Sunday, July 23, 2023

Weekly Wrap Up 7/23

 Happy Sunday my friends.  Glad to have you here.  I hope you have had a nice week and stayed healthy.  I know there were some sad times for a couple of you, and I am so sorry and have lifted you in prayer.
It has been a warm week - with the past couple days being quite nice and refreshing.  We did get a nice little rain on Thursday evening.
It looks as if the coming week will be a HOT one.  It is predicted to be 90 or above move of the week and it looks like no rain is in sight.  UGH!  I guess July decided to go out with a bang around here and much of the country.
The phlox is blooming profusely, and it smells so divine.  It must taste pretty good too, as the hummingbirds and bees sure do love it.

Glad to see so many here this week.  It seems there was quite a good conversation going on.  I love it to see everyone share ideas and help each other along the path.

My week:
  • I did go out last Sunday and mow the front yard - as I knew it was going to get hot and maybe rain.  I wanted the front to look decent!
  • I have been picking a lot of garden.  Zucchinis galore, cucumbers - more than any recent years, starting to get handfuls of cherry tomatoes.  I have a couple of regular tomatoes getting pink!!!  There are tons of peppers about ready to harvest.
  • My neighbor brought me 3 cucumbers - they look like store bought almost - much bigger than what I pick here.  She also brought me a couple of tomatoes!
How I pick mine - crisp and sweet.  Much smaller than hers.  Mine are just great for snacking.
They cukes I was gifted.  I didn't get a pic of the tomatoes - ate them!!!  These were great for cucumber and onion salad.
  • I did run out on Monday to Kroger.  Cantaloupe were 1.99 ea. and I had .60 off coupons - not the sweetest but not bad.  They were refreshing.  Campbells soup was .99/can limit 5.  I got some tomato and a couple veg. beef.  Cat treats.  I was a good girl!!!!
  • Made a gallon of tea
  • Hard boiled eggs
  • Worked on the pantry stuff - NOT done!
  • Used rain water to water plants
  • Neighbor brought me some zucchini bread she made - YUM.  She was the one I gave zucchini to
  • Tons of yard work.  I got all the hundreds of stems down from the tiger lilies (oh my).  Pulled out wild vines and many, many weeds.  Lots of poison - I just can't get rid of it.  Our area is prone - and without killing flowers I just have to keep pulling.  It has been so humid, that things have gotten out of hand - took advantage while cooler!
  • I mowed and trimmed front to back at the end of week
  • Ate very little meat this week.  Concentrated on eating veggies
  • Using what I have on hand and eating from home
  • Dehumidifier water in laundry
  • Just doing all the normal stuff
Meals this past week:
Egg sandwich and salad
BLT 💖💖
Jalapeno/cheese zucchini boats
Veggie fried rice
Eggrolls - using leftover veg. rice, salad
Toasted bagel sandwich with cream cheese, tomato, onion, cukes and boiled egg
Taco salad - topped with a ton of fresh veggies (no lettuce)
Jalapeno/cheese zucchini boats made in air fryer.  Sooooo yummy!

How was your week?  Did you get any great deals?  OR are you now trying to use what you have on hand and just get fresh?  How are the gardens going?
I look forward to hearing from each of you.
I hope you each have a wonderful week ahead and stay safe and healthy and COOL!!!!!

Blessings from my humble little home to you and yours.

Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come.  She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.
Proverbs 31:25-26

Lord, we take a moment to thank You for the minds You gave us and the ability to reason and for the ability to be sensitive to others and things. Help us to continue to learn Your ways as we walk through life, and to be open to teaching those things to others.  Guide us each day and let us follow and do Thy will.  Amen


  1. Good morning Cheryl! Glad you had a productive week, especially keeping up with the lawn and weeds. Good week for me too, making progress on planning the new flooring and painting in my condo. It has been 118 degrees twice this week, that level of heat gets very old after a few days…but it chases tourists away so the crowds are gone ;). Have a good upcoming week, hilogene in Az

    1. They usually come here, Hilogene, but we've been plenty hot, too. Near 100 most days. Not as many vacationers here as last summer for sure. It's exciting to pick out new flooring, paint colors, etc. :-)

    2. It was rather productive. You are making great strides on getting your new home the way you want it. That is fantastic.
      My goodness that is way too hot for man or beast! It would sure chase me away. You gals that chose to live in that climate get my admiration. I could not!
      Hope you have a fantastic week.

  2. Happy Sunday, Cheryl! I always love pictures of your garden. The zucchini boats look delicious, too. Sounds like you had a busy week! Please do take it easy in the heat that's coming.

    Weather/Tasks: We've had "burn-you-butt-on-the-front-steps" weather. Even mornings have been hot. A/C has been kicking on before 6:30 a.m. for a few days. In spite of that, it was a busy week at my house, too. All the cracks in the walls are patched and painted. Then I cleaned. Weeds sprayed and more trees cut back outside. Lots of watering. Organized the pantry after buying staples at 50 cents each. Made notes of what's there. Salvaged jars of berry preserves that hadn't set up well (made in June) into a fruit pie and and 3 pints of jelly. Honestly? I might just buy store jam from this point as I have to buy fruit to make it.

    Meals: One canned ham fed us all week, off and on: traditional meal, sandwiches, breakfast-skillet dinner. Taco salad last night. When it's this hot, we just aren't hungry. Fruit and cheese for snacks or crackers with cream cheese... cold, baked eggs.

    Garden: Lilacs and holly are hanging in there, as is the Russian sage (in pots). The daylilies are spent from the heat, as are various wildflowers, but the wild sunflowers are just beginning to bloom.

    A Thank You: Between activity, there's been a lot of thinking, learning (especially here and on other blogs), list making and praying. Making some mindset changes re. general consumerism. Is a bargain a bargain if you don't NEED it? Food included? Thank you for that, plus the verse and prayer.

    Have a wonderful week ahead. Fall will be here before we know it. --Elise

    1. It sounds like you have kept quite busy in spite of the heat. I did so much outside work this past week in anticipation of NOT doing it this week!!! Yard looks nice for now.
      Good going on the ham. I agree when it is too hot, light meals are just right.
      Glad you got some inspiration this week here and elsewhere. That is what we should all be doing - helping one another. Your question - NO. It isn't a bargain if you don't need or can't use it, or if it goes to waste!
      I agree - sometimes it is just cheaper to buy things instead of canning them. Of course they will never taste as good - but you have to way all the pros and cons.
      Have a wonderful week.

    2. For *me* it became a habit to see deep discounts and think, "better stock up". That's everything from food & household items to lingerie, jeans, polo shirts... you name it. For the latter, I've been losing weight. Not dieting or anything, just changes in our eating habits in retirement. Which means all of that stock-up clothing (still new, with tags, in storage) are a size too big now. And there's a LOT of it. Ditto Hubs' jeans and tees. Pantry organizing this week showed me I had stockpiles of things not often eaten or that we don't like. Thankfully, not as much of that. In retrospect--however low the prices were--it's money I didn't have to spend. I can donate, yes, but what if I hadn't gone overboard to begin with? Humbling lesson.
      --Elise (who hopes some day to be wiser)

    3. Elise, no, not a bargain if you don't need it. Don't ask me how I know! We are continuing to eat pretty much from our pantry. There are not very many bargains at the grocery store. Not much has gone on here this past week. I've been nursing a cold. Fortunately I've been able to sleep despite a cough. I made some mullein syrup and have been taking that to help with cough and congestion. I'm getting better, but not fast enough for me! Then I ended up overdoing it one day and really felt lousy the next day, so now just taking it easy. Fortunately, I have a husband who will fend for himself with meals. Our temps are heating up here and to be in the 90's next week, and today we have an air quality alert because of the fires. Hope all of you have a blessed week. Thanks for your post Cheryl. Wanita

    4. Hope you feel better soon, Wanita. --Elise

    5. WANITA - Please take care of yourself and hope you feel better soon.
      The pantry is for times like this!!!!
      Stay in and cool and do not over do it.
      Have a blessed week.

  3. Cheryl, my comment went into blog jail.

  4. Excellent devotional! I like the thought that we are clothed in strength and dignity.

    Found some good buys on meat at Meijer. Bought some ground turkey for $2 a pound to make dog food. Our dogs are older with health issues and I firmly believe they are more healthy with the whole foods that we feed them. Got some ground chuck for 40% off.

    The Farmer started some broccoli and cauliflower plants so we can have a fall crop. They are growing like everything. Some green beans are ready for harvest and one of the five gallon buckets of potatoes is ready to be dumped. The Farmer pulled the onions and we have a lot! I used your term "grow-ceries" on a comment on Instagram. ha! We have three icebox watermelons but they are not ready yet.

    I go in the morning to have a breathing assessment test. Not sure how well that will go as the ribs have not fully healed. Close but not 100%.

    Stay cool, my friend! Alana, my oldest daughter lives close to Dallas and she said it has been stinking hot.

    1. You got some deals. I like that you make them their dog food.
      Sounds like the garden is going great. I need to go to farm market this week and get green beans. Nothing like fresh ones!
      Good luck with the test tomorrow. Hope all goes well.
      Stay in and stay cool. Have a great week.

    2. I hope your ribs/breathing assessment goes well. My ribs finally healed up enough that I don't notice any pain when I turn over in bed or stretch. That's good enough for me! :) Buy, it took long enough!

    3. Thank you, Miss MaryB! I'm headed into the sixth week of healing. Don't know if my age (76) affects it or not.

    4. Praying for you, Donna. --Elise

  5. Yay for all the garden produce you are picking. We started late so we are waiting. I was very good at the grocery store and bought only what was needed. Funny when you say you will stop shopping how things really do run out and need replacing. I also looked critically at dates before purchasing because I am finding that often products are short dated. I am also starting to think toward the holidays and what will be needed with a houseful of kids and grands.

    1. Thanks. I planted at the end of May - so not bad.
      Yes, the dates are worth watching - doesn't mean things are bad - but worth watching. I am not going to run out of anything before shopping - but as I get lower I will replace.
      Yes, it is that time to start thinking of the holidays!!! Oh my!!
      Have a fantastic week.

  6. I'm envious of your garden produce. I had to pull the cucumber as it quit growing and the wee cukes dried up. I guess it wasn't happy in the container. I'll be pulling the onions this week as they are falling over, and lettuce bolted so I set it against the fence - the rabbit has made short work of it. :) My green peppers have only managed on pepper, but the tomatoes are going gang busters. I did find a grasshopper on the tomatoes yesterday so I'll have to keep an eye on them.
    Thank you for thinking of me as I'm dealing with Chris' loss.

    1. This is the first time in ages my cukes have done well. Mine are in an old wash tub. Water is my key to success I think.
      Sorry yours aren't doing well. My lettuce is done too.
      Ready for tomatoes aren't you? Mmmmmmm.
      Your dear friends are family! HUGS
      have a good week.

    2. I didn't gorw cukes this summer. Last summer some sort of fly/bug got to them and laid eggs on/in the cukes themselves. The eggs hatched and whatever they were worked their way into the cukes, so they were all ruined. :( I never saw the eggs, so perhaps they were "injected" into the cukes?
      Removed the Bilghted tomato plant. All the green tomatoes are spread on newsprint on my table. 4 are turning red and I have hopes for the others.
      Harvesting polebeans and yellow squash.
      The days are getting shorter, I can see that both mornings and evenings. :(

  7. Debby in Kansas USAJuly 23, 2023 at 10:44 AM

    GM, all! I misses Mass this morning. Apparently we ate too late and close to bedtime. I woke up with a sour stomach that has only just started to mellow. I know better, but we were in that "just one more thing" mentality. Won't be doing that again!

    Yep, Kansas will be joining everyone in the kiln this week. Not looking forward to it, but the week is void of obligations for me so I can hide in the a/c. Fine by me!!

    In a post last week or so, I mentioned my treasure jar so I thought I'd tell you about that. Not everyone will love the idea, but I enjoy it and I hope that when I'm gone, someone else in the family will, too. Okay. I found this big jar at a rummage sale. It's about a foot tall. I was thinking it would be a great pantry jar, but nixed that idea because the lid wasn't snug enough for my liking. So, I put it on the entryway table. Empty. One day I found a pretty marble in a drawer. No clue where it came from, but I put it in the jar. In my cleaning out of old things, I found my grandpa's wallet. Into the jar. I think you see where this is going. Since some stuff has an old history, I wanted it known so I started a parchment roll of info that I keep in there. Only the stuff with history. Ive since added my first watch, Raggedy Ann. Got it for my 8th bday. Old wooden Monopoly houses from my mom's game, a long with a shoe token. Spent rifle shells from various military funerals in our family. A keychain from the 84 Olympics (I went). Multiple pet ID tags from those waiting for me at the Bridge. And so on. Only small stuff. It's stuff that doesn't take much room at all. I have 3/4 jar empty yet. But the odd variety in it makes it look so interesting! It's become one of my favorite things!!

    I'm still reading my Nancy Drews - on The Secret in the Leaning Chimney or something like that. And Vince Flynn's Mitch Rapp character. Really suspenseful CIA intrigue.

    Still working on some Christmas stuff.

    Cheryl, after seeing your pink phlox, I'm gonna need to add some in my front bed. Beautiful! I have white.


    1. I LOVE this idea. Thank you for sharing. I'm already thinking of my childhood jacks, a love note from Hubs, my charm bracelet with "charms" of the places I visited.
      Central AZ
      Yep, HOT here too. Sigh.

    2. Glad you belly is improving. I can't eat much at night or I am up all night.
      I love your idea and may be starting one. I have many small precious items that need to be in one place - for the in case something happens some day in the far future!!!! Thank you for sharing.
      I have 2 white ones that popped up this year - not sure why or where they came from. They are pretty.
      Stay cool. Have a great week.

    3. I, too, LOVE the idea of a treasure jar! Has me thinking what things I'd put in one. Thank you, Debby! Like everyone, stay as cool as you can this coming week. --Elise

    4. I really like this idea! I have a Memory Box, but what's in it is paper - various bits from school, special letters from special people, a couple of pictures. It's not really set up for "stuff". Now it also has cards from my grandkids. :)

    5. Debby in Kansas USAJuly 23, 2023 at 2:52 PM

      I'm surprised by how many like my idea. It wasn't planned or anything, it just sorta started. But I really had a bunch of stuff spread all over. Little stuff. It's such a relief to have a place for all those small weird keepsakes! I came up with the list idea when I found the rifle shells. It didn't feel right not to acknowledge our WW2 family veterans.

      Ellie, I have a charm bracelet in there, as well! I still might run across my jacks lol. Those would make a fun addition! Another fun couple of things? My college roommate and I went out for a midnight snack once. We ended up sharing a table (crowded diner) with 2 guys that played for the national basketball team of Italy. We had a nice chat- that's all lol, one was happily married and showed off pics of his 2 daughters.
      Anyway, he gave me a tack pin. It said FIP- Federacion de Italian Palequinistro or something like that. Fed of Ital Basketball. It had a hoop and ball and an Italian flag. And, he gave the Italian coins he had in his pocket! Fun little mementos. Not sure if I should tell the whole non lurid story or if I should just write that "I was given these by an Italian basketball player one night" and give them something to gossip about lol.

    6. The treasure jar is a great idea, Debby! Wanita

  8. I have been thinking a lot about your post from the other day about how much is enough. My pantry serves several functions- as a hedge against inflation, as storage for bargains and to avoid shortages. Plus - to avoid having to run out to get one thing and to be prepared for emergencies. I also share with my daughters.

    But I have to admit it's getting to be A LOT!

    I've decided to avoid going into a store to specifically look for bargains. If I have some true need to go to the grocery store then I will also then look for bargains. I've also decided to make a list of those things I could really use if I find them on clearance - mostly things guests might like. For example, my son-in-law likes carbonated drinks & I only have a couple left from 2 cases of 12 I bought months ago for 99 cents each. They were watermelon flavored and I didn't buy more because I wasn't sure if they would be good.I won't buy drinks for the regular price.

    I planted turnips & beets yesterday so I can harvest those in the fall and planted more garden peas. I've never planted mid- summer for a fall harvest before. I'm kind of excited about it.


    1. I agree with your whole first paragraph!!!!! 100% agree. That is why I have stocked too.
      Good logic - I like that. There are always those things for special occasions or that we run low on - yep, look for deals.
      Good planning on the fall garden. Hope it works out well.
      Have a great week.

  9. Hi Cheryl. I spent the morning outside working on the garden before the heat wave hits tomorrow. I pulled a ton of mint, thyme and thai basil to dehydrate. Planted a few more things for fall harvesting. So glad to hear you finally got a BLT! Isn't the first one of the summer such a treat? Stay cool and have a great week.

    1. Good plan to get it all done now - it is going to be a hot one.
      Yes, it was wonderful. Only thing that would have been better was if it was MY tomato!! LOL It was so yummy.
      Have a fantastic week - stay cool as well!

  10. After major neighbor trouble Monday and Tuesday involving VERY loud music that was literally making me ill, my week improved greatly. Another neighbor spoke to the offender, and the noise has subsided greatly.

    Husband had his OT evaluation Friday, and it was determined that he doesn't really need OT. We agreed. His PT eval is Monday, and Speech (neuro) is Tuesday. He definitely needs both. At least we're finally getting somewhere. He started 1000 mcg B12 on Wed., and I'm already seeing an improvement in his energy level. The 2-wk cardiac monitor came off Thursday afternoon and was promptly mailed back to be read.

    Husband and I had a talk this morning, and I told him that I thought I needed to back off on doing things for him that he can do himself. At first we were so scared of him falling again that I was hovering around all the time. Now I think it is time I pulled back a little, both for his continued recovery and for my sake as the (overwhelmed) caregiver. I told him all he needs to do is ask, and I'll help more when he is having a bad day.

    I took advantage of the lovely weather this weekend to hang out four loads of laundry, work in the garden, and mow the lawn yesterday. I'd just mowed Monday, but 3/4 in. of rain Thursday night made it high again. I cut back the zucchini and tied more of it to the stakes. Just picked two nice ones today and will be making chocolate zucchini bread later this week. Picked another cucumber, a handful of cherry tomatoes, and our first beefsteak tomato this week. Yummy! We're to get the stinking hot and humid weather this week, too. Despite getting some serious housecleaning done earlier in the week, I still have plenty to catch up on in the A/C this week.

    Met up with a fellow volunteer and got 20 skeins of donated yarn from Project Linus yesterday. Unfortunately, the yarn smells somewhat of mothballs and cigarette smoke, so it is airing out in the carport. If I can get the odor out, there are some lovely colors (variegated yarn) that I am looking forward to working with.

    Reading: Janette Oke's Canadian West series. Also have checked out the first books of Jan Karon's Mitford series. I read these a long time ago and liked them. Crafting: finished two quilts to add to the bag I turned in yesterday. Selected fabric for three more to work on this week.

    Dinners: hamburger/zucchini casserole, chicken patty burgers with sliced homegrown tomato, hot deli-style roast beef (him) and ham & cheese (me) sandwiches on toasted buns with more sliced tomato. Keeping it easy. Hamburger stroganoff is in the crockpot for tonight. Lots of fruit.

    Prayers for everyone and many thanks for the prayers for us. They mean a lot.
    --Frances in the Trailer Park

    1. Oh those noisy neighbors - it is quite aggravating. Last night we had some major big boom fireworks go off again! I am glad someone else dealt with the problem, so you didn't have to.
      I am glad you are seeing improvement with hubby - that is wonderful. Hopefully the B12 will work wonders. I think I agree - you would be doing your own bit for therapy by letting him be a bit more independent. Not only gives you a break, but builds his confidence as well. I am so happy there is progress being made.
      Beefsteak - oh yum. I didn't plant any biggies like that this year - just regular ones!
      I sure hope you can get the smell out of the yarn - what a nice gift that would be.
      Meals sound good.
      Have a wonderful week and stay cool!

    2. Debby 8n Kansas USAJuly 23, 2023 at 2:59 PM

      Frances, that Oke series has been on my radar for awhile. Have you read her four seasons series? Not sure the real name, but each of the four titles has one of the seasons. That was one of my all time favorites.

    3. Debby, this is the first I've read her books. It's nice, light reading. I'll have to look for the series you recommended.

    4. Glad you neighbor spoke to the music blasters, Frances. I really hope the B-12 works. Sounds like your husband is making some progress (and you, too). You're both still in my prayers every day. --Elise

  11. I informed my husband that we are doing a freezer challenge. This week I started him on it. He loves to buy buy buy. I said we are full up he needs to eat! Nancy in Vancouver WA

    1. You go gal!!!!!! Eat, eat, eat instead of buy, buy, buy!!!!! LOL
      AT least make a good dent in it before he shops again!
      Have a fantastic week.

  12. Using what I have on hand right now, bolstered by what I pick from the garden. Adding to the pantry for the winter by dehydrating herbs, and drying lavender to make sweet smelling sachets.

    Your meals sound wonderful.

    God bless.

    1. Good for you - same here pretty much. It is fun to see all that fresh produce!
      Thanks - easy meals for sure.
      Have a great week

  13. I have not shopped at all this week. DD and I shopped one week ago and are waiting until next week to shop, but I plan for it to be a small one. I'm trying to use up what I have here and not add anything new Planning to do a freezer inventory probably tomorrow. Have been doing lots of yard work but it's been humid here (CT). Have been listing things for sale but nothing is moving. I meal plan a week out but seems a lot of these hot nights we get to dinner time and I don't feel up to making what was planned... like today, here it is 6:45 pm and I still don't feel like making anything... :(

    1. I understand not liking to cook in the heat. Have simple dinners - it's ok. Once in a while we all do.
      Good for you on shopping. Today I decided to do the frig freezer tomorrow - great minds!
      The humidity is just a drainer. Stay well.
      Have a good week.

  14. I just made zucchini bread today-we bought some at a roadside stand . Mine are not yet coming on. I thought husband had run over the plants but I found them in the weeds. They are looking good now.
    Hopefully soon. I think zucchini and cukes coming in are always exciting! I put some small cucumbers in pickle juice from a pickle jar. I've never done that before and they were delicious.

    1. I love both plants - so much yumminess! Glad your plants are OK. I am getting zucchini like crazy.
      Good idea on the pickle juice!
      Have a great week.

  15. Just picked up more zukes today. Love those things. No real deals this week to report other than saving money by upcycling the shed. That was fun. Just got back from the paint store. Happy New Week!!!

    1. Love 'em too! No deals this way either - so stayed home.
      Your shed will be nice. I sure need new doors on mine - hmmmm - maybe! Heck upcycling is so much better than buying new.
      Have a wonderful week.

    2. Our old doors were falling down. Feels good to have made new, now to paint. Got that earlier today. Have a yummy week.

  16. I had the neighbor little one day this week. She "helped" pick up grass clippings, stack some wood and trim some bushes. She stopped in today for an ice cream cone on the porch. My sister came for lunch one day with a friend and we played cards all afternoon under the fan. There's been some gardening, weeding, grass cutting - the usual summer chores. I put 5 8c bags of rhubarb in the freezer. Tomorrow I'll be picking beans. I enjoyed watching the Calgary Stampede chuckwagon races on tv last week & am happy & proud to say that our friend, Layne MacGillivary & his team won the big show as well as being awarded the Guy Weadick award for being an exemplary representative of the Calgary Stampede.

    1. sounds like a lovely week. The idea of the little one coming by for an 'ice cream cone on the porch' made me smile.
      Good going with the garden. Congrats to your friend.
      Have a wonderful week.

    2. How exciting (about your friend) Mona! :-D

  17. Worked in my plot yesterday at the community garden. A man with a plot near me was giving away a large zucchini and I had no problem taking it (mine are not yet fruiting). I thought of you all when I got it! Lol.

    I have a nice big jar that would be perfect for a memory/treasure jar. My grandson will love picking through it. Thanks for the idea. I have big jars about the house with stuff for him to discover and play with like dominoes and scrabble tiles already. But this will be even better because it will be a conversation starter.

    1. Love the idea of community gardens. Yay on the zucchini!!!
      The jar is such a neat idea. Yes, the little ones will have questions and what a fun way to learn.
      Have a lovely week.

  18. After I read your post I started on my pantry. What a mess ! Thanks for the push. xo Cindy/WV

    1. YAY - sounds like you are on your way. They get to be a mess don't they?
      Have a good week.

  19. Hi- I'm visiting for the first time. We have been having HOT weather in Philadelphia and lots of rain!! Your phlox is beautiful and it must be wonderful to attract and see hummingbirds! Have a wonderful week.

    1. Hello Judee - glad to have you stop by. Hope you stick around, we have a really great group here. Love having new folks come along.
      Thank you - I just love hummingbirds - flying jewels.
      have a wonderful week.

  20. Sounds like another good week. I’m glad you have your lawn and yard all finished. It’s so nice getting fresh produce from your own garden and your neighbors garden too. That was very nice of them. Like you, we’ve been using what we have and eating at home. 😊

    1. It was nice. Glad to get so much done - it will be hot this week!
      Loving the produce - hope you are enjoying some.
      Have a wonderful week.

  21. My flowers went from lush to dying and back. With Tommy watering when there is not a downpour, you would think they would flourish. We went to Publix today and bought lots of rhubarb.

    1. The heat is affecting so many flowers. Natures water is so much better than the hose!
      Mmmm rhubarb.
      Have a good week.

  22. I found the two things my oldest has on his upcoming birthday list - a (faux) leather jacket and a guitar at Goodwill so that saved quite a bit and dropped by Kroger for a few things. That never works out. I'm bad at sticking to a list only even though I technically don't need the things and my pantry is definitely overflowing, but I found some good clearance and some of it was on the $1 off sale so that was a nice unexpected surprise. A box of cereal .44, boxes of apple sauce pouches 2.33, club crackers free.

    1. How neat you got the gifts at Goodwill. Smart shopping. I am the same way - I understand. Best if I stay home and not go at all! Sounds like you found some good deals though.
      Have a fantastic week.

  23. That stuffed zucchini looks amazing, Cheryl! We also will be having some really hot weather this week. My husband mowed the lawn yesterday in anticipation of that. I picked our first cucumber and regular tomato plus some green beans and cherry tomatoes. Yum! I made some zucchini bread from a zucchini I got for 99 cents at our local farmer's market. I haven't made zucchini bread in many years and it was so good. I also picked up a large head of broccoli and green leaf lettuce at the farmer's market. Other than that, I picked up a couple of things at Aldi. We just didn't need very much so we didn't buy much. I hope everyone has a great week and prayers for those who are hurting.

    1. Thanks - it sure tasted yummy.
      Good to get the yard work done head of the heat. Yay, your garden is providing! Tomatoes and green beans - what wonderful gifts. Zucchini bread is so good and yummy.
      Sounds like a good farm market visit!
      Have a great week!

  24. Hi Cheryl, I could use prayers today, our sweet dog, Coffee, passed away yesterday. She had been showing signs of not feeling well but I wasn't overly concerned, that could be normal for her, spitting up etc. But yesterday she went outside, bless her heart she would wag her tail when I was petting her, I knew she wasn't well...I told her we would be right back after eating and she wagged a little and gave me a little smile of hers. Before we left she disappeared but then later finally came back in with our daughter, poor thing wanted to be with us, her breathing was labored, not good at all. Called our local animal hospital we go to and they wanted me to go to the sister clinic in farming town, 45 minutes away. Daughter and hubs put our baby in the back floor inside of the truck right on her comfie dog bed, the whole way there I patted her telling her she was a good, good sweet dog, we love our Coffee girl. When we were almost to the clinic she passed away. The young vet, a young tiny gal in cowboy boots ran out with her stethescope...Coffee had passed away. All I could do was cry and say...'My baby'...The vet and the tech both looked like they wanted to cry too. We took our Coffee girl back home. I'm feeling down and out to put it lightly. I did not need that, I miss her very much and my heart is so heavy, she was my sewing buddy and my morning buddy...Poor Coffee, my baby, a good, sweet fur angel, she was and is very loved. So if anyone would like to say a prayer for our family that would be appreciated greatly. ~Amelia

    1. Prayers to you and your family. Loosing a fur friend is so painful. They are part of our families!

    2. Prayers and hugs for your family. The furbabies really are our children, too.

    3. I am so very sorry Amelia. Our fur babies are family and they just capture our hearts. It is so very hard to lose a baby. My heart hurts for you - as I know how bad it hurts. Just know you gave your baby love and a wonderful life and vice versa. They watch over us, I believe that - and I also believe they will be waiting on us one day! HUGS

    4. Praying for you all, Amelia. So very sorry for your loss. It's hard. --Elise

    5. Praying for you and your family, Amelia. Cookie

    6. Thank you so, so much Frances, Lori and Cheryl...Yes, Cheryl, I too sincerely believe we will see them again. I've heard of testimony of a middle-aged person who had died and was revived, and yes...he saw all the fur babies of his life greeting him. I've heard other similar accounts as well. I recently heard the pastor of First Baptist of Houston (a large church to say the least), a stable church as well let's say. He also believed our pets go to Heaven. He said he had changed his views on that.

      I've got stories too, I do think there is evidence they see us. When one of our dachshunds passed away a white feather was left on our daughter's black jacket, and also a huge beautiful white owl came into our pet's little area, a protected area for them to go potty, he came close to me at the window and looked at me for the longest time...It was like a huge angelic owl from Heaven. His legs were covered with either feathers or fur in white.

      Today I took my walk as usual and so missed my Coffee Belle, she would normally wait on me in her typical shady places. She was buried today. A very strange day for me.

      Thanks again friends, I appreciate the prayers and care so much.

      I appreciate you all, (((((((hugs)))))))

    7. Thank you Elise and Cookie, I appreciate it so very much. I covet those prayers.

    8. Interesting things I've observed; This morning a beautiful brown and tan owl swooped down as I watched through my kitchen window, I went outside, it was so close, he stayed for a long time looking at me. The evening after Coffee passed we had been having storms here, and the sky turned a beautiful heavenly pale pink color in the back and a brilliant orange on the other side of our home. Ultimately these are the Lord helping me, showing me He is with me. ...Just wanted to share.

  25. Offering this for those who've been posting as Anonymous: When I click on the Comment button, it comes up Comment as: and then there's a down carrot. If you click on that, it will offer you an option to comment as another name -- sharing in case anyone else "lost" their user name in the last upgrade. Once I clicked and used Lori K as my user name, it stayed.

    Last week was a keep up with the container gardens, and deal with some potentially troubling health issues (which turned out to be not as bad as I'd convinced myself they would be). Harvested a total of 10 dehydrator trays of parsley, 4 trays of basil, 3 oregano, 3 trays of chives, and 3 of thyme. I also cleaned up the bottom leaves of my lettuce (leaf, red leaf, arugula, and romaine), and pulled one heirloom and one grape tomato that had bad spots on one side/end. I have 2 tomatoes about ready to harvest and a green pepper that is a good size. Will be excited to have these fresh goods at immediate availability. Lost my banana pepper plant (and one banana pepper) to the heavy rains about 10 days ago. :-( A friend wanted to check out produce in SW MI, so we took a drive last Thurs. and got some berries, tomatoes, a new variety of peach to try (I prefer freestone; this one is kind of inbetween a free and cling), and zucchini. I made a batch of strawberry jam and one of mixed berry. These are for a fundraiser for a counseling center that my Bible study group supports. We're going to have a "Ladies Night Out" garden party in Sept. and these (and some others) will be available for a "suggested donation of $xx.xx)". I see zucchini bread in my future for later today. Prayers for all in need, and for unspoken prayers, too.

    1. Lori, it seems when I post using my name (by signing in), my comment will go to blog jail on occasion.

      How nice to have the fundraisers and "Ladies Night Out"!!

    2. Thanks for the advice Lori on posting. I never have a problem, but know many have.
      It is lovely that fresh produce is starting and we will be laden with good natural yummies. What a wonder.
      You got some nice goodies at the market. I want some green beans and fresh melons - so may make a trip to mine this week.
      Cool on the night out event and providing goodies to 'sell' for donations!
      Have a wonderful week.

    3. Sounds like you had a pretty good week. Ours was a little busier than usual. Monday, hubs had an appointment at the VA with the dermatologist and wound up having a bioipsy on his shin. While there we stopped at the Commissary just for a look see since we were on base. What a shock. All the prices for everything were as high or higher than a civilian grocery store. Unbelieveable.
      Tuesday we had to take the car in for the recall to be fixed. Wednesday we were home and harvested 17 large zucchini and 4 pounds of green beans. I made some zucchini soup base for the freezer and zucchini bread. I can't remember what happened Thursday, but Friday we had to go out and the car wouldn't start. Thank goodness for AAA. They came right out and we needed a new battery. Unbelieveable that the dealership didn't pick that up. Saturday and Sunday and Sunday afternoon we worked in the garden. Since we're having guests for dinner this Thursday I'm getting ahead by making dessert and putting it in the freezer. I made Paula Deen's ooey gooey chocolate butter cake. We're going to put a pork loin on the rotisserie in the airfryer, and have coleslaw, which I will make Wednesday, and air fryed potato wedges and possibly applesauce. Haven't decided whether to make my faux corn bread with almond flour. There's still time to decide. Cookie

    4. Wow you were busy. That is a lot in one week. I hope the biopsy turns out well.
      Love AAA!
      17 zucchini!!!!! WOW I love cream of zucchini soup.
      OK - my mouth is watering now! I already ate - and this is making me hungry! It all sounds good - your guests will be lucky!
      Have a wonderful week!
