Sunday, October 22, 2023

Weekly Wrap Up 10/22

 Hello to all!!!  Happy Sunday!  I am hoping this finds you all well and safe today.
It is a brisk morning here, still a bit breezy.  Yesterday afternoon and evening got downright windy!  This coming week we will have a few days back in the 70's during the day!  We sure have had our ups and downs with temperatures.  Overall - the weather has been lovely, except for that dang wind!  Still no frost at my house!

We still have a lot of green on the trees but the colors ARE changing!  There is also a lot of yellow, crimson, gold, orange in every shade.  My tulip tree is changing and dropping a lot of leaves - that is what leaves didn't come down in July!  The maple is 'thinking' about changing - you can tell, just tinges of color.  It is pretty to see the colors.  Next week should be about peak season here.
I still have a few tomato plants and pepper plants that I haven't pulled out - and there are baby veggies on the vine again and blooms!  Crazy.
I had a toad on the deck early in the week!  It has been forever since I have seen one around here - and it isn't that wet.  Birds and squirrels abound.  I had 14 doves out back one afternoon!

My week:
  • I have been keeping the house pretty cool.  If I get chilly, I put on more clothes or cover up!
  • Cleaned out my bedroom closet one day - what a mess!
  • Paid everything I had in house.  Got the homeowners insurance and umbrella paid for the year.  UGH!  Glad that is just once a year.
  • I have been working in the yard more.  I trimmed the grape vines back, did a lot of cleaning in the perennial bed (much more to do), cut back all kinds of things
  • Decluttering continues!!!!  I have a big pile for donation (I need boxes - I am out), and I trashed a lot of stuff
  • Cleaned up a lot of summer stuff, and got the items all back in the shed
  • I have some metal items that I will be putting out for the scrap guy this week.  He gladly takes any metal - I know he supplements his income this way.
  • I did run to the store for milk and plums. 
  • Went to lunch with sis - she treated!  It was a lovely time
  • Used up a few veggies and some buns that needed used this week - cooked up peppers and onion and used w/beef on an open faced sandwich
  • Just doing all the normal stuff
Meals of the week:
Leftover unstuffed pepper skillet and salad
Dirty rice, pork fritter (freezer) and sliced toms
Baked fish, baby lima beans and salad
Leftover rice, bean and cheese burritos
Chili, sour cream and cheese topped baked potato
Philly beef and swiss open face sandwich and oven fries
Out to lunch with sis - Lotus Gardens (Chinese food)

How has your week been?  Hoping to hear from Frances that all things are progressing well, and it was great to hear from Penny this week.  I hope that many of our absentees check in.  
Have you been getting ready for the holidays?  Get any good deals?  What is going on in your part of this big old world?
Love hearing from you all.  

Hope you are all staying well and safe, and that things are moving in the 'right' direction for you all. 
May you all have a wonderful week.
Blessings to you and yours from my humble little home.

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching; but have itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths. As for you, always be steady, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfil your ministry.
2 Timothy 4:3-5

Lord, the people seem to making their own rules for living now. Please help us to stay the path and keep the teachings of truth.  Help those who have strayed so drastically and who are being seduced by evil, to see the truth.  Our prayers for peace and compassion for the people of this world.  Amen


  1. You are staying so busy! That’s a good thing! It was such a nice week here. Just perfect weather…not too hot and not too cold. Hope this next week is a good one for you!

    1. I am trying - there is so much to do around here. It gets a bit overwhelming at times.
      Enjoy every moment of the perfect weather.
      Have a great week.

  2. The devotional is spot on! People sure have wandered from the Gospel.

    You have had a busy week! How is Lotus Garden now? The last time I was there was probably in the late 70's. I'm sure it has seen several different owners. It was always special to eat there.

    Our peppers are still blooming and we are still gathering figs.

    Enjoy these last few days of warmth, although who knows, it could be warm at Thanksgiving too.

    1. Donna, what do you do with your figs? Do you make fig jam? Many years ago I made fig jam, but have forgotten now how I did it. LOL! I do remember it was wonderful. --Elise

    2. Good morning Elise! We eat the figs as there are not enough to do anything with them. The tree has really grown this summer so we are expecting a good harvest next year if the tree survives the winter. It is a Chicago fig which is suitable for cold climates.

    3. Yes mam, the people sure have strayed.
      Lotus was pretty good - I do believe it is the same owners. They closed down Greenwood last year (land got sold) and built a new one on Southside. This was my first time there. I like other places better, but sis likes it - so that is cool.
      It sure is lovely out today and this week sounds decent. You are right - I have seen Thanksgiving at 65* before.
      Have a great week.

  3. Good morning! The verse and prayer are so appropriate and remind me of a word many today seem to have forgotten... consequences. Like it or not, believe it or not, there are always consequences. Hubs once told a young friend (who by now is middle aged), "Choose your regrets carefully."

    You've had a busy week, Cheryl. You always do! And your meals sound yummy. This week a beef tri tip roast on Sunday and a whole chicken in the crock pot on Monday fed us through the week in one form or other. There were traditional meals, sandwiches, chicken Alfredo Thursday night (with son), then a pork roast in the crock pot on Friday made a traditional meal and pulled pork sandwiches last night with enough leftover for a meal with son today.

    The big news of this week is I'm back in the kitchen! Still have to pace myself, and walking in the big, clunky, heavy boot gets tiring, but I'm glad to be able to "do" again. So is Hubs. Also did some decluttering and laundry (with his help), as well as a bit of cleaning, and I baked cookies. It's a blessing to be able to walk again, albeit awkwardly, but am trying to pace myself.

    I've done some online Christmas shopping of sale or clearance + discount codes + free shipping. Not unusual for me to shop this way. Our oldest son will be here for Thanksgiving and will take our wrapped Christmas gifts home with him to save on mailing costs.

    We've had whitetail deer visitors a few times this week. A lone buck came through the other evening. Nights have been near or at freezing, but the days have been warm/mild. We're at or just passing peak fall color.

    Have a great week ahead. --Elise

    1. Good to hear you are progressing well Elise. It's good to be able to do things again.

    2. Yes, people often forget about consequences - they are always there! Regrets too!
      YAY, glad you are getting back into some of your normal routines. That is wonderful. It sounds like you have had a busy week, JUST doing stuff!!! I love that for you.
      I really need to get into Christmas - haven't thought much about it. Gifts are mainly for the little ones - so it shouldn't be too hard.
      I bet the deer are just so cool to see.
      Have a wonderful week.

    3. Thank you, Heather and Cheryl. I went very timidly at first in the walking boot, but once I got it figured out... Yee-Haw!! :-D
      There'll be no stopping me soon! --Elise

  4. The colors are changing here too and are so beautiful especially when the sun shines on them. Sounds like your decluttering projects are going well, It's so great to get everything cleaned up and organized. I hope you have another good week, Cheryl.

    1. Yes, the sun makes trees look ablaze! It is just so pretty. Noticed that a while ago when I was outside. Beautiful.
      Got to keep trudging away at things!
      Have a beautiful week.

  5. Happy Sunday! It sounds like you had a wonderful, productive week. Glad you had a nice lunch with your sister. Same weather here. I'm going to try to get all of the outside things done this week while it's a bit warm. Hope you have a great week.

    1. Thanks - it was a pretty good week and ended nicely being with sis.
      This should be a good week to keep busy outdoors. Hope you get a bunch done.
      Have a lovely week.

  6. The leaves are changing here also. I'm still waiting for those cooler night time temps. We mowed the yard yesterday and I keep thinking this will be the last time but Hubby said no maybe a couple more times. The kitties aren't liking the dark mornings or the early nights to stay in the house. Chinese food for lunch, yummy! Did a bit of decluttering yesterday, I took some yarn to a Lady here in town that makes hats for anyone that needs one. There usually are barrels around town during our Christmas parade to gather coats, blankets and other winter stuff. I'm so glad they started earlier this year, during those covid years the city decided they weren't going to organize anything so a few citizens took it upon themselves to keep the tradition alive. Have a wonderful day.

    1. Your nights haven't cooled yet? Boy ours have - it is really chilly at night. I am with your kitties - I don't like all the dark either!!!!
      Good for you and decluttering. How lovely that the lady makes the hats. Very nice. Love the idea of coats for charity. We have a program that has gone on for years here that does that = it is pretty cool. They all get cleaned and then there is a day when people can go in a get one. It is mainly for kids - but they have adult stuff too.
      Hope they gain a lot of coats.
      Have a blessed week!

    2. They are doing Coats for kids right now. We got a couple and put in the barrel. It's sometimes still in the 50s over night.

  7. Busy week for you for sure! The trees are losing leaves quickly now, and there are several on our block that are bare. Snow is in our forecast for tomorrow night, but not much and temperatures during the day should see it melting. I'm still crossing my fingers we'll be able to move without snow on the 6th!

    1. Amazing how some miles makes such a difference in the leaves and weather. SNOW? ICK!!!!! I sure hope it all holds off for you - just a couple more weeks!!!!!
      Have a great week.

  8. they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own true. Good reminder to walk in Jesus footsteps.

    We have three maple trees on our property and all of them are lovely right now. No frost yet.
    Watched Miracle at Midnight last night. A Disney movie based on a true story . A good movie about another time in history when things seemed to be falling apart.1943. Very good movie.
    Blessings to everyone here.
    Central Az

    1. Yes. It seems people tend to gather those who speak what THEY want to hear. There is another example of what some need is so different from what some want.

      Sounds like an interesting movie. Times seem to repeat themselves - especially when people don't learn or remember!
      Enjoy your trees and all the beauty.
      Have a good week.

    2. I'll have to look into that movie, Ellie. We still have Disney+ for streaming. It would be a nice break from nature, vet and zoo shows. LOL! --Elise

      P.S. Thanks for the tip about H. Market's herbs and blends. We're loving them and so is our son. Very affordable when you consider the amounts you get!

  9. Fall is fully underway here in the NW. Most leaves are turned and at least 30% of dropped. Harvest has slowed but there is a ton of food hanging and needs more time. Hard frost coming Wednesday. Sigh....... I have yet to determine if and how much I want to deal with ripening in coming weeks.....first world problem.

    Happy Sunday ya'll.

    1. Still getting harvests? That is cool. Oh, gosh I hope you can get everything in so it doesn't waste, before frost. Indeed, what a problem to have. I hate seeing food waste. I hope you have success!
      Have a great week.

  10. Good morning! It's been awhile ... I was away for a week with good friends. It was a time of relaxing and connecting and just "being." We were in an area where hurricanes have hit and we were able to see the progression of rebuilding, including the positives and negatives. The restaurant-turned-food truck with 10-12 people in line for a breakfast sandwich; the remnants of an old-time beach hotel, torn down to make way for a high-rise luxury resort ... This week will begin with regrouping, laundry, and cleaning that went by the wayside while I was away.

    1. I am so glad you got time away with your friends. Change - sometimes good, sometimes bad. I am not a big one on seeing the old cozy things being ripped away.
      I hope you don't over do this week - catch up slowly. Enjoy the memories and feelings a little longer.
      Glad you are back. Have a good week!

  11. Coming up for air a bit here before I go visit Husband this afternoon. He will be released from the rehab hospital on Tuesday, and I will take him directly to the personal care facility where he will live. He has agreed to live there, so all that remains is for him to sign the contract, me to write the big check, and to bring in his belongings. He finally realized that he simply can't go back to our house; it is not able to accommodate a wheelchair, and caregiving was literally killing me. A doctor he saw this week for a neuro-psych evaluation put it very simply: "It is time for Frances to be your wife and not your nurse."

    His room is a very small studio room with a fairly large bathroom, but at least it is private. It looks out onto a very nice courtyard with seating areas, lots of flowers, and walkways. We will be able to put a birdfeeder outside his window. Much better than overlooking the parking lot! It comes with a twin bed, nightstand, chest of drawers, nice chair, end table and TV.

    I think this facility will be a good fit for him. A neighbor's mother is in memory care there, and they are pleased with the care she receives. I visited his mother for an unofficial tour last weekend and took the official sales tour last week. The staff I encountered were professional and friendly, and the residents I saw in the halls seem to be well cared for. The facility is 20 minutes from my house.

    I wanted a facility where he can move into memory care if he requires it in the future. Memory care rooms, especially for men, are very hard to come by, and most facilities have waiting lists. At his point, although has moderate memory deficits, he is not a flight risk and can be in the personal care section. There are many other residents there in similar condition. Because of his catheter (and ongoing problems with it), he will be in a wheelchair for the foreseeable future.

    So I am making name labels, laundering new sheets (they are provided, but he prefers flannel), and had a mega trip to WM this morning to get things he will need.

    I'm doing a little better physically and have stopped losing weight at 103# (5'3"). My anxiety still acts up, but not as badly. My neighbor and my mother have been real rocks and have offered invaluable help and support to me through this whole process. Everyone's prayers have comforted both of us very much. I know this week will be stressful and that there will be an adjustment process for both of us, but I think we're both going to be okay in time.


    1. Wishing you both all best for the coming move.

    2. Oh Frances, I am so glad that he has agreed this is the right thing to do. Hard yes, but right. He will well cared for 24/7 and you too can get some much needed rest. It sounds like a lovely room - how need that it is like a private apt. with a view!!!! I love that. I am glad it is close to home for you.
      What a fantastic doctor to offer such wonderful words. Yes, now is time to be the wife not the nurse.
      I am glad you are feeling better about all this too - it is so valuable to have a good support system.
      You are constantly in my prayers and I just hope this all goes really well for you both. I think you will both rest easier now.
      Bless you both - take care and keep us informed.

    3. It sounds like such a nice place for your husband, Frances! And yes, there comes a time when it's just... time. What answers to prayer that he's taking it well, will have a nice view out his window, and that you have people there to help and support you. Those have been specific prayers for you both. Hopefully, once he's all settled in, you'll be able to regain some of your own health. (((Hug)))
      --Elise <--who at almost the same height might be 2 of you!!!

    4. I've been praying for you, Frances. I'm glad to hear an update. : )

      It sounds like he has a lovely room and a wonderful, uplifting view too. Thank God everything is working out.

      I will continue to keep you and your husband in my prayers, Frances.

      God bless you and be with you! A hug. ~Amelia

    5. Your husband and you are in my prayers.

    6. Frances,
      I am happy for you and hope the best for your husband. Linda Practically Parsimony

  12. (((Frances))), I wish both of you only the very best.

    Cheryl, as always your devotional is spot on.
    It has been a much better week for me, finally over the sickness I had and I have been able to get stuff done. When I don't feel well and can't keep my usual pace I get stiff and sore.
    I was able to finish stacking all of the firewood, it made me sore but in a good way if that makes any sense. Lots of water/rest breaks and a great feeling when completed.
    Meals this week were lots of soups, salads and sandwiches.
    Made bread and toast with honey or cinnamon sugar for snacks along with smoothies made with homemade yogurt.
    Still have jalapenos growing in the garden and I have decided to let them go until they get frosted.
    Most of the outside chores have been done, and I have made the decision that this year I want to get all of the Christmas ornaments/decor out and sort it. Giving away to family what they want and donating the rest. I no longer decorate like I used to and will not go back to doing so. It's not the putting the decor out that gets to me, it's the putting it all away that I don't want to do anymore. I used to have a full size tree in every room except the bathroom.
    Nowadays I go much smaller and use mostly natural decor.
    Have a wonderful week.

    1. Sorry forgot to sign my post,

    2. Hey, when we are sick - nothing is the same. Give yourself a break! Wow, you got back to busy!!! Don't get yourself back down.
      Cinnamon/sugar toast - yum. I haven't had that as a snack in a while - thanks for the reminder. That a cold glass of milk - Mmmmmm.
      What a great idea on the decorations! I have so many very old glass ornaments that were my folks - I don't use them anymore. That is a great idea to add to gifts. I do like to have a big tall clear vase or a crystal bowl to hold some of the pretty ones. It is easier than decorating a tree - and they don't get broken. You might do that as well.
      Hope you stay well. Have a great week.

  13. This is good news, Frances. I hope things continue in a positive way and that Hubs really will be comfortable in his new home. Take care of yourself!

  14. You sound as if you are progressing well with the decluttering, must be an achievement with each room done.
    I am thankful that our area had not had the floods that parts of the UK have had to endure. Poor folks with their homes under water.
    Our grandchildren are on half term from school this week. Our eldest son and family called in on our eldest grandaughter and partner and they all went pumpkin picking lunchtime. They are staying locally for the next two nights. We have our 5 year old granddaughter Orlagh staying tonight and her and two older brothers staying tomorrow night. Orlagh is getting excited as tomorrow her 4 year old cousin is visiting with youngest son and wife. The girls get on so well, all four parents work full time and the children do sport and dance at the weekends and don't live too close so don't see too much of each other. We are all going 10 pin bowling tomorrow so I'm getting excited :-)
    Have a good week Cheryl.

    1. It is a good feeling - but o much more to do. I am thankful you have been spared from flooding. That is such a nasty thing to have happen.
      How wonderful to get to be with and see so much family this week. Oh gosh, those little ones will have a grand time together. I used to get so excited to see my cousins. It sounds like it will be wonderful. How fun on the bowling!!!!!
      Glad you are both doing good and have a lovely time.
      Enjoy your week immensely!!!!!

    2. So grateful your area isn't flooded, Heather. I've been praying for those impacted. And I love your granddaughter's name--Orlagh sounds Welsh; is it? Hubs' family is mostly Scottish and Welsh. We could never agree on a name for a girl, so were lucky to have 2 sons, but now I see so many pretty Welsh names for girls. So nice to have your family around you. --Elise

    3. Orlagh or Orla is Celtic, more Irish I think. She was born not long after my husband's mum Mary died. Mary was born in Dublin but always known as May so Orlagh had Mae as her second name. There are some pretty Welsh names, when our daughter was born, I was convicted I was having a boy so never really thought of a girls name.

    4. Thank you, Heather. Hubs thought it might be Celtic. Orlagh May is a beautiful name. --Elise

  15. Hiya Cheryl, I do follow you all the time but can only answer on iPad.
    I am finally getting another pelvis X-ray for my back and leg pain. We have had poor weather this week and as someone else said I get more pain when I cannot get out and about. I have to much yard work as you would say.
    I like to read what everyone is up to.xx

    1. Hi Sylvia - good to hear from you. I wonder why people have such problems posting on blogger? It seems that happens a lot.
      I hope they can figure out your pain. Back pain is the worst. I know inactivity gets me a hurting. If I sit a lot, my backs just seizes up!
      It seems there is always something to do. Best of luck getting answers. Have a great week.

  16. Cheryl, you have been a real busy bee again this week. We also had the scrap metal guy come and take away a pile of stuff, and as a bonus he also took some furniture for a relative, so that was a great space maker and a little cash too.
    Your devotional this week is very timely for me. A few weeks ago my car was stolen ( from our driveway) and seems I will not be getting insurance. It’s been a drama. Sometimes stuff happens that just isn’t fair, and trying not to get bitter and twisted about it can be hard.
    I’m very pleased to read that Frances is doing okay, I will continue to have you in my thoughts and prayers.
    Stay well everyone. Louise

    1. It is nice to have people in the neighborhood who are willing to take things off our hands.
      Oh my gosh, that is awful. Car nor homeowners would cover your loss? Shoot I think homeowners would cover mine in the drive - well, I know it would. My agent and I talked about those kinds of things a few weeks ago. Dang it. That is a huge loss. I am so sorry. I would be bitter!!!!! I can understand.
      Hope you can have a good week. Hang in there!

    2. Ugh! Guess we're supposed to lock everything up all the time. :( What has this world come to!? Hope things will work out ok in the end for you. Not sure how bitter I'd be, but "pretty bad", is my guess.

    3. It seems that because the thief found the spare key ( which was in my handbag tucked under the passenger seat) that voids my insurance. We should be able to claim because we have top cover, but leaving the key in the vehicle, even if it is hidden, voids it. I would advise everyone to check for this. Specifically ask this question to your agent.
      The really aggravating thing is, I only was ducking inside to drop something off and then running straight back out. I took the keys with me but left my purse. I had a quick toilet stop and then walked out to see the car backing down the drive.
      Onwards and upwards.

    4. Yeah Mary - angry might be the best word! I would be p**sed!
      Dang it, someone had to be watching. That is downright scary.
      Well, I hope the police find the car and it is in good shape. With your purse in there, did they get CC's or much money?

      Many, many years ago I had a car stolen from a friends house I went in and left my key on her counter and went to the bathroom. An old "friend" of hers had just came into town and was there, and that creep picked up the key and drove off! Got found in FLA. a couple months later WITH the car. He said he just wanted to have fun for a while!!! (it was a sporty car). They offered the car back - but I had already settled with insurance. So maybe the car will be found quickly and OK!

    5. Yes Cheryl, lost a small amount of cash, but had to cancel cards.
      Unfortunately the car was found burnt out two days later.
      The way the houses are positioned though they are close they are very private. The neighbours heard me yelling and came running but no one saw anything.
      Years ago we had a utility stolen but they hot wired that, so insurance covered it. This time because a key was left in the vehicle ( even if it was in a zippered pocket, in a zippered bag, tucked under a seat), insurance will not pay.
      One officer told me that he has heard of victims of carjacking being refused their insurance as well, so at least that’s a bright side to look at.
      Again, I’d advise people to check what their insurance companies stance is about this. I suppose once I would have thought this would never happen to me, but it can and it does.

  17. You have been a busy gal, that sounds so nice eating lunch with your sis and Chinese food too, one of my favorites. We ate that today for lunch at the little town buffet (with classical music playing) I love it, so glad you and sis had a fun time. I'm an only child.

    That prayer is so right on Cheryl. This morning as we listened to a podcast by Todd Herman who my hubs subs to, we heard a young 20 year old man speaking of what is happening, he was very with-it and has recently become a Christian. He has a ministry now pertaining to what your prayer is about. He was sharing that most people don't want to go to a church that doesn't do any better than what they are already seeing on fb. It's been interesting for me in that department too, what I am seeing and have seen for years... many are so churched out but when it comes to the mercy, love and the fruits department they are lacking, it is blaring. It puzzles me and disappoints me who behaves in that way but doesn't affect my faith at all, I just see straight through it. I think it's Zac Poonen who spoke once on the ten marks of a Pharisee. ...And then we have the colossal compromise that is so against the Lord. It's unbelievable what we are seeing as I'm sure you would agree.

    I will be out of pocket this next week and I will so be missing everyone. I'll be back soon and hopefully if not this evening can share memories of our little Muffie later in the week. That little guy sure took a lot of me with him... (It feels like).

    Psalms 91. ~Amelia

    1. Just got my blog up, thank the Lord, I was able to get that blog up on our Muffie...

    2. Yes, sis and I got all caught up on things and we always talk about the past!
      I am not a church goer anymore - got away from that years ago for personal reasons - but I am spiritual and a Christian. No matter what a person follows - there is just right and wrong - always - and there always will be. Evil exists and it just seems people are letting it take over. I just don't understand.
      I hope whatever you are doing this week that you are safe and have a good week. I will be over to read here soon!

    3. You wrote a wonderful tribute to Muffie, Amelia. (((Hug)))
      Hope you have a better week ahead. --Elise

  18. How nice that you were able to have lunch with your sis. Mine is too far away to do anything like that, and I'm a bit envious. The verse you shared is so true. Everyone wants to do whatever they want to do, never mind the consequences.

    Elise, so glad you're able to be back in your kitchen shouting "yee-haw!" I pictured you kicking up your heels like a bucking bronco :)

    Frances, It sounds like your husband has a very nice place to live. It's great that he will have such a lovely view. You are both in my prayers, and I hope you can get some much-needed rest.

    1. Thanks - we had a nice time. I love just sitting and talking. She is much older than me, but we still have fun. She is such a tiny little thing, it seems odd to say she is my big sister!
      Hope you have a great week.

    2. Wanita, I'm smiling a LOT. Never again will I take for granted the ability to prepare a meal. They might be simple meals for awhile, and I might be giving the crock pot a renewed workout, but after almost 8 weeks, it's good to cook again. --Elise

  19. The weather here has dipped into the low 50's and high 40's at night. I put on the heat!! Sounds like you are really getting organized and cleaned out! What a great feeling. Our trees are beautiful with all colors of fall. It's finally here!

    1. Our weather has done the same at night. Mornings have called for one revolution of the furnace a few times!
      It is nice to see, but a lot of work.
      Enjoy the beauty of fall!
      Have a great week.

  20. Good morning Cheryl,
    It's been a really busy couple of weeks here too. We're expecting a frost tonight but luckily the butternut squash and chard are safe through frosts, so no worries there. We've been cleaning out other containers that had peppers and celery and carrots, changing over the closet from summer to fall and winter clothes, rearranging the freezers to make more room, working on Thanksgiving cards, deciding what will go to the mission that we're not using anymore. You get the picture. Hubs had his sutures removed Friday but must continue to keep his leg elevated as much as possible and still take it easy as the internal sutures still need to heal.
    Frances, happy that you found a very good personal care facility for your husband. I really could appreciate the doctor's reply about you being his wife and not his caretaker.

    Amelia, it is so hard to lose our fur babies. Ours has been gone for several years now. Our sweet little fur baby died in my arms. Sometimes when I look across the room I think I see her sitting in her favorite chair. Bless you for the love and caring you give to these precious animals.
    Have a blessed day everyone. Cookie

    1. Sounds like you have been keeping very busy. It sure is that time of the year. Fall just seems so busy.
      Glad your hubs is doing good. He needs to make sure and listen to the doctors and not do too much yet!
      I still think I feel my past kitties jumping up on the bed at times. Or that I hear them. It takes a lot out of us when we lose a precious pet. Kind words.
      Hope you have a lovely week!

    2. Glad your husband is healing up, Cookie. I (well) know it's hard to be patient, but I'll pray now he has patience and takes the time that's necessary to fully heal. --Elise

  21. Wonderful to hear some praise reports. Our prayers answered. Still praying for those going through trials.
    Windy here and temps will be dropping
    Happy Birthday to Cheryl, who has a birthday this week. 🎂
    Central Az

    1. It's her birthday? Happy Birthday, Cheryl! And thanks for letting us know, Ellie! --Elise

    2. Thank you Ellie. It is Friday - but yes, birthday week! Can't believe you remember those kind of things!
      Stay warm.
      Have a great week.

      Thanks Elise!

  22. When Life Gives You Broth, Make Beans!

    I'm back in the kitchen in a limited way with my bulky space boot, but I can use the crock pot easily, so it's getting a workout. Last week was beef roast, whole chicken and a pork butt roast that became pulled pork the 2nd day. All that slow cooked meat equals my favorite, FREE, secret ingredient--pot liquid. Many of you probably already do this, but if you don't:

    Pour the slightly cooled pot liquid through a mesh strainer into a glass measuring cup. When that has cooled enough, tuck it into your fridge overnight; all fat will rise to the top and in 12-36 hours gets hard.

    Remove the hardened fat and you're left with a thick, gelatinous, concentrated broth. It will usually be the texture of those old fashioned Jello brand Jigglers, and it's cram packed with flavor and nutrients. This can be transferred into freezer bags or freezer safe containers and stored, frozen, for up to 6 months. Or you can use it within a week stored in your fridge.

    Soak your beans as directed. Using the FREE "broth" and water, cook as you normally do. Don't add any salt or other seasonings until the beans are tender. I usually add 1 T. EVOO while cooking to prevent any boil over. Strain and rinse the tender beans, add whatever seasonings you choose, and cook a little longer to incorporate those flavors. That last step also removes some of the gas causing starches of the beans.

    Eat, can or freeze. I've had good success with freezing cooked beans in airtight freezer storage bags.


    1. P.S. We aren't big bean eaters, but I've noticed the canned beans from the store have much more liquid than they used to; you're paying for more water to be drained off now.

    2. Thanks for giving a tutorial! It helps when people share - because not everyone knows these things.
      I love the meat broth! I always save - groups for seasoning anything from beans to soups.
      Many people do keep the fat - and the fat from frying ground meats and use that as they do bacon grease.
      I am a huge fan of bacon grease and I do keep a small jar in the frig of beef fat as well.

  23. So thankful such a lovely place has opened up for Frances' husband. Surely the Lord has been gracious to help them both. The Doctors words were very profound, and such a blessing.
    Thank you Cheryl for the scripture and devotion, it's very meaningful right now with difficult times as they are!
    Yesterday's S.S lesson was on John 10 & John 14, living in the light of His miracles and the work His children are to do because of the miracles He did when He was on earth. It reminded me yet again of His love & care for His children, including the simple provisions of hearth and home.
    Cheryl you amaze me with all you do. You have accomplished so much in your home and garden.We have had only a minor frost, and the mountains are ablaze with color. I love this time of year.

    1. It is just a wonderful gift for Frances and her husband indeed.
      You are welcome - times are just so messed up now - we all need encouragement.
      I wish I did more - sometimes I don't think I get a lot done - but then look at the list and think hmmmm!
      I am trying to get things done and my load lighter.
      I bet the mountains are beautiful. I always enjoyed visiting or driving through the Appalachia mountains. Mountains are just so majestic.
      Have a wonderful week.
