Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Mini Infomercial and Fun Finds

 Good morning.  Hope your day will be a good one.
I am going to give a mini infomercial this morning!  I purchased something (by accident) and it is the best!  Thought I would let you know.

I also found a couple fun and silly things whiles I was decluttering.  Found a couple childhood items from my tote of mom's stuff.  I had forgotten all about them - so many years ago!!!!!!

I mentioned a few weeks ago that I had purchased new undies.  Well, I thought I got just regular old undies.  NOPE.  Once I opened them, I realized they were different from previous buys.  These are the best!  There is NO exposed elastic at all - not at legs or waistband.  They are sooooooo super soft!!!!!!!  It is almost like wearing nothing.  The kicker is they were cheaper than the normal Fruit of the Loom panties!  Yep, cheaper by about $3 a pack.  Still not cheap - but what is?  They cost about $13.50 a pack - others were all in the $16 range and that was at WM!!!!!!
Anyway - they are super comfy and soft.  Thought I would share the word.
I do wonder - why do they come in packs of 6?  Really?  Last I heard there are 7 days in a week!!!!  LOL

Now while I was going through things I came across a couple finds from my childhood.  Mom kept everything.  Guess I am guilty too!
There was this little ceramic (ugly) dish!!!!  I made this when I was in art class in the 6th grade!!!!!  It is so imperfect it is crazy.  I remembered bringing it home and mom said it was beautiful!  Bless her heart.  It was in the bathroom of her home and held combs and brushes every single day until she passed in 2001.  Well, I brought it home in a box of things from there - and there it has sat.  I got it out and decided if it was good enough for momma to use - it is good enough for me!  LOL!  Now it will hold my remotes on the table next to where I sit.  Pretty?  NO.  Functional?  Sure!  Memories of fun days?  YEP

I also found this.
This was from grade school.  The E was from the name of my school.  Now, I remembered having it - and thought it was here somewhere but didn't find it until last week.  I have posted a picture on the FB site for my grade school. and NO ONE seems to remember them or has one.  I may have one of the only ones around.  I need to get with the township office and see if they would like it for their mini museum.
I know they have pins and banners and pictures - but not a hat!
How fun!

OK, I guess I am done with show and tell today!!!!!

Hope you all have a good day.
Check in when you can!!!!!


  1. I wear the exact same undies and love them! Very soft, wash well. Only complaint is that the elastic has already started to go on a couple of pairs, but it seems like all elastic is like that lately.

    1. I like them too - just so comfy and soft. I sure hope they hold up!

  2. I kind of like your dish and that it has found itself being useful again. It looks like the sort of thing that arty shops charge a lot for. If anyone asks you can call it 'studio pottery'!

    1. LOVE IT! Yes, it is an original for sure. Even signed!!!
      I will continue to use it as my momma did!

  3. Comfy undies are one of the most important things in the world. Nothing worse than being pinched or squeezed wrong all day and you cannot put a price on it so no amount is too much in my book.

    1. You should try these - talk about comfy. No binding or riding up.
      You are right!

  4. The dish is perfect for storing useful items. I think it's quite nice.
    It's always good to find a product that works well. Next time I'm in the market for undies, I'll have keep an eye out for these.

    1. Well, it is now useful for something again. It is amazing how moms keep everything -- pretty or not!
      You won't be sorry.

  5. I love useful things that have memories attached to them. That is what makes our home ours and special. Comfy undies are a must at any price. Have a great Wednesday.

    1. Well, now my remotes are all together and not getting misplaced. So useful!
      I remember that art teacher and he was so cool. He actually just passed in the past few years.
      You too!!!!

  6. Decades ago two of my children took a pottery class together when they were preschoolers. I still use their creations to hold stuff around the house.

    To that end whenever my kids were crafting I tried to steer them towards things that would be useful.

    1. That is cool. Smart idea to kind of direct their creations.
      I love that you used them.

  7. Oh, the irony of your infomercial... I've been wearing Jockey For Her Elance for years (decades) and an order placed on Prime Day arrived this morning. It was $30 for 6 pairs of panties. Then again, they also have covered elastic and hold up for a few years or more.

    Moving so much means there aren't any child-made memories in anyone's home in my family. BIL may have some in the storage units from Hub's growing up years. We may never know.

    Speaking of Hubs, he's off to Safeway for digital coupon, coupon and Fab 5 deals...

    USDA choice beef boneless petite sirloin steaks, $3.99 lb. (limit 2)

    Lucerne Cage Free Large A Eggs, 18 count, $1.79 ea. (limit 2)

    Farmer John Breakfast Sausage Links, $1.29 ea. On Fab 5… must buy 5.

    Nestle Ice Cream Novelties, 6-20 count, $5.49 ea. (no limit)

    Signature Select sliced bread, $2.29 ea. (limit 4)

    Signature Select Jelly or Jam, $2.99 ea. (limit 4)

    Son shops at a small, independent market near his house. Last week he picked up a bone in pork butt roast for us and some seasoning mix they're famous for. This week he'll get another pork roast, bay leaves, thyme, and ground sage, all of which I'm out of; the shop does their own herbs and herb blends. Tomorrow night when he stops by after class (in town), we'll trade off. I believe another blogger has a similar co-op with her adult kids.

    Have a wonderful Wednesday! --Elise

    1. That is a shame that things get lost or tossed as people move. It really is a touching thing to know that something so insignificant was so important to mom.
      Those are some great deals. That is really neat that your son has learned the value of 'super' shopping and you guys help each other out. Nice on the herb mixes.

    2. You're so sweet, Cheryl. Some context is important. My natural father was an abusive alcoholic. We packed very few things--clothes, a few sets of sheets, a few towel sets, one box of kitchen stuff--and left while he was on a business trip, moving to the opposite coast. Three years later my younger brother and I had to go back for a court ordered visitation. While there, I looked for (and found) photo albums left behind in the haste of leaving, and packed them in my suitcase before flying home. The I told my mom I'd stand before a judge if necessary, but we were never going back. And I never looked back. He'd been drunk and abusive during that trip, 3000 miles away.

      I'm always very grateful to read of happier childhoods and happier memories. (((Hug))) --Elise

      P.S. Ellie told me about the seasonings and herbs at the store near our son. It's a small world!

    3. That is just so sad that you had to go through all that as a child. I know several here have been unhappy childhoods and that makes me so sad. Not that mine was all unicorns and rainbows - but it was good. I just happiness and contentment for all children. My wish for children is to feel safe.
      Smart cookie sneaking out the photo albums.

    4. Whether or not it's healthy, Cheryl, I compartmentalize memories, so have quite a few GOOD memories of my childhood. All away from my house. God put a number of GOOD people into my life. He still does. :-)

    5. Thank you for the undie tip, Elise. I prefer hi-cut style, and 100 percent cotton so maybe those would be nice for me. Comfort is huge for me.

      It's horrible that you were made to go back to that home for any amount of time at all...The unjust rulings in this country make me cringe. You poor thing...That must have been very traumatic, Elise.

      So thankful the way God put good people in your life!

  8. I have a wooden crate basket from wood shop in 8th grade! My mom used it for years and was decluttering and offered it to me. After it sat in the cellar for a few years I pulled it out! Why not use a memory item?

    1. Cool. I had this thing stuffed away since 2001! Figured why not use it. It makes ME smile - that is all that matters.
      Love it!!!!!

  9. Cheryl, I think your ceramic box is beautiful! I love homemade stuff. I grew up in a family that did all kinds of that stuff. On a wall in my craft room, I hung a lot of my camp crafts. All over the room are things made for me. My cousin took a picture of me and my beloved cat when we were 11. He mounted it on a piece of wood he cut. I still love it. He made me a sliding bookshelf to take to college. It holds my patterns and sewing books. I have woven baskets that my husband's blind coworker made us. I could go on and on. They're my treasures.

    Elise, I could write a book at all the stupid things I've seen or heard judges do. All in the name of blood relatives. Oy vey.

    Sounds like you had some fun searching, Cheryl. I know I've enjoyed some of mine. I recently found some sport articles I kept on my HS boyfriend. My now best friend went to a nearby HS and there are articles about her big "life crush" (from about 12yo-30 lol) on the same page. She's gonna hoot when she sees them lol. Some even have pictures!

    1. That is really cool that you have so many treasures. I have one section of shelves in my L.R. bookcase that has all my childhood books. Not the best shape - but from being a kid!
      I like this kind of stuff.
      I am having fun. Finding all kinds of forgotten treasures. Pictures next! I have more totes downstairs from mom's - so there will be more finds.

  10. Now I am going to have to look for those undies, I hate the ones I have now and would love to be able to replace them with something really comfy.

    Lovely finds there and I just know the township office would love it for their little museum.

    God bless.

    1. You will really like the undies. Best ones I have ever had.
      I think so too - they are always looking for different stuff from back in the day. Nice way to preserve the history.

  11. Don't you love finding things? I'm glad my girls want the old things I have. Apparently most of the new generation today don't care about family heirlooms. Love that you are using the ceramic dish. I still have the little wooden lidded box Alana made in shop class in middle school. The hat is adorable.

    It's important to have comfy undies! Never even considered the idea of thongs. {Shudder} I bought some Hanes rib knit panties and love them.

    1. it is a blast seeing things from the past. I have some younger family that likes the old stuff - but not too many.
      Oh, I can't even imagine a thong!!!!!! That is one thing I never ever tried!!!!!

  12. Everything is beautiful to a mom. So fun going through your old things! Thanks for the Undies tip.. they look comfy

    1. I guess that is true. Moms are the best!!!! It has been a fun journey.
      Sure - they really are comfy.

  13. Thank you Cheryl for the underwear tip, I looked them up because I always go for comfort, but they aren't all cotton unfortunately. Oh phooey.

    Just wanted to pop in, thanks again for the tip, today my mom was here with a couple of our precious littles. I'm soooooo worn out.

    That wooden box is very artistic! It looks like something that would be sold at the 70's store called Art Standing. I'm so very glad you are using it in your living room, that will look so good. It's very touching your mom used that in her bathroom every day. My grandma saved every little thing I gave her and wrapped some of the things in saran wrap to keep it nice. I had made her a pair of earrings, and when my grandpa died, at his funeral her home was broken into. She was so, so, so upset that they took those earrings! Oh my heart!

    Thanks for sharing Cheryl! I enjoy ordering things from Walmart, it's free shipping for $35. And they ship fast too. Faster than "A". ; )
    Pet food, groceries, all kinds of things.

    Have a sweet night. ~Amelia

    1. I bet you are tired - but that would be a nice tired!
      I am glad there were other people that saved things too. How awful that someone would break-in during a funeral. I have heard people watch the papers for those things. Disgusting.
      Sweet of her to treat each things as precious!
      Glad you got what you needed and didn't leave the house. I still haven't done that.

  14. Practical Parsimony Linda here. I kept things my daughter thought I would have thrown away and used them. My grandmother kept things I made or bought for her in a drawer. It made me sad she never used them.

    1. Howdy. I love that things got used. It shows love. I had forgotten about this piece and glad I rediscovered it.
      Precious memories.

  15. How neat to find he things your Mom saved from your childhood. I like the ceramic box where you put the remotes. Mom's are so great like that. I sent a box of stuff to my brother and sister of stuff she had saved of theirs.
