Sunday, July 2, 2023

Weekly Wrap Up 7/2

 Happy Sunday to all.  Happy JULY!!!!  I hope this finds you all well and safe.
Well, the old saying 'be careful what you wish for' seems to be true.  We had such horrible smoke around and wishing it all gone.  If it isn't one thing it is something else - so be careful!
Thursday late afternoon we had a tremendous storm FLY through our area.  We had 70 mph straight line  winds!  Yep blew that smoke away, and downed a lot of trees and there are still thousands without power. 

I ended up having my big old tulip poplar hugely "topped". It missed my wires and my garage - but landed in the neighbor's yard and on their wires!  (that was some strong wind).  Yikes.  NO they didn't lose any power, thank goodness.  It all happened in just a second it seemed.  Their maintenance guy came and cut up all the tree.
We had more rain Friday night, more Saturday morning and Saturday night and more coming today and tomorrow.  Chances of rain for several upcoming days!  The garden is thriving!!!!!
I feel veery blessed that this is all I had happen.

It has turned very hot and humid.  Will not complain - some things are just better than others.  I am keeping my thermostat at about 77/78, just so the humidity is out of the air and it is cooler than outside.  Don't want to use any more power than necessary.  Even today, we are still hearing transformers blow, so trying to be mindful.

I hope everyone celebrating a holiday this weekend, has a wonderful and safe time.  Canada had Canada Day yesterday, and we in the U.S. have the 4th coming up.  Stay safe and have a wonderful time.

This week:
  • Used my air fryer some instead of frying or using oven
  • Tied up some of the tomato plants - they are really growing
  • Made a faux crab salad with a pack of crab found in the freezer, and used the last hard boiled egg in it and some frozen peas
  • Had the birthday get together for the neighbor (landlord) who turned 80.  It was a really nice gathering
  • Used dehumidifier water in the laundry
  • Cleaned up under the squirrel feeders - lots of sunflower hulls and corn bits.  Usually the birds clear it up - but not at the first of the week.  Trying to deter nighttime critters!
  • Mowed and trimmed the front only!  Even as small as the front is - I looked like a drowned rat when I got done.  It was HOT!  Back will wait a little longer
  • I did go out and top the gas tank - so as to use my May points that would expire if not used.  I saved .50 a gallon on gas (only needed 1/4 tank - but still!)
  • Did a little root touch-up on my hair
  • Picked up TONS of limbs and sticks.  I have a huge pile.  I have been going out each day - as new ones keep falling with the winds of the storms
  • Haven't had to water my garden for several days!
  • Have 2 FULL rain barrels now!!!!!
  • Neighbor visiting (not much porch setting this week)
  • I have a little dorm size frig in the basement for extra stuff if needed.  Well, it isn't frost free!  So I unplugged and defrosted and cleaned it all out.  I think I will leave it unplugged for now, until needed maybe around the holiday time.  No since in keeping it on, when not needed.
  • All meals from home and from what I have
  • Doing all the normal stuff
Meals this past week:
Homemade egg rolls (in air fryer)
Fish, quartered potato (in air fryer) and slaw
Poor man's Swiss steak and mashed potatoes
Crab salad over bed of fresh lettuce and crackers
Quesadillas with a bit of everything on them (used what was in frig)
Olive loaf and veggie sub (homemade)
Cheeseburger and salad
SNACKS - fruit, beef stick & crackers

How was your week?  How is your garden or pots doing?  I hope all is well with your gardens.  
Mine looks to be thriving.  Cukes growing lots of fruit, tons of bell peppers on the plants, a few zucchini (one will be picked in a day or so), and lots of tomatoes on the plants.  
Did you get any good deals this week?  Nothing much to be had in our fliers.

I hope each and every one of you and your families are good.  Stay safe and healthy and COOL in the coming days.
Blessings to you and yours from my humble little home.

My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments; for length of days and years of life and abundant welfare will they give you.
Proverbs 3:1-2

Dear Lord, please calm our hearts and our souls.  Help us to wait and know that all things happen in Your time, not necessarily ours.  We get in a hurry and sometimes do rash things - help us to learn patience.  In Your time and Your way.  Help us to give control of our spirit to Your loving hands.  Thank You for all our many blessings.


  1. Cheryl, extreme weather is scary. Nature will always show us who's boss. Your prayer spoke to me. Calm heart & soul. Yes, please. I'm in a funk. I'll sit in it & see where it takes me. There was a lot of gardening this week including weeding veg garden & perennial bed, hilling beans and harvesting green onions for the freezer. It all looks so good right now & just in time for another .5 in of rain last night with some thunder that shook the house. I took mom to the local Canada Day parade along with my cousins & neighbors. The majority of mom's care is looked after by community health care. I see my role as one of advocacy. I want her to feel comfortable & safe in this last chapter of her life. Meeting up with friends on the parade route is part of the fun. Besides the gardening, I got the picnic table stained & worked on some yard decor, painting a wheel hub with spokes to look like a sunflower (?) to hang on the shop wall for some visual interest. In the kitchen: gingery beef, taco bowl, pasta with veg alfredo sauce.

    1. Yes, nature can show its ugly head every now and then. I am sorry you are in a funk. Prayers that you can just give it to God.
      I have to get out sometime this week and work on the backyard - it really needs attention! It sounds like you have a busy garden time ahead. You got a lot done. I bet the wheel/sunflower is darling.
      Have a blessed week!

  2. Another excellent devotional! I am reading through Job (for the umpteenth time) and each time I read from Scripture I see it in a new light. No matter how wealthy we are, no matter how smooth our life seems to be skating, things still happen. Job did not lose sight of his faith or blame the Father for his troubles.

    A whole lotta rain! All our rain collection barrels and buckets are full to over flowing. Sorry about your tree. At least the maintenance guy cut up the tree. We lost a limb from one of the sweet gum trees in front. All the tree branches are really hanging down because of the heavy rain.

    We have had several zucchini. One escaped the Farmer's view and grew to baseball bat size so the chickens got it. Found a recipe for a veggie pie using zucchini, corn, onion and baking mix. We added mushrooms and used fresh corn instead of canned. I think this recipe could use a variety of veg. Added gruyere and some sharp cheddar cheese on top. The Farmer says we have some peppers almost ready. I haven't been in the garden since I fell and displaced two ribs. I miss being able to do as needed around here.

    Looks like a day to stay in and read and possibly nap!

    1. Donna, that veggie pie sounds delicious!! And yes, you're right, things happen. To everyone. --Elise
      P.S. For some reason, in the summer months, I'm all about a nap.

    2. At least we have free water to use when we need it!!! My neighbor has a sweet gum tree and boy oh boy are those branches hanging low!
      Well, I guess the tree needed topped and it was free and clean up was free - so all good!
      That pie sounds wonderful! I may make something like that soon. Sure you could use about anything you want in it. I love recipes like that!
      Staying in is a good idea today - it is HUMID out there. Hope you are mending well.
      Have a good week.

  3. I'd wondered how you were faring when I saw a map of the storms in a weather app. So glad you didn't have more damage, Cheryl. It was HOT here yesterday, but no wind, so Hubs got started painting primer on the side porch railing. Long story made short... the contractor last year used indoor paint and caulking (no primer) on the porches.

    Our grocery store fliers weren't all that great, either. Thankfully, I have a lot in stock at home! We got watermelon for 19 cents per lb., sliced cheese, hot dog and hamburger buns. Cherries and grapes for snacking (both on sale). Meals this week were basic and light, but we did splurge on Friday evening for the Early Bird pricing at Cattleman's; it was good to see that restaurant packed.

    At dawn this morning we were greeted by a small herd of deer at the empty house + 3 acres next door. They frequent that property with its tall grass and no humans. Until the rains arrive, wildlife tends to come in closer. Wild rabbits have been in the yard every day. The pups go nuts. Sage plants of all kinds deter deer and rabbits, so I bought bulk seeds (15k total seeds) of blue sage to sprinkle along the property line and in bare spots. I don't mind deer or rabbits at all, but would rather not have the predators that eat them wander in!

    Thank you for the verse and prayer. As always, very timely. We'll be homebodies this weekend, but I wish everyone, especially those travelling, good food, good times and safety. --Elise

    "Before the mountains were born
    or you brought forth the whole world,
    from everlasting to everlasting you are God." Psalm 90:2

    1. It could have been a lot worse - was for many.
      Painting in the heat doesn't sound fun. What were they thinking? Nuts.
      Cool on the deer. I don't blame you, that sounds smart to plant sage. Hope it grows well and helps. Don't want those predators around.
      Have a restful weekend and stay cool!
      Have a lovely week.

    2. Elise - I did not know that about sage. Thank you for sharing that!

    3. I'm interested to see if the sage works. I grew up in an area thick with desert sage. Still lots of deer and rabbits. That said, I have some Russian sage on my property and the deer and rabbits don't eat it. Well, the adult rabbits don't eat it. I think baby rabbits try about anything, just like baby humans will put about anything in their mouths. The Russian sage has a nice bloom and it survives Arizona heat well. Hope you like it.
      Central Az

  4. Husband's dr. appt Thursday resulted in the Dr.'s office pulling strings to get his cardiologist appt. moved to 1st thing Monday morning (tomorrow). He has sinus bradycardia (abnormally slow heart rate) which appears to be causing his weakness (and falls) and the TIAs and stroke.

    I am back to being stressed to the max but am trying to take care of myself. I just finished 20 minutes on the treadmill since it is raining and I can't walk around the block. The nausea is worse than ever, so I'm eating what I feel like when I feel like it.

    The prayer really spoke to me today. I am learning that I can't control everything (a recovering lifelong control freak) and that God will determine the outcome of this crisis in His own time.

    The high winds missed us, but we have been having rain and storms with more predicted for most of the week. A couple of very hot, humid days coming, too. My rain barrels are full. Running the A/C in the evening to lower the humidity.

    I got the weeds mowed when the smog broke Wed. Finally got to thin beets and cucumber plants yesterday and tied up tomato plants. Picking peas. My regrown broccoli has a small head starting. Baby cukes and zukes have set on, blossoms on the peppers. Lots of green tomatoes. I'll be giving away produce again this year.

    Hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable 4th!
    --Frances in the Trailer Park

    1. Oh, Frances, I hope/pray the cardiologist has a treatment that will help your husband. Prayers for you, too, dealing with all of the stress. At least your garden sounds like it will produce a lot this year! Have you tried ginger tea or flat ginger ale for the nausea? That's worked a bit for e in the past. (((Hug))) --Elise

    2. So scary when trees fall, even parts of them. Glad nothing else was damaged and nobody was hurt, Cheryl!

      Son took family to the beach for the 4 day holiday, but they're coming home on Day#2 - bugs and mosquitoes are so bad it's no fun at all for 2 of the family who really react strongly to the bites.

      Frances, what a pity about the nausea - is it all stress? I sometimes get that and never have figured out what to do. I don't care for ginger tea, but have some crystallized ginger and will try to remember that next time I get hit by it.
      Hope your DH will get good help on Monday.

    3. Well, at least there is that answer as to what is causing it. Prayers that they can come up with a speedy solution to remedy it. Huge hugs to you both. I hate you are having so much stress. Peppermint helps calm the belly too.
      Eat whatever you need to and whatever makes you feel better at the moment.
      Prayers for a resolution on Monday. Bless you both.
      Blessings for this coming week.

    4. MARY - It was scary. Just heard the wind and a crack and looked out the door and there it was. That quick. Nature is pretty astounding.
      Mosquitoes are getting bad. heat and humidity doesn't help with them. Sorry they have to cut their trip short.
      You might try peppermints - they help me at times when I have an upset stomach.
      Have a great week.

    5. F, sending my prayers to you and your Husband.

    6. Frances - happy to hear that the issue was identified for your husband. Hoping they can come up with a solution soon. I know it's tough to do so right now but take care of yourself. Prayers for you both.

    7. MARY, stress hormones can play havoc on the body. In addition to nausea, I also get heart palpitations. The smoky air was causing dizziness and shortness of breath. I do feel a little better this afternoon since we got him showered without incident. He is asleep in his recliner right now.
      For the nausea I use peppermint essential oil in a necklace diffuser. Vanilla wafers help, too. Distraction seems to help ease the anxiety. Soothing music, amusing books, physical activity.

    8. Prayers for you and hubby. Cindy/WV

    9. FRANCES - let us know how the appointment goes. Hopefully they come up with a helpful plan!!!!!!

    10. Frances
      Just catching up after a trip away with no internet. Prayers for both you and hubs. My hubs has the opposite, heart beats too fast and then irregular. There are meds to even it out, gratefully. My prayer is that this will resolve itself soon!
      Central Az

  5. Good Sunday morning, Happy 4th to everyone in the USA and Happy Canada Day to our Canadian friends.
    By the time I have read all the comments my brain is fried. Can't think.
    We are under heat advisory around here sure could use some rain. But our garden is doing great! I've picked 20 zucchini, about a half a lb of peas, lots of lettuce, 2 cucumbers and some blueberries. We have no red tomatoes yet. The neighbors are reaping our gardening rewards.
    Been making my list for food for camping. We have just been getting the trailer ready to go. DH has an audiology appt. tomorrow then we are headed out.

    1. WOW you have picked a lot of garden already. That is fantastic. I bet your neighbors love you for now i until they get tired of zucchini!!!!! LOL
      So anticipating that first red tomato!!!!!
      Stay cool!. Hope all goes well with the apptmt. Have a blast on your camping trip. Stay safe.
      Have a wonderful week.

  6. Oh goodness, that storm sounds horrid. I'm happy to hear the smoke is gone, but the storm was a bit extreme.
    It's cooled off here today and I think I'll spend some time outside enjoying the breeze.
    Happy early July 4th!

    1. It was a little scary for a while. I fared well compared to many people.
      We have a lot of breeze today - although warm. It is nice. Glad you have cooler temps. ENJOY
      Have a great week.

  7. Yikes on the storm! I’m glad it didn’t hit your house or your neighbor’s house. Sounds like you’ve gotten a bunch of ☔️ rain. It does tend to being the humidity with it. I have my air off in my bedroom. It’s about 70 or so In here, but like you I want to use as little electricity as possible. Glad your garden is growing so well. We had fresh zucchini and yellow squash with our dinner yesterday, so delicious. I hope you have a wonderful 4th of July too. No plans for a cookout here, but we will go to see the fireworks as that is one thing Bailey wants to do every 4th. 😊

    1. I am so fortunate. That tree is very close to the house and the garage. His wires are drooping, and the power company will get here when they can. Power for others is more important right now.
      Yum on the squash - I hope to have some in a day or two.
      ENJOY your time with Bailey. Have fun.
      Have a great week.

  8. Hi Cheryl. You and your neighbour were lucky the tree did not cause any major damage. We could do with some rain in our part of the UK. It has definitely been cooler the past few days.
    You were surprised that the hospitals did scans at weekends. Due to Covid and to a much lesser extend striking NHS staff there are very long waiting lists for many operations and tests so yes there are scans etc at weekends. Hubbie got on okay, he was very nervous before hand, many years ago he had a bad experience while in the Navy where he was almost flattened between a ships rail and a lowering container, only injury was a broken wrist and a fear of enclosed spaces, thank goodness for steel capped work boots.
    I did a large supermarket shop this week, several bargains but prices have gone up so much and groceries packets have shrunk.
    This week our daughter is looking after what was their family dog,. When she had to sell the family house, Mr Dexter went to live with her ex and son. So the days she is not working from home, he will be coming here or I will go to her house for a few hours. He gets on well with our dog so another doggie pal for a couple of days. When he is at home, he gets left alone much of the day so it will be a treat for him.
    We are waiting for red tomatoes, only have smaller green ones at present. Hope it's quiet in your neighbourhood on the 4th. Best wishes for the coming week.

    1. Glad the test all went well. Oh my goodness, I think I can understand why he would be nervous! What a scary thing to have had happen. It sounds like he was very lucky.
      Even with all the Covid restrictions we had, hospitals here don't do much of anything on the weekends. You are lucky to get any care at all really. No one here wants to get admitted on a Friday - because they know they will just sit all weekend.
      Glad you got a good shopping trip in. Sorry for the prices. Some of ours are up and others have come down a bit.
      How sweet that you get to doggy sit. Nice the pups get along. Poor baby, I hate it when animals are alone so much. Glad he has you guys!
      I am anticipating ripe tomatoes - oh yum! I only have green ones as well.
      Thank you. Hope you have a great week.

  9. Happy that no one was injured with your storm. Sounds like some wild winds! We've had the smoke here as well this past week but with the heavy rains today, it seems to have cleared the air. And our garden is well watered!

    I've been using the air fryer as much as possible too. Sometimes, if what I'm cooking will take a bit (like chicken wings) I set it out on the deck so any bit of heat from it stays outside. I had put off purchasing one for a long time but now I'm so happy I did - we use it just about every day!

    We are harvesting sugar snap peas, tons of greens and lettuces, beets and beet greens, radish, herbs, & broccoli. Jalapeno peppers are just about ready, the bell pepper plants are loaded but still small, tomatoes are plentiful but green, green beans are about a week away, and zucchini and yellow summer squash are getting close. For some reason my cucumber plants are still quite small. I'm not sure why.

    I'm not a fan of the fireworks that come with this time of year, mostly because our cat is terrified of loud noises. I can't even imagine the poor wildlife and how anxious it may make them. We at least can give our cat some meds to help him with his anxiety. Last night through Tuesday night will likely be noisy and then the next weekend or two. Hopefully by then, everyone will have it out of their systems. 😊

    I just wanted to thank you, Cheryl, for this blog and all of your thoughtful posts. I don't always get the time to comment but I try to read all of your posts as well as the wonderful comments. You've built a wonderful community!

    Wishing you a wonderful week ahead!

    1. Hi Staci. I was very blessed indeed. So many others had a lot of damage. Just frightful winds. Then pouring rain.
      Glad you got some rain. The gardens sure do love it.
      Your garden sounds like it is doing fantastic. That is wonderful! Nothing like all those free 'grow'ceries!

      I got my air fryer at a yard sale for $10. Didn't use it for ages, now I am really liking it. Good for a lot of things.

      I am not a fan of fireworks either. Luckily we have had rain at night - so it has been quieter than normal in the neighborhood. I am sure they will make up for it when they can! Commercial displays are OK - they aren't on my doorstep! I feel for all the animals. Poor things.
      Thank you so much for your kind words. Love having you here. Yes, this is a wonderful community - it is like extended family.
      Have a blessed week.

  10. I prefer fireflies to fireworks. Ha! That said, our neighbors put on a spectacular display to rival any municipal display I've seen. It has become an annual tradition, so we just enjoy it. They do a good job keeping people safe, (and it attracts a crowd) They are right on a body of water so it is fairly benign. I still prefer fireflies. Have a great weekend. Glad you are safe Cheryl. .Dee/NY

  11. I have seen the devastation on the news and I am glad to hear you are safe. Hot is the word here as well. 110 heat index today. I am so very thankful for A/C!

    1. Great invention isn't it? I remember not having it as a kid - and it would be so hot. Dad would sleep out on the front porch and mom and I would make a bed on the floor in front of the screen door. Upstairs was miserable.
      Stay cool.
      Just had another front move through quickly - all is good. Thank you!
      Have a great week.

  12. It was brutally hot and humid here also. We had a bad storm come through Friday night. It did a lot of damage just West of us. One of our friends had their roof almost totally ripped off but they are safe. So many are still without power. Yesterday brought another storm but it was very mild in comparison yet still dropped a lot of much needed rain. My plants are all happy. I'm glad you got rain and didn't have much damage to your home or yard. Have a wonderful holiday and week a head Cheryl.

    1. Sorry for your friends. Glad they are safe. Still many here w/o power as well. We just had another one come through - rain appreciated.
      Yes, the plants love this rain and heat.
      You have a great week.

  13. Well Cheryl we are getting the biggest rain and thunderstorm right now. No high winds, So sorry about our tree getting topped and glad no one was hurt. It is so nice for the rain barrels to be full again!

    1. We had a storm come through about 4PM today. A little windy but not bad. Lot's of rain. Hopefully your skies will clear!!!!!!
      Got to love the rain barrels!
      Have a good week.

  14. Hi Cheryl, so glad you are fine after the storms! Right now and the next few weeks are the horrid time of the year in the Arizona desert. 110-115. Sigh, the good news is that it chases people away this time of year. The roads and restaurants are quiet. Nice for us regular folks. Hilogene in Az

    1. Thank you - I am glad too!! I can not even imagine that kind of heat - yuck. It would shoo me away!!! I hope you manage to stay cool and hydrated.
      Hey, Did you see Kate is back?? (Coffee with Kate). She has made 2 new videos. It was neat seeing her.
      Have a great week.

  15. So glad you got through the storm relatively unscathed, winds sure can be destructive quickly. Lucky your produce bearers survived.
    We were blessed over the weekend to have help from two gents from one of our local homeless shelters. Getting to know them and their stories over the past three days has been a blessing. We really enjoyed their company ( and definitely appreciated the work they did)
    So, ahead of schedule we have the house emptied, I am ready for a long hot soak in the bath.
    Have a great week everyone, count your blessings and appreciate what you have.

    1. Yes, all is good for me. I am relieved for sure.
      Oh how neat that you got help and that you got to help someone else in the midst of it. I bet they were interesting. Maybe there is a way to stay in touch. That might be a blessing all the way around.
      Glad the house is empty. You go take a long relaxing soak - I said so!!!!!
      We are truly blessed in so many ways!!!
      Have a lovely week. Please send my regards to Ms. Linda!

    2. I will do so Cheryl and she will be thrilled.
      We always used to ask for men willing to help out ( paid of course)
      until one year one stole our utility and drove two states over!!!!
      We have team of older men ( all in their mid to late eighties, referred to as “ the old coots”) who also help out ( also paid, but I’m sure they would pay us just for the social aspect). They have refurbished many a table, swing set, bed anything that can look better with a coat of paint, but they can polish off a fruitcake like a pack of hungry wolves.
      Miss Lynda is also a great help, she will wash, mend and iron for the next few weeks and then we will donate what is useable to various shelters and food banks in our area.
      I think one of the gents will return to help, the other, now he has some money is returning to his home state. I have given him my number and he will ring just to let us know he has arrived safely.

    3. I just love to hear these kinds of stories. People helping people. That is what it is all supposed to be about. How nice that Miss Lynda (sorry I spelled it wrong earlier) will have plenty to do and it will help others too.
      Thanks to you all. I hope the gentleman gets back home safely!
      I bet any treat that they get would be finished off in no time. Something special for sure.

    4. No need to apologise, that was my phone sound it’s auto-correct.
      I don’t know why, it seems to have a mind of its own. It always changes the name of my youngest daughter as well.
      And thank you for the sweet comment. My partner does not believe in the Lord, but he does believe in people. Enjoy, this great Monday. Louise

  16. The scenery was majestic. The bugs were horrendous and I'm SO grateful to be home. I'm catching up on the comments and my prayers go out to many of you. Yikes! Hospital visits, smoke, high winds. Many trials it seems. I appreciate the community and glad to be back.
    Central Az

    1. Glad to have you back!!! Sounds like you enjoyed yourself!
      Lot of things happened this week. It has been an active week.
      Get settled in, catch up, and have a wonderful week!

  17. Wonderful prayer Cheryl, yes, we must stop and wait and pray about every single thing.

    That is one crazy storm that blew through, yes ma'am! My goodness! I know how you feel, when we were out of town recently we had left to go eat supper from the little bungalow we rented in town in Fredericksburg and went to a favorite old restaurant situated in an old almost 200 year old stone building. We knew rains were coming but not a full blown storm. Oh my goodness, that wind shook the trees like you are describing and the roof was making a very weird whirring sound. I looked around and it was interesting, there was a man at the bar, he seemed unfazed, drinking his beer and saying he had plenty of drinks there for the storm. A full table of women, those who were drinking were unfazed, those who were not were looking at me like ..."What do we do?!" It was very unsettling, both the storm and the culture of people. We both noticed that this was a picture of our culture out there. Scary stuff going on, (not that we should dwell on it) but people just going on in their lifestyles unfazed by anything nor a prayer.

    When we got back to the little bungalow in town a few blocks away, a tree had fallen on the driveway where our car would have been! Thank God the car was not there. We may not would have been able to get home in our car, and would have had to rent one. Just yesterday I heard a buzzing in the living room as I crossed through. I walk over to the buzzing, sounded like a big bug. I see a pee-pee puddle that one of the dogs left and a chewed electrical cord in it! I threw a towel over it and then the cord started a flame! Thank God I saw it and was home to see it and hear it! I'm just so grateful to God.

    Your menu sounds so nice, eggrolls sound so good!

    It truly is so important to wait on even little things. I've been into homemade french fries and realized cutting the long old fashioned kind was a little time consuming so have been on the hunt for a french fry maker (hand held manual). I looked on ebay for a vintage one, but later found one on another site, American brand like my mom had had, but new. It was cheaper than the one I almost first bought and two size fry blades plus better reviews! I was also trying to find comfie sandals, almost bought some and prayed about it....Came back home and researched a little more, deleted those. Went back to look at my Clarks Cloudsteppers and voila! The tried and tru sandal I really like and have worn out were on special for 40 percent off in the color I wanted! So I was able to buy my tried and tru good ol Clarks that I *know* fit and are comfortable cheaper than the off brand! Yippee! It paid to wait and pray! : )

    It's been very hot here, dangerously so. That's so interesting the way you made your little sleeping area in front of the screen door, I knew a man who would spray his bed with the water bottle his mom used for ironing and went night night like that. The heat is truly brutal but I guess folks were more used to it then? Our little home had the old fashioned Frederick brand window unit and I love those window units...And they don't mold either! : )

    Your take care now Cheryl, I hope the little family is okay across the street. Praying for them and all here making life decisions and are undergoing stress....I so get that. God bless and be with us all. ~Amelia

    P.S. The fam is coming over tomorrow, dogs and burgers, I will have my tweaked lentil burgers for me and my mom and anyone else who wants one (I added an egg this time and a flax egg too to hold them together better) plus some vegan parma in them, no salt for us. Plenty of salt in other things haha. Kids will bring their proteins, one of my daughters will prolly enjoy one of my lentil burgers, hubs has his and kids will bring sides. I *might* make a pasta salad with chickpea pasta from Aldi. Guacamole is a rule too! : )

    I appreciate you!

    1. It is amazing how people are unfazed by much of life today. They seem to live in a bubble, and that is all they worry with.
      WOW, that would have been scary to me as well. God sure keeps us in His hands. You were where you were supposed to be, not at the little cottage.
      The kids seemed to be off with someone this weekend. I saw the mom leaves yesterday with a little bag, and she hasn't been back yet. Maybe they are getting some rest after a fitful week. She has a lot on her plate with covering their business as well as the kids now.
      Have a lovely time with the family. Sounds like you have it all under control. ENJOY and stay cool.
      Have a good week.

    2. Sounds like you had a nice trip, even with the storm, and yoo-hoo on the handheld French fry cutter and sandals! Glad you're home safe. Have a wonderful time with family! (((Hug)))

    3. Thank you Cheryl and Elise! : ) Hugs!

  18. P.S. Hubs and I both had lentil burgers on Saturday night with fries. He enjoyed the lentil burgers too, liked the egg and flax meal in them so they held together better! We also had cucuzza stew that lasted for a few meals plus pasta night. : ) That little Sicilian likes his pasta! lol I'm half Italian and half German so I'm okay with or without. ; )

    1. I bet they were good. I don't blame him, I like pasta too!

    2. Yes, pasta is good food. : ) Some of my best memories are at the table at my Italian grandma and grandpa's table in their sweet little humble home.

  19. In my kitchen today (the 3rd):

    We'd planned on grilled hot dogs today (burgers were yesterday) and grilled chicken thighs tomorrow, but BIL bought and brought over 4 big steaks to grill on the 4th!! So, the chicken thighs are brining in a container of salt water in the fridge--skim right past that one, Amelia, LOL!--and they'll be grilled tonight to be served with big salads and biscuits. And seedless watermelon.

    I baked Patriotic sugar cookies using red, white and blue sprinkles for our mail carrier and UPS driver, both of whom will be working today. I also made a big pan of rice krispie treats that are in the fridge. Our youngest son bought tickets for us all to see the movie, "Sound of Freedom" at the one theater in town tomorrow, which is opening day. He was surprised to see the tickets for that movie are discounted to only $6 each! Thanks to Laura at Harvest Lane Cottage for the excellent review and recommendation. --Elise

    1. WOW steak!!!!! That was nice of him. Chicken sounds yummy too - so no waste there.
      I have heard a lot of good things about that movie. Such a sad subject.
      ENJOY your times together!

    2. LOL Elise! That's hilarious, makes me giggle.

      That is wonderful your cookies for the UPS driver and mail carrier, I know they will love it!

      I need to check into the movie, I missed the review, is it a blog or comment? If nothing else I like to see things when they come out on dvd.

      Loved your "In the Kitchen Today".


    3. Hello my sweet friend. I am finally visiting your home here in the blogasphere once again. I'm trying to give myself some time each week to visit my friends here. I have missed catching up on all your lives.

      I am so sorry you got hit with those winds. I have seen some of the tv footage of how bad they were. I'm glad things were not worse for you than they were.

    4. Hi Debbie - I understand sometimes life just gets in the way and 'visiting' is hard to do. You keep so busy with your life - and that is important. Your family comes first.
      Have a wonderful week and 4th.
