Sunday, July 16, 2023

Weekly Wrap Up 7/16

 Happy Sunday to all.  Here we are halfway through another month!!!!  How does this keep happening so fast?  My goodness, it will be fall before we know it.

We have had some hot days and a lot of humidity.  Yesterday we did get a nice gentle rain here for about 2 hours or so.  The kind of rains I remember back as a kid - no storms, no winds - just a nice rain!  It didn't get too hot temp wise yesterday and it was cloudy most of the day, but it was what I call muggly!!!!  Oh goodness, it was humid out.  You felt as if you were walking into a wall of water.

Things are growing - including grass and weeds.  Need to mow - it is just too stinking hot!  The cicadas are back and singing loudly!  I do like that sound.  Lightening bugs galore at night.
It is a bit hazy this morning, and they say the smoke will be back for a few days - getting worse later in the day today.

I did read yesterday that Sluggy (Don't Read This...) blog is not going to be blogging anymore.  She said good-bye yesterday.  No explanation for why - except saying it was time.  I hate to see people stop their journey.  Wishing her well on whatever she decides to do.  Hopefully Kim will be back this coming week!

                                             My first tomato of the season!!!!!!  LOL
My week:
  • I used the crockpot this week to make a pork loin and some veggies
  • Used that pork over a few meals
  • Cut up the leftover potatoes and carrots from the roast and froze - will use as hash or in soup at some point
  • Used rainwater for all my potted plants
  • Made a nice bowl of pasta salad with lots of veggies (including zucchini)
  • Picked 7 zucchini, 3 cucumbers and 3 cherry tomatoes! - Lettuce is done for now
  • Ordered Blackie his natural meds from Chewy and received them within 24 hours!  No shipping costs.  That is a good place to order from!!!!!!
  • Making banana peel water for fertilizing the potted garden plants
  • Cleaned the outer wood on cabinets
  • Shared zucchini with 2 neighbors
  • Laundry and used dehumidifier water
  • Pulled a few weeds (when cool) and gave the back bushes a little trim/haircut.  Just trimmed excess growth
  • NO store this week -- stayed home all week
  • Made a double batch of hummingbird nectar and cleaned the feeders well
  • Had a peach that was very ripe - so made a peach milkshake for a treat
  • Doing all the normal stuff
Meals this past week:
Pork loin, potatoes, carrots, zucchini
Pulled pork sandwich and salad
Pork soft tacos
Pasta salad loaded with veggies
Grilled cheese and pasta salad
Zucchini taco skillet - gr.beef, zucchini, corn, beans, onion, rice
Grilled wraps (used taco skillet leftovers)
                                                Pork soft tacos - topped with fresh veggies

How was your week???  Did you get any great deals this week?  How are those gardens doing and what of your 'grow'ceries are you getting to use?
Is it super hot in your area?  It seems it is about everywhere from what the news says.  This is the time I am thankful for the invention of AC!!!  I don't use it all day everyday by any means - but it sure makes like a bit more comfortable.

Hope you all have a fantastic week ahead.  Prayers that you all stay safe and healthy and cool.
Blessings from my humble little home to you and yours.


That you Lord for this past week and getting us through each and every day.  We pray that you guide us through this upcoming week and help us to realize that all is in Your wonderful hands.  We humbly thank You for each and every blessing we receive.  Amen


  1. I read that about Sluggy not blogging anymore either. It the end of an era. 😢 Muggly is a great word for that wet feeling, yuck! Your meals sound delicious. It’s been while since we did a pork roast, but they are delicious. We ordered out latest cat food from Chewys, they have good service and good coupons too. I ate my last peach from the local orchard here this week. They were so good. I did use my last very ripe banana is a smoothie yesterday. It’s a good way to use up that fruit that is very ripe in smoothies or milk shakes. Yum!

    1. I got a pork loin a few weeks back - cut it in 3 chunks and froze the other 2. Makes for some good meals and stretches it out!
      Fresh fruit makes such good smoothies - not wasting any of it! I did banana last week.
      Have a great week.

  2. Hi Cheryl! We have the smoke, the heat and the brutal humidity as well. I will be staying inside today enjoying the AC. Your meals all sound delicious as always. We've been enjoying all of the early Summer bounty. I can't believe it's almost time to start the Fall garden. I hadn't read about Sluggy yet. It always makes me sad when a blogger I enjoy stops blogging. Isn't it funny how attached we get to people that we've never even met? Enjoy your Sunday and stay cool.

    1. Oh inside is a good place to be! It doesn't look too bad here yet - but that humidity!
      I am the same way - when people leave, it is like losing a friend. We do tend to make friends of so many who we haven't actually met - that is so cool.
      Have a great week.

  3. Summer is creeping along. Canola fields are in full bloom & grain crops are headed out with a tinge of yellow appearing. I think it will be an early harvest. Grass is coming back nicely in the pastures the cows have been turned out of. I'm glad I'm not a farmer/rancher beholden to the elements. It's been smoky +++. I enjoyed a cousin reunion 4 hrs away from home last w/e. 9 of 16 cousins attended. It was a great opportunity to catch up & best of all, it wasn't the usual gathering at a funeral. There was another gathering last night at friends' 50th wedding anniversary. At my parents' 45th anniversary my mom said - there's been a lot of water under the bridge; some of it was muddy. 50 yrs is certainly something to honor. I've enjoyed the first cherry tomato off the vine. I've gathered some dill for the freezer & basil is drying. The deer are enjoying the beet leaves. The garden has been weeded this week. I had to cut grass twice with the push mower since the lawn tractor needed repair. Thanks to my good neighbor, the part was replaced. Cousins joined me for a steak bbq & cards (11cent rummy). That's the only meal I've prepared all week. I did bake monster cookies & chocolate chip cookies for the freezer. I've been out & about every day this past week & I'm looking forward to days at home in the coming week.

    1. Well girl, sounds like you have been keeping the roads hot!!! LOL. Nice to get with family, especially for good times. It seems so much happens for funerals and bad things. It is nice to celebrate the good. 50 years is a huge milestone and sure does deserve a celebration!
      Nice that you haven't had to do a lot of cooking. Your week sounds like a lot of fun.
      Rest up and have a wonderful week!

  4. We're having the heat and humidity, too, punctuated by occasional rain. I need to mow sometime this week. Picking zucchini. One beefsteak tomato slowly turning red, hope to pick this week. Lots of little peppers. Peas are done, going to let them go to seed.

    Husband and I are hanging in there. He had a particularly bad day Friday with a number of cognitive problems: couldn't remember what he normally does after eating breakfast, trouble finding words, expressing thoughts, etc. Yesterday was a little better. We are both terrified of the big "D" word (dementia).

    After two failed attempts since June 29 by my dr.'s office to fax the PT and speech therapy orders to the therapy provider, I finally asked for them to be mailed to me. I will hand-deliver them tomorrow. It has been over a month since his stroke. We really need to get services started.

    I am having a lot of stomach problems, probably stress-related. The past two days I have had to go back to bed for a while in the morning. Antacids help a little but are not a long-term solution.

    I have been trying to keep both of us distracted and occupied. Yesterday we watched a Jack Benny dvd in the afternoon and listened to relaxing classical music in the evening.

    We lost a challenge to a claim with our dental insurance on part of the work Husband had done on his teeth back in January, so I will be paying a $683 bill tomorrow. (sigh)

    Sorry to be such a downer. It was just one of those weeks.
    --Frances in the Trailer Park

    1. Sorry you have had a down week. They need to get that PT started and NOW! That is just ridiculous. It has to be frustrating for him - poor guy. I know mom had several smaller strokes and it took time to get back. She never did do any PT, and I think it would have helped. Keeping distracted is good. I would think funny DVD's would be good!
      Huge hugs to you both. Please know I keep you in prayer. I hope this is a better week for your both.
      Take care!!!!!!!!

    2. Praying for a better week for you and your hubs

    3. Frances, Praying for a better week for you and your Hubby.

    4. Prayers for a better week.

    5. What is with doctor offices to be so dilatory about things? I got a new doctor a few years ago and it took 6+ *months* to get my records moved. I was about ready to take in all my paper records and we'd create a record from them. Gee whiz. At least I wasn't waiting for PT or any treatment - that's just dangerous.

      And I'd *love* to know why we have to fill out the same info every visit. All that old history: old shots, when did you start to menstruate, when did you go through menopause... gee, do you think I made a record of all that, people? How old was I? Well, hows about 50, that sounds like an easy to remember number, even if I did just make it up right now! :D

    6. I'm so sorry Francis, I will pray for you this week and for an upswing for your hubs. That must be extremely frustrating and nerve wracking having to wait on the PT. It seems unacceptable to me. I'm so, so sorry. Jack Benny and classical music sounds wonderful. We were talking last night with friends about the old Carol Burnett shows, they have been doing funny spoofs on old movies etc. Also Andy Griffith had a hilarious episode with Ernest T. One I had not seen yet, he's dancing out in the street and escaping jail, it's hilarious and knowing he's one if not the producer of the show makes it even funnier. There is a Dr. Osborne, (Peter Osborne) I don't agree with everything, but he's very good on a lot. He has free videos on youtube that might give helpful information about your husband's situation that might be encouraging. : )

  5. Always give thanks to our Creator!

    We could do without more smoke. Think of all the devastation those fires have caused. We see the Canada geese flying and they are probably wondering where they will live now.

    That is a dandy tomato! Still have only green ones. I'm going to put on my sturdy garden shoes and have a looksee in the garden. We have tons of kale and think I'll make a kale and zucchini skillet to go with the leftover au gratin potatoes. Maybe pull some more beets.

    Stay cool! Maybe the anticipated rain for tomorrow will cool things down a bit.

    1. I just think about all the people and animals that actually live close by all the fires. My gosh!
      It was tasty too!!!!! LOL
      So happy you are getting so much out of the garden. ENJOY it.
      Hoping for a cool down!!
      Have a great week.

  6. I have gotten zucchini, but my plant are struggling with the crazy weather. Cukes are looking good. Tomatoes are coming on. I just want to harvest something.

    1. LOL - you sound like me. I get so impatient waiting for garden goodies. I want a big tomato!!!!!! Sooooooo bad!
      Hope you get something soon.
      Have a fantastic week.

  7. We have had a couple of tomatoes, tomato sandwiches! Lots of zucchini and lots of snow peas. I don't know why I planted those I guess to see how and if they would grow. It's plenty hot here staying inside in the afternoons.
    Y'all have a great day!

    1. Lucky you on the tomatoes! Snow peas are good - hope you get a good harvest. Sometimes it is fun to try new things.
      Stay cool.
      Have a blessed week!

  8. I read that about sluggy so sad to see her stop blogging. Will miss her blog. My week is a blur I have a stress fracture in my foot. Trying to stay off of it. We lost power for 12 hours yesterday 90 degree heat not fun at all. But we got thru it. No great savings but trying to watch our spending. Love reading your articles as always. Joyce B

    1. So sorry you hurt your foot Joyce. Bummer!!! I bet that was a hot day - glad you got through it ok. Stay off the foot and heal.
      Glad to have you here and thank you!
      Have a wonderful week.

  9. I also noticed Sluggy saying goodbye. Yes, an end of an era but I understand. Wish her all the best! Here in Phoenix it has been super hot and humid so we are all miserable. Did most of my to do list,,,so making progress. I still am avoiding real cooking, I have starting grilling ;). And making salad….so it is a start! Wishing you a good week next week. Hilogene in Az

    1. Sorry you are so hot. I know when I complain - you all have it so much worse. It has to be miserable.
      You are making great progress. Salads and grilling are cooking! You are making great strides.
      Have a lovely week.

  10. I was sorry to read about Sluggy, but figured with her move and new home she was pretty busy, and didn't she recently post some nasty troll comment? I'm sure that gets awfully old. Wish she'd left a bit more info though, that "bye, I'm outa here" leaves a person worrying that things have gone bad.

    1. Yeah, I kind of wondered if the troll thing was just the last straw. I wish there was an explanation. She hasn't even posted comments - I left one! It does make one kind of worry.
      Hope you have a wonderful week.

    2. Sluggy had left some dark posts yesterday and sounded very depressed in them. I was worried something worse was being messaged with her last post.

  11. First of all, thank you for the prayer. It's perfect. I, too, saw that Sluggy is saying goodbye and wondered if it had anything to do with a very rude and insulting comment she'd received (and blogged about the other day). Probably, though, she just felt like it's time.

    Frances, sorry you've had such a rough go of it lately. You're always in my prayers, along with your husband. Hoping things get easier soon!

    Cheryl, sounds like you had a GOOD week with tasty meals! It's been as hot as Purgatory here... not quite h-ll, but you can feel it from here. ;-) It's been a BUSY week with all sorts of house stuff. Workers are finally starting to show up. I should knock wood. The wall cracks from house settling have been patched; he'll be back to paint tomorrow. Hubs has primed, caulked and painted the front stairs railing. In the heat. I've been busy inside as son & his friend will be here 2 weeks from today. Only overnight, but I wanted things ready.

    Meals this week all came from a roast beef w/baby potatoes and carrots, and a rotisserie chicken with veggies. Leftover meat is in the freezer. Low sugar peach pie was desert for several days. Not much shopping this week. Just Walmart and Dollar General (with coupon) for a few things.

    Stay cool and have a blessed week, everyone! --Elise

    1. Yeah, I think you guys live on Purgatory's doorstep out there!!!! LOL!! I just can't imagine the heat. And getting stuff done in spite of it.
      Glad things are moving forward - that is a big plus. So many things that we just don't think about.
      Stay cool and have a blessed week.

  12. Good for you on getting started with gift situation. That is really neat. Good ideas as well.
    I will never be close to done with de-cluttering - so I admire you for that.
    I understand on the old friend thing. I had a 'best' friend growing up or so I thought. We seemed inseparable and got into loads of trouble together - but as an adult she continually talks about someone else as her besty back in the day. Didn't even know they hung out much - but hey, we all have different memories on things. I know who my friends are today - they are the ones that count.
    A cell phone at 6? Oh my goodness. That is crazy.
    Have a great week.

  13. With all the smoke we've been experiencing the temperatures have been cooler, but we're expected a heat wave to arrive by the weekend. I'm not sure which I dislike the most.
    I responded to your comment about the water heater rental, but in case you don't see it, we have horrible water here in Regina, that tends to eat through the anode rods. It isn't unusual for a hot water heater to have to be changed out frequently, though mine was installed in 2006. I wish I'd know how long it would last when I bought in 2010 as I could have bought it out and saved money in the long run.
    Your question was about bannock. It is a fry bread recipe from our First Nations people. Made with flour, baking powder, salt, water, and oil, it's usually fried up in a cast iron skillet but can also be put in the oven to bake. It's delicious with jam, honey, peanut butter, or just plain butter. My daughter used it too, for a hamburger bun one evening.

    1. Thanks for the info. I looked back - but probably before you answered. Water heaters are expensive here. I know years ago we got one for like $300 and had a friend install. A couple years ago when I had to replace I spent about $1500 for everything!!!! Crazy. But hey, you need it!
      The bannock sounds good. I love fry bread.
      Thanks so much.
      Yes, as the day has progressed the humidity seems less - but boy is it smokey looking. One would think fog - but it is smoke.
      Stay in and stay safe.
      Have a great week.

    2. Debby in Kansas USAJuly 16, 2023 at 8:36 PM

      Maebeme, I was interested in your comment on bannock. I've never heard the word before. Are they deep fried? My grandma was from No. New Mexico and made tortillas from the same ingredients. They were fried on a cast iron flat. Delicious. I know that the Navajo call it Fry Bread, tho I don't know the native language name for it. My neighbor is from Panama and her tortillas are made from cornmeal instead of flour, but the other ingredients are the same. And they're deep fried, also delicious!

      Are the First Peoples separated by tribes, like they are here?
      My friend lives 8n Montana and the Cree live nearby. I would imagine their tribe goes into Canada. It's all quite interesting.

    3. Debby in Kansas USAJuly 17, 2023 at 7:45 AM

      Maebeme, I'm slow lol, but my grandma did make a deep fried flour tortilla, as well. We called it a sopapilla. I wonder if that would be like fry bread... Everyone, teach your kids and grands to ask all kinds of questions while the elders are alive! Once they're goes a wealth of information.

    4. The fry bread is called Elephant Ears out here. But mostly it's whoever is making them as to what it's called. Out here anyway.
      A niece in Alaska told me that she uses the frozen Rhodes bread dough, the ones for making the buns. Thaws them out then flattens them out and frys. Sprinkles with cinnamon sugar or jam.

  14. yeah what a tomato-first one is always exciting. You are ahead of me-hopefully soon! your menu sounds so good!

    1. That little cherry tom tasted good!!!! LOL
      Got a few more today - it won't be long!!!!! I am ready for a regular tomato!!!!!
      Have a good week.

  15. Aw, those cherry tomatoes are cute aren't they? They are the ones cooperating for us right now too. It's very hot and humid here. Dangerously so.

    We had creole kidney with collard green bean soup paired with brown rice to go in it, twice and I freezed two zip locks for future use. I put together a veggie plate one night with slow cooked Italian style red potatoes, (cooked in crushed tomatoes and seasonings) with olive oil. I served that with turnip greens and corn. Tonight will be scrambled eggs, grits and toast.

    I say the Lord's prayer every morning along with my talking to the Lord prayers, I try to say it slowly and think of what it means.

    A bit difficult with my mom, she was nerved up this week and it makes her worse. She scared us at our grand daughter's first birthday yesterday evening, she was stuffing her little face ; ) in the kitchen some hamburger patties, thinking she was being sneaky. Hubs told her we needed to go and she choked on a piece and liked to never got it to go down, thank the Lord for my sweet pastor son in law who is so good at this type of thing and our firefighter long time friend, who saw she was okay, seeing she was able to drink water and breathe through her mouth. Our youngest daughter gave her some hot tea and that helped greatly. Maybe the old saying should be "Why daughters get grey?!" Haha. Hubs has a real pain in the neck. He strained picking up a feed sack and then when he got better he exercised and reinjured it even worse. So now I have a most lovely inverter board in our living room. I've never been much on ultra modern art. LOL

    Pasta salad sounds so good too, I need to do that one night or for lunch. I buy that chickpea pasta from Aldi and that works nicely for salads.

    I'm tired today with yesterday's events, took a little nap but Sunday's are a bit different feeling for me for some reason. My mil was sharing the same thing back when, Sundays just feel different, when I was a little girl I even felt like that. Listened to an Allen Jackson sermon this morning, it was very good. I think from July 13 or 14. Listening to the old movie, "Sands of Iwo Jima" in the background.

    You take care Cheryl, thanks for sharing! I read here and see everyone has their struggles in life, praying for all and of course I always covet prayers. Hugs to you friend! ~Amelia P.S. I'm going to go sew a "peanuts cartoon" maxi skirt so that should be uplifting. I finished a pretty, off white with a beautiful "chicken print" one last week...Just fun skirts to wear. Hobby Lobby always has wonderful fabrics.

    1. I love bright skirts in summer! I have one - the fabric came from the children's section of the fabric store and it has bugs and worms and such on it, very cheerful and fun. :)

      Once in a while I get something like a cramp in my esophagus which make it impossible to swallow. It passes, and there's no breathing issue, but it is kinda scary when it happens.

      Hope your hubs is feeling better soon. Neck pain is like rib pain, it really messes with movement.

    2. Thank you Mary! I would love to see your bugs and worms skirt, that sounds very cute! Skirts are one thing that can be so fun I think with prints like that! haha...yes, the children's department is a good source for fun prints! I get so many compliments on fun skirts, I bet you do too!

      Good to know on the esophagus issue, yes, very scary! Thank you for sharing. Any tips are always appreciated. : )

      I'll tell hubs, poor guy, I think the lack of sleep is one of the worst things for him with the pain. It's even bothering his ability to hold a fork and feed himself but he's doing pretty good with that despite! lol

      Thanks again MaryB!

    3. What a scare with mom. Glad all was ok and that your sil had a level head and knew what to do. That is scary. I have gotten choked on food and it truly is scary. Usually a piece of corn or a grain of rice.
      Hope your hubs gets to feeling better. Men - what you going to do with them!!! LOL
      The skirts sound fun. I love bright colors and fun things. I bet it turns out neat. You'll have to post on your blog so we can see it!
      Have a wonderful week my friend. Get rested up!

    4. Debby in Kansas USAJuly 16, 2023 at 8:42 PM

      Mary B, have you been checked for Acalacia? It's not a well known condition, but I understand the treatment for it is rather simple. My poor mom suffered through it for years and it was eventually diagnosed when she was hospitalized after a stroke. Bless the intern that remembered the odd thing from med school. Unfortunately, she passed before it could be treated. Look it up and see if it sounds familiar. I tell everyone to remember it just to try and save someone the grief my mom had from it.

    5. Yes, these guys are a mess as we say here in the south! LOL I will definitely have to post the skirts! Thank you! You have a great week too! Let us know what you've been up to! : )

  16. Doesn’t the heat seem to make everything so much harder???
    Things have been hectic in my corner of the world, sick kid, trying not to spread too many germs to others, while still getting work done. Some things have just had to wait.
    Highlight of the week has been the joy on the faces of three 80 plus men eating popsicles on a hot afternoon. It’s the little things that bring the most happiness.
    Blessings to all, stay safe stay cool and have a healthy and happy week. Louise

    1. Sorry it is all hectic! Stuff just happens sometimes.
      Yes, the heat makes it tough to want to do anything!!!!!
      Oh how sweet. Yes mam, it is the little things that bring the most joy and the biggest smiles.
      Stay cool and have a lovely week!

    2. Oh Cheryl don’t be sorry, that’s just how things go. I had lots of people coming to pick up goods rescued from this house we just purchased. Men came from a local women’s shelter to take a set of bunk beds with mattresses. They decided they didn’t want to spend the time to pull it apart in the heat, and took the other linens, towels and so on.
      Then they returned later that afternoon to say yes they would take them after all but too late as they have been given away to other group that had come to pick up other stuff. Tense discussions then followed, all in the heat and while trying to wear a mask.
      I swear sometimes men are the dumbest creatures God created.
      Heat does not help anything.

    3. It is very nice that you gifting so many items and that they are helping others. Free - means get it while you can - not think on it for hours! Good grief - yes - men!!!!!!!

    4. I’m not sure it’s a matter of being nice. It stuff we need to get rid of, if there are stuff function items that can be repaired and cleaned then they should be given to those who need them. It’s simple.
      Obviously we do find lots of stuff that can’t be repaired, that gets either cut up for rags or taken apart and chopped up for firewood. We have a process where very little gets thrown away. A lot of times we find we are left with the entire contents of a home and that can be a huge amount of stuff, so different groups take different things according to their needs. It was nice to catch up today with some volunteers from the church I used to attend.

  17. I had a great week last week. It was my birthday week. I didn't have to watch my grandson as they were out of town on vacation. I spent 2 days doing little projects around the house and crafting and sewing. Two days I had to help my mom by taking her to doctor appointments and shopping. And then one day I spent the day at my daughter's. She works from home. So on her lunch hour she took me to one of her favorite restaurants. She worked in the afternoon some and I just hung out reading, drawing & playing with the doggie. Then we went shopping and met her husband for dinner. It was a fantastic day. My husband took me to dinner on Friday night. And today the family came here for grilled hamburgers and dessert. It was a fun time.
    A very good week. Hadn't had one in a long while. I give thanks to the Lord!
    (I had restaurant food 4 times last week. It was delicious but that was enough for awhile! Lol. I do like our homemade food! My daughter made a pie for today and it was as good as anything I could get out!)

    1. Sounds like a lovely week indeed! Happy belated birthday!
      Family time and friends time is always the best.
      Glad you got a reprieve from cooking - but I am with you - homemade is best!
      Have a great week.

  18. Debby in Kansas USAJuly 16, 2023 at 8:43 PM

    Happy Birthday, Margaret!

  19. Our son & his family were here from out of state. We always take the girls (4 teenagers) school clothes shopping. Only now days we give them the cash and they can spend it however they want. They love thrift store shopping and the oldest ones (twins) were able to find several outfits for senior pictures.
    DH & I also found some items. I found a nice pair of khaki slacks for $4 that I wore to my mom's birthday party.
    We did eat out some, but used gift cards when we could. Of the 14 meals, we only ate out for 5 of them. We cooked all the rest at home and saved a bunch. I didn't have to buy too many groceries, mostly produce and dairy. And we could bless them buy sending back quite a bit plus beef from our freezer.
    Also, we had our family photos taken by one of our neighbors who only charged me $150 plus I get all the photos. At my mom's party, family members used their phones for different groups.
    I am hoping to have a no-spend August except for the bare minimum of dairy.

    1. Kay it sounds like a terrific family time. How neat that the kids love thrift shopping. Shows they were raised right!!!!
      That is pretty darn good on all the meals at home for all the extra people. How neat on the family pictures. Phones today do help with catching all the of the spur of the moment stuff.
      Good luck in August - great plan!
      have a wonderful week.

  20. Just talked to Sluggy and tried to talk her off a cliff. I t will; be okay! Sissy

    1. We are all worried about her!!!!!! Please let her know!!!!!!
      Have a good week Kim!!!!!

  21. Dear Cheryl , Sissy Here. I have always enjoyed your blog and you give me strength! I am trying to organize Kim and some of it is working. Worried about Sluggy so let us pray! Sissy

    1. Hey girl!!!!! I am glad she has you to help her out. We all need someone, especially with such big life changes.
      We are all worried about Sluggy. That came as a shock on her channel. We will pray for her. Thank you for checking in!!
      You guys have a blessed week!

  22. I will send up a prayer for Sluggy. Now after seeing your pork tacos I just might have to try them out.

    God bless.

    1. She must be having a rough time of it - to quit blogging!
      They were sooooo good. Glad to see you back!!!
      Have a great week.

  23. I've never been able to tolerate the heat, I'll be glad when it cools. We finally got our air unit fixed. A tree came down in a storm a couple of weeks ago and did some damage to the house and the air unit. Luckily we had a portable air conditioner that goes in the window and have all been camping out in the living room on air mattresses. Not comfortable and way too loud. I'm so thankful to be back in my bed tonight.

    I got 3 more zucchinis and about a dozen cherry tomatoes from my garden.

    1. With the heat that has been happening, I can't imagine no AC. Sorry for the damage and loss of tree. Glad you have it fixed. The bed had to feel sooooo good.
      Sounds like the harvest has started at your house too.
      Hope this is a great week!
