Thursday, November 9, 2023

Just Some Words For Going Forward

 Happy Thursday everyone.  The weeks are sure flying by.  I just want to end the week with some words that are good for each and every one of us to remember!  Life is fleeting, we all have trials and heartaches, we have all experienced love and loss, and hopefully we all lend a helping hand and a kind word to all.

People need people and friends need friends
And we all need love for a full life depends
Not on vast riches or great acclaim,
Not on success or on worldly fame,
But in knowing that someone cares
And holds us close in their thoughts and prayers -
For only the knowledge that we're understood
Makes everyday living feel wonderfully good,
And we rob ourselves of life's greatest need
When we "lock up our hearts" and fail to heed
The outstretched hand reaching to find
A kindred spirit whose heart and mind
Are lonely and longing to somehow share
Our joys and sorrows and to make us aware
That life's completeness and richness depends
On the things we share with our loved ones and friends.
Helen Steiner Rice

I just thought this was perfect for all of you, my friends.  Yes, I do believe we are all friends and maybe we are a 'kind of family' as well to each other.  I know we worry about one another, and we care about each other.  
There are so many going through much stuff right now.  It makes me sad for each of you, and I sure wish I could fix things.  I can't - but I care, and I pray for you all.
FRANCES, you and your hubby are on my mind daily - life has hit you both with so much.  
I don't mean to leave others out - I care about you all - it just seems this situation is so precarious right now.
Take a moment or two today and every day, to JUST be thankful for a good moment, no matter how short or small that moment is.  It is a gift!  
In all the bad and sad, there are still good moments and smiles.  It is the little things!

Wishing you all a wonderfully beautiful day.  Enjoy every moment and make it the best.
Life is precious and so are you!!!!!!!


  1. This is a good and caring community. If we were to meet IRL there would be lots of hugs and hand holding while we would pray for one another.

    Cooler and cloudy day...we've enjoyed the unseasonably warm weather. I noticed one brave little rose outside the window by my desk. A bit of color on a dreary day.

    1. I think it is as well - but I am a bit prejudice! Wouldn't it be something to all meet and have a time of socializing??
      It is still a glorious day - sun is shining now and my windows are open!

  2. I love Helen Steiner Rice. You have created a wonderful space here for people. I was telling the big guy last night that we may not feel like we have a large community around us in routine day to day but when something happens it really shows that we do. I was amazed by the messages and calls that we got to let them know if we needed anything and offering prayers when he went to the hospital Sunday. I had to stop and really take that in and remind myself how grateful I am for that.

    1. She is one of my favorites. Thank you.
      It is amazing at how much love and kindness we are surrounded by every day. Like you said, we may not realize it at the moment, but people do care.
      It makes me feel special. I am so glad you had those folks around you!

  3. That poem or verse by Helen Steiner Rice hits right on the button. Yes, so many including myself just need understanding and girlfriend fellowship. Many of us do pretty well but just need a little support in life over the bumps of elderly parents etc. My husband's mom is almost 100 and mine is 93+. Many problems they had in personality or emotions are blown up now with all the rest. Churches in our area are rather anemic or cliquish etc. so that is not an option.

    The good? I look at our grandchildren playing yesterday in the backyard and it was so adorable, one with a batman cape on, a rubber boot on one foot and a tennis shoe on the other. The other little grandson laughs sooooo innocently covering his little mouth with his cousin with the rubber boot on as they blow up balloons letting them fly around...They have innocent four year old giggles as they play with their sticker books I bought them from dollar tree, making funny santa and elf, snowman etc. various faces with eyes, and noses...Just so sweet. My mom made me a nervous wreck yesterday morning, I had to let her go on the phone. But at the end of the day yesterday (she was here w/our daughter who brought her) I gave her two containers of frozen soup and she looks at me and says...God bless you, thank you (with sympathetic eyes). I send her home with healthy snacks too and fuzzy socks from dollar tree, a pant outfit like new I don't wear anymore, as our daughter brings her home. She had said something assenine to me when she first got here, and I was just so let down, wanted to cry, but a few minutes later she says..."Don't pay attention to the dumb things I say."

    It's a nice community here, Cheryl. The Lord really uses you here, Cheryl. I too am praying for Frances and her husband, it's very important. My heart so goes out in that situation especially knowing that Frances is also a sensitive soul. I so get that.

    Hugs to you Cheryl, hugs to everyone here. God be with you all. And hey, if you would like to see a *wonderful* movie that entails friendship, materialism and Christmas and the common man. Our *Movies!* channel is playing 'Meet John Doe' with Gary Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck. It's a wonderful movie. I'm sure it's on pluto and tubi too as well as youtube. This will touch your hearts. ~Amelia

    1. A good set of friends and extended family is a huge help. Thos is a great group that just really seems to care.
      I chuckled as I read your description of the child with the cape and boot!!!!! I can just visualize that!!! Kids are a hoot. Simple pleasures and pure unconditional love.
      You mentioned one mom 100 and one over 93 - well - you know, if I make it to those ages, I bet I will be a bit of a crank too!!!! They have seen it and done it all - and are probably just tired. I am sure when you get those cranky, snippy moments - it is not meant to happen. Years come on an and dementia hits in some capacity, and things are said, sadly.
      They can call the senior years the 'golden years', but I am not at all sure I believe that!!!!
      Thanks for the mention of the movie - will look it up.

  4. What a lovely post Cheryl, thank you. And I too am sending prayers to all who need it, and extra to Frances. It seems like there are times when life can be so difficult and yet there is this community here that offers kindness and support. Thank you again to Cheryl, Kim, Sam, Anne, and all those who offered me help when I so needed it. I know I am forgetting some names, I apologize, I can’t remember everyone but know that I read every comment multiple times when I was low. I look at life’s ups and downs like a sine wave (back to high school math), knowing I just having to hold on through the down parts. Hilogene in Az.

    1. Thank you. You are one of our 'sisters' and we uplift each other. I am just so happy to see that you have gained so much strength in these past months. Sometimes words are all we have, and sometimes words are all we need!
      We will all have down parts - but hopefully more upward ones and they will get us through. You should be proud of yourself, you have done so well.

  5. My 2 library books right now: "The OPA! Way: Finding Joy and Meaning in Everyday Life and Work", and "The Gratitude Diaries".

    Today is a new life. A whole life. (Native American belief and practice of gratitude).

    1. Sound like great reads.
      Yes, today is a new life. How cool that is, EVERY day is a new life!!!!!!! I really find comfort in that.

  6. Great post Cheryl. It is snowing again here today, and near freezing. I could be annoyed but instead I'm thankful that my drive to run errands today was easy, and I accomplished all I needed to do. I'm also grateful that I don't need to unpack anything more just need to walk out to the garage behind the house to grab another box. They'll wait until the weather improves.

    1. Stay in and warm and safe. So glad you are now unpacking for the future!!! No more moving.
      Life gives us all we need in the moment!

  7. I think, too, we have a caring community of friends here, and it would be wonderful if we could meet in person. But for now, we can pray for and encourage one another through the hard times. That really means a lot.

    My hubby is slowly recovering. He's still sleeping a lot, which is obviously what he needs. Hope you all have a great weekend.

    1. Hoping and praying he'll be fully recovered soon, Wanita, and that YOU stay well. (((Hug))) --Elise

    2. It would be very nice to meet everyone in person and sit and have an afternoon together. But yes, for now we do what we can!
      I am glad your hubby is slowly recovering and getting rest. You stay healthy!!!!!!

  8. Beautiful thoughts. Thank you, Cheryl. I'd waited to comment, hoping Frances would update; she's been on my mind and in my prayers.

    Glad you got the packing and move done, Maebeme. The boxes will be there until you get to them. I'm always much slower unpacking than packing and that's okay.

    Amelia, thank you for the movie suggestion! I've always loved old movies. Will look into that one.

    Hope all is well at your house soon, Lori.

    Donna, I so agree. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all meet IRL!

    Hilogene, you're still in my prayers. Everyone here is. I think of you, Kim, Sam, Anne and all as the holidays approach.

    Thank you for the book titles, Elle. And waving a hello to you, Linda... glad you're back online!

    Best wishes to all. This is such a wonderful space. Thank YOU, Cheryl, for providing it. --Elise

    1. What nice comments to each. I know I wish we would hear from Frances too. I get extra worried, when it has been a few days. She is going through such a rough time.
      Thank you for your kind words. I never imagined this little blog would be such a wonderful way of connecting with others and showing fellowship. What a blessing.

    2. Words really can't express what a blessing your blog has been to me Cheryl. Not sure how I'd have gotten through without it. Consider all that's happened!
      --Hubs' retirement on Christmas 2021
      --Out of state move that involved a moving company doubling the cost twice, then holding our belongings (without our consent or knowledge) in CA until we got the cops here involved
      --Laundry list of problems and delays with our contractor
      --Finally getting moved in and being empty nesters
      --MIL passing away
      --BIL moving here with all his literal and figurative baggage
      --My mom's Alzheimer's diagnosis and fast progression of it
      --My older brother passing away
      --Extensive foot surgery that essentially rebuilt my foot with lots of metal
      And those are just the main points. I'm aware many here have been dealing with far more and that's also why I appreciate being able to encourage each other, pray for each other and share here. --Elise

  9. I really enjoy my blogging friends and miss all when I can't blog while on a trip. These are very good words to remember.

    God bless.

  10. Replies
    1. Oh my. Thank you so much Vickie - we are all friends and family here.

  11. Lovely Cheryl. Many daily prayers to Frances and hubby. xo Cindy/WV

  12. What a wonderful poem! I have come to learn the truth of it rather late in life, but I'm glad I finally did.

    When I visited Husband last Sunday (the last time I saw him), he was not doing well. He must have been doing well enough (or they needed the ICU bed), because he was transferred out of the Trauma ICU to a step-down unit overnight. Over the next few days the strong antibiotic finally worked on his infection and the chest tubes were able to remove enough fluid to stabilize his lungs. He was having little pain and was eating again. Yesterday afternoon he was released to a skilled nursing rehab facility located where I can drive to go visit him. He is still very weak and on oxygen. I will call the rehab facility when it opens to see when I can visit him today.

    I am still struggling with bouts of severe anxiety, but am trying to take care of myself. I prayed Psalm 30 this morning, a great comfort.

    Words cannot express my gratitude for this community and all the support I am receiving. Thank you.

    1. I am so glad you checked in and happy to hear much better news. I bet he is weak, poor guy has been through an awful lot.
      I am glad you will be able to see him today - I am sure it will help you both!!!!!!
      I guess you still have his place at the other facility? Hopefully after some rehab, he can get back there, and you will both be happier.
      PLEASE do take care of yourself. You are very much loved here, and we worry about you. Breathe and pray! Breathing exercises, almost like a meditation and prayer is what helped me most. PLUS all the love!
      Have a lovely visit. HUGS

    2. Prayers going up for you Frances and your husband. The stress and anxiety is horrible. Remember to breathe.

    3. Thank you for the update, Frances. Praying continually. Please get whatever rest you can. (((Hug))) and a (((Hug))) for your husband, too. --Elise

    4. Saw him today. He is weak, but cognitively better than he has been. They pulled his oxygen and his blood saturation was okay. He will start PT this weekend, OT and Speech/Memory on Monday.
      Cheryl, I spoke with the director of the facility where he lives, and she would like to have him back in residence, though he does have to be strong enough to only require one-person assistance for transfers (bed to wheelchair, etc.) Not sure he can gain that much strength in the 10 days or so that Medicare will allow in rehab. I will also be investigating skilled nursing/long term care facilities, but I think another move would be very bad for him.
      I'm getting by one moment at a time, but I have to be strong for him. He needs to know that I will be okay no matter the outcome.

    5. Glad you got to see him today, Frances, and that he's cognitively better. I'll continue to pray he'll get stronger. At least strong enough to go back to where he was. Yes, he needs to know you'll be okay no matter what happens... and you will be. It probably doesn't feel that way right now, though. Thank you for the updates. --Elise

    6. Hi Frances - thank you for taking time to update us. I am thrilled you got to see him today, as I am sure he was.
      Glad he has improved in some ways - that is great. Poor fellow has been through a lot, I can only imagine the weakness.
      I sure would hope he can get back to the same facility. Do they have a separate unit for long term/nursing care? Probably not, or you wouldn't be investigating places.
      Such a sad situation for you both.
      I know you are exhausted and stressed as well - but you can do this. We are much stronger than we think we are.
      Many prayers being said for you both. Please take care dear.

  13. A wonderful post & very encouraging too! Still praying for Frances & her husband. Prayers & blessings. Annie

    1. Thank you Annie! I am sure she appreciates each and every prayer out there!

  14. Cheryl, you have created such a beautiful community of friends here. I think that every time I come to comment and see the large number of readers you have! You are just someone who feels "real" and it attracts genuine friendships. Especially as we get older, friendships become that much sweeter. Some of my sweetest, longest lasting "friendships" have been ladies I've met through blogging. Thanks for making us all feel welcomed.

    1. Gosh, how sweet are you? Those are such kind words and really mean so much to me. I started this little group for frugal ideas - but it has morphed into something much more special for me and I think others. Such a wonderful fellowship we have here.
      Thank you for being a part of it.

  15. Hope all is well for you this Sunday morning. Cheryl. --Elise

  16. Please Read.You have a great post here, Have anyone here know Goji Berries... yes... I tried those too.For my health conditions, Those sweet, red berries seemed to help, but only during the time when I consumed them. I don't want to take a drug for the rest of my life, so why would I want to take a natural supplement everyday for the rest of my life (although Goji berries are very tasty and are highly nourishing). To me this was not a cure either (and I'm LOOKING for the CURE).
    Up to that point, I hadn't found a cure. I felt like a young jumbled mess. I continued to have extreme pain, but continued on my path to healing. I started to focus on myself and not everyone else. When I was a young adult, I took on too much responsibility out of a sense of obligation. This was no longer healthy for me, so I resigned from all my projects and groups. Those days to come were the best [and worst] days. I took a lot of time off work, yet begun to feel so extremely exhausted. Many health professionals "diagnosed" me with adrenal fatigue & Hiv,Prostate Cancer so my situation was annoying then I keep searching for permanent cure online that's when I came to know of Dr jekawo herbal doctor hands whom god has blessed with ancestral powers and a gift to heal people with disease like .Cancers,Alzheimer's disease,HPV,Men & Women Infertility,Melanoma, Mesothelioma, Diabetes, Multiple myeloma, Parkinson's disease,Neuroendocrine tumors,Herpes, Hiv/Aids,Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma,, chronic diarrhea, COPD, Hepatitis... So I made a purchase of his herbal medicines and I have been watching my health for 6 years now and I actually confirmed that his herbal medicines are a permanent cure and I'm so happy that I came to know of his herbal healings.You can contact Dr Jekawo herbal doctor Email: if you went through exactly what I go through in terms of health conditions because to be honest there is more to learn about natural herbs than medical drugs.
