Sunday, July 30, 2023

Weekly Wrap Up 7/30

 Happy last Sunday of July.  Goodness golly time is flying by.  It has been a hot one around here and most everywhere this past week.  We have a much-needed break coming up for this coming week - low humidity and a bit lower temps!  Had quite a little storm come through very early Saturday morning.  It must have had rotating winds.  Storm was from the west - yet things blew from east to west!  Next door had the inflatable pool from their neighbor on the east of them, in their yard!  Over the fence and across the yard and up against my fence!!!!! (it is a decent size pool - though empty)

We had a few little showers this week and it kept me from having to water the main garden.  The pots did get watered.
I have a baby racoon suddenly in my trees!  Oh my.  It is alone - no mamma.  It must have got left behind or lost.  So stinking cute and little (about the size of a little puppy).  Squirrels and Blackie aren't sure about it.  It goes from tree to tree.  I will have to live trap this week.  Been waiting to see if it was going to be rescued by its mom.

I had a decent week - though quiet for the most part.
  • Cleaned and refilled hummingbird feeders and made more nectar.  They sure are drinking a lot - maybe the heat.  I have one that goes from port to port trying each out.  Different flavors I guess!!!  LOL
  • Continued to work on pantry some more - so much in that room that isn't pantry - a lot of work
  • Call me trapper Cheryl!!!!  I live trapped 2 groundhogs this week in my yard.  Saw them - put out trap - within 30 minutes had each - different days).  My neighbor across the street took them to White River for me - I paid him for his gas and efforts
  • Watered pots with rainwater
  • OK - I did go to Kroger.  I really wanted lettuce and wanted some burger buns - I also needed a birthday gift for an event this coming weekend (for 1 year old).  I went to the super Kroger.  I got a deal and a half.  I walked to clearance and looky what I got!!!!!

A dozen jars with rings and lids for 3.06!!!!!!!  One end had the plastic open - only thing wrong.  No broken.  What a deal!!!!!!
  • I cut my hair and did a root job - both myself at home
  • I am getting lots of harvest - cukes, zucchini and YAY tomatoes!!!!  Peppers about ready. Eating fresh every day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I made 3 quarts of refrigerator dill pickles - using both zucchini and cucumbers
  • Used the G Foreman grill and air fryer several times this week - instead of oven
  • The neighbor who took off the groundhogs made me a very simple rustic bench for my yard.  Neat thing - last year he got most of the good wood left from Glen's ramp.  He has used for a lot of things and this is made from that!!!!  How cool - still have a bit of that ramp now.
  • I cleaned and organized the frig freezer this week.  Found some forgotten items - will be using them soon.  It looks so nice now!
  • The same guy (bench) wife brought me a jar of sliced cukes in vinegar/sugar - she made a bunch and only she eats them - so she brought me a quart jar!  YUM - a favorite summer bite
  • Just doing all the normal stuff we all do
Meals this past week:
Dirty rice and zucchini fries
Leftover rice with meatballs and salad
Tuna salad (with egg added) served with crackers and tomatoes and cukes
Grilled zucchini and green beans/pepper/onion sauteed
Fish sandwich - cukes/tomatoes
Spicey mac n cheese and sauteed zucchini - sliced tomato
Burger w/lettuce/onion/tomato and cuke/onion salad

A nice week - all said and done.  How was your week?  How are those gardens doing?  Are you canning or freezing items yet?  Any good deals?
Are you finding ways to stay cool?  I sure do feel for so many who have the extreme heat - it was bad enough here - I just can't imagine what some are dealing with.

I wish you all a lovely week and pray that you stay safe, cool, and healthy.
Blessings to you and yours from me at my humble little home.

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end; great is thy faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23

Lord, help us even in our dark hours and down moments to know - You will always be there for us.  When life is bleak, help remind us, that this will pass.  Someday we will be in Your presence in Heaven and until then, You are forever with us on earth.  Thank You for being our rock.  Amen


  1. Excellent devotional! I am making a rotating verse selection to put on the small frame with a clip for my desk. Found the frame at Dollar Tree and wasn't sure what to do with it. Didn't have any small photos I could use but came up with the idea of using a business card template for the verses. Will print it out, cut it to size and Bob's your uncle, a new inspiration for my desk.

    Your meals sound great! I made a potato/turnips au gratin the other day. (May have already mentioned this) Anyway it was tasty when I got done "correcting" the recipe. We had crockpot boneless short ribs. Enough left for tacos today.

    Still have beans to can. Need to get that done and rearrange the shelves to accommodate this year's canning.

    The storm the other night knocked down all the Farmer's pepper plants. Need to harvest what is ripe.

    Stay cool!

    1. Thank you. Sounds like a neat idea for the frame.
      The potato/turnip au gratin sounds tasty.
      Sorry about the pepper plants - can't stake them back up? Bummer.
      Have a wonderful week.

    2. The Farmer staked up the pepper plants as soon as he saw them on the ground. The plants are heavy with peppers.

  2. Good for you, Trapper Cheryl! The baby racoons are cute (baby everythings are), but those are nasty creatures that cause a lot of havoc when they get older. The bench your neighbor made is lovely and very special. Woo-hoo on the price of those canning jars! As you know, I love zucchini, but Hubs doesn't, so I'm drooling a little over your meals.

    It was a HOT, busy week here, though cooler on Friday when the solar guys showed up unexpectedly. Hubs spent most mornings working in the yard, cutting back some evergreens, clearing out deadwood, etc. Not that the solar project is finished, he can finish rocking the back of the house as well as the front. It will be nice to have the big rock piles gone. I stayed busy inside, cleaning, sorting and organizing. The cleaning has been a chore after the drywall guy was here patching; that sure makes a mess! We dropped off another big load to charity, including most of my back-stock of jeans and polos in what's now a size too large. I did keep some. Just in case. But we're eating much lighter in retirement/empty nest.

    Speaking of, our meals were simple and light this week, including one night we just had French toast with SF syrup to use up stale bread. A small roast chicken lasted a few days with the extra meat vacuum sealed for the freezer. Shopping was Walmart for a few essentials, Safeway for a couple of coupon items, and (yesterday) Dollar General for chips and things for guests. Son from CA and his friend will only be here this evening and overnight. They want to see what Culver's is all about, so that will be dinner and his younger brother and uncle will join us. Breakfast tomorrow will be cinnamon rolls as a kind of gag for oldest son who worked at a cinnamon roll shop on the coast all through college.

    The little rain we got this week really made a difference with our lilac shrubs and sage. You can water, but rain brings a burst of new growth quickly. Reminds me of the verse and prayer in a way.
    Wishing all a GOOD start to August this coming week! --Elise

    1. Debby in Kansas USAJuly 30, 2023 at 11:14 AM

      Elise, I made an overnight French toast casserole with cinnamon raisin nut bread. It was delicious 😋.
      Did your son work at Cinnabon?! Do you know that I avoided that store like the plague in my younger years?! It smelled so good and I was the kind of girl that could gain weight from aroma alone lol. My logic was that if I ever tasted it, I would be like a crack addict. So I have never tasted one. I watched my friends chomp on them (and never gain an ounce btw), and resisted.

    2. Not Cinnabon, Debby, but very much like it. They also sold candy and ice cream, but the cinnamon rolls were their specialty. When he worked closing shift, he'd bring home any remaining cinnamon rolls and we'd distribute them to neighbors, or his dad would bring them into work the next morning, etc. I even figured out how to make a French Toast casserole from the stale cinnamon rolls by putting them in a greased 9 X 11 pan and soaking them in an egg/milk mixture in the fridge overnight. I'd then add applesauce or apple pie filling before baking at 375 for 35-45 minutes in the morning.
      There's a reason I'm a little potato dumpling. LOL!

    3. Yes, baby anything is cute - but bigger ones can be a pain. So I will try to trap this week - so it can go live in the woods where it will be better suited.
      Sounds like a very busy week in spite of the heat. You accomplished a lot.
      I hope (and know) you will enjoy your visit with your son so very much. Wish it were longer for you.
      Bread pudding is good made with cinnamon rolls too!
      Rain does so much more than hose water - for sure.
      Have a great week.

    4. Elise, so glad your solar project is finished, and I appreciated the analysis of it that you posted in Thursday's comments. It sounds like you had a very productive week all around. Hope you're enjoying your son's all-too-brief visit.
      --Frances in the Trailer Park

    5. Thank you, Frances. Yes on both counts. For where we live solar is well worth the investment. Son and friend headed out on their actual vacation this morning. It was a brief--yet wonderful--visit. So grateful they came by! --Elise

  3. Debby in Kansas USAJuly 30, 2023 at 11:06 AM

    Oh, poor little guy! He's so cute. Did you put out some water for him? Do they cry for momma? We're they separated in the storm, you think? I hope mom finds him.

    It's so stinking hot! All I wanna do is sleep. My pup must've eaten something bad because I played the back door game all day while he ran in and out with the trots. I gave him some meds that seem to have finally worked, but Friday was a long day. Had a couple of errands yesterday. Again, just wanna sit under a fan and nap!!

    I'm planning on a quiet week again. Still cleaning stuff out. It's such a good feeling to know it'll all be gone.Lots of laughs in the meantime. I was a silly girl that survived a lot of stupid shenanigans.
    My treasure jar is so interesting now.

    Like you, I can't believe July is nearly gone. In another month, I hit that bobsled and land in January...wondering where 2023 went!! I'm putting most of my Americana decor away and bringing out the watermelons, crows, and camping stuff. Not like tents and such lol, but I have the coolest chunk of firewood that my Grandpa and I wood burned at our campfire. It has my name, the date, the location, and "A wonderful vacation spot" on it. I was 10 or 11. Great memory. In honor of those camping trips, I celebrate my very own Bologna Day! I have a bologna, Lay's, and mustard sandwich and toast the best memories of my childhood. 😁

    Around here, school is starting Friday. So early! It's time to go sniff the new cartons of Crayola's lol. Anyone else love that smell as much as I do?!

    1. I've always loved the scent of waxed crayons, Debby! Your late summer decor sounds wonderful and what a sweet memory to have. Poppy, too, had gut issues this week. We almost resorted to Pepto Bismal before she finally got "regular" again. Now I'm wondering if it was just the heat? We have them inside for the heat of the day, but she had to go out... and out... like your pup. --Elise
      P.S. Keeping my eye out for a big jar that can serve as a Memory Jar on the buffet cabinet at our entryway.

    2. I first noticed the racoon on Thursday - so not sure when it first showed. yep, it has water and it stays in the trees except to come down morning and evening to eat whatever is on the ground from squirrels. This morning it explored the yard a little - which didn't make Blackie happy. So I think it should be trappable.
      Glad the pup is feeling better. Could be the heat for it too.
      I keep thinking of things I may put in a jar - kind of fun sounding.
      I LOVE bologna, potato chip and mustard sandwiches. Basically the only way I eat bologna.
      Your decor sounds neat.
      Have a good week.

    3. @Debby in Kansas. I'm with you on the new Crayola smell! So evocative. I STILL like to browse the back-to-school supplies!!

  4. What a week it was! You are blessed with good neighbors, and that bench will bring you good memories every time you pass it. I had storm damage, too. I lost 5 of my deck rail boxes in the storms -- 3 on Thursday night, and the remaining 2 on Friday. The platers, themselves, are goners with either cracked corners or pretty well shattered on one side. I bought replacements yesterday on clearance at Menards + 11% mail-in rebate week and will try and salvage my leeks, stray rutabaga, dill, parsley, oregano, thyme, and basil plants, and whatever of the geraniums are salvagable. Those winds were wicked. The planters were heavy with watering and rainwater, but there is a kind of tunnel under them, since they fit on either a 2x6 or 2x4 board, and my railing is 2x6. I'm going to see if any friends have any 2x4 end cuts that they may want to donate to my cause. Stay safe, stay hydrated, and we keep pushing forward.

    1. Oh no. Sorry you lost your planters. Glad you could salvage most stuff. Yeah, the storms were howlers for sure! Glad you got replacements on clearance.
      Stay cool and have a lovely week.

  5. You go Cheryl! Catching those groundhogs, that’s great! Very nice of your neighbor to take them off for you and I really like the bench he made for you. How sweet that he used the wood from Glen’s ramp. What a great deal on the canning jars! I love Kroger’s clearance section. Your meals sound delicious as usual. I hope you have a wonderful Lord’s day. 💕

    1. Thanks - groundhogs are cute too - but they sure can do damage. Better they be in the woods.
      I love the little bench!
      This particular Kroger had 2 sections for clearance and I checked both before leaving. Last minute find! Not my regular Kroger.
      Thanks. You have a wonderful week.

  6. That little bench is a nice thank you from your neighbour for the gift of the lumber. Lumber is ridiculously priced already and the fires aren't going to help any.
    Poor little racoon, I do hope it survives the move (even if they are pests). I'm a sucker for babies of any species.

    1. I know - lumber has come down a little - but he was thrilled then to get the free wood.
      I know - it is small - but eating and drinking and this morning was actually exploring. So it is getting stronger each day. I love babies too - I have to think positive about it in a new place.
      Have a good week.

  7. Those storms were something else! We had two - one Friday and another on Saturday. The Friday one was worse... it upended a big oak tree onto my neighbor's house - branches went through the roof into the livingroom, and water poured in from the rain. What a mess. At my place it was mostly smaller branches and twigs and leaves, but I found the top had been broken out of a pine tree at the foot of my driveway. My son will have to come cut that up, once he gets the chainsaw fixed.

    I can hardly believe the price on those jars, Cheryl! :D
    Love the little bench, what a sweet gift. Baby coons are darling, but the big ones are ferocious. My Blackie is healing up from his cat fight. Still harvesting greenbeans and yellow squash. Yum! Some of the tomatoes are red, and more are turning.

    1. Oh my - how horrible for your neighbor. I am so sorry they suffered all that damage. Dang it must have been a doozy. Glad your damage was not worse.
      I know - figured I would show a picture - who would believe that price?
      I love the babies and they are cute - but yes, it needs to go soon before it gets big.
      Hope your baby is doing good.
      YAY on the tomatoes - they sure are tasty!
      Have a great week.

  8. My Mom passed away on Tuesday so it was a hard week. No thoughts to saving money, just exhausted.

    1. Oh Lana I am so sorry to hear that. Many hugs and prayers for the family and you. You take care - I know the upcoming days will be tough for you.
      Hopefully memories will make your days ahead a little better.

    2. Lana, I'm so sorry. Prayers for you and your family and her friends.
      --Frances in the Trailer Park

    3. Debby in Kansas USAJuly 30, 2023 at 6:21 PM

      My sympathies to you, Lana. My mom had her stroke 10 yrs. ago yesterday. It led to her death several weeks later as we found out she was in full heart failure. So I've been in that anniversary memory melancholy...I can remember all too well what that feels like. Peace to you.

    4. I'm sorry, Lana. It's SO hard to lose your mo

    5. Lana, I'm so very sorry. You're in our prayers today. --Elise

    6. I'm so, so sorry Lana. You will be in my prayers. ~Amelia

  9. So sorry Lana! Praying for God's get you through your loss and grief! Be gentle and kind with yourself as you will be fragile a good long while! Hugs

  10. Sounds like a great week for you Cheryl. Sad about the baby racoon. I hope his mom finds him. That is a great price on the jars. Isn't it great running into unexpected deals like that. I love the bench and how special that was made from the wood of the ramp. That's a treasure for sure. Stay cool and enjoy this next week.

    1. It was a nice week. I doubt if after the last several days that momma will show up. I keep hoping.
      I love an unexpected deal!
      You have a great week.

  11. Your benediction brought tears to my eyes. I needed to hear that message today.

    Husband has started PT and Speech therapy. He is finding a couple of the PT exercises very difficult, but I reminded him that if he could do them well already, he wouldn't need PT. He is very motivated and does his exercises a couple of times a day. The speech therapist said that he appears to have had slight stroke damage regarding swallowing and gave him some techniques to use to swallow better. She also gave him homework to work on his memory deficits. It looks like we'll be going to one therapy or the other three days a week. Almost like a part-time job! With his new walker with wheels on the front and skis on the back, he gets around much better. His new cane is much lighter and has a stand-up base. He uses the cane in the house. He is becoming much more independent than he has been recently and seems steadier on his feet.

    While Husband is doing much better, I am not. Although the anxiety is mostly gone, I am having a number of physical symptoms. I have scheduled an appointment with my doctor for Aug. 9. I'm hoping she will order tests to rule out medical problems (like thyroid, etc.) and will help me form a plan of action to beat the continued weight loss, exhaustion, insomnia, digestive issues and other symptoms of caregiver burnout. I know I'm in bad shape when vacuuming the house leaves me winded. I am keeping a food journal to track calorie intake and am forcing myself to do some sort of physical work each day. Today was weed-whacking, tomorrow I have to mow.

    My poor, neglected garden is producing cherry tomatoes, a couple of beefsteak tomatoes, and zucchini. We've had plenty of rain lately and have welcomed cooler temperatures and more reasonable humidity.

    No bargains, I've been buying convenience foods and things to tempt my finicky appetite. Since the last cheap chicken breast I bought was so tough it was inedible, I splurged on $5.99/lb. Amish chicken breasts for dinners this week. Also having Bob Evans mashed potatoes and ready-made gravy. I'll get back in the swing of things when I feel better.

    Reading: “At Home in Mitford” by Jan Karon. One of my favorites book series. No crafting to speak of this week, just not motivated.

    Cheryl, I hope you can relocate that baby raccoon. I still have the siding taped to my house from where a pregnant raccoon tried to rip off the roof to get in above my bedroom and have her babies. I have no love for raccoons whatsoever! Wouldn't mind relocating the local groundhog, either, but it is illegal here.

    Seeing many more hummingbirds at the nectar feeder. Seen a few fights, too. They are eating more to gain the weight they need to fly south in a few weeks. Still feeding grape jelly to a family of Baltimore orioles but don't have nearly as many as I did.

    Praying that everyone has a blessed week.
    --Frances in the Trailer Park

    1. It sounds like a lot of work for your hubs but well worth it. Glad all the changes are helping him so much. I am so sorry you have such a tough time. You have just worn yourself down so much over the past months. You have thrown your system out of whack. I hope the doctor can come up with an answer and help.
      I have read that book and probably the whole series. Not sure I remember much of it - it was a while back - but I remember I liked it. Good author.
      Oh I will get the little rascal caged eventually! I am not a fan as they can be mean. But it sure is cute. Geeesh what a mess yours caused.
      The hummies are super active - you are probably right. They will be leaving before we know it.
      Can DNR help you with the racoon? It might be worth a call.
      Take care of yourself and don't do too much.
      Haave a good week.

    2. Frances, so glad to hear your husband is making some little progress; it will get better and easier with time even if three days a week is a lot. Please take care of YOU. I'm so glad you made an appointment for yourself.

      Good chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy sounds comforting. Yum! "A Home in Mitford" is my favorite book in the series, too. The only books I keep now are series books that I *do* read over and over. I'm weird that way. LOL! And yay on the tomatoes!

      Just for you... know how Poppy learned to jump up on my lap? Well she's bigger now, and with our houseful of people last night she was in pup heaven, running and jumping up on EVERY lap, whole body wagging. Guess we'll have to stop that trick of hers. --Elise

    3. I love the Mitford series! Once when I was stressed in the kitchen one of our older daughters handed me my Mitford series book and told me to go to Mitford and she would finish cooking for me. lol

  12. Cheryl, would you please release my long-winded post from blogger jail? Thx.
    --Frances in the Trailer Park

  13. Lana, my thoughts & prayers are with you.

    Cheryl! Finding those jars totally kills my resolve to stay out of the store looking for a bargain! Just kidding.

    I didn't go last week.


    1. LOL - you just never know what might pop up! I was lucky.
      Good for you!!!!!!!
      Have a great week.

  14. Looking for recommendations for a good, readable Bible. Nothing too 'woke'; I have no problem with God being referred to in the masculine! Want something with a good Old Testament, especially Psalms and Proverbs. I have a Catholic version (New American Bible) that is 50 years old and would prefer one that is not Catholic since I am no longer of that religion. Any suggestions?
    --Frances in the Trailer Park

    1. Debby in Kansas USAJuly 30, 2023 at 6:37 PM

      If you have a Mardel, they have loads of bibles to choose from and good people to help you. It's my understanding that the King James is the truest translation...from my Protestant friend. Her father was a Lutheran minister. But I know it can be a bit tricky. I bet you can find some samples or recommendations on their website. FWIW, I'm very much a traditionalist. Some might call it narrow minded lol. I can live with that.

    2. Frances, mine is that old or older - I got it when I was 10. It is a New Standard Version. I like it just fine. It covers everything - new and old.
      I also have Glen's which is King James version - it is perfectly fine too.

    3. I have a Revised Standard and a King James. They're both ok. If I were looking for a new Bible, I'd look at their version of The Lord's Prayer, the 23rd Psalm, the 1st chapter of Genesis, the 1st chapter of John, and the 2nd chapter of Luke. If those words sound right I'd expect the rest to sound ok also.

      I do not want to believe that the Bible is being "fixed" to be "woke" but nowadays anything is possible. :(


    4. Mary - I am with you. But today the way things are you just never know. Scares the beejeebus out of me.

    5. Hi Frances, The New King James version is very good too.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Thank you all for your suggestions. You have given me a lot to go on.
      --Frances in the Trailer Park

    8. Good suggestions here, I like MaryB's idea of looking those certain things up to see. I'm so very relieved to see ladies here concerned with 'woke'. I'm just blown away daily with what I hear. I have the English Standard version at present btw. I do like the new King James Version too, and I have a copy of the Amplified Bible too. I also use as a devotional, Streams in the Desert, the original copy.

  15. What a great deal on those jars.

    God bless.

    1. I thought so too. I was so happy to get them.
      Have a great week.

  16. Trapper Cheryl! I love it. We have pack rats and squirrels that we relocate. The little devils have eaten the tomato and pepper plants. And eaten a hole in one of the outdoor recliner chairs. Sigh!
    You got a screaming deal on those canning jars.
    I am a big fan of Mitford and some days I'm ready to move there. It would be great to have Father Tim to confide in.
    Our vet told us to feed pumpkin to the Chez for digestive issues. So, we now buy canned pumpkin on Senior Day. Just the plain, not
    anything with pumpkin spice in it. Our dog is a rescue who was found running the streets. I sometimes wonder what these poor pups ate before they were rescued. Mine (and other people I've talked to with rescue dogs) seem to have cyclical problems. The pumpkin helps.
    Central Az

    1. You just smacked my brain - now I remember the series!!!! I wasn't sure if I remembered what it was about. Yep, that would be the place to live!!!!!
      Dang it on the plants and chair. Little buggers.
      Oh I hope the pumpkin helps too. I have friends that slice and dehydrate sweet potatoes for dog treats.
      Yeah, the poor babies must have had a life - now they have bliss.
      I was tickled with the jars.
      Have a wonderful week.

  17. We re-homed a baby raccoon back when my kids were little. They were young enough to want to keep it around but old enough to know he would be happier in the woods.
    Our neighbor is finally doing some sprucing up of his property. It was so bad that all the cats in our neighborhood were finding a home in his garage. There was a literal hole in the side for them to enter and exit. There was also a groundhog and a couple of opossums living there!
    We also had that crazy storm. We didn't have any damage but some of those around us did.
    We grilled some burgers and zucchini on Sunday. So good!
    Have a great week!

    1. As cute as they are - they are not pets and should be in the woods. Glad your neighbor is doing something positive. That does not sound like a good situation.
      Storms sure are selective. They can do so much damage.
      Dinner sounds wonderful.
      Have a wonderful week.

  18. The devotional is beautiful Cheryl and applies to many. A very present comfort in time of need.

    The dirty rice and zucchini fries sounds so good! I need to try that.

    The mason jars is a great deal girl! Those are even cute for drinking glasses.

    I must say though...the bench your neighbor made you touched my heart, and his wife brought you something too? Wow, so nice that you have good neighbors and sounds like they are faithful friends too. That is a treasure now-a-days. We don't have much of that around here surprisingly...

    Be careful of the George Foreman grill, it has that coating on it? I had read the fumes from the coating is not good for us and can kill an indoor bird, I'm sure you could look it up to see what's the story on all of that. : )

    Thinking of you, hope everything is okay over there. Blessings and hugs, ~Amelia

    Oh the little raccoon...I hope ya'll are able to rehome the little fella. Maybe the state park can help?

    I'm seeing a white dove appear in the evening the past two evenings. The first evening I opened the door and he or she was standing there looking up at me moving his little head at an angle as a dog does when trying to understand. I just murmurred, "Oh my gosh...oh my gosh..." I ran to get my camera of course, I don't always but this time I did. He moved up into my Lilac tree and just sat there as we talked to him...Amazing. I hope he'll be back this evening. : )

    I'm making a nice vegan spinach lasagna tonight. I make ricotta with tofu and used veggie mozzarella carefully counting sodium. Not a fan of the pasta gravy I bought, but I at least used the two jars up! lol So it may not win any awards but I think it'll be good enough. : )

    1. I do have some nice neighbors. I give them zucchini often. We just watch out for each other. She and I have a community project we are working on together - I think tomorrow. I will let everyone know how that goes. It seems like there has been big changes with many neighbors just this year. Like minds have to stick together.
      How cool on the white dove. I bet that was pretty. I wonder if it belongs to someone.
      Your lasagna sounds good. I am sure it will be tasty.
      Have a wonderful week.

    2. Yes, like minds do need to stick together. Amen to that.
