Wednesday, October 25, 2023

A Simple Pledge for SELF!

 One thing that we all seem to forget about is ourselves!!!!!  Especially this time of the year.  We worry about holidays and shopping and stocking and doing all the things that lead up to the end of the year and somewhere in it all we tend to forget about OURSELVES!!!!!!  Well, if we don't take care of self - no one else will!!!
It is important - especially if you are a giver.  You and I both tend to give it all away, leaving not much left for us!   HEY YOU - WE are important too!!!!!!!!

"A balanced life begins with giving yourself the gift of a few moments each day to nourish your soul."

We all need to achieve balance.  It is hard to find the right mix of mind, body and spirit.  Where does it all begin?  Well, that is each person's perspective.  You need to figure out how important YOU are and how much time YOU need to keep yourself grounded.
Our mother's and grandmother's may not have understood this - as life was just about taking care of family.  Many of you have been the same - family and work - but now many of us are in the phase of life that we need to be mindful of ourselves as well.

If nothing else, set aside 20 - 30 minutes a day to do something that actually gives you joy and/or more energy.
Stress is inevitable.  We worry about family, pets, health, home, finances, jobs, the world, etc.  Yes, we tend to be worriers.  By dwelling on the negative, you tend to suck the joy out of your life.  You have to have a happy medium.  By dwelling on the bad - you can actually throw yourself into a depression. That is not a good thing.
Realize what you can actually do and change.  World problems?  You can't change it except to pray. People have been evil and fighting for centuries, that has not changed.  I hate the stuff going on, it saddens me, it makes me cringe, but all I can do is pray.  I personally cannot change what centuries/decades of hate has produced.  Turn off the TV - and limit your time with it.

Family?  You can only do so much.  You can't make decisions for others (well you can - but they won't use them).  We can't live another person's life - just ours. Each person makes their own mistakes - we just need to love unconditionally.
A home we can practice family time, meals together, game night, and long talks together, understanding.  We can, for ourselves, have a nice home spa night, listen to calming music, take a walk, enjoy nature............

Our home?  We as an individual can only do so much in a certain time frame.  As much as we would love to believe it - no one is Wonder Woman!!!!  Do what you can today - and then tomorrow and then the next day.  If you have family there, enlist them to help some - it is their home as well.

Preparing?  Do what seems right for you and/or your family.  Take care of your finances as well as possible and hopefully have some back for a rainy day, emergency or a pleasure.  Stock what you need to feel comfortable.  What I do or what Martha does - isn't you!!!!  You do what is right for you.  Keep what you eat, what you like, and what you think is appropriate and use it.

Start and end each day with pampering yourself.  Pamper your skin, have your hot tea or coffee, read you devotionals, pray, do yoga, whatever makes you calm and feel better.

If things are really bad for you and you can't seem to get yourself in a good head space - seek HELP!  PLEASE!  It is OK to admit you can't do it alone.  Depression may be more serious than many think and it can be life-threatening.  We have no idea what goes on inside another person's mind.  The good news is, there is help available.
If your depression interferes with your daily activities, changes your eating habits, affects your sleep habits, affects your feelings of self worth, concentrating, or presents thoughts of suicide - PLEASE seek help!
This time of the year is joyful for most - it is happy, family, children, festivities, etc.  BUT not for everyone - it often brings out the worst feeling in self.

PLEDGE to keep yourself happy and give yourself a break now and then.  Get up and move each day, eat right, get fresh air and sunshine, have good conversation with others, and know that there is ALWAYS someone that will listen to you and that there is someone who cares.
Care about yourself the way you care for others.

Invite balance into your life - you will be amazed.  Once you have balance and perspective - others seem to see it too and it affects them as well.  Your joy and happiness can spread joy and happiness to others.  They in turn can do the same and boy does the ball get rolling!!!!!!
One person at a time, one family at a time, one community, one city, one country............there is a ripple that happens!

We can't solve the world's problems - but we can gain a little balance and peace for ourselves and our families.  I will TAKE THAT!!!!!!

Have a wonderful day!


  1. Excellent post! It speaks to taking care of ourselves, and putting into perspective world issues. Media shows us the atrocities committed today whereas in the past there were no cameras recording what was happening. Most people had no clue what was going on in wartime. Sad but someday this will all be over and we will be rejoicing and praising the Father.

    Today I am going to take care of some homekeeping tasks that have been let go while tackling the great Mouse Invasion of 2023. ha! The little beggars seem to be gone and if you've never had to eradicate mice, consider yourself blessed. According to chatter on NextDoor the Kroger in Speedway had a bad rodent issue. I don't think I would shop in a store where there was evidence of mice eating the bread and chips. Of course when we eat out at a restaurant we don't know what is going on in the kitchen. When the Farmer was a sheet metal worker they went into a restaurant to do some work and a rodent problem was evident. He said the overall
    condition of the kitchen was pretty disgusting. As a home inspector he saw some nasty things too. When I see people throwing down trash (dirty diapers) or rummaging through shelves in a store, I wonder what their homes look like. If you don't want what you took from the dairy case, take it back, don't leave it someplace else. It's all about taking care of your little corner of the world. Lecture over! ha!

    We are making white bean chili for lunch. It's just cool enough that soup will be good. Actually soup is always good.

    Enjoy your day. I always get so much from your posts.

    1. Donna, would you mind sharing your recipe for White Bean Chili? I'd love to try it.

      Our youngest son worked at an independently owned grocery store from high school through his college years. They were fastidious about cleanliness, but some of the customers... well... I totally "get" the lecture. YES.
      P.S. In my comment (below), there are serious problems with "news" today. JMO

    2. Elise, our media is deranged lol. Our locals here are a breath of fresh air after Southern California. SC was like the nationals. Everything was "breaking" and "shocking" and any other words to make you think the killer meteor was merely yards from the Earth's surface. They would break into regular programs with celebrity news, for crying out loud!!! I remember constant news after Michael Jackson seemed like the hearse drove his dead body around for days.

      And worse than that, they're the conjuring pot stirrers to tell you what should alarm and outrage you. According to their opinions, of course. Embarrassing. If I wanna know what's happening in the US, I watch US news from another country. They're not afraid to refer to anyone in our political arena as "Weekend at Bernie's" lolol. I laughed for 10 minutes lol.

    3. Debby, when we still had cable I watched news from France, Germany and Japan on PBS. It was the only way (it seemed) to get a clearer picture without all the drama and to get some meaningful news at the time. It was on Japanese news that I learned about biodegradable plastics being developed, then manufactured, and NO U.S. news has reported on that to this day. It's like we don't want any GOOD news here. Sigh. --Elise

    4. You are so right - when we were growing up there were no cell phones taking pictures of everything that happened. (thank goodness for that!!! LOL) But seriously, everything was delayed and well, I think that can be a good thing. Tech has gotten us almost too informed today.
      My late SIL used to work at a very NICE expensive restaurant - and she used to tell us what they found in and around the food. Vats of grease when cleaned out had dead rats in them. Now that was the vat of grease they fried food in!!!! Just nasty stuff. Kind of one reason I don't go out to eat much. I know what is in my kitchen.
      I sure hope you got the 'invasion' taken care of! Icky critters!!

    5. Elise I was listening to a You Tuber in N.CA the other day and she was talking about how many stores there were selling items in biodegradable plastic bags and containers. She said they are all over the PNW.

  2. My goodness, what a powerful post today! Yes, we need to take care of ourselves... otherwise all our other efforts will fail.
    For me, one "me" time is before bed. I sit there in the bed with my Bible, my hymnbook, prayerbook, I read, pray, and sing a bit. Takes my mind off the ugly news of the day and fills me with praise and song.... the best sleeping potion I know. :) So many things must simply be left in the lap of God.

    1. Bedtime is my focused prayer time, too, MaryB, and am reminded of the verse... "Cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you." --Elise

    2. Mornings and evenings are my special times for communing with the creator. I have special moments during my day with being outdoors and in nature. We just need to know what works best for us.
      You are very right - 'the best sleeping potion."
      Yes, we have to be aware but just leave it to a higher power, so much is just not something we can't fix.

    3. Miss MaryB, you have your priorities in order. Elise, excellent verse! Cheryl, you are so right, everything is in the hands of a higher Power.

  3. Yes, it's about to be that busiest time of year. That's one reason I scheduled my foot surgery when I did, so I'd be healed up in time for it. The past 2 months have been all about taking care of me... ready to shift gears now, and have to remember the healing isn't quite finished.

    Many people get super busy in retirement. That day may come, but so far we're not at the packed-schedule stage. And we're all different. While it's important for me (I've found) to get out around people for my mental health, it isn't about being on the go; I like a quiet life at home. Having struggled with depression a few times in my adult life, one suggestion I have is to make it a habit to be mindful of reasons to be grateful each day. You can be grateful and worried/stressed at the same time, interestingly enough, but gratitude tends to keep one from sinking too far.

    There IS such a thing as stress-induced depression. And FWIW, it's okay if you need prescriptive help. I'm still on a very low dose, safe anti-anxiety prescription I started taking during the pandemic. Every doc I've seen says it's fine to stay on it. One even takes it every day, too. Please don't be afraid to ask your doctor about it. I'm on Lexapro, btw. Lowest possible dose.

    I'll also suggest limiting your news intake as much as necessary. I've said it before and will again--EVERY news organization makes money (via ads) by your interest, and they spark your interest by triggering alarm to get you to click or tune in. They all make serious money from bad news. They're all making millions each day right now; they profit from tragedy most of all. Think about that.

    End of Sermon. Be well and God Bless! --Elise

    1. Worried that sounded like a sales pitch for Lexapro. It's NOT. Sorry. Sometimes, depending on your own body, you need a little help and there are also homeopathic helps out there, too. I know some here--like me--struggle with stress, PTSD, etc. and just wanted to say there's no shame in taking something (safe) for it. --Elise

    2. New is no longer news in my opinion. News TELLS us what it wants us to hear not what is really happening. Cronkite has to be turning in his grave - back then no newsman would have ever interjected their OPINION into a news cast. That seems to be all I hear today.
      Yep, it is all commercial as well. Ratings is what they care about - not giving us an informed news item.
      Thank you for your testimony about depression and things that help.

    3. Elisa, here is the link to the recipe we used. Two Peas & Their Pod usually have really good recipes. The cilantro and lime juice just make the soup.

      Regarding news, we don't watch any of the liberal media. The Farmer found a YouTube channel with Australian news which is actually quite good.

    4. Elise, I too take a low dose just takes the edge off. I especially need it these days, because I read such horrific things just scrolling through to get where I want to be on the internet. Cheryl, I'm sure Cronkite had lots of company rolling over ! xo Cindy/WV

    5. CINDY - love when people give testimony!

      THANK YOU, THANK YOU - I received your package. Just lovely and considerate of you. I will show on Sunday!!!!!

  4. A very good reminder for all of us. I can't believe that Christmas is exactly two months from today!! I read the book While Time Remains a few months ago that was very, very enlightening. One thing that really stood out to me was her advice about focusing on your home, your local community and your local state government. These are the things that will have the first direct impact on your life and the areas that you can have the most say in. It's sad to say but we really do have very little say about what goes on in the Federal government.

    1. Thank you, Lori. I'll look into that book. --Elise

    2. It sure is hard to believe, but dang it will be here before we know it.
      Those are good things to remember and yes, those are the things that we do have SOME control of. Good way to think of it. It all trickles onward - so if we take care of what we can - it may help the big picture.
      I vote always - but I am one of those cynical people that do not believe our votes really matter. I think the FEDS put in who they want - there is no way we would ever know. That is just me.

    3. I'm with you, Cheryl, and know for a fact mine and Hubs' votes weren't counted in 2020. How do I know? Because we heard directly from the County Registrar's Office *after* having to jump through hoops on election day. Long, frustrating story. I'll still vote, though. I'm avoiding national politics right now, which is about 90% of the "news". I do care about our home, neighborhood and local communities and am not an ostrich, but sanity matters. --Elise

  5. So true about local elections and such, Lori. My brother is always listening to the screaming meemies and then lecturing me until I hang up on him. No joke. One day he was screeching about Nationalists (because that's what the TV Head was screeching about.). So he asks me if I'm a Nationalist. I said that I thought the US should come first, but that I was a Home-ist first. "I make home my top priority. Then I'm a Neighborhood-ist, then a City-ist, then a County-ist, then a State-ist, then a Nationalist. A Nationalist by MY definition, not what some TV boob decides. Anyway, as expected, he went off on a crazy rant and I hung up on him. He hates when I don't let him pull me into an argument where he can use all the talking points given to him by his TV boob lol.

    1. So many people are like that Debby. I know many - who just try to pull me in. Like I said above, the news is no longer news - it is opinions. And as we know those are like **sh*les - we all have one!!!!!!! I don't need that TV boob telling me what I should think, I know enough family and friends that try!!!! I am like you - I just won't be pulled in. Good girl!

    2. Debby, my brothers and now (it seems) BIL are like that. Took me years to learn not to engage. They don't like that, either.

      Cheryl, I agree with you 100%. --Elise

  6. Same here Debby. Home, town, county, state are my first priorities. I miss the news reporters from the past that just reported the facts and left you to come to your own conclusions. We'll never see that again.

    1. Lori, Hubs gets our local news from FB. How sad is that? But you do what you have to, I guess. --Elise

    2. I do watch my local news channel each morning for a bit - they give local and national and world - and they give NEWS! They are refreshing.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Do you not have animal control officers there that could go and check on the animals? Maybe get them removed? The whole thing is a bunch of hooey for sure. If he has used that land for so long prior - he may have imminent domain now - crappy as that may be. It happens - it isn't at all right - but it happens. Best of luck with it all.

    2. Our understanding is that Animal Control has been called many times. Hubs called once early this spring when the puppies were getting out. One of which was Poppy.

      We're scheduled to have the surveyor out on Dec. 4th and will have the monuments added, as well as try to get County Code Enforcement out on the same day for the survey. The neighbor in question has only been there since *after* we bought the property in 2020; he bought in 2021. Because we put the house on our land and improved it after the land purchase, getting the survey and monuments means (by law) his fencing and corral will have to be moved back onto his own property. Hubs will call him in advance of the survey and ask him to be present, too. Hubs will invite him to have his own plat map handy in case of any questions.

      It will be expensive for us, but once done, his mule corral will be halved or more, as will his dog fencing and we'll be able to start getting estimates for our own fencing. Not to mention the extra space that could (eventually) be a grow-cery garden. It's just shocking to know (now) that he's 40 ft. over his property line onto our land. --Elise
      P.S. I deleted my original post because I didn't want to get too far off topic of this blog post, which is wonderful and encouraging.

    3. Well, there is hope albeit expensive hope. I sure hope it all gets resolved nicely and quickly.

  8. Such an important message. I just wanted to add that one of the things that is sure to make you feel better is doing for others - for me it's a soup kitchen on Saturday mornings but whatever is in your area, wherever you are - getting out of your head to do actively do something for someone who cannot repay you helps both you and the recipient!

    1. Love this. Indeed!!!! We all need to do something that helps others, not for the thank you but for the goodness. Yes, soup kitchens, working the food pantry, volunteering at a shelter (people or animal), something. It sure does make us appreciate what we have, who we have, and terribly lucky we are. Thank you for that message!

  9. Thank you Cheryl for this reminder. If we fail to take care of our own needs, burn out or depression can (and often does) occur. But taking that bit of time to ensure we are personally okay, means we can be more and give more to those around us.
    I'm not even thinking about Christmas yet, that has to wait until my son is settled in his new home. :)

    1. Welcome. I think we all need a reminder now and then - that we count too!!!!! It can all be so overwhelming at times - and we all just need our own little space and time to reflect and relax.

  10. I absolutely put myself first. After 4 decades as a RN and Leadership for 26, I was last. My turn since retiring. NO is a complete sentence even when it upsets the receiver. Not my problem.

    It is not selfish, it is self-care!

    1. Good for you!!!!! I like that about NO. It is hard for a lot of people to say - but is sure can be a thing at times.
      People need to take care of themselves!

  11. I think I really needed this reminder. Thanks.

    God bless.

    1. Well, all in God's timing! Take care of you - you are important to a lot of people! Welcome.

  12. I'm just now realizing that all of my cares and worries are just going to be there no matter what. I also need to take better care of myself. I thought I would have a lot of time for that when I left my job to be at home, but that hasn't been the case. Your post is a great reminder that we all need to put our own oxygen masks on first as they say.

    1. I think many of us feel that way. It is always hurry up and go, go, go. We need to slow down. We always think there is time and boy does the time fly by. Glad you got a reminder to use!
      Take care.

  13. Speaking of this time of year and preparations, I have started my Thanksgiving meal. Last week, I baked sweet potatoes, ate some and froze some for Thanksgiving dinner. Today, I bought cranberries at whatever price and put out a turkey breast to thaw. Linda Practical Parsimony

    1. Wow you are getting ready. I haven't made a plan or even thought about it much yet. I did start gift shopping, but haven't thought about Thanksgiving. Good to be ahead of the game.

  14. (Little Penpen) very true. I visited with my sister in law, who has a terminal illness, yesterday. Life is short and we need to take time to nourish our own joy.

    1. Oh how sad. I am so very sorry for your SIL and for your family. It happens so quickly, a moment can change everything - so yes, we need to make each one count.

  15. Self Care ~ Taking Care of ourselves is so important. We can't take care of others when we've neglected ourselves. We have to open our own parachute first.

    1. Excellent way to put! Yes, we can't truly take care of others without taking care of ourselves.
