Sunday, November 19, 2023

Weekly Wrap-Up 11/19

 Happy Sunday to all.  Happy Thanksgiving week to all in the U.S.!
Doesn't even seem possible that it can Thanksgiving time already.  I am just shaking my head in disbelief!!!!  Christmas is something like 36 days away!
I hope this post finds you all well and safe.

This is a lovely homemade Thanksgiving card that I received yesterday from COOKIE!  Cookie you do such a professional job - it is just super!  Thank you!!!

Friday we got some much needed rain in our area.  The remainder of my leaves fell!  It will be a rainy start as of tomorrow for our area - and cooler - but no snow!  YAY

On kitty - well, I am still not sure whether boy or girl.  It is so little and so fuzzy with such long hair it is hard to tell if there are little 'nubs'!  I am thinking it is a girl as I only see 2 little spots 'there'.  I cannot pick up or pet when I am standing and it is on the ground!  I guess I look huge!  When eating on the table in greenhouse, I get to pet and have picked it up several times and cuddled.  It still is very hesitant!  Names - no real idea yet.  From day one I have called it Lil Bit and cutey pie - so probably one of those will stick.
It sure loves Blackie!  Blackie gets annoyed at times, and just goes elsewhere to lay and get away from it!!!   LOL.  It reminds me of the cartoon from back in the day with the little dog and the big one - the little one always up the big dogs bum!!!!!!

My week:
  • As telling you earlier - I did get the painting done.  The trimming was by far the worst part and took the most time - so much to go around!!!  After all the sanding - EVERYTHING was covered in dust.  That is STILL a work in process!!!!!!!
  • I have repaired a few things and I have relocated some - redecorating a little
  • Ended up delivering a car full of items to donation center - some big items that never got used or seen!
  • Cleaned all perennials back to ground on the front walk/drive area
  • Raked back before the rain and got 6 big black bags stuffed (to mulch later)
  • After rain - swept back walk and deck AGAIN!  Need one more rake!
  • Cut my hair
  • I went to Aldi to Christmas shop!  I got several more items for baskets and some kids gifts.  My only purchase for me was 2 big crowns of broccoli and cukes.  Aldi has so many neat seasonal foods and items!
  • I received a check in the mail I was not expecting
  • I received my Kroger Magazine - full of coupons good until end of January and many recipes!!
  • I also stopped at the Dollar Tree on the way home from Aldi and got the items I need to make kitchen towel angels for some gifts!  I will show a picture once I get one or two done.
  • Doing all the normal stuff we all do and using up the leftovers
  • Still eating garden tomatoes
This is happening still on my front porch!  It has made it through several freezes.  Basically my last flower and pop of color!

My menu this past week:
Cold cut sandwich and chips (I was busy)
Taco salad
Mac n cheese, smoked sausage and tomatoes
Chicken strips, leftover mac/cheese, tomatoes
Fish sandwich and fries
Baked potato topped with stew(freezer), cheese and sour cream
Chopped beef burger/gravy and rice-a-roni (from homemade mix), cukes/tom.

What have you been up to this week?  Are you ready for Thanksgiving?  Gathering at your home or someone else's?  I will be going to my nieces of turkey day and then cooking for me the next day.  Have you gotten any deals of late?  Give us a shout and let us know what is happening in your life!
FRANCES - please check in - we are thinking of you both and praying.

This week may have an amended schedule for posts!  Just keep watch.
I know many will be busy with traveling, having out of town guests, cooking and baking and such - and may not make it back for the week.  IF that is you - please have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Have a wonderfully safe and healthy week to each and everyone of you!
Blessings to you and yours from my humble little home.

Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!
For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods.
Psalms 95:2-3

Dear Lord, as we approach this week of thanks for our family, friends, nourishments, and all gifts - help us to be aware to thank You for our blessings.
We are thankful for all blessings, big and small.  We pray for safety and health with all those traveling this week and that each one has someone to share this day of thanks with.  AMEN

THANK YOU ALL for your friendship!!!!! 


  1. What a wonderful verse and prayer, Cheryl. Thank you. Sounds like you had a busy week! Then again, you always do! Glad the painting is done and that you were able to clear out some things. That always feels good. Lil' Bit sounds like a shy sweetie!

    This week's meals: pork w/veggies and French bread, canned soup with crackers, taco salad*, beef sandwiches, scrambled eggs and toast, *taco beef and rice skillet w/tomatoes.

    This week's deals: Online grocery ad was NOT correct in store. Son brought us free sugar and $1.99 butter he got with a $10 purchase at his local market. With sale and stacked coupons I got $100 off a bread maker.

    Accomplishments: Our new PCP was pleased on Friday. I'm down another 5 lbs. All general stats are good including A1C (Hubs at 5.9, me at 6.5). All gifts to be shipped have been wrapped, boxed and are ready to go. Other gifts were wrapped, too. My goals for the coming week are final prep for oldest son's visit and Thanksgiving.

    We had steady rain yesterday. It's been highs in the low 60s, lows in the 30s, changing soon to highs around 50. Much warmer than last year this time when we'd already had snow! We have much to be thankful for. Safe travels for all this week and many blessings to you! --Elise

    1. Wow, great deal on the bread machine! Which brand and model did you get?
      Good going on the Dr. visit.

    2. LaurieS, it's a mid range machine, brand name Cuckoo, which kind of cracks me up, but is well rated. Makes a small, rectangular loaf of bead. Lots of options. List price is $179. I took advantage of a pre-Black Friday sale and stacked coupon codes; it's now at a higher sale price w/o the codes.
      Forgot to mention I was also able to get a free pair of freshwater pearl stud earrings (in sterling silver), shipped free.

      Yes, the new PCP doc was happy and so am I. Years of mobility issues put on pounds. It's good to see them coming off slowly. --Elise

    3. So glad to hear all the stats were good for you and hubs and the weight loss. WTG! That is neat on the bread machine price. I bet you will enjoy it.
      The rains are sure needed. Glad you are having better weather this year. Today our skies are blue and not a cloud in sight.
      Have a wonderful week!

  2. Almost everything is cooked and in the freezer--turkey breast, cranberry sauce from berries, sweet potatoes. I have a can of jellied cranberry sauce, also. I need to make a pumpkin pie, make giblet gravy, boil eggs, make dressing. Some of those things will happen today. It is just us two for Thanksgiving here. I have been working on this for two or three weeks. After the fall, I have cooked nothing for Thanksgiving. Saturday, I did cook another pound of cranberries.
    Today, I plan to grill hamburgers, cook pork loin with potatoes, carrots, onions and make two casseroles with chicken breasts.
    Tommy will wash and peel the vegetables. I assemble.

    1. It is wonderful you have so much done. It sure works out well for both of you. A little here and a little there. I am glad to see (from blog) you are re-cooperating from the fall and UTI. Take it easy. Sounds like you have a full day of cooking ahead. Have a good week.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to all those south of the 49th. The next big holiday here will be Christmas. I'm making a few preparations, i.e. lists & shopping. I wait on my son & his family to make their plans then work around them for the most part. Their work & sports schedules take priority. There won't be any decorating until Dec with the tree going up the week before Christmas since it's a real one that I harvest from the ditch. I committed to a NOvember but found myself away from home 5 of 7 days this past week with visiting mom, appointments, a funeral of a 90-yr-old community member. When you live in a community all your life, there are community members who seem like family. The death of the 90 yr old is more palatable than the sudden death of my cousin at age 64 this past week. I find there are many discussions re: end of life in my circle these days. One thing I am sure of - there is no life without death. I've walked 5 miles in each of the past 2 wks. I aim for 1-2 miles 4-5 days a week. So good for my heart & soul. In the kitchen this past week: Pyrogies w/ swiss chard, mushrooms, spaghetti squash; baked beans; cottage cheese salad, biscuits & gravy; turkey soup. I made 8 doz pyrogies for the freezer.

    1. Mona, so sorry to hear about the death of your community member and cousin. My best friend passed away at 65 almost 4 years ago. Her husband had passed 3 years before at 65. It was the main reason Hubs decided to retire earlier than he'd originally planned. His grandparents lived well into their 90s, one lived to be 100, and my older relatives lived into their 80s and 90s for the most part, but you never know. I tell people, "Every morning you wake up on the right side of the grass is a GOOD day." (((Hug))) --Elise

    2. MONA - so sorry for your losses. They are never easy and then they happen around holidays and that is even harder. HUGS
      I miss the smell of live trees - always had them as a kiddo.
      You do so good with your walking. Cudos to you!!!! That is wonderful. Your meals sound delish. You had a busy week.
      Have a lovely week ahead.

  4. Blessed Sunday to you!

    I'm a positive person and I continue to read materials that pump it up further as I age. I am currently 2/3 done with "Gratitude Diaries" by Janice Kaplan. Thursday I finished "The Opa! Way" by Alex Pattakos and Elaine Dundon. (I highly recommend both).

    I've stopped reading blogs by people who having nothing good to say. Everything and everyone is a problem. Always a victim. My comments, experiences and viewpoints are wrong. All Done!

    I've spent a great deal of time this past year with friends who are recent widows. Their resilience amidst their grief inspires me. I cannot imagine losing my husband yet so many of you have and have made lives by yourself to move forward with some joy. If they don't complain, how dare I complain about anything!

    I choose Gratitude. "We cannot grieve if we have not been Grateful" (can't recall the author).

    Wishing you all a beautiful Sunday, as I sit here listening to the rain that has arrived to water in all my mulched leaves and compost layer applied to my garden beds this week. Might there be a rainbow this afternoon? ❤️❤️

    1. I love the positivity! Why be any other way? Nothing good comes from the negative. I like you. have quit a lot of the negative things. I used to watch several You Tubers - now it is basically one or two. Just so many nay sayers and fear - don't need it!
      Hey, I guarantee all the widows complain - just not to others!! Again, it does no good - but there are times when we sure can scream in our homes!
      I love that quote. Also, people don't grieve if they didn't love the person.
      I hope you see a rainbow today! Have a blessed week.

  5. Excellent verse!

    Went to another all day hymn sing, oh what a comfort those old songs are! :)
    Oh Elise, I hate it when the online ads do not agree with the instore ads. So frustrating. Happens with restaurant menu items too.

    Yes, there are some sites and blogs I'm seriously thinking of dropping altogether. Not enough positives to outweigh the negatives.

    1. MaryB, there is simply nothing more lovely than belting out the old hymns. How lovely for you!

    2. There might be such singings available where you live too. Check out "shapenote singing" in your area. You might have to travel a bit, maybe an hour? I can go to something most weekends, weather permitting, if I'm willing to get in the car and drive a bit. :) It feeds my soul!

    3. Buggers, there are none in my state MaryB. 8 hour drive to one in May. I don't think I will venture for that with gas, hotels, meals out. Thank you though! Would have been fabulous to find one within a 3h drive :-)

      ENJOY the after affects 💓

    4. Mary - how lovely on the singings. I remember going to revivals once in a while as a child and just loved the hymns.
      I think we have all had our fill of negativity the past few years - and we are done. Life is too short. Make life enjoyable and have a good time of it.
      Have a wonderful week.

  6. Cheryl---you had another productive week! You are amazing in all you do :)

    I have gotten all the stocking stuffers wrapped for 9 people so that is done. Big gifts will just be cash money---their request. Hard to know what people who live far away need/ money is always the right size and color :)

    I also hope that Rhonda (If you do stuff...) is ok. I replied to her last post the other day and it has not been added yet. She last posted October 6th.

    Seems like so many bloggers who I really enjoyed are no longer blogging for one reason or another. I guess burn-out.

    I am thankful for the sunshine today and that all my "people" are healthy and thriving. Lots of sickness going around from what I hear. Stay well, all!

    1. Thanks - I just try to keep busy and check off the list!
      Good for you on wrapping. Most of mine will baskets or bags - pretty easy. Yes, money is always a good fit. I have some teens that will be getting that.
      It seems like she said she was taking a break - she did for a long while earlier in the year. Many have had family issues, some stop for holidays, various reasons. I do miss them too. It is tough trying to come up with something all the time!
      What wonderful things to be thankful for. It is a beautiful day here as well.
      Have a great week!

  7. Every day is thanksgiving! Praying that Thanksgiving day is peaceful and meaningful to all who celebrate.

    Such a beautiful Thanksgiving card! I used to make all kinds of cards when I had a desktop publishing program. That type of software doesn't seem to be available these days.

    The Farmer cooked a small roast the other day and then shredded it. I cut onions, peppers and mushrooms to make gravy and it was delicious. We have some left so that will be lunch with mashed potatoes and maybe butter beans. Or I may make some succotash.

    The rain we got was most welcome. Today is a beautiful day. Any day without snow is a good day!

    1. It is so pretty isn't it. She does a lovely job. I made cards at one time too - but nothing like that. Mine were personal photos usually.
      Your roast sounds tasty. AGREE - any day without snow is a good day!!!!!!!
      Have a good week.

  8. Cheryl, I thought your back was giving you grief. Good heavens you were busy!
    Still no Christmas shopping done, but I expect I'll get most of it done next weekend. I pulled butter from the fridge this morning to make the first batch of shortbread. It's always the first cookie I make for Christmas...though I know it won't last with my son and other family members.
    Happy Thanksgiving week to you and your extended family!

    1. LOL - yes, it was hurting - rested a couple days and back at it. Still hurts, just not as bad as before. I get a catch every now and then!
      Mmmmm shortbread cookies. YUM.
      Thank you. I am sure it will be a nice family visit.
      Have a great week!

  9. November birthdays in the mail. Pantry rearranged with "need to use first" in front. No real deals here and after the pantry switch, I am reminded I have plenty to cook right here. Raked leaves twice, probably needs one more. Cleaned the oven, blah. Working on a travel herbal wellnes kit. Still a work in progress. Waiting on appointments for hubs. Good week here with rain which we SO needed. Thanksgiving blessings to all.
    Central Az

    1. Good to have the pantry rearranged. It is such a blessing knowing what we really have and USING IT!!!!!
      Leaves - my nemesis!
      Let us know when you hear anything with your hubs.
      Glad you got some rain as well. It was sure needed in a lot of regions.
      Have a lovely week!

  10. I love free checks in the mail. Sounds like the little kitty is coming around. I'm glad you all got some rain. We need some so bad as it is very dry here and the state of Tennessee is under a No Burn ban.
    Your meals sound delicious. We are doing well here. I made cornbread for the dressing for Thanksgiving today. I understand about many being in and out with the blog postings this week. We will all be at it regular again, hopefully, after the holiday. I hope you have a blessed Sunday and a good week.

    1. Unexpected money is always good! Kitty is slowly coming around - it has only been a week.
      From here south in the state has been no burn as well. It was just so dry. We have more rain coming in tomorrow night and much of Tuesday.
      Sounds like you are getting ready for the big. Yeah, I am sure a lot of people will be on sliding schedules this week.
      Thank you! Have a great week.

  11. I am enjoying hearing about Lil Bit. We are home from the lake but we kept stocking up on the deals while we were away. We cleaned up with iBotta and cashed out $157 between the two of us. We still have Thanksgiving grocery shopping to do but we are getting the immediate chores and unpacking done now. While I was putting away food I packed 6 bags of emergency meals for those day when we are don't get it done and need to eat. I have them all stowed away in a big peach basket. We are desperate for rain here. We have a couple of chances this week so we are praying it comes.

    1. Glad you made it home safely. I feel confident you had a good trip!!!! Glad you continued to stock while gone. Different areas can give great deals. Hopefully you hit some great deals on the Thanksgiving supplies.
      Good idea on the emergency meals. I always have something pre-made frozen or something for those quick, busy day meals.
      I hope you get some rain!!!!!
      Have a lovely week!

  12. Cheryl, I feel so honored that you would post the card. Die cutting, stamping, using markers, water colors, acrylics, stencils, anything that has to do with paper crafting I love. Thank you for all that you do for all of us.
    Your week looks busy and productive. Lil Bit is adorable . We had a lot of things to take care of this week as hubs is having his second skin cancer surgery on his shoulder this time and he won't be able to do much. We cleaned, brought up more winter clothes, put flannel sheets on the bed, did a grocery shop for things the farm doesn't have and did some stocking up. I wanted to get some red and green sprinkles for Christmas cookies, and gasped when I saw the price. It was $8 for a smallish jar. Nope, decided I didn't need them. Then I saw that Pillsbury's vanilla frosting in a can was on sale 2 for $3 with the very sprinkles in a container on the top. So for $3 I got the sprinkles and the frosting is a bonus. I found a recipe for Amish apple fritter cake and made two loaves. OMG, hubs says it tastes just like those big apple fritters from Dunkin Donuts. 8 dz. gluten free peanut butter chocolate chip cookies got baked, and 3 dz. flourless brownies. Meals this week were: Steak, baked potatoe; salad;
    airfryer chicken wings seasoned with Old Bay, cole slaw, and apple sauce; leftover stir fry from the freezer that I added rice vermicelli to; homemade gluten free pizza and salad; air fryed pork chops , caulimash homegrown greenbeans and onions seasoned with a little bacon grease. We will be hunkering down until Wednesday as we're expecting to get a wintery mix the first part of next week coupled with about an inch of rain. Blessedly, it will clear up for Wednesday as we have a 45 minute to 1 hour drive each way. Happy Thanksgiving to all. Cookie

    1. I am honored to be a recipient of such craftmanship. Just lovely.
      I hope all goes well with this surgery and he will be done with all this for a long while. You did do a lot - sounds like you kept quite busy. Always nice to be prepared.
      Love your solution for the sprinkles. I have seen them at the dollar stores for less $, dang $8 is crazy!
      Your meals all sound delish.
      Smart 'cookie' to hunker down. I hope it is only rain and no nasty stuff. Same story here Mon. night and Tues. - predicting about an inch of rain. Then sunny Wed.
      I hope your drive is great.
      Have a blessed week.

    2. Cookie- That card was absolutely lovely. How kind and talented you are. Happy Thanksgiving to all. xo Cindy/WV

    3. It's a beautiful card, Cookie. You do amazing work! --Elise

    4. It's a lovely card, Cookie. Just wonderful! ~Amelia

    5. Thank you Cheryl, Cindy, Elise and Amelia for your sweet comments. I literally came to card making by accident. Several years ago I was in an accident that left me with a fractured hip and femur fractured in three places all on the same side. I have a rod and screws from hip to knee. Having spent time after surgery at a rehab, the OT got me started on things to entertain me during down time from PT strengthening muscles and learning how to walk again.
      Happy Thanksgiving to all and prayers for everyone in the path of the storm . Cookie

  13. Life goes on here on the old Phillips' homestead. I cook, clean, make my lists and work on projects. Hopefully I will be ready for Christmas when it arrives.

    God bless.

    1. I can understand that. Somedays it seems so mundane - yet each is a gift and a treasure.
      Have a blessed week.

  14. Husband and I are hanging in there. His Medicare-allotted time in the rehab facility will be up on Wednesday. It looks like I have found a facility where he can live out his days. They evaluated him today, and I am awaiting the packet of admissions paperwork. At least with this decision my stress level should decrease a little. I will try to provide an update later in the week when I know more and (hopefully) have him settled.

    1. Good to hear from you, Frances. Hope the new place will be a good fit for you and your DH. Heavy decisions and choices for you and you'll be in many prayers I know.

    2. Continued prayers and care for you and your husband, Frances. So good to get an update, God be with you both. Praying that the Peace that passes all understanding will be felt there.

    3. Continued prayers, Frances Cindy/WV

    4. Frances, thank you so much for the update. Praying his move to the new nursing home goes smoothly and he settles in comfortably. You've been through so much... both of you.
      (((Hug))) --Elise

  15. Hi Cheryl, Oh Lil Bit! That is what our little Elbee's name was at first. We called him Lil Bit, and then LB, and that of course turned into: Elbee! Sometimes I call him Mr. Blue Eyes though. What color are your kitty's eyes?

    The card is so pretty! I think Cookie has a talent there! That was very sweet and thoughtful.

    I would love to see the towel angels you make, that sounds so sweet.

    I did get a deal this week with one of my swagbucks gift cards, I found one of my "Wonderful Life from Target" buildings, the Daily Sentinel building that has a banner on the front that says "Welcome Home Harry Bailey". It was a little more than I like to spend but I had a swagbucks gift card for ebay and it came out to $1.03. That made me feel a lot better! I will put the building next to the Wonderful Life Church with Harry in his uniform and coat standing in front of it. It just makes me so happy.

    And yes, we must count our Blessings, so,so true. I read about the negativity and I hope any truthful accounts I've written lately on my blog aren't considered negative, it's just my life, losing my pets or a loved one but always try to follow up with my faith in the Lord. I hope my last blog hopefully shows what is right in the world. : ) I too eventually unsub from tubes that drum up fear needlessly for numbers. We need to do more praying when we get the news don't we? Not scare people for money.

    Have a sweet Sunday night, Cheryl, you have been a busy bee! That's so great! ~Amelia

    1. How cute on the transition of the name!
      Cookie does a beautiful job. Such a talent.
      How neat that you got another building for your town. $1.03 is a bargain! I know it makes you so happy.
      Your blog is full of love. Of course it is sad when we lose a beloved pet - but we love them so. I am just so done with fear mongering and Debbie downers! Life is so much more.
      Have a wonderful week!

    2. Amelia, your blog posts are always beautiful. You gave lovely tributes to your fur babies. It was a lot of loss in a short period of time with plenty of stress thrown in for good measure. I'm grateful to be able to pray for specific things for folks. Glad you're doing better. You'll have to share pics of your "It's a Wonderful World" collection.

      For me, negativity is when a kind of hopelessness is conveyed. When fear is stoked. I try to stay mindful that fear is the devil's weapon. As long as there's hope--and we encourage others--it's GOOD. Everyone hurts. Everyone struggles sometimes. Everyone gets frustrated. Reaching out and lifting one another up is the aim of positivity and faith. --Elise
      "Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ."
      Gal. 6:2

    3. Thank you so much, Cheryl for those kind and meaningful words on my blog, it's just life, good, bad and sad sometimes and perhaps even the sad may touch someone's life and give them hope too if they see a genuine trust in the Lord. Oh yes, our losses are so heartbreaking at times it just wouldn't do justice not to share our grief right? I can't even imagine just skipping on ignoring the losses of our fur babies and loved ones. I had one lady who commented when I lost my sil because of something not done right (tragic). She said she was staying away from negativity and she didn't even say she was sorry. Sometimes I think people have lost any form of common sense... Geesh.

      I think I know exactly what you mean on the fear mongering, I don't care for that either, I've had to unsub as well, I just don't need that, it's just too much and I feel like they are drumming up a large audience, making a lot of money doing it, living in the rabbit hole and bringing others. It's good to get viable news from a good reliable podcast or something like that, even a conservative radio program and then go on and really pray about it. I heard Allen Jackson, a preacher talk about this very thing. He said ten minutes of news is good and then really pray about it.

      Thanks again for your affirming, kind and meaningful words, Cheryl. (((hugs))) ~Amelia

    4. Elise, thank you so much, that means the world to me. I covet your prayers always, and I do feel those prayers too. We can feel the Lord's mercy and grace many times can't we? The Father truly helps us so much get through things as He carries us and the prayers of the saints such as yourself are huge. HUGE. Thank you for prayers! : ) There were a couple of days when I was crying out to the Lord, telling Him I could not bear it all.

      You wrote: Reaching out and lifting one another up is the aim of positivity and faith. --Elise
      "Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ."
      Gal. 6:2

      Amen, Elise. It's so very simple, I hope all who claim to be believers in Christ grasp this beautiful Truth, we would think it would come naturally.

      Yes, I do need to share my collection! It looks the prettiest in the early morning or evening lit up, I need to make an effort and get some pics. : ) It represents such a more simple time to me when people had a healthy fear of God with that WWII era was happening and Frank Capra produced the movie. Frank Capra also produced 'Meet John Doe' too and my hubs likes Capra's "Little Shop Around the Corner" too. His movies are so good, they hit the heartstrings.

      Thank you again, Elise. Thank you for being Jesus with skin on and a good representative for that scripture verse too. : ) (((hugs))) ~Amelia

    5. Yes, Amelia, I've felt God's mercy and grace many times over the past few years especially. There's been no shortage of stress, loss and (the 1st week after surgery) painful humility. When I've felt like I just can't make it through, I've come here and found comfort just as much as prayer and scripture bring. Maybe more. I say that, because knowing others are praying for you is POWERFUL when you're feeling weak and weary. For me it's an honor to be able to offer that to others... like you. I may be just one old, white haired lady in a foot boot now, hobbling along, but I can pray. Sometimes--often--I wish I could do more. Looking forward to those pics!

  16. Cheryl, you had asked what we were doing for Thanksgiving? We're hosting here, and I'm looking forward to it. : ) But Amelia Bedelia, here will have to get cleaning and dusting a bit. It's not too bad but still...Certain things need to be done, all those details. Trying to keep it simple. K.I.S.S. "Keep it simple sweetie". I do have a few lit up trees (one 4 ft. two 18inch plus ones) to give it that coffee house fanciful look as I already shared. Plus my "Wonderful Life" houses and peoples will be set up as always, all lit up. That was fun for me. What are you doing this week?

    1. Just remember they are coming to see you not the house! I used to work my bum off cleaning before having a house full - and Glen would say - this little house and all those people - do you really think they will notice a little dust? He was right.
      I understand wanting it just so-so but that isn't important. Being together is the big deal!
      Just piddling around this week and finishing some projects.

  17. Cheryl (and all), I talked to oldest son last night who'll be here late Wednesday. I appreciate all prayers for his safe trip. It's a 12-13 hr. drive. Anyway, he told me he plans to do most of the meal prep for Thanksgiving!! I taught him years ago. Both sons are good cooks. He said he'd planned to bake the pies and surprise us, but such a long car trip makes that problematic. I'll leave it up to younger son to take care of the pies. :-)

    1. Oh Elise! That is wonderful and oh just the fact son is doing meal prep is down right heavenly! Woo hoo!!! You did a good job teaching your son! : )

      I will pray, Elise. Psalms 91

    2. Prayers for safe travels. How cool he wants to do the dinner. That is pretty nice. Nice that both boys cook.
      Sounds like you did a good job raising them. How fun!
