Thursday, October 26, 2023

Finally Getting Started!!!!!!!

 Well yes, I am finally getting started on the Christmas gifts I will buy.  I have made salsa, relish, and will be making jelly soon.  I also have a few other homemade goodies in mind!!! (cookies, pie filling, etc.)
So yesterday I went to Aldi - I went to look for gifts and to get boxes (for donating).  
That is my story, and I am sticking to it!!!!!!!!  LOL

Aldi has so many specialty items, especially starting this time of the year.   I just looking around and there are many, many fun options.  You know I am a food basket giver!  So many just expect it now and they love getting so many things they may not buy for themselves.  I really enjoy giving them.

Well, I did buy a few goodies for me too!  Yep, I did.  I couldn't resist!!  I got a pack of 2 huge fresh broccoli crowns for 2.29!!  They are lovely.  A few items for snacks, a couple bottles of wine, a cheese I love, and socks!  They were packaged as Halloween, but I see nothing Halloween about them.  2 pair/1.99 - new markdown price.  They are so soft and actually quite thick.
I was tickled to get them.  I do tend to wear socks out a lot.  So yes, I bought myself a gift too.

Aldi recently had an article out that they are reducing the prices of hundreds of items between now and the end of the year - making it easier for folks to purchase holiday supplies.  I did see many items that were marked reduced (and actually were).
They also had a big freezer bin FULL of Butterball turkeys.  Not cheap yet - but there were turkeys already.  
OH, I did get several boxes too!  They put them in a bin for people to take what they want!!!!!

I digress, on to gift giving.  I got canvas totes for 4 of the gift recipients.  They will hold the goodies I buy/make, and they can use the tote as well.  I usually do cheaper reusable grocery bags - but I figure, how many do we all need???  So, these cost a bit more, but are part of the gift.  I got boxes of an assortment of fun crackers (for those holiday meat/cheese trays).  Mixed nuts/berries.  These folks all like healthy snacks - so those were perfect.  Got a couple packaged soup mixes for sis/brother (broccoli/cheese), and sis gets a box of 50 zip lock baggies!!!  LOL - she is always sending food home with her company and uses those bags - so I know she will use.
So much more to do.  The totes will be full to over-flowing when done.  I will be getting more and making more.  I also got chopped dates to make a type of cookie that I know my brother hasn't had in years and years.  Date nut bars were always a favorite of his, mom made them.  He will get some this year!

I plan a trip to Ollies soon as well.  They also have so many neat items - both food and things.  You never know what might be there, so you need to get what you want when you see it.  It is kind of like Big Lots.  They just have so much variety.  It is really fun going through Ollies.
I got lots of ideas yesterday going to Aldi, and I will get several other items a little closer to holidays.  Not that my family is big on it - but I was watching the 'best by' dates as well.  Just trying to keep dates off as far in the future as possible.
I love going to the stores that are a bit off the wall!!!!!

I sometimes add the oddest items to baskets!  Zip-lock bags, books, herb seeds & small pots, a Farmers Almanac, Ramen soup (one loves it), stuffed olives, you name it.  I listen to what people like or need and try to add those little tid-bits to the gifts.
It always brings a smile - because I remembered!!!!!  I hear a lot of "how did you know?".  I listen.

So think outside the box a little and have fun.  All people need to eat - so I find food, store gift cards, or even gas cards are the best gifts I can give.  It is something we all use and need.
I just like to have fun with it!!

Have fun with the gift giving this year!!!!!  All will enjoy your efforts!


  1. I agree Cheryl. Food gifts are always so nice to give and receive. We all have to eat.

  2. Yum! Now that you've started, it'll come together quicker. I love those Aldi crackers. We always get ourselves 1 or 2 for NYE and a football game. I mix up some cream cheese spread, some cut up veggies, and it's dinner. I'm also starting to watch for Chex cereal on sale. Hubs asked for the mix last year and now he wants it as tradition. Well, it's a little healthier that sugar!

    Saw a funny yesterday on YouTube. It's not a funny situation, but the comments... 😂. A semi full of pumpkins crashed on the SB 5 near Smokey Bear Drive in Lebec, CA. That's about 90 minutes north of L.A. The pumpkins caught on fire. You see where I'm going with this, right?! First comment?! "Only YOU can prevent pumpkin fires!". And on the comments went. Gave me such a chuckle. Poor pumpkins and driver, though I suppose he'll have quite a story to tell his grands someday.

    1. That *is* a funny story, Debby. :-D

    2. Yes, the crackers are tasty - good for all kinds of things. I really like Chex mix.
      LOL - what a story - My first thought - fire roasted pumpkin seeds!
      What a waste on all the pumpkins. Hope he was OK.

    3. Oh, oh ... scoop it up and your pumpkin is already roasted for Thanksgiving pie making.

  3. I'm settling on books for everyone this year, though I have yet to start looking. Normally I'd have 50% or more of my shopping done by now, but that's taken a back seat to other things. I do have a shopping trip scheduled in late November, so I'm sure I'll find what I want, or perhaps some other interersting items too.

    1. Well, you have a pretty darn good excuse!!!! Books are always great too. That will be a fun shop. That is one thing I like about Ollie's - they have incredible book prices!

    2. Ollie's have wonderful prices on their books...especially children's..if you can find what you want.

  4. What cute fall socks, Cheryl! And the gift bins will be so nice for your family. I know they look forward to them and appreciate them... and YOU. Heck, I look forward to seeing what you make for them! LOL!

    I'm one of those who shops throughout the year, so my shopping is almost done. Our oldest son sent his Christmas list early, since he'll be here on Thanksgiving. One of the things he needs is a new wallet; I'll tuck a gift card into that. Keeping an eye on my cc rewards with gift cards in mind, and also watching for when Dollar General offers a discount on gift cards (not just for DG, but all the usual ones).

    As December approaches there's a reminder of who isn't here on earth anymore. Family and friends I used to buy for. Birthdays as well as Christmas. We had a lot of December birthdays. Still do, but less than before. In one way, though, it's easier to focus on the reason for the season and have more mindful gratitude for those we love. --Elise

    1. I used to shop all year as well - but as kiddos got older, there isn't the big need. I do the baskets for families and the older kids. Just a few little ones now.
      It was always nice to have things bought.
      Holidays are always a time of reflection.

  5. Love many of the products Aldi offers, and a lot of their prices are better than some of our other stores. And their "Aisle(s) of Shame" specials can't be beat. Glad I'm not the only one who looks for unique products there!

    1. I really like that store. Any store that sells different items from all the norm - is a hit with me! Good prices, fun items, can't be beat.

  6. Sounds like some nice christmas gifts taking shape, Cheryl. I saw a comment on a you tube video yesterday that said that Aldi will be having 50% off all Thanksgiving related food starting November 1st to year end. That sounds pretty great for folks who have Aldi...I don't.

    1. It really is a great deal. They have already started marking down many items this week. It is a fun store.
      I enjoy putting together the baskets.

  7. The only ones we buy for are the grands and that is already taken care of. It's been a long standing tradition in our family that gifts for those who are older are handmade by the giver. Most of us work all year long stocking our gift closets with items we've produced. And then there's the baking etc. that usually begins on Black Friday. I started this tradition with my children because we never went to Black Friday sales and I wanted them to be able to do something special so they didn't feel left out when they most of their friends were shopping. It's funny, though, when their friends heard what they did on Black Friday some wanted to come and bake with us. They still talk about it. When one of my daughter's friends, who married a Brit and moved to England came home to visit her parents one year she asked if we still baked on Black Friday. When my daughter said we did she asked if she could join us. It seems that it was one of the favorite things that she remembered doing during her growing up, coming to our home and baking for the holidays. Cookie

    1. What wonderful traditions to have. That is just really neat. I love the handmade gift idea. That would make everything special and different.
      Good idea for doing the baking that day. I used to shop years ago on Black Friday - but you couldn't pay to do that now!
      Sounds like a wonderful time.

  8. I love seeing all your ideas for gift baskets. You are very thoughtful and listening is definitely key to be a good gift giver! I love all the stores you mention too but I am a little jealous that you found great broccoli at Aldi.
    I always bought my broccoli at Aldi and raved about how nice it was, fresh and beautiful. But since the pandemic, their broccoli has been awful, always brown stems and either yellow or rotting florets. It pains me because broccoli is my favorite veggie. I attribute it to the transportation issues, I live on the East Coast and I think shipping has slowed enough to make the broccoli deteriorate until it gets to us. Either that or they've changed suppliers.

    1. Thanks. I try to listen and it seems to make people happy.
      I hadn't been in there for a while - but this was just gorgeous broccoli. It was pretty and green and BIG. I was surprised. I love it too - one of my favorites as well.

  9. Hmmm. Perhaps I should do food/kitchen item baskets for our sons this year. I do have the Christmas ornaments finished for them and have been trying to think of other neat items to add.

    God bless.

    1. I bet they would love it. Home canned goods, or baked goods that are their favorites or even specialty items they really like. All topped off with a pretty new homemade ornament!!!

  10. I like to bake cookies for people at Christmas. Mine are not Christmas cookies, they're the cookies my folks like best: ginger snaps or chocolate chips. I need to lay in my supply of butter and chips and spices!
    I have little grandchildren and toys would be the obvious thing, but they have so many and I don't even know what they have and what they like, so I don't buy any. Sometimes I give money to the parents to buy something for each kid, sometimes I just give food treats or little books. I always give college fund money if I have it - although these days what I hear about colleges I'm not sure I want my grands invloved! :D
    I sure hear you about the Broccoli, Bobi. Ours is usually very poor, so I generally buy frozen although I much prefer fresh. Funny, because frozen cauliflower is ok.

    1. That is the kind you should - what they like best!!!!! Sales should be starting soon.
      I like little books or color books and crayons/markers. Sticker books. Maybe tickets to an event you can go on with them. Zoo, museum, or a movie.
      I am beginning to think college is over rated these days. You can make a lot of money in trades. My sister's kids all make really BIG salaries at their jobs - and none of them went to college.
      I usually buy frozen too. This just looked really good.

  11. I like that you give them the things they like. When I gave boxes to my family in addition to a big gift, I gave strange things, but things they loved to get, some surprises.

    1. Practical Parsimony Linda above

  12. (Little Penpen). Great deal on your cute new socks! I love Aldi, too. I would love to receive a gift box like you are putting together. Great ideas!

    1. I thought they were cute. Thanks - I try hard on the baskets. They are fun to put together.

  13. Just popping in with some GREAT grocery buys. Hubs went to Basha's today for advertised prices on produce and whatnot. They were sold out of whole chickens for 77 cents lb., but he got 6 lbs. of gala apples, 2 lbs. of mandarins, lettuce, 2 large bottles of Pace chunky salsa, a bag of mission tortilla chips, and 2 big boxes of store brand cereal for $12.25. After tax. Tomorrow I'll go with him to Dollar General with our $5 off $25 coupons, concentrating on canned goods, paper products and whatever else I see. Maybe some things for Christmas bags. --Elise

    1. WOW - some great deals. That is amazing. Great job hubby!!!!!! Be careful out walking!

  14. I love how you are planning your baskets ahead and that you bought something for yourself. I ran out of ziploc bags last week. I usually buy enough at Meijers after Christmas sale to last me the year but I ran short this year. I can't believe how much they cost now -almost as much as aluminum foil! So, I bet they would love those!
    I bought a couple of dish towels clearanced out at Meijers for a Christmas present so I'm slowly trying.

    1. Thanks. It is a start at least. I usually have more done by this time of year - falling behind this year. Seems so much has gone up in price. Check Aldi if you have them - for the bags. Much cheaper. Glad you have gotten a little start. Baby steps!!!!

  15. These are going to make beautiful gifts!
