Thursday, July 20, 2023

Enough is Enough

 Good day to all.  I know we all get this feeling about a LOT of things and situations.  Oh my!!!!  So many things I can scream at - enough is enough.
Today it is about the PANTRY!
It is going to be a hot, humid and somewhat stormy day - so this gal is going to work on the pantry.  I have my nice big pantry for daily use, and I have a lot of extra - back storage in the second bedroom and even some still in the basement.

I try to keep things organized - but you all know how that goes.  Come home from the store and you are in a hurry - so things go here and there.
I plan on organizing better, and really work on inventory.

I KNOW, I need to stop going to the store for quite a while!!!!!!!!!!  Yes, I need to stay home.  IF I go to the grocery, I buy.  I see clearance and sales and those "oh - looky" items!  Well, enough is enough!
I need to get better organized and use up some of what I have.  
I notoriously buy new things, then use them - forgetting about the older items.  Got to stop that!!!!!
I have more than enough food to take care of me (and others) for a long, long, long time.

Overwhelmed is how I feel some days.  I am so blessed to have what I have - yet I go and buy more.  I truly think it is some sort of addiction!!!!!!  I really do.  That is something I love to do (grocery shop) and it is about the only thing I spend money on.  So - I justify!

The garden is coming on - so fresh will be had.  I have cukes, zucchini and starting to get tiny toms....more to come.  The tomato plants are absolutely loaded with green tomatoes and there are tons of peppers out there.  I have grapes out there, rhubarb - yes, I use all summer.
**By the way - I saw zucchini in the store ads this week - .99/lb.  I am growing money!!!!!!

I have a freezer full of meat and frozen veggies - mainly meat.  It is time to use it!!!!!  Stop buying more Cheryl!!!!!
I hate to miss a deal - but I realize it isn't a deal, if I don't use it.

I will be utilizing the farm market for fresh goods I might need.  There is a 7 day a week market close by, and they sell all sorts of fresh veggies and fruit.  I can get what I need there.  It is family owned; I like that.  Once in a while I will need milk or eggs or cat food.  No problem I will go to the store for that, and just make myself behave.
I have enough milk and eggs now for a good two weeks or more (more on eggs), and I am pretty set on cat food.  I can also order that if I chose from Chewy.  I can make things I may run out of here and there.  I just need to get a grip on this and USE the blessings I have on hand.

Do you ever catch yourself shopping too often?  Plenty in the house, yet you go get more?
Well, I am sure going to try and stop for a while.  I need to get more creative and use it up.  I have fresh coming on and that is wonderful.  
I am at the point that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

So, I am off to organize and clean and re-arrange.  I am anxious and excited about it.  It is a lot of work - but much needed work and it will be money saving work.  I hate waste and this girl needs to use the pantry goods.

Have a good day - stay cool and safe.


  1. What perfect timing!!! Thank you, Cheryl.
    "I hate to miss a deal - but I realize it isn't a deal, if I don't use it."

    That's what I'm working on, too.

    "Do you ever catch yourself shopping too often? Plenty in the house, yet you go get more?"

    Yes and YES. We got to Safeway yesterday evening. They'd sold out of the 18 count eggs for $2.47 ea. and I realized I still have a dozen fresh eggs in the fridge *after* baking up a dozen yesterday morning for the biscuits now in the freezer. Why was I planning to buy 36 more eggs?? The chicken breast was sold out, too, but I have a chest freezer *and* fridge freezer full of meat. In my defense, I regularly supply youngest son and BIL with this and that, but had to ask myself why? They're grown men able to buy what they need.

    Of course, I wasn't able to take a pass on the 50 cents each deals (limit of 20), but those grocery bags are still on the counter, because I'm going to have to rework the pantry today to fit in extra packages of spaghetti, ziti, cans of tuna, pasta sauce and tomatoes. In the store, I actually stressed about what 20 things to get and now have to somehow shoehorn it all in!!!

    Friday is 3/$5 cheese. I don't need any. Bacon and sausage rolls 2/$5. Plenty of that already in the freezer. Cherries are $2.97 lb., but Hubs hasn't finished last week's purchase yet. I have pounds of blueberries in the freezer.

    I wish I could say it's just groceries, Cheryl, but I'm bad about great bargains in general. If it's already 70-80% off and I have an additional % off coupon? Store "cash" to use? Free shipping? And don't get me started on thrift stores. It's why Hubs is ALWAYS with me at those. He talked me out of 5 decorative plates at $1 each last week. And the #1 reason I like to stay home is whenever we go out, money gets spent. Not a lot. But little bits add up fast. So, again, thank you!

    I'll be joining you with pantry organization today. --Elise

    1. Happy to have you join in! I knew there had to be others out there that do this as well. I see those sale prices and think wowza - how can I pass that up? Well, I can - I need to - I am sure going to try to.
      See you are just like me - tons of food and we still hunt for the bargain.
      I guess it is good we look for 'bargains' and don't just shop and buy any old thing - but really. Let us use what we have - replace every so often when we have used some stuff up.

      Happy pantry cleaning girl. You got this!!!!!!!

    2. Thank you, Cheryl. It was a productive afternoon here. Today was just the pantry and fridge. I'll do the freezers when it cools down some. What I discovered is I have lots of pasta (after yesterday), beans, tuna, chili, pasta sauce, Manwich sauce (I use it for other things, too), canned tomatoes, rice, oats and condiments. Enough canned veggies for a few months. In baking supplies, I have enough to last a year, other than the big bags of Splenda Hubs uses; we get those about every other month. I have enough peanut butter, jam and various cheeses to last quite awhile. Plenty of dried herbs/seasonings for cooking. Plenty of cooking oil. Nothing needed to be trashed, which is a relief.

      How did things go at your house? --Elise

  2. Sounds like a good plan for a day inside. I go through my pantry a couple of times a year to stay on top of things. I have enough rice, pasta and beans to get us through a LONG time. I need to start using more up. It is hard to pass up good deals sometimes. I understand.

    1. It is tough to pass a deal - but how much do we need???
      I get into that 'deal' frame of mind - and well, I have more than enough. I need to stop for a while.
      Glad people understand. I don't feel so alone.

  3. You are so right! It is very tempting to take advantage of a great bargain. Recently we saw an item on sale but said there is literally no room in the freezers. Organization is the key to a simple life. It is frustrating to hunt for something when it would have been prudent to put it in the right place.

    Today is gloomy and kind of eerie. More Canadian smoke?

    The Farmer harvested a giant cabbage yesterday and I found a good recipe for a casserole using ground beef, cabbage and some other goodies. Put the rest of the coney sauce on a parchment paper and put it in the freezer. Easy to pop into a bag and take out what is needed for a future meal.

    Enjoy your day! Think I will fold some laundry (which I can do if the Farmer carries the baskets for me).

    1. "Organization is key to a simple life". YES!!!!!!!!
      I love simple - yet I guess it isn't as much as I thought. I need to get better organized AGAIN!!!! I do this from time to time.
      Yep it is weird out this AM. I went out for a few after posting, to pull some weeds and cut some brush - then back in for pantry duty. It is muggy. Next couple days should be wonderful!!!! Then it will be yard work here I come.
      Take care!

  4. Debby in Kansas USAJuly 20, 2023 at 9:58 AM

    Cheryl, I'm not sure if this is the week to go cold turkey lol. I'm seeing some great deals in the ad and Elise mentioned hers. I'm going to make a list today. We tend to scale back on freezer stuff at the end of winter. Its a good time to use down since it'll be tornado season and the power could go out. We don't have a generator. I put frozen water gals. in the extra space to help it stay cooler. If the power goes, it'll add a couple of hours. If not, it'll cool more efficiently.

    I'm very good about going through my pantry regularly. I probably get to it about once a month. I wish you good luck!!

    Went to see my friend at rehab last night. I was happy that I noticed no evidence of her stroke. She was in good spirits and loved her flowers.

    1. Yes, Debby, this might not be the best week to go cold turkey! I'm impressed that you go through your pantry monthly and have to ask if you give lessons? I'd sign up for them!

      Glad you had a nice visit with your friend. I was sure she'd love the flowers.
      :-) Elise

    2. That is impressive that you do this monthly. I have so much here, there, and every where that I don't do that. We have no good deals in our ads this week at all! Nothing.
      So happy your friend is doing good.

  5. Quick question for you, Cheryl, and for everyone. Hoping others weigh in. It just occurred to me that we went from pandemic bare shelves to mind-blowing inflation (that we all know was much higher than reported) in the short span of 3 years. Think about it. Add in anxieties about the future. At least for me, that's at the heart of being loathe to pass up serious sale prices and mark downs, and I don't think I'm alone in that. Take eggs. Last summer they were roughly $6-7 per dozen. Whether I need them or not, $2.47 per 18 count now is awfully tempting. --Elise

    1. Oh things go up, no doubt. Some things have come down drastically (in my area) too. Yep, the shortages - whether legit or created - got everyone in a panic. But here we are - we survived. Nothing that was short - created a life or death situation for us - we had other choices and SOME people learned how to get creative. They seem to have forgotten that already.
      I am not the least bit worried or stressed about the what-ifs. I can survive on very basic food supplies and I can grow and I know how to get creative in about any given situation.
      I have more than enough things to 'worry' about today - don't need to start in on the future. Give your fears to God.

    2. I think that is what is behind it for me at least and perfect way of explaining how I feel. I really need to use my inventory for we are moving out of state and need to use up pantry. But like everyone hate to pass on bargains. Also if we do not use those bargains its wasted money. Joyce B

    3. Oh, Cheryl, I wish, wish, wish I could let go of all worry every day. Many days I do alright. Others? Not so much. It's how I'm wired and have grappled with anxiety for most of my life.

      Joyce, we found ourselves in your same position early last year. In the end we brought a couple of boxes of non-perishables with us (to get started) and gave a bit away just before the move. Then I had to start over again. Now I have enough that (if necessary) we could make it several months, aside from dairy, fresh produce, bread and coffee. Still, I so hate to pass up great deals. Working on it. --Elise

    4. Joyce - moving all the foods costs money as well. So if you calculate the weight, the space in a moving van, etc. to starting a fresh - it is probably smart to use it. Yep, it is a struggle not to buy a bargain, but I figure most of them I won't even see if I stay home!

    5. Cheryl, we packed the two book-sized boxes of non-perishables in the car in our cross-state move last year. Staples only.

      Hubs had to run an errand. Asked if I wanted him to see if the eggs are available. I said no and stayed home. You are so right... don't go and you won't be tempted! I need to make a paper inventory as I reorg. --Elise

    6. P.S. I've never been sorry I brought those few staples with us in the car(s), because it gave me some time when we arrived to scout out pricing at all the various stores w/o having to rely on FF. Boxed cereal only required fresh milk for breakfasts. A jar each of PB and jam required only a loaf of bread for lunches. Etc. Saved us a lot.

    7. Elise, I also seem to be 'hardwired' for anxiety, but I have learned that fear is behind anxiety. So I have systematically addressed my particular anxieties, found the basic fear, and analyzed whether my level of fear and anxiety was appropriate for the actual threat. In every case, especially with my over-the-top anxieties, it was not.
      For example: For a few weeks before Husband's stroke, I was extremely anxious that he would have a major health event that would leave us in dire financial straits, especially as regards to my future after he is gone. I won't get his pension at all, and he doesn't qualify for social security, so I'll be on my own financially. I crunched the numbers and realized that we are in much better shape than I had thought (thank God for no debt!) I won't be able to live extravagantly, but I will be able to live pretty much as we do now. Poof! Fear dismantled and that particular anxiety gone. Even if something terrible happens to the economy, I know that people are not allowed to starve to death in this country. God always provides one way or another.
      --Frances in the Trailer Park

    8. Elise, I fully understand. Some of our personalities are wired more-so for it. I'm also an HSP (highly sensitive person) to boot. I wish I weren't like that but I also know it's a gift, I can usually look around and see people who are feeling left out, or need a little touch, we can have discernment as long as it doesn't go into fear. The last three years has taught us one huge thing and that is *prayer* is powerful! We were in deep poop-de-doop and God got us out. Now, we need to keep praying. And like I wrote on my blog, I take things to the Lord and talk to Him like a child because I am His child. I too have struggled with anxiety since a very small child. Sometimes even things like putting on a sweet cd, like my Nat King Cole, 'Love is the Thing and More' is soooo soothing to my soul and God uses that. Speaking of deals and stockpiles I've felt overwhelmed, looking at it all like deer in the headlights. Now I need lower sodium things, so I'm plodding along trying to very gradually gather just a three week supply of that. I have a lot of regular stuff that I'm sure could be rinsed etc. ...All of that to say...I understand. Let's all pray, keep things peaceful and cheerful and do our homework like Frances said if necessary. I know for me, even yesterday my mom called with issues, I'm trying to calmly tell her what to do etc. and the rest of the day was a bit unnerving but I became better with prayer telling the Lord I needed a praise report. Today I figure no news is good news. Yesterday evening I was able to relax and watch Carol Burnett for a good smile and laugh. This morning as usual I had coffee with Jesus and pray off and on through the day... I try to move slowly as I'm cleaning out my sewing room, and just really relax intentionally in my thoughts, trying very hard to cast my burdens upon the Lord. I hear your heart. Let's rebuke fear too that tries to plant itself in our mind. Let's claim Christ over our minds and souls and not be tormented. My husband is not a worrier, I ask him for prayer many times, trust me.
      Hugs to you Elise, ~Amelia

    9. Yes, indeed, Frances. Fear has been an unwelcome part of my life all of my life. It waxes and wanes. Sometimes it's teeny and quiet, sometimes loud and obnoxious. I totally freaked out in 2020. Not for fear of the virus, but everything else that happened. It was as if the whole world spun out of control. I'm doing better now. Haven't forgotten what it felt like, though, and don't want to be blindsided again, unprepared. If that makes sense? --Elise

  6. My pantry is not that good, big, or full - but still I forget what is there! Need to pay more attention.

    I'm amazed to see your ads for zucchini at 99 cents. I went to the shop today for a few canned things and our local zucchini is advertised special at $1.68 per pound. There are sale stickers all around and the prices are higher than ever. Plus, this shop is no longer carrying many things I want. :(

    Bad news on my "grow"ceries - my tomato plant collapsed with Late Blight. Full of tomatoes, and the whole plant is just wrecked, browned leaves sagging down. Plenty of water, plenty of fertilizer, just Blight. bummer bummer bummer.

    1. Mary, so sorry to hear about your tomato plant, but can absolutely relate. Every tomato plant I've tried to grow has done that. Not sure how to prevent it. My Pop always put a powdered something all over the plants, fungicide I think, but then no one wanted to eat them.

      Our stores, too, have shocking prices on most things, still It's why the bargains stand out like flashing neon lights. At Safeway, "sale" price of peaches is $2.99 lb. this week. "Low price" broccoli is $1.69 lb. Stew meat is a whopping $6.99 lb. and coupon items are $4.99 (bread), $2.99 (10 oz. frozen veggies), $5.49 (orange juice)... you get the idea and I'm sure understand. --Elise

    2. Mary so sorry about your tomato plant. Can you save the green tomatoes? Moisture, heat, humidity can all play a roll. What a bummer. Hopefully you have some farm stands close by.
      Prices here in mid section of country aren't as bad as I see others list. I never pay more than 2.99 for a gallon of OJ or milk. We have great prices on fruit and veggies that are seasonal. I only buy grd. beef on sale and that is less than 2.99 lb. I get bread less than $2 a loaf. It is pretty economical to live in my area. Even housing is much cheaper.

    3. Yes, it varies a LOT from place to place. Walmart and Dollar stores regularly beat sale/coupon items at chain grocery stores. It's good to know what prices are and am sure we all keep an eye on it wherever we live. Please know, Cheryl, I think you're 100% correct. Old habits die hard, but you can teach an old dog (or cat) new tricks. Thank you again. --Elise

  7. I don't get caught up so much in grocery deals as my diet is mostly fresh or frozen I am guilty of keeping my pantry beyond well stocked with alternative flours like tiger nut, cassava, almond, also gluten free oats, rice, gluten free pasta, rice paper for spring rolls, shredded coconut to make coconut milk, also canned coconut cream. Whenever I see a deal on those items, which is mostly on Amazon, they find their way to my pantry storage. The real big issue for me has always bee paper crafting supplies, dies and embossing folders, cardstock. That's the area where enough is enough. I get so tempted when I see beautiful cardstock or unusual dies especially if shipping is free. Shopping online for craft supplies makes it so easy to fall off the wagon. Thankfully, I am getting better at this due to the many sites on Youtube that have great ideas to use up scraps, of which I have beyond many. So far I've made hundreds of embellishments out of my scraps that have saved so much, like card toppers, rosettes, card toppers that look like quilt blocks, note pads, journals and even baskets. I still look at things like Craft Day on HSN, but not buying -- just getting ideas. I am devoted to using what I have. What has helped me is that each time I make something with what I have I make a list of how much was saved
    giving me something tangible to look at. For instance, a journal may cost $10 or more and only use less than 25 cents of materials to be made. Cookie

    1. Cookie, it really can take a lot of supplies to cook with alternatives, I hear ya. Sometimes I wish I was normal. lol

      At least your scrapbooking supplies don't take as much room as my fabric! lol It's wise to keep some of that, makes nice gifts. I have a little gift bin myself, it's so nice to reach in when I need a little something for someone.

    2. .Amelia, I hear that. Sometimes I wish I were normal foodwise too. But in the grand scheme of things I remind myself it could be so much worse and then move on focusing on what I can enjoy and not what could do great harm. I'm just so grateful that I found a doctor who figured out what the problems were. My craft room is overflowing with paper crafting supplies in closets, on shelves, in Rubber Maid tubs. It's amazing what we can accumulate, isn't it? I have a gift bin as well and it is really nice to be able to reach in when I need a little something for someone also. Right now I'm working on Christmas gifts that are folios using some beautiful botanical cardstock I had and embellished with lacy die cuts and ribbons, that will hold note cards and envelopes that will be given in handmade matching boxes. Learned how to do it on Youtube.

    3. Oops it the publish button before signing. It's me, Cookie

  8. Hello Cheryl! I have been a long time reader but an infrequent commenter. I am asking for prayers today (I know you and all the ladies excel at this) for my 26 year-old nephew who was injured at work. He was taken by ambulance to UNM (University of New Mexico, Albuquerque) and is in the trauma unit with severe facial burns and we don’t know what else. Thank you all so much. Blessings, Judy in California

    1. Prayers being said for you nephew and for your entire family.
      --Frances in the Trailer Park

    2. Cookie - we all have our vices!!!!!! Food is mine - crafts are yours! You are wise to use up all the scraps and bits and bobs - to make wonderful items. I bet the cards and journals are the bomb!!!!!

    3. JUDY - you got it. Oh my word that sounds dreadful - facial burns.
      May the Lord lift Judy's nephew up and place His healing hands upon him. Take away the pain, and heal his body as only You can. Amen
      Please keep us informed - HUGS!!!!

    4. Lifting up a prayer right now, Judy. And (((hug))).

    5. Judy, I assure you I will be praying for your nephew. Healing in Jesus' precious name, send only the best to him in that hospital. Amen to Cheryl's prayer above.

      Please keep us posted.

    6. Judy, prayers are being said for your nephew.

  9. You are singing my song! I am the same. Surely this item will NEVER go on sale again!! We are trying to stop buying and just get perishables just like you!

    1. EXACTLY!!!! We all know there are sale cycles - so why must we rush out today and get it? Yep, let's use some first!

  10. We probably buy too much at yard sales but we can always resell it later. It’s an inexpensive way to see if we like something without spending for name brand if that makes any sense. I like to get in on grocery deals too. I’m just like you in that regard. I love to grocery shop, so I can be of no help here. 😂 LOL

    1. Well, you guys have a business of selling - so that is understandable. You can sell the stuff that doesn't make the cut. I get that totally.
      Yeah, grocery shopping is just fun in my book!!!

  11. Forgot to sign this - Wanita

  12. Yes, we over buy at the store. Hubby and i. I just declined going to Sam's because it makes me just want to buy, buy all their good deals. Every time I go grocery store, I want to buy toilet tissue and we have enough to get us through another pandemic. I'm trying to restrain myself.

    1. Glad to hear you have restraint!! I am that way - if I go I buy. Best to stay home.
      I am still using TP I had from BEFORE the fiasco! Getting close to needing to add to that again!! LOL

  13. Love the quote about feeling overwhelmed. I've so been trying to stay in the moment lately and have been making some progress.

    My food pantry is pretty much under control, though I admit to buying a few things lately that I will not finish, as I was trying to tempt my body into eating more, but my body said Nope to these particular foods. I also need to go through my OTC meds and weed out the expired items. I overbought three years ago due to shortages in the stores.

    My biggest temptation has been fabric for Project Linus quilts. After all, what's better than free fabric?! Over the past ten years of making PL quilts, I have accumulated bins and bins of fabric and could probably make quilts for years without needing any more than backings and batting. So this year I decided to 'sew the stash' and not bring home pieces just because I like them. Going to the PL workshop only once a year will help curb my fabric appetite, too. Other than picking up a few pieces of 'go-with' colors that I was short on, I brought home no more project pieces when I was there a couple of months ago. If and when I ever need more project fabric, I'm sure they will have some.

    The other thing I tend to do is buy nicer things (clothing, books, etc.) on sale or thrifting and then deem them as too good to use. So they sit around unused, which is a waste of money. I finally opened a new package of underwear when I realized I didn't really have enough to make it from laundry day to laundry day. A blank book journal that I bought (1/2 price) on a whim three years ago is finally getting used as a daily agenda to keep Husband and me organized (appts., meds, chores, etc.) What was I saving it for anyway? I'd just though it was too nice to use. I know this attitude goes back to my frugal childhood when new things were few and far between and were kept for special occasions only. Well, I'm here to tell you that LIFE is a special occasion, and I have decided that I deserve to have good things and use them!
    --Frances in the Trailer Park

    1. You ended this well! I am the same way - was raised to keep things for good or nice. You are 100% on with every day is SPECIAL - we need to use things or get rid of them. Give them to someone that will use them. I love this premise!
      A couple weeks ago I got out an antique table linen I had been saving and put it on my library table. I enjoy seeing it every day!
      Your fabrics are going for such a good cause. I love that you get much of it for free. That is wonderful and yes, someone is being good!!!! They are getting their shopping fix and donating it or gifting what they can't use!
      the OTC meds - same here. I really need to go through them too. I keep thinking that even if older, they would work a little if I had nothing!
      Glad you are managing the stress a little better. I hope you are both doing better and stay well. I pray for you every day!

    2. Frances, I know what you mean. I have various coping skills for stress, but sometimes all of my best efforts fail. Including prayer (I hate to admit). It's rare, but it happens when I'm over tired and overwhelmed. I'll admit it here... always a die hard coffee drinker, I've cut back to no more than 2 mugs in the morning, stopping now before 10 a.m. Otherwise I only drink water. Following your example, though never a huge sweet eater myself, I've also scaled back significantly on "white" stuff... breads, pasta, rice, potatoes, etc. Reorganizing the pantry today, I realized many of those staples should last several months since we have small servings, and now I'm not having a starch side at every dinner. I play put-you-to-sleep kind of music during the day, too. We all just do our best.

      I'm glad you're hanging in there and have things to enjoy.

    3. Frances, You're right - life is a special occasion. I've been thinking that I need to use my special dishes or linens and not just let them sit in a drawer or cupboard.

    4. Oops, forgot to sign my name again. Wanita

  14. We have in the recent past given grocery money to those who are starving in other countries and that is what we need to get back to. We don't need anything but there are those who are desperate situations overseas.

    1. I like the answer of using funds for whatever organization you support instead of shopping.

  15. Cheryl, would you please release my comment from blogger jail? Thanks.--Frances

  16. Wanita your last line says it all for me!!!!!!!! I don't by any means want to use it down to nothing - but use the older and then later on replace. I just have more than needed for now.
    You get it!
    I hate storms - especially in the evening or night. You can't see what is coming. That sounds scary and glad all was ok in the end. We are getting ready for a system to come through again tonight. Stay safe.

  17. I saw Frugal Queen is cutting her food budget from €400 to €300 with a strategy to have 4th weeks of a month a No Spend. It seems like a good way to really tackle pantry and freezer inventory.

    1. That is a great way. IF you need to spend just pick a couple of weeks or so and don't go crazy! Thanks

  18. Oh Cheryl! This is SO spot on for today!!! I'm trying so, so, so hard to clean out my sewing room, my studio. I'm trying so hard. I think without realizing it I've overdone it on fabric. So, some of it is going into the attic labeled except for my precious fabric I just bought especially. I've got canned goods in there and everything else. I've been doing good though really, I cleaned out all of the bags in my room of clean clothes etc. But yeah...I hear ya. I try to turn down most sales but sometimes it's just fun to get new stuff right? I've got to stop any more of it in the fabric department though. Only needs for now. I'm having to try on a lot of outfits too, what to keep what to donate, what to evaluate for a year or so. Makes me crazy...But I'm so tired of having clutter, it keeps me less at peace and I can't even have my grandkids over because I'm decluttering. It's ridiculous and I'm so sick of it. Sick. Of. It. LOL

    I just went up to my oldest daughter's room and started gathering stuff and stuffed it in the give-away bag! I'm telling you, you could do an "I Love Lucy" of me today! LOL

    Love that meme...Yes indeedie! Great reminder! ~Amelia

    1. Sounds like a woman with a plan! My overstock room has all kind of stuff as well - oh my!
      I have clothes that just need to go - period.
      You go girl. My we have been blessed haven't we - so much stuff and no need for it all. God works in mysterious ways!

    2. Yes, we are so very blessed. A lot of my fabrics are from clearances from Fashion Fabrics, and I think I am dreaming sometimes on the color etc. Many of the clothes I'm trying on are skirts, that seem too heavy in the heat but a summer print, that type of thing or I messed up hemming them too much or taking them in too much...When will I learn? It's hard donating things we make but I did put several things in the give-away bag just today and I know some lady is going to love them. Our trunk is so full! Haha! We have a wonderful Christian place in the little town where they sell things that help with the senior citizens, so I like donating to them. The little senior citizens place has crafts for the seniors and meals on wheels plus bingo and meals at the center, very old fashioned. When our girls were little they let them sing for one of their banquets...It used to be so nice, it was in a very, very old building and still is but they are having to move. I'm that creative messy person to sum me up though. It's a mess but usually I can locate things, but I want it orderly now, I think it will help me. I just now went through some canned goods in there, checking for dents, grey spots etc. then marching the keepables to where they go or at least putting them on the stairs at a half way point...What was I thinking? Live and learn right?

    3. It sounds like you're doing GREAT Amelia! I read your comment above, but wanted to answer here. My Big Sis is the solid, steady, very organized one. As a small child I made Barbie clothes out of tissues and TP; Barbie furniture from shoe boxes, oatmeal cans and whatnot. She still jokes about it to this day. Meaning it's all an ongoing lesson for me no matter how old I get. And yes, I get tickled with a terrific bargain on something new-to-me. Which is why I made the rule a few years ago (for myself) something in, something out. There just needs to be a lot less coming in to begin with. LOL! Now, I would've had a hard time passing on some of the fabrics you've gotten, even though I no longer sew. How crazy is that??!! As for stress... well... it's been that way all my life. I've mentioned before my early years were spent in an abusive home and family "reunions" on my side still require the family cop to be there. Nuff said. We all just do our best each day. --Elise

    4. Cheryl, I thought of you last night, after supper I tried on some skirts...Four more skirts and a white blouse went into donation bag. I think I had gotten so clever and zealous one skinny month, I took those skirts in far too much...I did find a keeper though in a black wool skirt I had bought from ebay that actually fit pretty good and was flattering. I have a feeling there is more to donate in some of my evaluation bags too...

    5. Elise, I used to do the same thing, yes, paper towels made nice clothes even for my baby dolls, I would color designs on the front of flowers. Making doll houses out of boxes is perfection! Our daughters, probably fifteen years ago had a lot of young ladies come over for a sweet party one night when we lived in the burbs. They had the girls bring extra newspapers and they made beautiful newspaper dresses!

      You are so funny, buying fabric on sale and you don't sew! LOL Fabric is pretty though we must admit, right? I think that's why I like my whimsical skirts, I can pick the most whimsical, beautiful or outrageous prints and get away with it.

      Yes, we just do our best, that is right Elise. I understand what you're saying. Yes, I do. Anything like that makes us better people and helps us to understand others and have mercy on others.

    6. Just got through putting 4 yds of recent beautiful cotton lawn I found on clearance (online form fashion fabrics) in the bag to donate. The color was not as expected, a bit bright of what was supposed to be coral... but will be a blessing to someone else. (Keeping track here) : )

    7. Amelia someone will love it and it will be perfect for them.

  19. Hello Cheryl! I wanted to give you all an update on my nephew, John (who was hurt and prayers were asked for) and pass along the thanks and appreciation of my sister, Teri. Due to a miscommunication on my part, he does not have any facial burns. PTL! But he does have 2nd degree burns and the accompanying horrible blisters on his right hand. He was hit with 480 volts from a “dead” breaker box. The doctors are concerned about his heart and are keeping him overnight for observation/further testing. My sister and BIL were able to see him and all-in-all, considering what happened, he is doing quite well.
    Than you all for sending prayers and keeping him and the family in your good thoughts. As ever, God is good! Love, Judy

    1. Praise the Lord. That is indeed good news. That was quite a shock. Blessings it was not his face. Continued prayers that his hand will heal and he will have full use and that his heart will be fine. Thank you for letting us know. HUGS
      God is ALWAYS good!

    2. Continued prayers for John and your family, Judy. I'm so glad it wasn't worse. Thank you for the update. --Elise

  20. Thank you for the update Judy, I will keep praying. Thank the Lord he's doing better and not as severe. Praying no heart issues. : )

  21. We went through OTC meds a few months ago. Might need to do that again. Thanks for the reminder, Wanita! And I'm so glad you're safe and sound. Had to be a scary experience. --Elise

  22. Cheryl, I'm surprised that you have overstocked & go to the grocery store too often. Grocery shopping is really the only shopping I indulge in. I love wandering the aisles of a grocery store. I may have shared this story before, but one winter I vowed to not add any beef/poultry/fish to the freezer until I had used what was there. It took 6 months. I stock up on good deals but don't usually have more than 6 of any one pkg/can. I start replacing when I get to the last one. The local grocery store has a 10% off day once a month & that's when I do the big shop. I tend not to even look at the sales flyers the 10% other than thto avoid temptation.

    1. That is my one shopping love as well. I just love going to the grocery!
      You have a good strategy going there. It is amazing what we accumulate - not even realizing.

  23. Sorry Cheryl. Pressed publish inadvertently. I tend not to even look at the sales flyers other than the week of the 10% off day to avoid temptation. When something has been around too long it gets worked into the menu. I just crushed some cookie thins that have been shuffled about in the pantry. They will be used in a granola cookie recipe.

    1. I am going to resist as long as possible. Yep, that is the way to do it. It is amazing the fun and creative recipes we can come up with, using what we have!

  24. I dislike shopping in general, and particularly dislike grocery shopping! I pay no attention to ads. I do shop carefully though. Prices are high here, but I've stopped eating beef and pork, which I gather are expensive now. I don't keep a large pantry. I probably should stock it more! But a dozen eggs and a four pack of chicken thighs will last me about a month!

    1. I am not a fan of other shopping, but just love the variety of the grocery.
      Other than ground beef, I rarely buy beef of any sort. You do good to stretch as you do. That is great. It is always nice to have a little extra just in case!

    2. Celie, I'm with you on grocery shopping. I think it's the parking, crowds, etc. We have Safeway in one nearby town, a Basha's about 20 minutes away, and Walmart for groceries. People from all the "local" communities (a 60 minute radius by car) shop at those 3 stores for food so they're always busy. --Elise

  25. Cheryl, you basically just described my life :) Every week I get a big bunch of groceries and I say to myself..."Ok, now I won't need to go for a few weeks!" Then the next week I think of a few things I need and go back and buy another week's worth! So you are not alone!! I actually love grocery shopping. I like to take my time, going down each aisle and seeing what deals they have. It's not a chore for me. It's fun! Maybe that's the problem :) I like it too much! I also LOVE organizing my pantry (I have two) and seeing them stocked and organized. It might be my love language :)

    1. That's my problem - I love it too. My one real vice I guess!!!!
      It is lovely to see a clean and neat pantry - all sorted just waiting for a tasty meal to be made!
      I went early in the week for a few fresh things - I am done for a while now! Here's hoping!!!!!!! LOL

  26. Good luck with your pantry re-organization. I understand the need to pick up those deals, I do it too. Staying out of the grocery stores is the best way I know to avoid the over-buying.
    Others do meal planning - I'm not nearly organized enough to do that. But I do a clear out of the fridge once a week to use up leftovers.

    1. I am not a meal planner either - whatever I am in the mood for today is my plan!!! Yep, staying home will be my plan for now.

  27. What to do with packets of Instant Oatmeal and Velveeta cheese? I don't remember buying them, but they must've been on sale. There are quite a few of both. Flavored Instant oats have too much sugar. And the Velveeta? Not sure what I was thinking or *if* I was thinking. Any suggestions for using them up?

    1. Also, can homemade strawberry preserves that came out a bit runny be re-boiled with more pectin? --Elise

    2. Instant oatmeal can be used in crisp topping. I had some left when G passed and that is what I did. Just added them to the crisp. I also made suet with some when winter came (birdies loved it).
      Velveeta - you mean those little soft packets already melted? I love those things - they make the best cheesy anything!!!!!
      Sure you can re-do the preserves. I have done that before. OR you can have syrup!!!!!
      Just remember, sometimes it takes quite a while for things to set.

    3. Thank you, Cheryl. I'll keep that in mind for the oatmeal packets. Turns out the Velveeta was from our son who got it at Family Dollar: it's pale when you open the pouches. I'm certainly going to try to re-do the preserves! --Elise

    4. Word of wisdom (and speaking from experience) for the flavored oatmeal packets, especially the fruit and cream varieties. Watch the expiration date. When they get near/past, due to the dehydrated "milk" product, they can become really rancid. This is one product where the "use by" date is there for a reason.

  28. Cheryl; Sissy Here. As My Husband and I are planning to move next year to be close to Kim. I have been eating down my pantry and it has taken me over two years. I too buy the deals and then have too much. It is a process. As Kim would tell you...I plan all my meals for the week and that really helps! Good Luck. You can do it!

    1. Hi there. That is so neat that you will be moving closer to Kim - it is nice to have family near by. You have done the good job, that we all hope to be able to do. 2 years is fantastic. You have been prepared for anything!!!!
      I just can't get into planning meals for some reason. I am a spur of the moment gal. Have a good one.

  29. I definitely know how quickly a pantry can become unorganized. It sounds as if you picked the perfect day to work on it.

    God bless.

    1. The weather didn't turn out as bad as predicted - but it was still hot and humid. It will get finished next week when it gets really hot again.

  30. Tommy goes in and straightens out things on the shelves. I was going to buy another ten gallons of vinegar, and he went and found ones I had not seen, so no more vinegar! When it is rock bottom prices, I go for it, especially if we have little of that item. The cheap Double Q salmon is still not in the stores. I do have rain checks to use for the sale of Double Q. However, I don't have a garden. And, I miss my chickens! When rain is forecast, we have no temptations anywhere to go out.

    1. I like getting when the prices are good as well. That has been a blessing and a problem - I have a lot. That is a lot of vinegar. Hope you can find the salmon soon.

  31. Shout out to Amelia... the baked eggs turned out so good, I've decided to keep that in my line up. Much less fuss than hard boiled, no peeling required, and great to chop up and toss into a skillet meal, a salad, or just have as a snack cold. Thank you! --Elise

  32. I don't know if there is ever a good time to go cold turkey because these stores make these sales to suck us in and get us in there! I did a no spend February. Only bought what was absolutely essential. I am considering doing this for the rest of the summer until I am back to work when school starts. Just buying what is absolutely necessary. I have so much as well... And we need to look for those older items in the pantry, move them to the front and use them!

    1. Shiela I TRY for that to be my life on a regular basis. Only buy the needed and stop the other! It doesn't always work!!!! LOL
      Yep, need to use those older items and move stuff around and not waste food. That is my big fear. I hate waste!!!! Good luck

  33. I once met a group of women from Europe who were thrilled to go grocery shopping in America. They were overwhelmed by the variety.
    It's not just US.
    I did a major reorganization of the pantry awhile back. I'm now working on using the oldest items. The problem is it's a weird variety. Coconut milk in a can, a large bottle of green chile sauce, thai sauce, a bottle of pineapple juice. There must have been a plan, a recipe when I bought it, but I can't recall it now. As you use YOUR oldest items, please share how you take the bits and bobs and make them into something delicious.
    Central Az

    1. Coconut milk can be used in place of milk in many recipes or as the liquid. Pineapple juice is great for coughs and congestion - it is also great mixed with other juices.
      Thai sauce for stir fry of some sort.
      We are truly blessed with huge variety compared to so many other place.

  34. I'm currently in the process of trying to use up what we have when it comes to all of our pantry and household pantry items. I kind of overbought some things around the pandemic time, but it's time to use them up and stop buying so much of the same thing.

    1. Yep - same here! I just keep adding to it too!!!! Indeed, time to quit for a while and use the older stuff up. I think we all did it!
