Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Another Month Comes to a End!

 Well, here we are 10 months down and 2 to go and it will be another new year!  It really is mind boggling.  I have so much to do to get ready for Christmas.  SO happy that some of you already have it done or have a huge jump on things.  That is great.

Today just a few pics to wind down the month and then will start all fresh and new for November.  
I had a cleansing month - just working on purging paperwork, decluttering and cleaning (deep).  Enjoying seeing the colors change.  Completed another trip on this story of life - hoping that the my 69th year will be a good one.  Still not sure how that happened so quickly!!!!!!! 

Last week looking out my bedroom window.  Leaves, black kitty and still some flowers.  Just a sampling of fall.
The tree outside my bedroom window.  This was last week as well - on Friday.  It was just so vivid yellow.  Tulip poplar.
Same leaves this morning - on the ground!!!!!!!  Yep, they are falling like crazy.  We woke to our first frost and freeze this morning.  It has been so windy the past few days.  Well, it seems it is windy all the time any more!!!

Went to my 50th high school reunion.  This group started 1st grade together and were represented at the high school reunion.  They did each grade school from the area.  My grade school had the biggest turn out of all the grade schools.  How fun to keep in touch with people you have known for 62 years!!!!!!!
This was actually the last day of Sept. - but I am considering it an October event.

Moved these to the porch last night - this pic was this morning.  They are still blooming.  I love the coral color.

A quick and yummy meal one day.  Chicken strips and veggies in a wrap.  I love easy and simple meals.  No need to make things complicated.  Meat, veggies, bread (tortilla) - with a piece of fruit for dessert!  Pretty well rounded.

Still using garden tomatoes - both green and red.  Still cleaning and sorting.  Going to do some painting this coming month.  Need to get busy with Christmas stuff.  I would love to have that finished by Thanksgiving.

What plans do you have for the month of November?  Any fun things or vacations?  Planning any gatherings?

Gals, not sure if you saw in the comments from Sunday post - but an update from Frances in the early morning hours today - her hubs fell and has some broken ribs - being moved to hospital in city for precautions.  Please keep them both in your prayers.

ELISE has been AWOL since Friday.  She mentioned she was going to go out shopping with her hubs - worried if maybe she hurt her foot or something.  Hoping just computer problems or something.  She never goes this long without posting.

Please keep good thoughts for ALL our gals here - some have had surgeries and are going to be healing, some are dealing with family problems, and others having problems that we know nothing about.  
Ending the month just keeping you all in my heart.



  1. The leaves are falling like crazy here too. It rained last night, so the back porch is covered and I need to sweep them off today.

    Praying for Frances husband and Elise. I hope they are both OK.

    I've been thinking a lot about Thanksgiving and Christmas, trying to get my ducks in a row. I like your idea of doing the Christmas hampers for people, I'm thinking of doing that this year too. I think I will be spending less this year, hoping too anyway.

    1. Oh the leaves are just crazy this morning!!!!! Not much left on the yellow tree at all!
      The hampers are truly loved in my family - even the teens get into them. It is fun to do and everyone likes the goodies. Have fun!

  2. Checking in. My foot is fine. Never did get out with Hubs. I've been laid low with gut issues and have been in bed. I seem to be able to keep water down now. Gratefully. Happy Halloween everyone.

    1. Elise, I hope you feel better soon. Glad for the update.

    2. Well, I am glad you aren't in the hospital or something. Feel better soon and check in. So sorry you have been sick! Take care.

    3. Praying you feel better soon, Elise!

    4. Prayers and wishes that you are feeling better soon.

    5. Prays that this passes sooner then could ever be expected. Cookie

    6. I'm so sorry, Elise. I will certainly be praying. I was getting concerned about you. God be with you and hopefully you will be out of that bed soon! : )

  3. That is an excellent picture of your reunion. Your seems to be a good one. After working in the school system for years, I observed that some years a large number of the students were not nice kids.

    It was 27 when I got up this morning. The sun is shining brightly now so I may go out to do some gardening cleanup.

    Will continue to pray for Frances and her husband. It's been one thing after the other with them. I can definitely sympathize with Frances's husband with the broken ribs.

    So happy Elise checked in. Gut issues are never fun. Ginger beer helps with my tummy problems.

    Enjoy your day!

    1. That group of folks all went through grade school together and they are great. Some from high school - well - you know those not nice people still exist.
      It wasn't quite that cold here. I think 30 degrees.
      It is sure sunny now!

  4. It sounds like you had a pretty great month. The leaves here were gorgeous all last week then rain, wind and a cold front came in so a lot are falling now. I've blown off the back patio every day for the last three days. We had our first frost last night and the temps were 25 this morning. Today was the first time I had to turn on the furnace so we went all through October without the heat or air on. It was so nice to air out the house. I love the class photo. It's good that you went. Have a great day.

    1. I did.
      The leaves are really falling here. The rain and the winds did them in. Yep, pretty darn chilly this morning.
      You go girl - no heat yet? That is great. I did a few times first thing in the mornings - to take chill off. We sure did have a nice October weatherwise.
      Warmer here for the upcoming weekend.
      That was grade school folks - there were about 300 at the reunion.

  5. Nice photos! I like the colors of the flowers and leaves. It's looking rather grey and gloomy here, with a very cold morning to start. We'll warm up to the freezing mark by mid-afternoon, so I'm hopeful the trick or treaters will be out.

    1. Thanks. The golden tree now has NO leaves on it. Within an hour or so this morning - every last one fell.
      It is sunny here, but just 40 degrees. Brrr - sounds too cold there for me! Hope you get some kiddos.

  6. We are in the 80's here in Sunny Florida. Still, it feels more fall-ish as the humidity has lessened. I can always tell when the windows and sliding doors aren't covered in drippy dew! Our MN family woke up to snow on the ground!

    Thinking of everyone with health issues. So far we are fine.

    Working on Christmas gifts a little...

    1. Oh 80's how I miss you!!!!!! LOL
      Glad you get to enjoy that. Many places had snow - that is crazy. I know it is time for cold - but snow? ICK!!!!
      Glad to hear you are doing good. Christmas is just around the corner.

  7. 22 degrees here. Mr. Chez and were out walking this morning and saw 10 deer. He would love to chase them, but no. So he gave them a strong "don't mess with me" bark. They couldn't care less.

    Me and mine need to be on the prayer list, too. My husband has been diagnosed with lymphoma. We are looking at surgery. 9 out of 10 chance it is cancer. So, most likely chemo to follow. Thank you.
    Central Az

    1. Praying for your husband and you, Ellie for strength, and also for wisdom for your and the doctors as decisions are made about a treatment plan.

    2. Prayers for you and your husband, Ellie.

    3. I bet the deer were gorgeous to see.
      Oh my goodness, I am sorry to hear that. You got it - prayers for your hubby. I sure hope he is the 1 out of 10 that it isn't. There are amazing things that can be done for treatments these days. Hang in there, and keep us updated.

    4. Prayers for your husband and you too, Miss Ellie.

  8. Where has the month gone???? Time is flying by too fast! This month has been filled with deep cleaning in preparation for the holidays, with a week-long "gal pals" trip to Florida. My prayers are with you all, especially Frances's husband, Elise (hope your tummy troubles leave quickly) and with Ellie. Seeing your reunion picture is a vivid reminder of staying in touch with those who are important to you. We lost another classmate this past week (complications from heart surgery, requiring additional heart surgery over a period of a couple of years, and further complications ...). She is #60 in my class to have passed, and we're 2 away from 1/3 of my class -- and I'm a couple of years behind you, Cheryl. It serves as another reminder to take the time to visit, tell loved ones how important they are to you. Time is fleeting. All the best to everyone reading. Know that I feel priviledged to participate with you in this forum.

    1. Yes mam, it has flown by. Sounds like you had a good month as well. How nice to have the trip with your gal pals.
      It is always sad to lose those former classmates. We are at over a 100 now. The reunion was great to see all the folks - but I am so enjoying the lunches with many of the gals. It is nice to keep those fires going.
      You are right - it goes fast. We need to be kind and caring to all around us, and let them know how we care.
      Thank you for being a part of this group!!!

  9. Can hardly believe another month is over! Where does the time go? We woke up to an inch of snow on the ground and cold and windy. It's still windy, but our high temp is to be 36 today, and the sun is out, so the snow is starting to melt. Not a very good day for the kids to be out for trick or treat. Our temps are to be in the 40s come Thursday. That's a good thing since we still have some clean-up to do on our deck. The plants have all been taken care of, but we have an outdoor rug to roll up and put away plus covering all the deck furnishings. Enjoyed seeing the picture of your class reunion, Cheryl. Praying for those who are ill or going through difficult times.

    1. Oh snow for you too? I sure dread that. No not a good day for the kids. They will be bundled up for sure. They deserve extra goodies!!!!
      I have leaves to clean up - one tree done. The other hasn't lost much and to finish the garden clean. We will be warmer by the weekend too.
      Take care and stay safe.

  10. First freeze tonight here! So chilly today that I loaded the crockpot with soup for supper. We decided very last minute to go to the lake for two weeks and will go this weekend. Yay! We didn't think we could squeeze it in but we can!

    1. A good day for a hot bowl of soup! We had our first freeze last night and things are sure droopy!
      How lovely that you get to do another trip to the lake this year. I hope you can check in - but if not ENJOY your trip!!!!

  11. Prayer -isting Ellie, Elise, Frances & hubs.
    Funny for today: My house was *terribly empty* since Blackie disappeared, so I got a rescue cat from my vet... 15 year old lady cat, owner had died. New kitty is skittish and doesn't know me, of course. When I got home from work this afternoon I could not find her in the house... oh no, where has she gone??? Did she go up the chimney? Ha. She's on *top* of the kitchen cabinets, behind the empty canning jars! I stood on the stepstool with a flashlight and found her! Whew. Probably the warmest place in the house right now. She must have wings to get up there, especially at 15. ;) Will be interesting to see how she gets down.

    1. Oh now that is funny. Bless you for rescuing her. It is amazing how kitties can jump and get into 'situations'!!!!!! I am glad she has you and that you have her. She will be your buddy in no time. LOVE THIS!

    2. So I got ready to serve her supper and I watched what she did... first she sidled over to a spot above the fridge and then slid down the cabinet door to the fridge top. Of course there wasn't enough room there for all four of her feet, so it was only a stepping (leaping) stone to the floor. She still walks ok, so I guess it didn't damage her. Geez, I'd have a busted hip or something! :D

  12. Except for the elms most of our trees are pretty much bare now. Lots of snow on the ground, and cold.
    I have quite the list of things I hope to get done next month so I am keeping my fingers crossed that all will be completed.

    God bless.

    1. Well the golden tree above is now completely bare! LOL
      There are still leaves on many - but they won't last long - cold, wind. We had a few flurries this evening.
      I hope you are feeling better and can get all your things accomplished.

  13. 'Hey, Cheryl: I am mighty impressed with your class photo. The ladies seem to be weathering better than the fellows. You look great! It looks like some happy people there.
    I had a comment about hating war and then regretted it as I know this blog is not about politics so deleted it. Unfortunately I also deleted my birthday wishes to you and the mention of the very appropriate mug you received for your birthday, which was so well chosen.
    We have a bit of snow on the ground but still have bufflehead ducks fishing out front. Flashes of white when they dive; they are beautiful birds. I have laundry hanging in the kitchen to dry. This is how it will be all winter as there's no point putting clothes outside and bringing in 'boards'.
    Considering the ages of many of us who follow your blog, there are bound to be health issues of spouses or selves. A normal part of aging. I guess we need to be thankful that we get to age and have health care for the rough spots. My dad used to say, "If I'd known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself." Let's all take good care of ourselves and each other.
    Welcome November.

    1. Yes mam, I agree - the gals faired much better than the fellows. That seemed to be the case on the entire reunion as well. LOL.

      I understand - I do too!!! I think we all do. I try to keep away from politics, but I totally understand and appreciate that!!!!
      It is all just too much.

      Oh the thought of snow - yucko! We had flurries this evening. Poor kiddos are going to get COLD tonight.
      I hear ya on the ice boards - my mom used to do that sometime! We are going to warm up some for the weekend. The weather guy says this is how he sees our winter here fairing - few days of cold and then warm-ups. I could handle that!
      Boy is that statement true! I am sure we have all goofed up over the years. I know I did. Somedays I wonder how I am still here, considering some of the things I did as a young girl.
      It really is sad to say that we are of THE age - but yeah we are. It still hurts going through it with those we love.
      Yes indeed, we all need to take care of ourselves and others. Kind thoughts for all.

  14. Thank you everyone

  15. Practical Parsimony
    So, which one are you in the picture? I could not tell. Sorry.
    What kind of tree is the golden tree. Got a picture of the leaves?
    It will be just at freezing tonight. Tommy covered all my flowers and brought in the lemon tree while I brought in the tiny lime tree. Very few trees have lost their leaves here. Of course, the dogwood is bare.

    1. I am 2nd from right in the middle row. I have on black and turquoise.
      The picture of the yellow/gold leaves above - tulip poplar. It was gorgeous and then it was bare!
      I hope your trees do good inside. It will be soon when your leaves start to fall - winter will soon be upon us. Enjoy them while you can.

  16. (Little Penpen) leaves everywhere here, too! I love this beautiful time of year. We finally woke up to cool temps in NC this morning. I love your class reunion photo. I haven’t been to a reunion since our 5 year one. It’s been over 40 now. November is buckle down and get Christmas shopping done for me. I’ve made a little start already.

    1. It is pretty - all the colors. Cold will be right behind cool!!!!!!
      Thanks - 50 years was one I just couldn't miss.
      Yep, time to get the Christmas things done. I agree. Here's to hoping we both succeed!

  17. I'm loving the pics! Oh fall is so wonderful! The little black kitty is so cute there in the pic, what a perfect fall combination.

    That is so great, your class photo! Ya'll all look pretty darn good too!

    I don't know how I missed this entry yesterday, my mind is still a bit busy these days with everything that's happened.

    Praying for all, God be with us all! ~Amelia

    1. Thanks. That is Blackie!
      Those were just the kids I grew up with from grade school - there were almost 300 for the whole reunion. I think the gals held up better than the guys!!!! LOL

  18. Yay for class reunions! What a great turnout! It's fun to catch up with old friends.

    1. Those were folks I grew up with from grade school - the actual reunion was almost 300 strong. They took pics of each grade school group. It was a lovely time.
