Wednesday, December 20, 2023

A Few Fun Facts!

 Happy Wednesday - midweek!  I hope you are enjoying your week and that your Christmas preps are winding down.
Today - just a fun fact to know and tell!

The Friday and Saturday before Christmas are the busiest shopping days of the year - not black Friday - but the weekend before Christmas!

Jingle Bells was originally written in 1857 as a Thanksgiving tune.  It was later deemed more appropriate for Christmas.

Starting in the 1970's - the traditional holiday meal celebration in JAPAN became Kentucky Fried Chicken!!!  It is often ordered quite a while in advance - so they can be guaranteed to have it.

Natalie Wood still believed in Santa when she filmed and starred in Miracle on 34th Street. She was just 8 years old.

The abbreviation Xmas isn't anything new - it actually came from the 1500's.  The Greek letter X was the first letter in the Greek word for Christ.

It's A Wonderful Life was a box office flop when it first came out.  The copyright came to an end, and it was televised in 1974.  The rest is history, and it became a holiday classic enjoyed by millions each year.

ENJOY your day and all the festivities leading to Christmas!
Smile and laugh a little today!!!


  1. Aww, what an adorable cat tree! Thank you for sharing those fun facts.

    It's very dark here this morning. We had rain in the night, and yesterday was gray, so I woke to no solar lights and not a star in the sky. I can't remember seeing it so dark. It reminded me of yesterday's Advent devotional quote and verse, and coming here so many mornings each week: "All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle." --St. Francis of Assisi
    "You are the light of the world--like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. ... In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see" (part of) Matt. 5:14-16

    Cheryl, thank you so much for the light you shine through this blog. It's like a Christmas gift every week of the year. No matter how dark the morning, your light shines brightly as I pop in with my 1st mug of coffee. Bless you for that. --Elise

    1. I so value the friendships that have come from this blog of Cheryl's.

    2. Thank you ELISE - very kind words indeed. Fun facts are always fun - no matter our age!

      DONNA - It is sure a great group - really love and appreciate you all.

  2. Fun little facts you shared. I did know about KFC being a Christmas tradition in Japan. There's must be much better than the ones here in the US. lol
    I went to a private Lutheran school from Kindergarten until 8th grade and we were told never to write XMas because you were x-ing out Christ. Interesting that that isn't the case at all.

    1. KFC used to be so good. There is a little town to the west of us and their KFC regularly runs out of chicken, not because it's delicious either.

    2. KFC did used to be good. I remember going there and everything tasting almost like my grandmothers. I stopped going there years ago because it was just awful.

    3. We've discovered it depends on the franchise. The one nearby has chicken that's good, as well as the sides. Pricey, though. Where we used to live the KFC wasn't a place you wanted to buy food from. I love that the Japanese "tradition" began because an owner of many franchises did an interview where he was asked if the fried chicken meals were traditional in America at Christmas; thinking America's traditional turkey is poultry that's served with mashed potatoes and gravy, he said, "Yes!"

    4. LORI - I was told the same thing about Xmas. Even as an adult it was not something I would ever write. Turns out to be a completely different story!

      Last time I had KFC - it was just OK - and boy was it expensive! I can imagine what it costs over there.

  3. That cat tree card is so cute!
    Very interesting fun facts. I know why the last two days prior to Christmas are the busiest. It's guys like my older brother running around buying last minute gifts. When we were young, he'd arrive, usually on Christmas Eve, and I'd go shopping with him. Since his budget was bigger than mine, it was a lot of fun. :)

    1. It's fun to spend someone else's money! ha!

    2. Donna, I always thought it would be great to be a "personal shopper", getting paid to shop with other people's money. LOL!

    3. I agree. My dad NEVER shopped until Christmas Eve every year that I can remember! I guess it seems to be a real guys shopping day! I never understood it, but he said it was his tradition!

  4. Love the kitty card Interesting facts, some I didn't know. KFC used to be good, but it's definitely not our choice these days.

    Finishing off what cards we mail out. It is a busy time of year for many folks. Erin had to be at Big Lots at 6 this morning in order to open at 7. She said they have been super busy.

    Enjoy this sunshine! Have the kitties found puddles of sunlight to nap in?

    1. This morning I saw that one retailer has started After Christmas Sales today. Just... wow. I have to wonder how many *this* year put off shopping until the last minute? It's a habit of mine to watch prices on just about anything. Prices were far better (overall) before Black Friday than now, but at least our grocery stores are finally putting turkeys on sale! Safeway has frozen turkeys--all brands--for 87 cents lb. now.

      My sympathies to Erin. I worked retail through college and Christmas in retail isn't especially fun. That's why some of the cookies baked went to each Dollar General employee; their cash registers were on the fritz this week. --Elise

    2. DONNA - Retail isn't fun. So many have to work the crappy hours and days. I worked retail in my younger years and it wasn't fun.
      Haven't had KFC in years. It sure was expensive - even then.
      We have had great turkey and ham prices this year. Ham again this week is .89/lb. - 3 weeks in a row.
      Love the sun.
      Yesterday Bit was laying in a chair in the L.R. and the sun was shining on it - must have gotten hot and moved!

    3. Cheryl, Erin said they got skids in for Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day and Easter. Big Lots is her second job and I think she likes it as she has varied tasks. Elise, she hasn't encountered two many crazy shoppers. Unlike McDonald's where a person threw her lemonade back through the drive thru window at Erin.

    4. Donna - amazing - I guess they need to prepare. Seems early though.

  5. Thanks for the fun facts, Cheryl! That is very interesting on Natalie Woods, we have that movie on dvd too. Isn't that something that "It's a Wonderful Life" wasn't a hit at first? I saw an interview with the lady who played, Ruth, Harry's new bride. She said she was so confused on what to do with her gloves eating popcorn, should she take one off or what?! haha. Then she said she really didn't care for the movie, I don't get that. She was still very pretty at an older age I will say. You could tell it was "Ruth". She seemed like a very normal lady you would run into at the grocery. Zuzu is still with us and there is a neat documentary video about 'It's a Wonderful Life" that has her in it.

    I used to hear that too on the X. It's good to see that is not true at all. So many come up with things and it sends people into all kinds of confusion. I know some things are to be heeded but it just goes to show to do our homework on things right?

    Sweet illustration too! Take care now, enjoyed the facts! ~Amelia

    1. Yes, funny how no one watched much at the theaters back then. It took TV to make it a hit. Funny about the that story of the Ruth.
      Yes, always heard never use the X as well - now we know it still stands for Christ.

  6. Great facts...I remember back a long time ago I wrote xmas on a card and my sister told me I left Christ out. I wish I had know more facts back then for sure! Of course now though I make sure I write Christmas but you know.
    Have a great day!

    1. I understand. I think that is what a lot of people have thought. Nice to know the real story of it!

  7. I didn't know it was a flop at the box office.
    Love that movie. Makes me sad and happy.
    Which is my fave kinda movie. Love that!
    Happy Christmas and boogie boogie.

    1. Yes, it did horribly when it came out originally. I really like it too - just one of those things that makes you think. You know I am sure we have all wondered what the world would be like without us. Things would be different.
      Thank you!!!

  8. Incredible stories! I am surprised!
    Have a Happy and Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year.

    1. Fun tidbits to know and tell!
      Thank you and you as well.

  9. Our KFC folded up and went away a few years ago. I remember KFC from long ago being *so* tasty!
    Love that little Cat Tree! So cute. :)

    1. I haven't been in years - just got not as good and way to expensive. I used to love it.

  10. I always need to watch It's a Wonderful Life each and every Christmas. Makes my Christmas season just perfect.

    Very interesting tidbits.

    God bless.

    1. I generally see it every year as well. It just makes Christmas.

  11. Little late to this, but to clear up why "It's a Wonderful Life" was a box office flop---It's original release to the theaters occurred during the summer months (I forget why). It did not do well because no one wanted to see a Christmas movie during the summer. When the copyright expired in the 1960s or 1970s, it was then available for the TV networks to show as part of their Christmas lineup. That is when it became such a great hit.

    1. Crazy - huh? Why in the world would you release a Christmas movie in the summer? I would say that makes a lot of sense then. Fun facts - I love them. Thanks!!

  12. The only one I did not know was that Natalie Woods still believed in Santa when she was eight. I did, too, almost nine when I found out.

    1. I think I was 9 or 10 - and I think it was sadder for my parents than me!

  13. Linda is Practical Parsimony
    I went to a Bible College and learned so many things. I studied Japanese with a man who was from Japan. It was interesting and not just because of the language I learned. I worked retail when I was in college--TG&Y. I learned to never go into the store on your day off. I ended up working the day before Easter in shorts that way. Can you imagine a girl working in shorts in 1965? !!! I was already scheduled before Christmas every year.

    1. Quite a colorful life. Oh my, yes working in shorts would have been a sight then. I did retail early in life, and was glad when that was done. Even back in the day - people were messy and didn't care if they messed up displays and such. Aggrivating.

    2. I worked in a boutique earlier. One day, a woman was looking at a table full of sweaters and made a mess. I waited until she moved on and started refolding and sizing the sweaters. She saw me, came back and apologized for messing them up. I calmly told her if people did not move things, I would not have a job. I just got on with any straightening calmly, glad to have a job! I was seventeen; what else did I know how to do?
