Thursday, November 2, 2023

Do It and Know IT Matters!

 Happy Thursday to all.  I hope you are all doing well today.
Just a moment to say as a reminder - that life is fleeting - so just do it!!!!!  Do the thing!  Say the thing!  Be the best YOU that you can be.
Can you do something simple to help someone?  Do it.
Can you send a loving thought and share a kind word?  Do it.
Can you do something to change your community?  Do it.
Do you need help and are afraid to ask?  Do it.
Can you give hope to someone?  Do it.
The list goes on and on.   

As we each get older, we realize just how special life is.  We realize how special all the people in our life are.  We realize it is the smallest things that make life worthwhile.  We realize just how important love and peace and calm are.
Knowledge comes with time.  I hope we can all share that knowledge and maybe lend a bit of hope to someone else.  I hope we can be the positive and the light in someone else's troubled world.

My goal here is to enlighten others and lend just a tiny bit of help and hope that WE GOT THIS!
We have all had bad times and rough moments in our lives - yet here we are!!!!!  We survived it and got through our worst day ever and somehow and some way we are stronger for it.

To all those who are starting this venture into living a sustainable and financially independent life - you can do!!!!!!  Life will kick you and knock you down many days - but you pick yourself up and dust off your britches and start again.  The only failure in life is NEVER trying!
New day  -  new start!

Have a wonderful day and enjoy each moment and keep on going!  We believe in you!!!!!!


  1. This sure would make the world a better place if we'd all just do a little bit of this. And if we did a lot of it, we would sure see lots of amazing things in our world. Thanks, Cheryl, for this inspiring and timely message! You truly are a blessing to us readers!

    1. I think it would help so much - this big old world needs our help!!! Thank you - you all keep me going!

  2. The 'little things' truly are what make every day special. Climbing into a clean, cozy bed at the end of the day, playing cards or dancing in the kitchen with the big guy, having lunch with the doc's I work for...little things like this bring me true joy.

    1. The big things are truly little things - and they make us smile. That is what makes all keep on going!

  3. Thank you, Cheryl. Coming here each day is inspiring. It's like a cross stitch picture on the wall next to our guest room that reads, "I expect to pass through this world but once. If, therefore, there be any kind thing I can do, let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I will not pass this way again."

    You encourage us to be our best selves, and in turn, we can encourage others we're in contact with during our day. That's priceless. --Elise

  4. Good advice indeed. A smile or a helping hand. We had a 'date lunch' yesterday and then I looked up something for father in law on an Ancestry site. It's so wet and windy here today, my husband took the trash cans to the door of two of our older neighbours.
    Happy Thursday folks and I'm thinking about your readers who are going through difficult times at present.

    1. Smalls things can be so much to another. I love the little gestures.
      Take care of yourselves!

  5. Love it, "The only failure in life is NEVER trying".
    Struggling is not fun at the time but oh, the rewards from success.

    Warmer days are ahead. Crazy weather.

    1. I was taught that early on - if you at least try - you are succeeding!
      Looking for the warmth!

  6. Your post made me smile Cheryl. You're such a cheerleader for us all.

  7. Baking 2-bite, chocolate chunk cookies for the mail/delivery drivers and to bring to the doc's office tomorrow. Feeling better. I won't be eating any myself just yet, but Hubs' taste tested for me. :-) The frugal part is when you use a teaspoon instead of a tablespoon, you double the yield of the dough. And yes... I'm taking it easy. Mostly.
    P.S. My follow-up foot surgery appt. was rescheduled for tomorrow since I was was laid low Monday and Tuesday.

    1. Glad you're feeling better, Elise! I hope your surgery checkup goes well. :)
      I also make tiny cookies, using a scant teaspoon because they seem to last longer that way. :)
      Cold weather has surely started - it was in the low 20s F this morning. Brrr. So one might consider a donation to the local ministry that helps folks with heating bills. A cold house is not much comfort to a poor old person on limited fixed income which doesn't go far enough these days.

    2. That is very kind of you ELISE - they will appreciate the gesture. I generally always use a teaspoon - more cookies!

    3. MARY - what a good suggestion. We need to check on the elderly around us just to make sure things are well for them. Any warm coats, blankets, scarves, hats, etc. that any is getting rid of would help the homeless as well. I always think how blessed I am this time of the year when the cold winds blow. Stay warm and cozy!

    4. Thank you for the reminder, MaryB. I'll ask our propane company if they have any kind of winter heating cost programs. Some seniors here live in RVs year round. Quite a few, actually. I'd think that could get very cold. --Elise

  8. Hi Cheryl, yes, it's so important to notice good things about others and *tell* them! I love going to the grocery store and conversing with people, and if a lady looks pretty or a little child needs a compliment then tell them. And give'm a good toothy smile...It will make their day. Good notes to people are also appreciated.

    My mom called today and I am so thanking God, she actually invited her neighbor across the street to come over for a bit, the lady around my age with grown kids came over to my mom's and stayed for around 15 minutes to visit (perfect!). WOW. God moves in mysterious ways! I've been praying for my mom that she would get better, mentally and physically in Jesus' name that my joy would be full as the Bible says and thank the Lord He is gradually answering prayers.

    I wrapped our grandchildren's gifts yesterday, it was kind of strange but a good feeling to get that out of the way, now maybe as one of your readers shared...In the near future now, I would like to make that Creole Sweet Potato Casserole with Pecans, one sugar free and one regular and pop those babies in the freezer!

    I am watching.....drum roll please. A Christmas Story recommended by Glen. : ) I'm hearing the Chinese restaurant waiters sing 'Deck the Halls'. lol Our youngest daughter and I are cracking up at this new to us movie. : ) This will be played one evening soon I assure you, my husband will get a kick out of it like Glen. Thank you and Glen for the movie rec. I can certainly see why Glen thought it was funny, it really is, I think maybe I never saw it because our girls were little and I was very careful on a few things but at this point in the timeline I'm careful as we all are but we get the jest of a happy movie...Love the grown man narrating the movie too. Love the 30s and 40s, his home with the wood window frames is just like the one I grew up in! Glen Miller in the background! Icicles on the tree! Darling movie.

    Hugs to you dear Cheryl, just put a little blog up if anyone is interested. : ) It's so very good how you inspire people for good.

    1. So happy your mom is having a good day and even invited company. That is great.
      Small blessings come our way!!
      Fa-rah-rah-rah-rah-rah - LOL. I crack up at the singing every time. Amazing that you never saw that before. I just love everything about the time period and characters. There is another one with Ralphie all grown and kids of his own - I have not seen that one.
      I have a smaller version of the leg lamp - it comes out every year!!!!
      Will stop by and read soon.
      Have a great day!

    2. Amelia, That movie is so funny! Another part that always cracks me up is when the leg lamp is delivered, and he says it must be Italian because it says Fra-gee-lee! So many funny things in that movie.

    3. One of my Christmas favorites every year!!!!!

    4. Cheryl and Wanita, I so look forward to showing the movie to my husband! That is so funny...Fra-gee-lee, oh my goodness! And Fah-rah-rah-rah-rah! I can't wait to put it on and watch more carefully. It feels good to laugh.

      Cheryl, my mom inviting a neighbor over is almost like a miracle. I couldn't believe my ears today when she told me!

    5. Popped in at your blog, Amelia. (((Hug))) --Elise

  9. I so agree with what you have posted. I try and share a smile with everyone I meet. A smile could just make someone's day.

    God bless.

    1. It sure does. Those simple little things make such a big difference for us all!

  10. Kindness to and appreciation of others is at the top of my list, especially to people who work in customer service, the grocery checker, and others in service professions. We always make it a point to thank everyone who helps us whether it was by phone or in person. We thank them for their help today and let them know it was appreciated. If the individual is wearing a name tag we will thank them by their name. Brings a lot of smiles to people's faces or who otherwise might be treated as invisible by some. Great post. Cookie

    1. Yes, and during the Covid mess many were "essential workers" whose health appeared unimportant to the rule makers. What a mixed message, you're essential but must risk your life to go to work while "your betters" stayed home and got things delivered... most odd.

    2. COOKIE - I am the same. They are doing me a service and I appreciate it - they should know that. They realize who does it too - I have people in certain stores that go out of their way to help or just say hello now. They remember when folks are nice.

    3. MARY - man are you right about that. I know we had to have some folks work, especially health care - but dang, that was where the crud was. Just didn't seem fair.

    4. Cookie, my sons grew up watching me talk to employees with name tags by name, and also thanking them, wishing them a good day, etc. When our youngest worked at a grocery store through late high school and college, he was surprised at how few (customers) do.

      MaryB, our oldest son works in banking, so was an "essential worker". He said the biggest difficulty during Covid was the few folks who'd blow up about having to wear masks, social distance, etc. He didn't mind going in to work every day. Said he preferred it. But some coming into the bank could get explosive. They actually had to call the cops once. --Elise

  11. I always thank people who are helping me at the grocery store. Even though it is their job. I often need help from many people in the grocery
    We have a little box that recharges car batteries so we do not need another person or anything but the little box. We helped a person stranded in a line. So, now, if we see a car stopped in a place and they cannot drive, we eagerly stop and ask if it their battery. Tommy has to get out of the car and hold onto the car and get walker and little recharger. Then, I get out of the car and hold onto the car to get around. I have to struggle to drive his car out of the way since I don't want to change his seat positions. I drive away and leave him. Once, I was ten cars away in a line when he finished charging the battery. He had to hurry with his walker to catch up with me, still moving with the line. But, we helped her. As she came up behind us in line, she jumped out to pay us $3. Of course, we would not take money.
    So, now we are very aware of people who seem to need a charge.
    I would recommend one for anyone.
    We thank people profusely for even the most minor help. Usually, it is a big help to use.

    1. I think it is just polite to thank those who help us.
      I have one of those battery chargers too. I take it with me in the winter when it is extremely cold out and cars are harder to start. It has helped me many times. I have helped neighbors as well. It sure is worth the money.
      How kind of Tommy to get out and do that, especially when it is so hard for him.
      See you found a way to get logged into show your name. Hopefully you can get the blog back up and running!

    2. Linda, we have one, too. It's been so very handy. Hubs has helped a number of people out with it. We gave those portable car battery chargers to our sons a few Christmases ago.

      One reason I bake for delivery drivers pretty regularly is that we're way out in the boonies. It's 2-3 hours in any direction to a metropolitan area and I want them to always know they're appreciated. We live on a paved road, but many roads in our community are dirt roads. --Elise

  12. Like Jackie said, a smile can make someone's day. Great blog post and great advice. :)

  13. OT comment for Christmas shoppers-- Do you have a Big Lots near you? Today only with any $5 purchase in the store, you can get a FREE 10 or 12 inch wall clock by Real Living. While supplies last. Limit one per customer.

    I have a doctor's appointment later, so we'll definitely stop in at the Big Lots near us. Heck, a bottle of Dawn dish soap is $5. And yes, I'll get something and Hubs will separately, making us two customers.

    1. I get emails almost daily from Big Lots with some daily special or freebie. It is pretty cool. They do have some nice free items from time to time.

  14. You do a wonderful job of achieving your goal. Thank you for your posts. Lynn Ewing:Pecos, NM

  15. Has anyone seen Moreparsimony? No posts since 10/8. I hope she’s ok! 🙏
    Pat/Central Texas

    1. She somehow had trouble with computer and got locked out of her blog. She is commenting here as "Linda". She is OK!
      She posted above in comments on 11/2. I was worried too at first - then she checked in here!!!

  16. More tomorrow, but yesterday was a GREAT day. Maybe I should knock wood? Medical staff was surprised and impressed at my healing (thank you ALL for your prayers). 20 more days in the walking boot + physical therapy and I should be better than before. What struck me most was just how friendly *everyone* was that we saw while out and about. From the outpatient center, to Big Lots and Culvers, to total strangers, it was like there was invisible glitter in the air. And we were remembered by folks who see so very many people each and every day. All day long I thought about how perfectly it fit with your Thursday blog post, Cheryl. Thought you'd want to know. --Elise

    1. First great news on the foot!!!!! Won't be long now!!!
      How wonderful - those are days to cherish. Love that everyone was spreading the 'love' glitter around!!!!!! Thanks for letting me know! Makes me happy.

  17. Take it easy for awhile, Cheryl! Those back issues are nothing to take lightly. Hope you continue to feel better each day!!
