Sunday, April 23, 2023

Weekly Wrap Up 4/23

 Happy Sunday to all - here we are with a week to go in April and the weather is still iffy many places.  We had some pretty darn wonderful weather this week - one day in 80's - and now we are back to freeze/frost warning for tonight!  Geesh - what a roller coaster.  I guess it could be worse here - as 2 years ago we had snow on the same date that we had 80's this week!
The weather is going to do its thing and nothing we can do.  I had actually read in March that it was predicted to be a very cool April.

My blue jays must be mating or courting.  They are singing some very new songs!  And as they sing, they appear to be 'dancing' to the beat of the song.  It is so cool to watch.  They sing and bounce - all behavior I have not noticed before.  This morning while feeding Blackie, I heard this incredible song - and came out of the greenhouse to see a jay - just singing away.  Usually, they just yell at me to put out peanuts!!!!  Pretty cool.

Today is 4 years since the day my sweetheart went to his heavenly home.  I say this not to get sympathy (I am ok), but to honor this wonderful man and keep his memory forever alive.  He is healthy and can walk, is with so many family and friends, and he is with the Lord - so I am happy for him.
I do miss Glen daily, but I had the blessing of spending over half of my life with this big old bear!  Yep, many thought he was a burly bear - but he was actually a teddy bear.  He was such a kind and caring man.  Opinionated to the max - but kind.  I loved all of it!!!!!
I love and miss him all the time.
Just remember, when you lose someone, if you keep them in your heart and in your conversation - their memory is always alive.  They are always with you - and that is wonderful!

This week:
Not too many different lines to this week - it seems much of the same over and over!!!
  • Mowed and trimmed the entire yard
  • Pulled weeds and dug and moved stuff
  • Yardwork!!!!!!!!!!!!  Galore (on the warm and dry days)
  • Got another sheet of address labels from the insurance company
  • Stayed out of the stores this week
  • Using what I have and cooking from that
  • Just doing all the normal stuff we all do!
  • No heat for most of week - aired house.  Even though it got in the 80's one day - no AC
Meals this past week:
Beef/rice/cheese burritos
Leftover beef and rice and asparagus
Sausage/egg/cheese bagel (found bagels in freezer), side salad
Bologna and tomato sandwich (yum) and chips
Cheese/beef/bean nachos
Baked potato with leftover beef/beans
Cheesy mac with corned beef chunks (freezer) and salad

How was your week?  I know many got some dreadful snowfall again this week - soon, yes soon!!!!!!  Did you all save any money this week or get any great deals?  Are getting that garden in yet?  Geesh, that is one thing I have really not even thought about.  Guess I best be making a plan.

I pray for each of you, and hope this finds you all well, and safe.  May you have a wonderful week ahead.
Blessing to you and yours from me and my humble little home.

But the Lord is faithful; He will strengthen you and guard you from evil.
2 Thessalonians 3:3
May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ.
2 Thessalonians 3:5

Lord, we thank you for continued and unending love.  No matter what this world brings forth to our lives, we know we have You with us each day.  That is comfort at its best.  Please continue to protect and heal all that are in need.  We thank You for all our many blessings, both large and small.  AMEN


  1. Happy Angelversary to Glen! As you say, while you miss his physical presence here in this world, he remains here in your heart and mind.

    I've noticed the birds (no jays) doing a lot more singing of songs, and chasing one another. After I fill the feeder, I stand on the deck and listen to the music each morning, it is so beautiful!

    1. I love that - yes, it is his angelversary!!!!! Always with me.
      Aren't the birds such a joy - each song is different and just music to my ears!!!!!
      Have a wonderful week.

  2. Garden is planned and started. Peas and spinach are coming up. Green onions planted, too. Cherry tomato, sweet peppers, cukes growing like weeds under the grow lights. Started seeds for zukes, beefsteak tomatoes, marigolds, cosmos, zinnias, stock, and sunflowers. Will be direct sowing beets this week. Regrowing broccoli on the windowsill and will try a sweet potato, too. Carrots and green beans to be started in a couple of weeks. Will direct sow more zinnias, cosmos, mexican sunflowers in a month or so. A cold week this week, but last week sure was nice!

    1. Girl look at you!!!!!! You are on the game and have so much done. You can come here and get my bum a bobbin'!!!!!!!!!
      You are so ready for the garden feast!!!!!! I hope it all does wonderfully!
      We have a chilly week ahead as well - but ye mam, last week was glorious!
      Have a fantastic week.

    2. I didn't have time to finish posting earlier, but I did want to say that I was thinking of you today, Cheryl. You are such an inspiration in how your celebrate and honor Glen in your everyday life. You are helping me prepare for the inevitable in my life when Husband passes. Though he says he is going to make 96 to beat out his favorite uncle! He has 4-1/2 years to go, and I think he will make it at least that long if not longer.
      Strawberries are blooming, too soon in my opinion. Will have to cover them the next few nights. Just put little dixie cup cloches over the sprouted peas to keep the cutworms from killing them. It's 43F with a cold wind right now and a little rain on the way.
      Did the big shed clean-out a couple of weeks ago. Donated Husband's 65-year-old hand tools (from when he worked at Capitol Airlines) and a car full of other things to charity, gave some of the lumber the the neighbors, and the rest went into the dumpster. I told myself, "Girl, you're 62 years old. Just how many more projects do you think your are going to do in this lifetime?!" so I was pretty ruthless in the clean-out and kept only what I thought might actually get used. Lots of room in the shed now.
      Husband got a good report from his doctor recently. Because he has been having low blood pressure episodes again, she took him off of Amlodipine. He is still on two other BP meds, though one is more for the prostate than the BP. Our doctor is leaving this week for a new practice, but I think we will go with her even though she will be about 45 minutes away. We have a working relationship with her, and our other choices at the old office are very young and inexperienced.
      Haven't noticed any big price changes as Aldi, but gas went up $.30 last week.
      Dropped off 79 blankets at Project Linus last week and am now turning my attention to making a few clothes for me. It's been a few years since I sewed for myself, so I will be making muslins before I cut into the good fabric. I plan to make some pants and tunic tops (New Look pattern 6292).
      Chicken Vegetable soup is in the crockpot and will be good with whole grain bread and butter for supper.

    3. It was a honor spending so much of my life with Glen, so it is easy to honor him. He keeps me going. Your husband is doing amazing! My sis just turned 92, as couple weeks back, and she too is going strong. That is inspiration!!!!!! Good for him on having such a great attitude about life. It sounds like he is good health. Glad he got off some meds - that says a lot. No more than one goes to the doctor, I think I would stay with the same one too.
      79 blankets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOWZA you have been busy!!! That is wonderful. Good for you for wanting to sew for yourslef.
      Sounds like you did a great de-clutter on the shed. I so need to do that.
      Soup sounds like it will hit the spot especially with the cool weather.
      Be blessed.

  3. You and Glenn had a good marriage, which is more than some folks can say. I can't imagine losing a spouse but the odds are one of us will go before the other.

    I was up at 5:20 a.m. to let the dogs out and the birds were just singing their little hearts out.

    Your devotional is wonderful! We watched Jonathan Cahn on Glenn Beck's YouTube yesterday and it was a good show. They were discussing the return of pagan gods and boy, you can see it in today's world.

    Headed out to clean out a bed to plant a fig tree. May wait a few days to plant but it needs to be weeded and the soul amended anyway. Always something! What else would we do with a time?

    1. Yes, we had a very good marriage - for that I am thankful. I pray that for all.
      Those birds do start singing early. The other morning, I had the window open all night, and I woke about 4AM and looked at the clock - and you better believe them little buggers were singing! Such a lovely awakening.
      I think when we go out and they are singing - that is "good morning" from God.
      You have a chilly one today to work out there. I have more to do - not sure if I will brave the chilliness this morning. Have fun!
      Have a blessed week.

  4. Hugs to you. I'm so glad for you, that you talk about Glen and have the memories and joy "out front" in your world. To celebrate your lives together as you move forward is the BEST!

    Cheers to spring :-)

    1. I want everyone to know him - even if they didn't. He was a pretty cool dude, and he was fun. If you met him - you liked him.
      Thanks. Have a great week!

  5. Sending you huge hugs on this special day. Talking about our loved ones does help ease the burden and it keeps their memory alive. I'll be celebrating JP's angel wings next month and will be honoring his memory in the homeland of his ancestors -- a bucket list trip we'd been talking about. Weather here has been similar to yours and, as much as I wanted to get some planting in, the Michigan girl in me heard my grandma's voice saying "not until after Mother's Day." Glad i listened. We had snowflakes falling yesterday. Nothing much else here, other than the usual household chores!

    1. It sure does help and I just letting people know about him. Wow, how neat of you to get to make the trip. That is wonderful. Maybe you can take a little something that was his and leave it in his ancestorial homeland! Hugs.
      I know - people are putting things out and I am saying 'not yet'. I will wait.
      Have a great week.

  6. Much love sent your way today, Cheryl. Glen sounds like a very special man. What a blessing to have had so many years with him. And you're so right... our memories keep our loved ones alive in our minds and hearts.

    We've had beautiful weather this week. Nights still get quite low temps, but the days have been at our near 70 degrees (f) and sunny. Hubs has been working hard on the 80+ ft. French drain and it should be done soon. 15 tons of rock were delivered; another 2 loads will be needed, it looks like, to do what he wants to do.

    No grocery shopping beyond milk, bread and eggs. Our meals included (not in order) grilled burgers, penne with meatballs in sauce, salads, BBQ chicken thighs with rice and veggies (2 days), sausage, broccoli and penne skillet dinner, and I'll roast a large, whole chicken today that should provide enough leftover for several creative meals.

    My biggest blessing this week was advice I received here. It helped Hubs and me prepare for--and have--a difficult discussion with our house guest, who is now actively looking for a home of his own. I so appreciate the wisdom I find here. Wishing all a GOOD week ahead. --Elise

    1. He was a great guy - you would have liked him, had you met him!
      We are back to below seasonal weather this coming week. Drats! You have done so much at the house. That has to be hard and back breaking work for you hubs. I will be happy to hear that you about done with all that big stuff!

      YAY - good for you! Glad to hear that some tough conversation and tough love was given, received and used! Hoping he finds something quickly. I am proud of you!!!!!
      Have a beautiful week.

    2. I'm so glad things are working out Elise. That is tough.

    3. Thank you, Cheryl and Amelia. BIL is out with a realtor this afternoon. Fingers crossed. Saying prayers! --Elise

  7. You are an inspiration with your attitude to the loss of your husband. You live your life to the fullest and keep him as a central part of it, it’s just so lovely to see.
    Have a great industrious week. Louise

    1. Thanks. He was my rock - and that is what still keeps me going. I want to live in a way he would be proud of.
      Have a blessed week!

  8. You were blessed with a good man for many years, Cheryl. I know you rejoice that he is in his heavenly home safe and sound with our Lord. Sounds like a nice week there with the birds singing their songs. Your dinners sound delicious and include many things we make here too. I hope you have a terrific week.

    1. This is Belinda btw, I need t fix this. Lol

    2. I was more than blessed - indeed.
      I just love the music the birds give me. It is so lovely. I can be sad, and they just make me smile!!
      I eat simple and basic - but sure does taste yummy!
      Thank you. You have a great week.

  9. That's true and I agree. When someone goes, they stay in my heart. Stayed outta Adli this weekend as well, using what we have. Though I'll need a run there soon for a few goodies.

    Yes, I did get great deals last week on jogging clothes. Love that.

    Lefovers all day today. Love that too!

    1. Good for you for staying out of the stores. I do need to go get a few fresh items soon - but that is it.
      Love using leftovers. Sounds like you are working it!
      Have a good week.

    2. I love leftovers! Thankfully Hubby does too, which helps. Made it to Aldi today and before the weekend hits I'll have to go a few other places and then we're all set. Got meal prep and cleaning in today, too!

      Hope you're having a fun week!

  10. I had just discovered your blog a few days before Glen died. You kept going and I knew then that although devastating, that you are incredibly strong and would be alright. I think our lives adapt and we grow around our grief, always remembering our beloved. He was so very special.

    1. It was devastating - but he sure wouldn't want me to quit! So I keep going on. Yes, we adapt and mold into new people, some old parts and some new.
      Thanks for your words.
      Have a great week.

  11. Hugs to you today. I am torn about what to do about planting anything since we are now back to 60's for high for more than a week going forward. The soil is too cold for anything to thrive or germinate.

    Our big buy of the week was boxes of Bubba Burgers for 4.99 each so we stocked up for the summer. Then we also bought ground round for 2.99 a pound and I put five meatloaves in the freezer ready to thaw and bake.

    1. Yes, the soil is still too cold. My daddy always said the soil was truly not warm enough until closer to the end of May. I plant before that - but that is when things take off.
      Good for you on the deals! Sounds like you are set for summer grilling. I need to make a small meatloaf - it has been ages. That sounds good.
      Have a lovely week.

  12. Lovely post today, thank you! Hilogene in Az

    1. You are welcome dear. You hang in there, it does get a little easier as time goes by. HUGS

  13. Your marriage to Glen was a great blessing. It is such a comfort to know where he is and that he is healthy and joyful.

    1. Yes mam. Those things keep me going. Him being heathy is just wonderful and being with the Lord, is the best.
      Thank you. Have a good week.

  14. Thinking of you today Cheryl xx Time goes past. Joe will be 3 yrs gone home on Friday. Still a quiet house comes evening.

    1. Oh hugs to you. Yes, the house is very quiet - sure do miss the conversation and the laughs.
      We make do - huh? Take care of yourself and know you are in my prayers.
      Have blessed week.

  15. When those we love have gone on ahead, it is important to remember them and what they mean to us. When my dad died my mom confessed she sometimes talked to him, and was curious if I thought her crazy.

    To me it seemed normal and right, they'd been together more than 50 years. She was planning to go into deep mourning, but we reminded her that he'd not be happy to see her all alone and not *living* so she pulled herself together and went back to life. Cheryl, you seem to have done the same. Can we say "you are an inspiration"? :)


    1. I don't know about inspiration - but I do hope my journey helps someone. Oh goodness, I still talk to Glen! Yes I do. Out loud and often. The house is quiet and it is lonely - so I talked to him. Hurts nothing!!!!!!
      I have family and friends that have helped all along the way. Now dating - I can't even imagine. That is just me. Too set in my ways and I had the best! LOL
      Thank you.
      Have a wonderful week.

  16. I just love having so many here that have been around for a long time. That makes my heart warm. He
    always brings a smile on my face (and maybe a tear in my eye).
    I think we may get that nasty cold freeze tonight. I sure hope the perennials will do well.
    Glad you are ready to go. It won't be long!
    Have a wonderful week.

  17. Debby in Kansas USAApril 23, 2023 at 7:49 PM

    Long day and non time to read. However, I had to share how I saved over $20 this month. Checking my receipts. For the third time in four weeks, more errors. My refund today was $6.89. Do not leave the store until you do. I'll be back tomorrow. I need rest!!!

  18. Sending love and prayers on this special day. Cindy/WV

  19. Aw Cheryl, I will pray for you this week, you get prayed for anyhow when you come to mind but this is a very emotional thing for you, it can be painful I am sure. I remember too when your husband died, I can't believe it's been four years.

    Glen sounds like a wonderful person, and I agree, it's soooo good to talk about Glen and think of him often. I will pray God will send you special encouragements in His own special way that will be Gifts to your heart and memory.

    Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life...from Psalms 23. That one brings me such comfort.

    It sounds like God has already sent you some very special Gifts that may even represent Glen.

    " They are singing some very new songs! And as they sing, they appear to be 'dancing' to the beat of the song. It is so cool to watch. They sing and bounce - all behavior I have not noticed before"

    A hug and a gentle smile, ~Amelia

    1. Thank you so much for your kinds words! Much appreciated and I can always use prayers! Can't we all?
      Hmm - hadn't thought about that - with the birds. Very good point. Maybe that was a special song just for me!!!!!! I like that thought. (smiling)
      Have a wonderful week.

  20. I used coins collected for three years to buy plants from a plant sale and a nursery.

    1. Good for you - nice not having to dig into budget funds. That change does add up.
      Have a good week.

  21. Cheryl, my prayers for you join with all who have commented. Glen was a wonderful person in all areas from all I have read that you have written about him. What a gift to have had him in your life.
    The geese are back and we've been waking up every morning to their honking as they fly overhead and hearing them at sunset as they fly back from wherever they've gone. We live adjacent to a lake and have many water fowl. The ducks and their mates are roaming around looking for nesting spots. We have a pair that comes back every year to next close to our property.
    It was a busy week this week. Firstly, the stove repairman was able to be here a week early. I was so happy until his news. It seems that the company who made our stove, which is 20 years old, no longer makes the part we needed. We had to order a new stove. The one we ordered was the last one in stock so we don't have to wait six months for a new stove, which was good news. Some of my seedlings are up in the window and seeds for zucchinii and butternut squash got started indoors. I'm hoping that getting a head start will produce earlier fruit and less squash bugs. I was able to get 4 broccoli starts from a friend. We had a beautiful week with temps in the 80s this week and woke up to frost this morning and will have frost warnings for the next week. I made 4 meat loaves, one for dinner and three for the freeze, roasted a turkey breast in the airfryer and added 6 servings to the freezer. Made a huge amount of stir fry with noodles, some for dinner, some for the freezer, and some made into egg rolls to go with dinner one night.
    Meals this week were meatloaf, baked potato and salad, stirfry with noodles; clean out the fridge omelet with hash browns, turkey,homemade cranberry sauce and salad, honey garlic chicken, rice and homemade eggrolls, soup and sandwiches, steak, caulimash and collard greens. That's it for me. Wishing all a blessed day. Cookie

    1. Thank you. Yes, I received quite a gift, when Glen came into my life. I have been blessed/
      Do you only see geese fly over certain times of the year? I have them fly over twice a day (different directions) every day of the year. I just love their honking. Hope they find a safe nesting spot.
      Sorry you had to replace the stove, but glad you have one now! It should last you many years!!!!
      Sounds like you have a good start on the garden plants. It frosted here this morning and we got to 28 last night - yuck! Last we was gorgeous. Sure has been up and down.
      Your meals all sound yummy. How wonderful that you could put so many meals away in the freezer for a day when you don't feel like cooking!!! Smart.
      Have a wonderful week.

  22. Dear Cheryl, It's hard to believe that it's been 4 years. Butch and I were so looking forward to meeting Glen and having some wonderful discussions! You definitely were blessed with Glen in your life.
    We have been under the weather here again, that dang flu/cold thing. So many people we know have had this crud. Time for it to go away.
    My peonies are about 10 inches high and have lots of green leaves. There is a lot of greening going on in the yard. I want to get to the local hardware store to get some plants. I need to replenish some that had died or that got pulled by accident.
    I made a big pot of chicken and noodle soup the other day to help with the healing process. Mostly soup and sandwiches abound here right now.
    Many hugs from our house to yours.

    1. I know. He and Butch would have had a great time discussing 'the world'!!!! LOL
      I so wish you could have both met him!
      So sorry to hear you have been ill. I figured you would be over it by now. Dang, there has been a lot going around.
      All that greening is sure promising. Someday!!!!!!!will be spring!!!!!
      Mmmmm chicken noodle soup sounds good.
      Feel better soon!!!!!!!! Have a great week!

    2. I think we turned the corner last night, we both feel so much better today. I'm so much better I want to mow the lawn!!!
