. We all have those. You got some things you liked and needed or wanted and you deserve it.
      I bet the railing will look nice when done.
      You have a wonderful week.

  12. Oh Cheryl the weather has been glorious here. Kind of cold at night but we are loving it.
    What a big tomato...gardening is so much fun!
    Have a wonderful week!

    1. Those chilly nights are wonderful. Early treat - but I am sure summer will be back soon.
      Gardening is a ball. Thanks.
      You have a great week.

  13. That is a huge 'mater! I bet it was tasty. My nephew and his wife live in Florida, and she was bemoaning the fact that produce there just doesn't taste as good as Indiana produce. I told her I would fix her up if she didn't live so far away.

    I'm loving these cooler days. Worked outside some after we got back from the store. Tomorrow, we don't have any errands to run so my plans are to go out early and tackle the weeds that appeared from the last rain.

    See you on Tuesday!

    1. I have several of those huge ones! They are so good.
      I guess a lot of the taste is location - soil - etc.
      The cooler days are so nice. I plan on getting out too, so many weeds!
      Have a wonderful week and enjoy getting out in this weather.

  14. Oh wow, you did get a lot done! I don't think I have ever tried kraut in my life. Those tomatoes look amazing!

    1. I love kraut - so many ways to have it. A Rueban sandwich is one of my favorites!
      Thanks. Have a lovely week!

  15. Good neighbours really are worth their weight in gold!

    1. Yes mam they sure are. I have some great ones.
      Have a lovely week.

  16. That's wonderful that they checked on you. Love, love making kraut. Ever add carrots to yours? I love that combo.

    1. Thanks - they are good people.
      No I have never added carrots. That sounds interesting. I love pickled carrots. Bet that is good.
      Have a super week.

  17. It sounds like you had a wonderful week. Do you use a crock to make your kraut? How nice that all your neighbours were concerned when they hadn't seen you.

    God bless.

    1. It was a pretty nice week. I jar the kraut to let it ferment.
      My dad used to make it in a crock. I never have.
      I have some pretty good neighbors.
      Have a blessed week.
