Sunday, September 8, 2024

Weekly Wrap Up 9/8

 Happy Sunday to all.  Hope this finds everyone well and safe.  
It is a chilly morn here, 48*F when I got up.  Today looks to be lovely.  Never fear the warmth will return this week, with highs in the mid to upper 80's again.  Yes, we have gotten a taste of fall, but summer isn't done yet.
I actually turned off the ceiling fans and put on socks this weekend, for the first time in months!  LOL

Enjoying the refreshing air.  The hummingbirds are so silly and cute.  I love hearing their little squeaky chirps and they are so funny to watch.  They dive bomb each other and chase each other.  They have been drinking a lot - it will be departure time soon, I imagine. 
The gold finches are so lovely to listen to.  They are loving the echinacea out front - the plants look funky now, but the birds are enjoying the flowers, so I will not take down yet.  Their songs are so sweet.  There were 3 pairs out there the other day, while I was sitting on the porch.
                                                        SMILE and enjoy your day!
 My frugal week:
  • Mowed and trimmed everything the first of week - it sure needed it
  • HARVEST - zucchini, yellow squash, peppers, tomatoes
  • Have done a lot of weed pulling
  • I did empty 3 of the last accordion files of old paperwork - took to the shredder event first thing Saturday
  • Processing lots of tomatoes
  • I did a spendy this week!  I was so frustrated with my old regular vacuum - it is several years old and not working great - so I bought a new one!!!!   You who have gotten to know me - know this was a big thing - I hate spending lots of money on stuff!
Yep, I spent some bucks - but boy does this thing suck - IN A GOOD WAY!  I couldn't believe what it picked up.  Easy to use, rotating head, adjustable suction, and easy clean.
  • Been going through the kitchen freezer and using up things that have been in there a while and just stuck away.
  • Working on the cleaning of house - 1 room done, and another one partly
  • I was going to go to the grocery for fruit - and FINALLY the bananas I was gifted week before started ripening and also another neighbor gifted me 12 big apples from the orchard!  No need to go to the store - now I have fresh fruit to eat.
  • Cut a lot of basil and have it drying
  • Chopped and froze lots and lots of peppers for various uses later on
  • While out Saturday for the shred, I stopped by library and dropped off library books in deposit drop (they weren't open yet).
Meals this past week:
BBQ pork chops, corn on cob, sliced toms
Seasoned chicken breast filet, fried cabbage, sliced toms
Fried zucchini and fried green tomatoes - num!
Super cheeseburger and salad
Italian seasoned chicken breast, roasted mini potatoes
Sautéed fresh veggies over rice
Beef & bean nachos
SNACKS: fresh fruit, banana milk shake, tomatoes

That's about it for me. Today will be all the leftovers from this past week for my dinner!
How has your week been?  Did you get a cool down for a bit as well?  It has been dry here all week, could use some rain again.  I have also watered with rainwater when needed.  Have you gotten rain for your plants?  
What kind of deals have you gotten this week?
Love hearing from you all.

I hope you all stay safe and well this week.  Prayers for those in need of healing.
Blessings to you and yours from me at my humble home.

Make me to know thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths.  Lead me in thy truth, and teach me, for thou art the God of my salvation; for thee I wait all the day long.
Psalms 25:4-5

Lord, again we come in thanksgiving for all our many blessings received this past week.  Continue to be with us and guide us all in Your ways.  May we each learn a little more this week about loving one another.  Help all those in need of healing, both spiritual and physical.  Amen


  1. Sounds like another productive week for you. Same here with the processing of the harvest. I bought big ears of corn for .16 each and ended up freezing some of them too. Fried green tomatoes...yes.
    I bought a Dirt Devil featherlite years ago and it really sucks too. I liked it so much that I bought one for each of the kids. I paid $50. per. Still runs like a top; just have to remove the bar to clean away the hair and threads that accumulate or the motor gets taxed.
    I am prepping for some shopping tomorrow and did a price comparison for same brand and size of Vitamin E at three stores.
    I use the search bar at the top of the stores website. For 120 capsules of Jamieson brand 400 International units of Vitamin E.....
    Shopper's Drug Mart (Loblaw) $34.49, on sale for $20.69
    Food Basics ( Metro Inc) $23.99
    Walmart $16.67.
    However, Walmart has their own brand of 400 I.U. in a package of 100 capsules for $7.67.
    I often buy Equate brand and have no issues so once again, it will be Equate.
    No wonder I'm rolling in money. HaHa.
    Enjoy the beautiful day. Laundry awaits.

    1. My last one was a Bissel and it did good for a long time, but after time, no matter how much cleaning & up-keep I did of the vacuum, it emitted dust into the air and just didn't do the job. I hope I like this one for a long time!
      Great comparison. What a difference in pricing. It really does pay to check and compare. I have used Equate several times too and no problems.
      Hey some are rolling in the money because of being good stewards. You are one smart lady to check things out!
      Have a lovely week!

  2. Sounds like a good week, Cheryl. Eating down the freezer saves money and uses up those bits and bobs of stuff we store in there. Hummingbirds are so much fun to watch. Woo Hoo on the new vacuum. I was amazed at how clean ours got stuff when we got it in 2022. Fried green tomatoes, 😋 yum. I hope this new week is good for you too. I’m loving the cooler morning weather.

    1. Yes, there are so many bits and bobs that get tucked away, and we all tend to forget them. It saves money and it fills the belly, and nothing is wasted! Woohoo!
      Fried green tomatoes - such a summer favorite.
      I hope you have a great one as well, enjoy!

  3. A new vacuum..... oh, I am so tempted! I have an *ancient* Eletrolux and it will suck pretty good, but it is *so* heavy and awkward to drag around to each room and every corner. However, it has a "beater bar" which hits the rugs, whap whap whap, and that loosens dirt and dust nicely. Will one of these new lightweight vacuums do that? I have rugs in every room, and several of them are *way* too big to take outdoors and shake.

    This is a big singing month for me, I'm busy every weekend in different places. Just lovely, singing all those old hymns. :)


    1. Mine was pretty heavy too - I was kind of over that as well. My new one does have a beater bar.
      I understand - I have area rugs - can't take those outside and shake. My bedroom is carpet. With the kitties, I just wanted something that will take all that hair! I think first time using the new one (just a couple days after using the old one), I collected a couple of cats worth of hair!!! LOL
      How fun on all the singings. You will enjoy that for sure.
      Have a wonderful week!

  4. Wow, I'd love a new vacuum like yours. Mine is an old beast that weighs a tonne and has a very short cord which means you have to plug in in every seperate room. Its annoying and I do put off vacuuming because it is so much bending.
    Linda's curtains got washed, windows cleaned and then re-hung. her old chicken coop got demolished, wood was cut up and stored to burn for winter and an ornamental cherry was planted. It has a few leaves on it at the moment but will soon look like a bunch of sticks. The area looks much better now, she rarely goes that far down her yard, but can see it from her kitchen window. That was a good thing to get done.
    I have also been freezing summer produce, got some great strawberries really cheap, so washed, hulled and froze them in small bags and also processed half a box of tomatoes. I wish I had some of your basil !!!! Mine was decimated by tiny green grasshoppers.which were impossible to spot on the leaves. They ate it down to the ground.
    I returned to do volunteer work at our local mens shelter only to find a new group of people have taken over the day to day running of it. They are a lot younger and I'm not sure I fit in anymore, I'll give it a little more time, but I think my time there is over.
    Take care, Louise

    1. So happy for Linda to have all that done. I am sure you were a huge help in that. Such a good neighbor and friend. It will look lovely as she looks out there - all clean and nice. They tree will be pretty come spring.
      Sorry about the basil - mine just keeps returning each year. Sounds like you will have yummy strawberries for winter.
      I am sorry there have been so many changes at the shelter. I guess all things change and people move on to new things. You will find a spot perfect for you again - but that is kind of sad. I am sure many of the residents knew you there.
      Have a great week.

  5. My daughter's Shark vacuum is having issues - it's been a very good vacuum for her, so she's quite annoyed. She told me she's got it taken apart on the office floor, hopefully she finds the problem.
    The heat has returned for a few days, but we'll be back to normal fall temps by Tuesday. We may get rain on Wednesday which I would much appreciate. The clay soil in the back yard is almost concrete so my efforts to weed has been difficult.

    1. I hope she finds the problem. They seem like good machines.
      Our heat will be back in a day or so - things change so quickly. I hope you get some rain to help with your hard soil.
      Have a beautiful week.

  6. It's a beautiful day here in south central Pa. We took a morning walk before breakfast and it was so nice to be outside. Temps will rise to the low 70s all week. We are enjoying the goldfinches as well. They're currently feasting on our echinacea and for some reason just love to peck at the chard. Then there's our resident squirrel who brings walnuts that have fallen to our retaining wall to crack the outer shell. It's surely a mess, but also so entertaining to watch how clever they are. We really don't mind sweeping up the mess they make.
    I've been busy with all sorts of things. Harvesting the garden, freezing the veggies for winter, making English muffins, doing other baking, making meals and soups to freeze for winter, grinding oatmeal into oat flour for pancakes and such. Working on cards for September birthdays and fall holidays. Also embroidering flowers on top of stains on otherwise perfectly good Tshirts. From turkey thighs that were in the freezer I ground up the meat and made broth from the bones. Used the meat to make a giant batch of chili, which we had one night for dinner and froze the rest into meal sized portions. The oat flour was used to make a large batch of pancakes, some of which we had for dinner with fried eggs one night and others frozen for a quick meal. More okra got dredged in corn meal and frozen. It's candy corn and peanut season and I will be laying in a new supply. (Yes, you got me addicted to your combination.) We will be going shopping for non perishables this week and some shelf ingredients for the winter. Other than that nothing needed. The freezer is full. Have a blessed week all. Cookie

    1. Sounds like a perfect morning! These cool ones are so nice.
      Nature is so much fun to watch. They are truly free TV! My squirrels weren't eating much for a while - I think they were over indulging in the walnut tree down the alley. They like to bring them here to bury!
      You have been a busy gal. So many yummies and goodies. Yep, it is that time again for peanuts and candy corn! I love that stuff - it is addictive.
      Good use of everything and for being so prepared and well planned. I do need to probably get some baking items for the winter - but like you the freezer is full. Nice problem to have, huh?
      Have a super week.

  7. Spending money on a good cleaning tool is investing in your carpets, furniture, etc. I have the same one and it is amazing and worth every penny. Shark's latest carpet cleaner is awesome too. I bought it at Target since Amazon didn't send the entire carpet cleaner. lol I've really enjoyed this cooler weather but yes, summer isn't over yet. I'll be glad when it is. Enjoy your Sunday!!

    1. Glad to hear you like it too. It seems pretty darn amazing to me. The suction is great.
      I have enjoyed these cooler days as well - but yep, the heat will be back at least for a few days. September and October seem to be pretty good months in my eyes.
      Have a wonderful week.

  8. You will love that vacuum Cheryl!!! I bought mine off the TV, the only thing I have ever bought like that and it came with a lifetime guarantee! Yes things do break and I have had to replace some components but all for free! I think mine has been like a "Guinea pig" for them. Sort of a test, I suppose.
    All I know is I love it!!!! I bought the Shark brand floor steamer cleaner with rotating cleaner head/pads and I just love it also.

    Found a bargain on chicken tenderloins, chicken breast and BLSL thighs at Aldi's this week 50% off all. We were needing to resupply the freezers, this after not finding any markdowns for awhile.

    Pulling and processing carrots today, beautiful crop! Tomatoes still producing but the beans are done and gone.
    Have a list made for the things needed to stock up and slowly but surely finding things needed.
    I do most of the bargain shopping for the family, because I am retired and can check the markdowns. The family all is working and I have the time.
    I only buy meat when it is on markdown or deep sale, so meals are planned around what is available.

    We are so blessed to have our own eggs, I keep chickens and keep the family supplied. Eggs are high priced in the stores right now because of bird flu.
    It does get tiring to chase bargains but will do whatever I can for my family.


    1. Glad to hear it - seems to be a favorite. I got a 5 year warranty, but gosh lifetime is fantastic.
      Two votes now for the carpet cleaner - good to know.
      Sounds like you have a day of it with the carrots. They will be so good later on.
      I rarely buy anything for full price - just not in my blood. Good job on taking care of the family. I think that is pretty neat.
      Yes, eggs have gone up again it seems. I still have plenty, thank goodness.
      It sure keeps you active, and I bet you really like benefiting the family!
      Have a superb week!

  9. I'm still using butter I bought for $1.49 - 2.00 back when. The neighbors share eggs but when they don't I'm using the ones I froze a couple years ago. I don't use much butter or eggs. I don't know that I'll buy them often when I finally run out. If I bake I often bake without them. And I'm baking less and less. Sweet things seem to find their way here anyway so I don't need to bake much.

    Since this summer is the 1st time in 10 years without a garden I'm sure appreciating what garden fresh goodies I do get. Someone at church put out green beans and tomatoes to share. Guess what my lunch was today!

    My daughter's friend gave her a giant yellow squash that no one else wanted. My daughter correctly told him I would take it. Rice topped with sauteed yellow squash! Quick & delicious dinner.

    Feels like fall here. I had to wear a jacket to go to church this morning.

    I'm getting in the mood to go apple picking.

    1. I still have a bunch of butter in the freezer as well. Got it super cheap. I generally only use for baking and that doesn't happen a lot. Good for you on stretching things and knowing how to make without them.
      Home grown goodies are good, no matter how you get them. I bet you have enjoyed them all the more as gifted!
      The apples are so yum.
      Have a lovely week.

  10. We had a couple of really nice cool days, got to turn off the air conditioners and spent a lot of time outside. Getting ready to go back up though.

    I found $15 bags of coffee on clearance for $4 each. And then the machine died. We had it (Keurig Duo, bought on clearance of course) about 3 months. The husband was looking for another to buy but people in forums talked about Keurig being good about sending replacements, so he called them and a new machine is being sent out free.

    I cut the kids hair at home, I got (mostly, just had to pay a few cents in tax) 3 free trial size shampoos and a Febreze plug in after Walmart cash back and a 2 pack of new boys jeans on clearance for $5 and half priced apple sauce. I made a couple of hodge podge meals using up various bits in the fridge and freezer and was able to pick a couple of tomatoes.

    1. Same here with the AC. It is still off - as today was just downright chilly. All changes tomorrow.
      Woohoo on the coffee deal and FANTASTIC on getting a new coffee maker. It sure does pay at times to speak up. Great job.
      You are doing great on finding savings. It sure helps a lot and it is great you are doing so many things to help the family! I love those hodge podge meals the most at times.
      Have a fantastic week.

  11. Choosing a vacuum is just about as bad as choosing a bathing suit. Years ago, I used an Electrolux canister and was well pleased with it. I priced them the last time I bought a vacuum and yowzer, the price had really gone up.

    Today was a nice cool day and it was lovely to be out. It will be hot again but hopefully it won't last. One thing about the weather, it is changeable.

    1. I thought about it a lot and read a lot of reviews before deciding. No they aren't cheap - it always amazes how something so small costs so much!
      It was just lovely today - actually very chilly this morning! Yep, the heat won't last much longer - so we need to enjoy it while we can!
      Have a beautiful week!

  12. been hot and then rainy in the afternoons here (Florida). I can't wait for our two days of fall and two days of winter, lol.
    I am cleaning out the freezer as well. My daughter has my old one, no room here, and we are going to do that together this week. ! Wish me luck! Dr. Appt.s, grocery (after cleanout) vet, and housework. Not much to do outside yet except spray wasps.

    Have a great week everyone!

    1. LOL - good luck with your 2 days of fall and 2 of winter!!!
      Cleaning out the freezer is a good plan - we all need to take the time to see what we actually have. It truly is amazing.
      Sounds like you have a plan for the week.
      Have a great week.

  13. I'm glad you delayed going to the store and got free apples! We stopped at a fruit stand and bought tomatoes. They were not expensive but the very next day someone brought tomatoes to church. I have lots of tomatoes now! I think I'll make goulash today and use some.
    Have a great day and buying a vacuum is very necessary. Old ones just quit working sometimes.

    1. You aren't harvesting any tomatoes? Oh no. At least you have bunches now! Goulash sounds so good, I was thinking about that this morning.
      Yep, it was just time. I hated spending the money - but hopefully it will last years.
      Have a lovely week.

  14. You'll love the Shark. I'm on my second one and it will pick up anything. The only thing that bugs me is that it is top-heavy since it's so tall. When I take the nozzle out and try to get something out of a corner, etc., the vacuum always tips over when you pull on the hose in the slightest bit. Other than that, it gets 5 stars.

    1. Thanks - I hope so. Mine has the canister that comes away from handle and the hose is attached at the canister. Hopefully that makes it easier. I have heard good things about Shark - so decided to do it.
      Have a great weel.
