Sunday, April 9, 2023

Weekly Wrap-Up 4/9

 HAPPY EASTER to all!  Happy Sunday!
I hope this finds you all well, safe and healthy!!!

A beautiful day has opened on this holy day in my neighborhood.  It is sunny, chilly - but will be getting warmer, and all of nature is beautiful.

Well, the dandelions have started popping up!  My peony shoots are about 6" tall, the clematis is getting leaves, the tulips are blooming, flowering trees are beautiful, and trees are getting buds and baby leaves.
My forsythia forsaked blooming this year (probably froze), but they are full of green leaves.
We had our first Friday in over 2 months that did not have a major weather event!!!!!!
The birds are chirping and mating, and the squirrels are running and playing.  The kitty is enjoying sunning!
This coming week is supposed to be in the 70's all week and no rain predicted until the end of the week!!!!!!!  WOOHOO
All is good!

This past week:
  • Mowed the entire yard and trimmed
  • Aired the house a lot - and got to turn off heat completely a few days
  • I got all my cards together for April and May - big family birthday months
  • Washed windows inside and cleaned all the mirrors
  • Thawed a ham I bought in Jan. 2022, for baking today
  • Cut chives
  • Cut back all 3 bunches of ornamental grasses - whew what a job!
  • Cleaned between the drive and fence row - lots of weeds were growing already
  • I did pick a small bouquet of tulips and hyacinths
  • Ran to grocery for fresh veggies and fruit - got fresh asparagus for .88/lb.  Bananas - .49/lb.  And pears in the .99/bags (6 in ea. - got 2).
  • Got my Kroger coupons for April in the mail
                                                                 Best tasting pears!!!!
  • Just doing all the normal stuff we all do
Meals this week:
Leftover cream of potato/asparagus soup
Pigs in a blanket (smoked sausage) and salad
Red beans/rice, slaw and homemade biscuits
Beans/rice with sauteed mushrooms and biscuit
Big cheeseburger (on toast) and fruit
Veggie/chicken/ pasta stir fry
Pepperoni pizza bread bites
Snacks - lots of fruit and cheese/Triscuts

How is your weather?  I surely hope that those that have been in the icebox are warming up!!!!!
Did you get any deals this week?  What has been on your agenda as of late?

I pray that each and every one of you has a wonderful week ahead and that you all stay safe and healthy.  Prayers that your weather is getting warmer, and you can get out and about a bit!  It sure can lift a mood.
Blessings from my humble little home to you and yours.

Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life; he who comes to me shall not hunger, and he who believes in me shall never thirst.
John 6:35

For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.   For God sent the Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him.
John 3:16-17

Dear Lord, we come to you with great thanks and gratitude for the greatest gift we have ever been blessed to receive - your Son.  The best of who we are is possible by the gift you have given, as is our eternal life.
May we each continue to strive to live in a way that is worthy of this great love and sacrifice.  
Prayers for the people of this world that all will come together in peace and love and comfort. 


  1. Happy Easter!
    We are still having rain and some snow days. Today it will be warm maybe I can get out to do some yard work.
    I bought a ham this past week, .77 lb, asparagus .97 lb so that's what is dinner today. I have a sweet potato to bake and I need to figure out another kind of potato for Hubby.
    Everyone have a blessed day!

    1. Howdy my friend. Happy Easter to you and hubs as well.
      I am so ready for spring and the weather that should with!!!!! I am loving the sunshine.
      Sounds like a yummy dinner - enjoy.
      Have a fantastic week!!!!!!

  2. Happy Easter Cheryl!! It is gorgeous here today and the birds are all singing away. We have the same weather predicted for the week and I am so glad. We've had enough rain for a while. Enjoy your Sunday!

    1. Happy Easter to you as well.
      Isn't it glorious? I just love the sun. It makes all seem right in the world!!!
      Have a great week!

  3. Beautiful Scriptures and prayer! I have been reading through the Old Testament about the sacrifices that people were to offer for their sins. Yeshua made the ultimate sacrifice for us, for which I am very grateful.

    Yay on better weather! The rain barrel arrived yesterday and of course no rain until later in the week, if then. It will be nice to have it set up. The Farmer will put it in a better location, closer to some raised beds and pots. We went back to Cox's and I got some chives and thyme, as the thyme had died back. The Farmer wanted some savory, which I have never used. Anyone have any good ideas for this herb? Things are really starting to pop up and grow. I noticed the climbing rose outside the window by my desk needs some attention. Has anyone started a new rose by taking a cutting? Even at my advanced age there are so many things I don't know!

    Enjoy your week. It looks to be a good one.

    1. Thank you. The ultimate sacrifice.
      Glad you got the barrel. My thyme always looks dead come spring - yet each year it finally comes back! I love savory - I use it a lot in soup beans and well, any beans.
      My roses are starting to get a few leaves. I haven't tried starting new roses. Hopefully someone can answer your questions.
      Have a beautiful week!

    2. Donna, Summer Savory has a milder, smokier flavor than thyme. It's great to use with baked beans, pork, chicken and in soups or dressings (yummy in a creamy salad dressing). You can add it to potato or macaroni salads, too. --Elise

    3. Oops, I almost forgot! Yes, I've started new rose bushes from cuttings. What I found works best is to spin a branch at a joint and put it in a bud vase with water in a sunny window (indoors) until roots start. I let the roots get about 2-3 inches long before potting in sterile soil. Let it grow in a pot for a season before planting out in the garden soil in fall. --Elise

    4. Elise, thank you for your advice!

    5. Thank you Elise, I must try that. : )

  4. Happy Easter!

    I have had company for the last three weeks and am now ready to relax. Sunny days for all the visitors and lots of beach time. (SW Florida).

    It is raining at the moment and I am so thankful---we need it so badly. I am just glad it held off while the kids were here. Supposed to rain
    off and on all week.

    I don't see the prices you gals have...1.49 for ham and .79 for bananas. We adjust...

    Beautiful message this week, Cheryl. I love all your postings.

    1. Glad you get some rest! I bet the company and family time was wonderful. Glad you got to visit with your kids.
      Happy you are getting needed rain.
      I wish I could send you our prices. Heck there was even hams on sale for .89/lb. this week. I didn't need to purchase one.
      Thank you. Have a lovely week.

  5. We had a big event yesterday... We adopted a fearful, instead of getting ready for church right now, I'm sitting outside trying to get the little creature to relax. If necessary, we can watch church on streaming.

    1. Congratulations on your new fur baby! We'll watch church via streaming today, too, as we often do. --Elise

    2. Bless your heart. How wonderful the poor baby got a good family to love it. It will soon know it is safe and loved. God tells us to love all creatures, great and small - thank you!
      Have a great week.

    3. I've been texting his foster family...he was extremely nervous with them at first too. That eases my mind

    4. Wishing you luck with your new dog. We adopted a very nervous dog, Freddie 13 weeks ago today. The first day he howled for his foster mum and her two dogs. He spend most of the first two days under the dining room table apart from toilet breaks and food. He is still a bit nervous but a completely different dog than he was. Time and patience and hopefully he will feel at home. Good job in adopting, blessings :)

    5. Thank you as well Heather for adopting. I just love these stories.

    6. Congratulations on the new fur angel! We have a new one too from December, she was dumped here, just so sad. We had one little adopted dog, Charlie. For a long time when I reached my hand out to pet his head he would wince his eyes and duck as if someone was going to hit him it broke my heart. These pets are so feeling, truly sentient beings. God bless you for adopting! I have our newest adoptee on my blog, My Forest Cathedral. I look forward to updates on your new one! That just made my heart heart how yours cried for his foster home, I'm glad he's adjusting now! God bless.

  6. Happy and Blessed Easter! He is risen. ..He is risen indeed!

    1. Thank you and to you as well. INDEED He is risen. How glorious.
      Have a wonderful week.

  7. Happy Easter. I am hoping this comment works as I am not that savvy with blogs and google! I used to be butterfly on Family Corner, from England.

    1. Hi there. Wow that goes back a few years!!! I used to love that place - still keep in touch with many of the gals. Glad to see you here!!!!
      Happy Easter to you and yours as well. I hope you will comment whenever you feel the urge. Love seeing someone from days gone by show up and visit!!!!
      Have a blessed week!

  8. Happy Easter, Cheryl! It really is the BEST reason to be happy. Thank you for the verses and prayer.

    It was a busy-ish week. We had a guy come out from the home warranty company to fix our doors. Now the front and side doors (as well as the laundry room door) shut and latch without a fight... and there are no gaps in the door jams. Woo-hoo! The solar company also sent a guy out to take measurements to add what was supposed to be part of our contract: wiring to the house itself (rather than the electric pole), so if the power goes out, we have back up from the (very expensive) Tesla battery. Hubs also worked in the yard digging an 80 ft. French drain. I rotated fall/winter and spring/summer clothes, getting 2 bags and a box for donations. Remember my motto, when something comes in, something else goes out? ...

    The free polo shirts and Bermuda shorts arrived yesterday. All fits great. Hubs liked the shorts so much (and so did I) that I used an additional 40% off sale price coupon to order 3 more pairs. Our youngest can't remember me ever wearing shorts. I was too self conscious after babies. Cellulite. Stretch marks. Varicose veins. Not sure I'd wear them into town, but for around the house and property, who cares? Not me. :-)

    You know most of the deals I got this week grocery-wise. We did see 30% off pkgs. of extra lean ground beef yesterday, and I bought one, because hubs picked up a discounted floor model gas BBQ grill at Home Depot. We haven't had a grill in 6 years. $99. Burger patties are already in the freezer. I baked a cherry-berry pie yesterday. We'll have a boneless (small) spiral ham today with sweet potato tots and salad. Youngest son will join us.

    May God bless you and everyone today and always! --Elise

    1. Yes it is the best reason for happy!
      You have had a busy week - sounds like a great deal accomplised. It will sure be nice to have all the house stuff done and locked up tight before this next winter.
      I haven't worn shorts in years either. Not even at home - they would be cooler. Glad you both liked your finds and got more. That is a great deal on a grill. I got rid of mine a couple years back. I figured if I want something kind of grilled, I will use the G. Foreman!!!!! Just me - so no big deal.
      My ham turned out tasty - shared a few slices with the neighbor.
      Bless you and have a great week!

  9. Happy Easter Cheryl,
    Wow, you were a busy bee last week ;). It is starting to heat up here in Phoenix so I am doing garage clean out work in the mornings! Had the new home inspection last week, only a few minor items to fix. Had another round of showings of my current house, no offers but I am happy to see the traffic and the interest. My current house is only a two bedroom so that limits interest. Anyway, glad Spring has arrived! Hilogene in Az

    1. You have the same size house as me. 2 beds and 1 bath - I do have a basement. I wouldn't want to give it up.
      Sounds like you are very busy with your cleaning.
      Yes, I too am glad that spring has finally made an appearance!
      Have a great week!

  10. Happy Spring. The temps have been ~10C & the melt is underway. We were at my son's last w/e (3-4 hrs S) & we spotted a robin. People have seen gophers. Both signs of spring. I spotted a bald eagle last night. It was a busy w/e with my son's family, quite the contrast to my retirement schedule. The grandkids are in their teens now & it's a different energy. It was a quiet, restorative week with 6 mi walked, reconnecting with friends, baking, cooking. Your grocery prices leave me envious. The best deals last week were on ham @ $2.49CAD/lb & asparagus @ $2.97CAD/lb. From the kitchen: lemon poppy seed loaf, monster cookies, saurkraut chutney, sorbet creme dessert, apple crisp. Meals: ham & scalloped potatoes, hashbrown casserole & stuffed meatloaf w/ asparagus, leftover fish chowder. I took baking & the ham dinner to neighbors who are dealing with health issues. My cousin's car is at the garage so she needed a ride to town then she joined me for supper & cards yesterday. And yesterday I opened windows and aired the house for the first time in 5 mos. Yeah!

    1. YAY the meltdown!!!!!!! So happy you are seeing signs of spring - that is so encouraging. I would love to see an eagle.
      I bet you had a lovely time with the family - teens do give a lot of energy off - it can be surprisingly uplifting.
      We really do get good deals here in the states. I know we all complain about prices going up - but really good deals can still be found. Wish we could share with you!!!!!
      You have been very busy in the kitchen!!!! YUM
      So nice for you to help others out. YAY on the fresh air!!!!!!! It is wonderful.
      Have a great week.

  11. Happy Easter Cheryl and your readers. It's just gone five in the afternoon here in the UK. Soon we are off to our daughter's house for pulled beef and or chicken skewers, to please eldest grandson and his girlfriend. Will be good to see them as we have not seen them for a few weeks.
    We have had a couple of warm days, our forsythia is a beautiful yellow, but we don't get extremes of weather. My chest freezer has been defrosted and switched back on. I MUST label things, so we don't have an unexpected surprise. Maybe I can find a few bargains in the coming weeks or come batch cooking. I did defrost a turkey crown and slice and bag of up, so that will be a few meals.
    Beautiful messages at the end of your post today.

    1. Happy Easter to you as well. Sounds like a lovely dinner will be had at your daughter's! Enjoy.
      This is the first time my forsythia hasn't bloomed in all the years I have been here. I always look forward to that blast of yellow.
      Nice to have the freezer all clean and defrosted.
      Thank you. Have a wonderful week.

  12. Happy Easter! It rained a lot here Friday night but clear today and almost 70ish. Should be upper 70’s most If week in central part of state and hitting 80 in southern part of state. Cindy in the South

    1. Happy Easter. 70's and low 80's is my kind of weather. I just love it. Windows open, fresh air and warm days.
      Have a fantastic week and enjoy the weather.

  13. Happy Easter Cheryl.
    What a productive week you have had, you are a dynamo. Enjoy you sunny weather this coming week. Louise

    1. Howdy - happy Easter to you. I could have done more - working back into it slowly - I ached enough the way it was!
      Looking forward to this coming week.
      Have a great week!

  14. Happy Easter, Cheryl and All! The Lord is Risen! :)

    Finally we see some sun - the last few days have been very chill and wet. It's still chill, but oh, the sunshine is lovely.

    Our asparagus did not go on sale this year - it was $3.98 a pound, so I didn't get any. Sad. That's ok, I got 2 Avocados and some grapes.

    I hope this afternoon to dig another clump or two of narcissus - they really need to be separated and now the ground is wet a long way down. :) Will separate big and little bulbs, but what to do with the little ones? Each clump is about the size of a dinner plate, jampacked with bulbs. Maybe they'll grow in the compost heap? Where can I plant so many bulbs?

    Be well!

    1. Amen - He is risen! That sunshine is glorious.
      That is crazy expensive for asparagus - I wouldn't buy either.
      Maybe just clump those smaller bulbs together for a couple years - then separate again. I'd plant them everywhere - they are so pretty. Or share with neighbors!
      Have a great week.

    2. Happy Easter, Cheryl. Thank you for the scriptures and prayer. Although we had frost last night and will again tonight, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, the Bradford pears and cherry blossoms are in bloom and my rose bushes have started to leaf. The weather will turn into summer temps by Wednesday, upper 80s and no rain in sight yet. I got all the container garden soil amended and mid week hubs will till up the raised bed and we'll add amendments to that. Still too early to plant outdoors but this week I will make seed tape and start some seeds indoors.
      Instead of a big dinner this evening we opted for a homemade brunch of bacon, omelets with left over steak, onions, peppers, and cheese. I made a individual mug coffee cakes with almond flour since our oven is out of commission, blueberries from the freezer stash of last year and coffee. Prior to brunch we streamed church.
      Meals this week were:
      Turkey wraps on homemade tortillas, coleslaw and homemade chips
      Buffalo chicken legs in the air fryer, baked potatoes also in the air fryer and Swiss chard.
      Pasta salad with leftover buffalo chicken and bacon added to it.
      Tamale pie (added veggies and spices to left over meat sauce) and topped it with an almond flour topping that tastes like sweet cornbread. Left over cole slaw
      Steak, salad, baked potato and asparagus.
      Pork chops, mashed cauliflower, green beans, and apple pecan pie from the freezer.
      Homemade Chinese chicken and broccoli, fried rice using left over rice and bits and bobs of veggies that got frozen last week. Cookie

      Pork chops, caulima

    3. Hi Cookie. Happy Easter to you. You are welcome.
      We awoke to light frost this AM - hopefully the last for quite a time!!!!
      Sounds like you have a busy week planned out. Goodness, it all sounds wonderful and it sure will help with the food budget this summer.
      Your meals sound perfect. They all sound divine.
      Have a great and industrious week!

  15. Yum, I love red pears, lucky you! Happy Easter to you, Your weather sounds beautiful on this the Lord’s day. The sun is shining here today, but it is a little bit chilly. I hope you have a terrific week.

    1. They are the juiciest pears ever. Thank you and happy Easter you and your daughter. It is just gorgeous here today.
      Have a great week.

  16. Happy Easter Cheryl, a nice quiet day here. You are going to laugh...We ate Chinese food today! We're worn out...Yesterday the precious Littles were here with our adult kids.

    Beautiful prayer and scriptures. I tried hard this past week to just look out the window and think upon Good Friday and Easter. Have you ever seen Ernest Borgnine's testimony of his part as a Roman soldier in 'Jesus of Nazareth'? It's very touching and powerful. I remember crying during that part as a teenager.

    My goodness gracious! You have done a lot this week! Whew! And had some nice homemade meals too!

    You have a great attitude. I'll have to come back later and look over others' comments too. : ) God bless everyone!

    I'm sure your neighbors appreciate you so much!

    1. Heck fire - Chinese is just fine. I bet it was great having the kids and the littles there.
      Today I cook, talked with the neighbor a little, and have just enjoyed the beauty. Trying to reflect on the true meaning. It is just amazing - the love.
      I don't think I did that much, working in to it slowly. Building my stamina up.
      Have a wonderful week.

  17. He is risen indeed! I love your prayer at the end of your post, Cheryl.
    Glad you are well and it sounds like you’re feeling up again. Back to your cheerful, positive self. We all get down sometimes. How can we not when we see suffering around us?
    Our peonies are about where yours are. Our iris are beautiful green blades. We picked and planted some wild onions in a pot. Hope it’s not illegal to pick wild onions?
    We did get to see some gorgeous forsythia in bloom in another’s yard…drove that way a lot, just to enjoy looking at it ;-)
    You are finally in for some beautiful weather! Been watching the weather channel and yours has been pretty wild. We’ve avoided all the bad stuff here in our portion of NE Oklahoma.
    Well, I bet you’ll be busy in the garden this-coming week. Pls say “hello” to kitty for me.

    1. Thank you.
      I am feeling more upbeat. The weather always helps. It is wonderful to see the world of nature waking up!
      LOL - so what - pick them onions!!!!
      The weather has been crazy here for a while - but we get a reprieve for a bit. Glad you avoided it.
      I will tell kitty hello- he is out sunning right now. Supper for him will be soon!!!
      Have a great week.

  18. Debby in Kansas USAApril 9, 2023 at 5:18 PM

    Happy Resurrection Day to all! Church was packed today. Our choir was beyond great. One song they did left everyone in my little corner dabbing at their eyes with tissues. It's a popular tune on Christian radio and they owned it!!

    I sent a gift to a friend yesterday. She's having a rough time with her son. He's autistic and not very verbal. He got pneumonia and she's been crazy with worry. I sent her a *box of sunshine*. That means everything is yellow and wrapped in yellow tissue. It's really fun to put together. Hubs helped me. You'd be amazed at how many good yellow gifts you can find. Among them wer spring dish towels, fuzzy socks, Peeps, a variety of food items, an adorable little duck, and a few things I forgot. I hope it helps to cheer her up.

    Dillons had some good deals so we took advantage of those sales. Limits of 5, but it's better than nothing. I got diced tomatoes, Crest, fresh pineapple, sliced cheese.

    Meals last week were french bread pizza, sloppy joes, BBQ ranch chicken quarters, fish sticks, Popcorn!!!, and the rest is a complete blank!!

    On my nightstand - Six Years by Harlan Coban
    In my craft room CD player - Kill Shot ny Vince Flynn
    With my Bible study - My Lenten study
    By my reading chair - The Alibi Man by Tami Hoag

    1. I bet your service was lovely. Glad it got people moved.
      What a sweet idea to send to your friend. She will surely enjoy that.
      I think since stores have the limit 5 deals with shopper cards - if hubs were still here, we would have TWO cards - one under each name - to take advantage of the great deals. Some may think that isn't fair - but someone is going to buy the stuff. If you don't have a card - you have to pay full price - which drives me crazy. We can play the game too!
      Meals sound tasty to me.
      Have a lovely week.

  19. Debby in Kansas USAApril 9, 2023 at 9:01 PM

    Cheryl, the song our choir sang was by Matt Maher. Because He Lives (Amen). I just found it on YouTube. Beautiful!

  20. Today we had the family over for dinner after church. My number 2 grandson (who is 17) had asked if he could bring over a brisket and learn how to smoke it and we could have it for dinner. So he spent the night Saturday night while we prepared the meat and put it onto smoke last night to more for at least 10 hours. This morning before church he transferred it to a pan and we added liquid, wrapped in foil turned up the heat and went to church. I was nervous that it would be over done but no we did a great job timing it and it got done resting by the time the last family arrived. My grandson just got back from Kenya where he was on a mission trip with his high school he was thrilled that he got to cook on an open pit charcoal fire. He actually volunteered for kitchen duty. I have given him an open invitation to bring meat and come grill anytime he wants.
    Weather wise it has rained all day long. We may get sun breaks by Wednesday and hopefully by Thursday or Friday we get above 55 degrees. Fruit trees are beginning to blossom but bees will not leave the hive at a temp below 54 degrees. Last year we got lots of snow on April 11th which nearly wiped out the entire harvest of apples, pears and cherries. We had no plums either. We really don’t want a repeat of that.
    My granddaughter had a rough week this week when her cat, Shadow, disappeared on Tuesday. She and her family have done a lot of searching and we fear that he has become coyote dinner. We are not sure if it is better to know his fate or hope he got lost and adopted by some other family. They have posted on the next door app. Called the humane society. Posted on Facebook and placed fliers on doors in their neighborhood. And of coursed prayed a lot. This sister, Sunshine, is missing him.

    1. By the way this is Nancy in Vancouver WA

    2. How cool that your grandson did the smoking of the brisket. That is so neat to hear. I love when youngsters get interested in cooking. Sounds like he had a great trip and enjoyed himself.
      I bet the dinner was wonderful.
      I sure hope you don't get a freeze to mess with the trees. It seems the past couple of years did a number on fruit trees in a lot of places. Here's hoping this will be a good year.
      Oh no - poor kitty. I sure hope it shows back up. Sometimes they just need to wonder a bit and then come back. Prayers her baby comes home!
      Have a good week.

  21. We had a great but uneventful Easter. First off, we had a Lindt bunny. Dinner was a ham slice, potato salad, cole slaw, and sliced tomatoes. I sliced a quart of strawberries and put a tsp of sugar over it and ate it today. Tommy just ate his while I put milk over mine. The weather was beautiful. We did nothing but listen to birds outdoors.

    1. Sounds like a very lovely day - those are the best kind.
      Have a good week.

  22. Happy Easter a bit late Cheryl. Feeling pretty blah still, but what can one expect when they get Covid. Very quiet Easter here, and I am pretty sure Kris did much more than he ever expected. It was his first ever carving of the turkey. Did a not bad job either.

    God bless.

    1. Oh no - so sorry you have been hit by the bug. Hope you feel better very soon. It is amazing what a guy can do it he wants!!!! Sounds like he did a good job.
      Feel better quickly. Have a nice week.
