Thursday, September 21, 2023

Oh Yes, the Simple Things

 This morning, the sunrise was absolutely beautiful - what a work of art.  The colors were just glorious.  I was standing outside, and I saw 3 robins in the yard - and it dawned on me I had not seen any for a few weeks.  That made me smile.  The bunny that has been visiting daily.  The birds were all lined up to eat and drink this morning, taking their turns as the squirrels scurried around.  Blackie was so loveable this morning and giving kisses.  I thought the hummies may have left - but I saw them this morning.
Brought a smile to my neighbor, when I gave him a baggy of small tomatoes for his and his girlfriend's enjoyment for lunch at work today.
Fresh cool air streaming through my windows this AM - wonderful.
These are the simple and wonderful things I am loving this morning.

I just love this poem.  I think it says it all - such joy!

What simple things are bringing you joy on this lovely day?

I wish you each and every one a glorious day - and hope that you take some time to truly enjoy the many simple joys that come our way!
Have a blessed day my friends!!!!


  1. I try every day to pay attention to all of the small joys around me. There really are a lot, even on difficult days. We still have hummingbirds zipping around the yard and feeder. The squirrels have been very busy stocking up for the winter. It's a bit warmer here than it has been the last two weeks but that is normal and full on fall will be here soon enough. I know you don't agree, but I love the longer nights. lol Have a blessed day Cheryl.

    1. Yes, there is so much happening all around us. The squirrels are going for nuts and sunflowers seeds right now - no corn. Guess getting their protein!
      It will be here soon. I know I always complain about the darkness - but it is what it is!!
      Have a lovely day.

  2. Simple joys are the very best! Nothing fake or contrived. Watching my little dogs enjoy their breakfast is a joy. Riley loves tomatoes and we have one plant that has little bitty tomatoes so that was in his breakfast bowl. He will probably go back out and pick more later.

    1. Oh how sweet. Years ago I had a dog that loved tomatoes. That is just too cute - he has his own plant.
      Have a good one.

  3. Yes, yes! .... the hummers when they are out there dive-bombing each other at the feeder. :) So feisty, for such little delicate things. DD (Dear Daughter) here for a visit, even if we just chat, it's special. We'll go sing this weekend, and it will be a grand time, but basically very simple. Nobody is fancy, there's no "big bucks" involved (other than gas and lodging), but days of prayer and praise. :) Fall coolness means I can wear my scarves again. I love the weight of the blanket while I sleep. I think these simple pleasures are the best! What more could I possibly want??
    .... well, it would be nice if my Blackie would come home. But if not, I'll see him on the other side.

    1. The simple things are just lovely. It sounds like you have a joyful weekend coming up. Nothing fancy sounds good to me. Cool nights sure make for good sleep.
      I am so sorry that your Blackie is still AWOL. I think about that when I miss my former babies - I will see them again!!!
      HUGS - enjoy your daughter time!

  4. What a lovely post and special poem, Cheryl. Thank you. Simple joys this morning...
    --A quiet sunrise the color of a ripe peach against a gray-blue sky.
    --Freshly brewed coffee with chocolate croissants.
    --The solid table in our kitchen, a little of the clutter of life in view.
    --Silent prayer.
    --Our exuberant pups, always full of energy in the morning.
    It's a mish-mash, really, each and every day, but so important to see the gift in that and enjoy it. --Elise

    1. Each day is different - but lovely. You are very welcome.
      It sounds like you had a lovely start to your day as well. That just makes the day in my opinion. Nice to look ahead.
      Stay calm, heal, and just enjoy the little things.

    2. Yesterday (Friday) *most* of the stitches came out. There's still a long incision that needs some time. I go back in 9 days; fingers crossed the remaining stitches come out then, they do an x-ray that day, and I can get clearance for the walking boot. Walking again, even in a special boot, will be a joy!

    3. Indeed it will. Great progress - it all counts. Just keep doing what they say!!!!!

  5. There was a squirrel on the deck just giving the business to another squirrel or animal all through breakfast this morning but doggone it if we could see who. It was entertaining to watch though. She did have a hickory nut in her mouth so she had to work hard to get the business said!

    1. they are so funny when they chatter. Yesterday there was one up the tree carrying on - I saw nothing or no one as well. I sure do laugh a lot at them. They are so entertaining.
      I keep finding walnut shells in the yard - no walnut tree in my yard! They know where to glean!!!

  6. I love the poem! It's so true that the simple things are best. My day is not so simple because I'm packing for a 9-day bus trip we are taking starting tomorrow. Going to Creation Museum and Noah's Ark, will enjoy some gospel concerts along the way, go to Samaritan's Purse and Billy Graham Association among other things. So going to Kentucky, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and back home to Minnesota. One of the best things is that we get to see our niece in Charlotte, NC, who we seldom get to see. We are all excited. I probably won't be commenting much, but I will be reading your posts as I can. Blessings to all of you.

    1. First wishing you safe travels. It sounds like a lovely trip. My brother and SIL went to the Creation Museum and Noah's Ark and they loved it. It sounds like you will be amongst good company. So happy you also get to visit your niece. I wish you a lovely time and just totally enjoy yourself and all the fellowship!!!!

  7. I woke with a migraine this morning, but I take joy in knowing that a bit of meds and more sleep took care of it for me. The sun is shining, the temperature is moderate and the buns are finished rising and the first is in the oven. Simple joys as you say Cheryl, are certainly some of the most special.

    1. Glad you are feeling better. A migraine is the worst!!!
      What wonderful joys you had to start the day!!!!! Eat a fresh bun for me please. Mmmmmm

  8. Oh but that poem....Love that.

    Just some of the simple pleasures of the day are:

    Taking a walk and not turning any noise on, just listening to the quiet, seeing that truly happiness is in my own backyard so to speak.

    Sipping on iced hibiscus-peach tea this afternoon on ice, thanking God for the ice too.

    The golden sunlight alight little cocktail size tomatoes as I rinse them.

    Instant coffee in the afternoon...drinking that now. Half caff. And my nutpods vanilla vegan creamer...A luxury.

    Hearing the lawnmower outside...It's soothing somehow.

    Eggplant in pasta gravy thawed from last week and ready to pop in the oven. (Yay! a little bit of a break from cooking today!) Just boil pasta and maybe pop some frozen broccoli on.

    Blogs like this where people can share life and receive a response too! : ) I appreciate it so much!

    Beautiful poem and thankful thoughts Cheryl. I can see why that poem is one of your favorites! Have a good afternoon and evening! I'm thankful you have precious Blackie, he's just beautiful.


    1. Isn't that poem sweet? I love it.
      Oh those sweet moments. So many - we just take for granted. I mowed today - and was so grateful that I can still do that!!! It always looks so pretty afterwards. I agree hearing the mowers and smelling the fresh cut grass - is special.
      Your dinner sounds wonderful - enjoy!
      The sounds of quiet - are lovely and very special.
      Have a great evening and thank you!

  9. Well Cheryl, my simple joys today were….no rain. Oh my we get so much so I had time in the garden. I saw my robin.My daughter called unexpected and had lunch in my cousins house. To finish before bed I read your blog.
    All in all a lovely day Cheryl x

    1. Glad you had a day for gardening and no rain. We could use the rain. How nice to have a nice lunch with family! Aahhh - how sweet. Nice that you end your day here. Thank you.
      Hope you have sweet dreams.

  10. I wish you a glorious day too Cheryl. I am loving this cooler weather so much. How nice to have the robins return to your yard.

    1. Thank you. I love the cooler temps so much. They have been passing through - as I only saw them the one day. :(
      Have a great one!

  11. So many simple things that give us joy and contentment. Colour changes, cooler weather, leaves falling, harvesting, to many others to mention.

    God bless.

    1. Yes mam. Eyes open and we can see and enjoy sooooo much.

  12. Sometimes I have to remember to be content and smell the roses. Yesterday with my kitchen mess I was not content but today it's clean and I'm good. Wonderful poem.

    1. Just remember Vickie, that mess meant you had food you were working with and creating. Good thing - mess or not!!!!!
      Glad it is all clean today!!!! Sigh of relief for you I am sure.

  13. Been a very difficult week for a number of reasons. However, I got the bathroom completely cleaned for the first time in 3 mos., Husband is watching an old movie in the living room, and I am listening to Nat King Cole while in the sewing room working on Project Linus blankets for the first time in 2-1/2 mos. For the moment, life is good.
    --Frances in the Trailer Park

    1. I am sorry you have had a difficult week. I do hope you are both feeling well. YAY on the bathroom cleaning - I had a couple of those projects this week. One just says "oh my " and then loves the clean look after.
      It sounds like you and hubs have it going on today!!!!! Love that. I hope the remainder of your weekend is lovely!

    2. Glad at least today is a good day, Frances. You're still in my daily prayers... along with your husband. (((Hug)))

  14. You nailed it.. it's the simple things.. we overlook them often but those are the best moments.

    1. Yes mam they are. A smile, a laugh, the birds singing, the wind - it is all just beautiful!!!!!!

  15. You write very well and have such a sweet soul♥️

    1. Oh my goodness. How sweet. Thank you sooooo much!!
