Tuesday, February 18, 2025

How Can You Possibly Cut More From the Budget?

 Hello all.  Hope this finds you all safe and warm and healthy this morning.  It is cold here.  Windchill below zero - but still not as cold as many of our northern friends.  High today will be about 16*F - normal temps should be in the 40's.  A month until Spring!!!  You think?  I sure hope so - I am more than ready.

Yep, isn't that the truth?  It will get better at some point.  You just have to persevere and go through some stuff to get to the better.  
I know many people think, "I can't cut out anymore".  I bet you can.  We all can, if we really try.  Does each thing make a big difference?  Usually not - but all those small things add up.  It doesn't have to be miserable, just get your mindset into a spot that you are doing what is necessary to help your family.

Turn it up, turn it down, turn it off!  Lower the heat a little, only use AC when it gets unbearable, turn off either, when the temps get to a decent spot.  Open windows for fresh air, open blinds to utilize the sun for extra heat, close those blinds to keep things cool.  It all depends on the time of the year.
Turn off lights!  Only use if it absolutely necessary.  Usually TV light, gives plenty of light in a room - if you watch TV at night.  Turn out lights in rooms where you aren't!!!!  You can use candles or lanterns for a nice ambiance and extra light.  Turn off water!!  Don't just let it run, when brushing teeth or washing dishes.  Catch the extra when warming to water plants or give to animals - use it in the washer.
If allowed catch rainwater to use on plants, birdbaths, animals, washing hair, etc.  Even melting snow will work - it is a free resource!!!!
Wear layers!  Add extra clothes or covers - doesn't cost a thing.
Bock any drafts at doors or windows - you can use a rolled-up towel.

Look for FREE entertainment.  Utilize the library.  You can get books, audio tapes, videos, magazine, even computer time. It is a wonderful resource that we all can take advantage of.  Go to city parks and enjoy the beauty.  Take the kiddos and let them explore - sort of like a scavenger hunt.  Have a picnic.  Go to free concerts in the community.  There are many free items you can get online as well.  If you have a Kindle, there are free books.  Find free printouts for the kiddos to learn from or color.  You Tube is a wealth of information and fun.  Learn, craft, ideas, movies, old TV shows, etc.  Take walks, enjoy nature.  Get to know neighbors - good in many ways.

Stretch that food.  We have talked a lot about that lately.  THINK about meat being an accent to a meal!!!!!  It isn't always necessary.  Learn to use lentils and beans instead of meat in many dishes (make great tacos and nachos).  I often have a day or maybe 2 of no meat a week.  Use beans or other proteins.

Biscuits, bread, waffles, pancakes, corn bread, tortillas, etc. are great ways to fill-up and stretch the food dollars. Add those to a meal to help fill that belly.  Stale bread can be used if toasted - or for garlic toast - or for mini pizzas, croutons, bread pudding..........the list goes on and on.
Gravy is another easy and filling idea.  You can make country gravy or pan gravies, to add flavor and serve with those biscuits or bread to make it more appealing.
Rice and pasta and even potatoes (all are pretty cheap) can also extend any meal.
Only have a certain amount of leftovers for a meal? Add an egg to the meal.  It is filling and a great protein.
Eggs can be stretched when scrambling or adding to veggies and/or leftover meat to make a small quiche or omelet.  Throw an egg into fried veggies and maybe meat and rice to make fried rice.

Another great idea for baking!  I can make my own carbonated water with the Soda Stream.  

Make snacks!!  Don't buy the junk - make your own healthier snacks.  Peanut butter on toast or crackers is filling.  Mix PB with a little syrup or honey for a fun treat - that was a favorite of mine growing up.  Add sliced fruit to PB sandwich.  Slice fruit.  Make no bake cookies (oatmeal).  Popcorn.  Learn to make your own yogurts or you can make ice cream - easy.  If sweets are needed, make cookies, brownies, sweet breads, pudding, hand pies, etc.  
Make your own oven fries instead of having fast food.  
Got a bunch of odds and ends that need used?  Make a fun pan dinner with it all.  You can add anything - from leftover veggies to taco meat.  Season and serve over rice or pasta.  A nice slice of garlic toast on the side or a mini salad.  Super cheap meal and very filling!  Stretches that food.  AND you know what?  It is yummy too!!!!!!

Go through that freezer and that pantry and find all those oddball items that keep getting pushed to the back!!!!! USE THEM.  Get creative and have a new kind of meal.  Don't waste things.

UPCYCLE, RECYCLE - USE IT UP.  Mend things, find new uses for things.  
Know the HUGE difference between your wants and needs.  Trust me there is a difference.

It all comes down to being mindful of your spending!!!!  Just turning off the lights or water or turning down the T-stat is saving you money.  Those things count as spending - you are paying for them.
You sure wouldn't just drive down the street and throw money out the window to just blow in the wind!  Why do you waste it on all these small items? - that add up and save dollars.

SAVE something - there is no amount too small.  If all you can do it a couple dollars a week, $5, $10 - do something.  Stick in in the bank or hide it so you can't get to it easily.  Just SAVE something every week.  There are always emergencies that happen - and a little saved is better than none.

If you need help - seek it.  Yes, it does happen and there are folks that need a hand up at some point.
Live below your means.  That doesn't have to mean living a horrible life.  I live way below my means, and I live a very good life.
It is about choices and decisions.

Do the LITTLE things - they all add up!!!!  Be mindful - no impulse spending.
How can you cut more when you think you are at the lowest budget?  Give us your ideas.

Stay safe and warm friends.
Have a super day!!!!


  1. Years ago I worked for an old man who always saved his change. All the change except for a quarter a day for the newspaper. ;) When Red Lobster had a special, he'd say, "Time to sort the change!" and I'd spend time at work rolling coin, then take it to the bank for folding money. We'd go to Red Lobster for their lunch special. It was nice, fun, and it *felt free*. Now I save my change for treats. Works pretty well!


    1. Love it!!!! What a nice way to feel like you are getting a free treat. I saved change forever - and still have a bunch around the house. Guess I will never be totally broke! Now I just spend it, like my bills.
      Thanks great idea.

  2. Cheryl, I'm a big proponent of living below my means. It seems that whatever time, space or money available, it's used up. And it's not necessary. Using up mode is on in this house when it comes to food. The last of the roast chicken was made into a sandwich filling. Frozen beets were turned into a beet gazpacho. Frozen frosting from Christmas cookies frosted the Valentine cookies. Early morning sees me having coffee under a blanket before the heat's turned up. Sometimes I wonder if I'm frugal to a fault. The thought goes away when something comes up & I don't have to worry about how I'm going to pay for it. There was a time when I robbed Peter to pay Paul & I'm grateful to be in this position now.

    1. Kind of a nice position to be in!!!!! We have always lived below our means in this house too. We could have fun and do things that didn't cost much and we enjoyed our food. Of course having a smaller house helped with utilities too.
      You sure made great use of the leftovers!!! That is fantastic - and it all sounds super yummy.
      It is nice to be able to decisions without the worry of something else going undone!

  3. I made a loaf of bread for my daughter yesterday. When she walked in the house she said she saw it & was hoping it was for her. It was apple, cinnamon & walnut bread. It only used 1 apple and a 1/4 c of nuts. It called for an egg but I left it out. It looked like it was from a bakery! Only 3 cups of flour. It sure didn't cost much to make but would be upwards of $12-15 at a bakery. It really was such an easy thing to do to brighten her day.

    I've been making my husband a cookie bar that uses no eggs and no extra fat like butter. It has oats, peanut butter & uses some apple sauce instead of added fat (I cook an apple to make my own). It calls for 1/2 c of chocolate chips which have gotten expensive. I sprinkle less than a 1/4 c across the top once out of the oven and then spread the melted chips over it. Then I sprinkle some kosher salt on top. He loves them!

    Ingredients have gone up but it's still cheaper (and healthier) to make my own.

    1. What a lovely gift to her and a lovely way to brighten a day. It sounds wonderful.
      Oh goodness, those cookie bars sound heavenly. I love how creative all you gals are. So many ways to get around the egg issues!!!
      It sure is healthier and cheaper! Homemade just tastes a world better. Love that you can stretch the ingredients and make a tasty bite.

  4. You are so right: Be mindful - pay attention to what is going on with your finances, the pantry and freezer(s). Things add up. Running some water doesn't seem like a big deal but it runs up the bill. Erin said when she had a housemate, he would turn on the sprinklers to water the backyard. Their water bill was over $200. He was also bad about leaving lights and his TV on. It adds up! However, savings add up too.

    We were at Costco yesterday to pick up a prescription and checked on the egg supply. Nada, zip, bupkis. I think folks are probably buying extra, either for themselves or others. We are well supplied right now.

    It sure is cold today. Looks like the rest of the week will be this way and then a warmup. At least we do not have flooding or heavy snowfall. It can always be worse.

    Give Bits an extra snuggle from me. Maybe another stray needing a home will show up in your yard.

    1. Thanks - it just makes common sense. If we are mindful of our money it will take care of us! Little things sure do add up.
      I have heard from a lot of people that Costco seems to never have eggs anymore. Always out. Yep, it is deceiving looking out there - sun shining (good thing) but so cold.
      He is excited to see Licorice outside. He was AWOL for 3 days and Bits had no one to 'talk' to. He is now yelling at him through the door!!!! LOL

  5. One of my savings is making a loaf of Dutch oven bread which uses 3 cups of flour, 1 tsp. Salt, 1 tsp. Yeast, and one and a half cups water. A similar loaf in the grocery store costs $6.00! The recipe is all over the internet.

    1. Great idea. It is amazing how many things cost so much at the store, that can be done cheaply at home. Thanks

  6. My struggle is in the kitchen. I've got to be more mindful about meal planning, for sure, and stretching what we have.

    1. I don't plan much ahead - tomorrow is about it. But I can use it all up in some way. You just have to practice.

  7. We are going to cautiously work on reducing our store of frozen bread and meat. I bought a pig and half a beef this year. The garden is in the works and I am starting winter sowing. We are planning a no spend weekend each month. We find that the weekends are where our money leaks out.

    1. I like your ideas. Nice to have the pork and beef! Yes, soon we will be gardening (I can't wait). A no spend weekend a month sounds like a nice way to help out for those struggling. Then maybe 2 weekends. Find those leaks and plug them! Good job.

  8. All great tips Cheryl. Living below your means and saving gives peace of mind which is priceless. We've had about three inches of snow so far today and it is 9 degrees. The 'big' snow is supposed to come this afternoon with between 5-10 inches. Then COLD all week. Yep, it's still officially winter. Stay warm!!

    1. Peace of mind is priceless!!!! For sure.
      Oh yuck on the snow - I think it will basically miss us this time. We are up to 15. please stay safe - that is a bunch of snow.
      Looks like cold, until maybe next week for here.

    2. Lori is correct. Don't fall for Lifestyle Inflation and live below your means! It's beyond priceless and should be everyone's philosophy.

  9. Despite having a bread machine, I am still buying bread. Not anymore! The prices are just too high. Everyone will have to get used to my machine bread from here on in. It makes great toast but a little bit lax on the sandwich side. Oh well. Times are tough right now. Every little bit of change helps!

    1. You are so right - every little bit helps. I need to get more mindful of making bread. The loaves are smaller with my bread machine - which would be perfect for me. It will taste wonderful and you will enjoy it. Good luck!!

    2. Besides bread being ridiculously high it's choked full of chemicals so it can sit on a store's shelf way past when it should be consumed and stay "fresh"! Unless you are old and/or have issues with your hands or not the time, you can make bread the old fashioned way like our mothers and grandmothers did....by hand in a bowl and then in an oven. No bread machine required.

  10. I love this post, because it is really true. You can almost always find some way to cut more if you need to.

    1. I think so too. Thanks. Always some little thing here or there we can do without!

  11. Our government is finally being held accountable for how they waste our tax dollars. If the Federal Government was a household/family, they would be deeply in a hole of debt they could never climb out of! They should be forced to run all their programs like a household is and be held accountable for all the wasteful spending that goes on, or as Senator John Kennedy from Louisiana calls it "Spending Porn". Our government is addicted to "
    Spending Porn" and it needs to stop.

    1. Business, govt. and households should all use the same basic principles of accounting, but do not. Spending should never be more than income - that only causes troubles no matter who you are.

      I refrain from talking politics on this blog, and appreciate others doing the same. Thanks

  12. Cheryl, this was a great post with lots of good comments. Thank you, friends.

    About 30 years ago, a friend and I were shopping at Costco. She was telling me she really knew how to live cheap. One way was to pack her children's lunches. Then she picked up a box of individually packaged chips....If she wanted them to have chips, she could have saved a bundle by buying a big bag and dividing it into individual sandwich bags. And if she didn't want them to have chips, she could have provided something else.

    This may sound counter-intuitive, but for many years I kept a couple of steaks in the freezer. Whenever there was "no time" to cook, I'd cook the steaks, open a can of something and make a salad out of whatever was in the fridge. At that time, I calculated it cost about $7-$8 for 4 people (this was a long time ago!). It was quicker and cheaper--not to mention 100 times better--than a trip to McDonalds, which many people make regularly. My husband actually looked forward to it!

    And speaking of McDonalds, did you know the prices are less if you use their app? I don't eat there enough to bother, but my son told me this.

    Serve water with dinner instead of other drinks.

    When I was a child, I used to love going to my friend Sandy's house because her mom always made cookies. Everyone's favorite was oatmeal with 2 or 3 chocolate chips pressed into the top before baking. Have you priced chocolate chips lately?? A bag lasted forever.

    Soup is also a cheap meal, especially when made from leftovers. I recently learned to make vegetable broth with veggie scraps such as ends, peels, etc. Makes wonderful minestrone for practically nothing. Just throw the scraps into a plastic bag in the freezer and make broth when you have enough. (A bread bag full of veggies makes about half a gallon of broth, which can be frozen). I just added lettuce to my bag. If you use many potato peels, you might find little flecks of soil at the bottom of the pot when the broth is done. Just pour off the broth and discard the dirt. (It probably adds to the flavor, LOL). I make my broth overnight in the Crock Pot.

    1. Yep, those individual treats are killers of money! A big bag is so much cheaper - but muffins or cookies (homemade) would be better.
      Great idea on the steak - a nice way to not be tempted to go out. Clever.
      Water from the faucet costs almost nothing. I know many don't like their water - but a filter would be cheaper than buying bottled.
      I got some choc. chips around the holidays on sale - but don't normally buy. I keep them in the freezer so I have them last an extra-long time! My mom made the best homemade cookies - I sure miss them.
      Soup is probably the cheapest meal you can make. It is hearty and so many variations! Homemade stock is so flavorful.
      I just love everyone's creativity. Great ideas.

  13. To make a small piece of steak look larger, slice it in half horizontally and serve it on buttered toast points. Voila!--steak sandwiches!

  14. I remember my mom always made toll house cookies with only 1/2 the chips called for. You know what, that was enough!! I see so much waste and it is sickening. Went to a nieces for a birthday party and she had it catered. Leftovers? The helper-guests dumped everything in the trash. I was dumbfounded. Your suggestions are spot-on.

    1. Smart! I have even used M&M's gotten cheaply in clearance. Still chocolate! Or chopped up candy bars (from clearance).
      Oh golly, I think I would have been rummaging through the trash bins!!! The waste is just incredible - I can't stand it either.
      I used to get made fun of for keeping all the tissue paper and re-using it after an event - now I have nieces doing that as well. Good work 'grasshopper'!!!

  15. Wonderful post, Cheryl. So glad to read that the card and notepads arrived in a timely fashion.
    Years ago I read a book , whose title escapes me right now, but it was how she saved so that she could be a stay at home mom. I really learned a lot about saving on utilities amongst other things. She always unplugged everything when not in use to save on electricity. She only cooked things for less than half their required time and then turned the burner off and let things finish using the heat that was already established. Those are just small things bit in the end can save s bundle. Using a pressure cooker of ,Instant pot saves fuel as our home runs with propane. I can cook a 3 or 4 lb turkey breast or roast in less than 20 minutes if still frozen or even less than that if defrosted. I make all my own condiments, egg free mayo, no'mato sauce, herb and spice mixes, etc. Make all our baked goods. When eggs are called for in a recipe I use flax eggs. The work great.
