Tuesday, December 26, 2023

So the Story Slowly Ends

 Happy Tuesday all.  My days are already mixed up!  I kept thinking yesterday was Sunday!
I hope this finds you well and safe.  I sure hope you all enjoyed your Christmas - however you observed the day.

Many have yet to have their celebrations - but for many, they are done and all that is left is the mess to clean up!  Isn't that picture cute of the pups in the paper?  (not my pic)

Yesterday I spent the afternoon at my brother's house with his little family.  Oh the kiddos!!!!!  So much noise, action and chaos!!!!!!  They just had a ball.
Looked over at little Miles - he had just ripped open a present, mommy took it out of the box - and Miles got in the box and played with a bow!!!!!!  It was hilarious and just goes to show - the littles are happy with about anything.
Layla (who is very shy with others) - grabbed my hand and grammies hand and wanted to play ring around the rosie!  That was her big time!
A good time was had by all and lots of good eats!

I got some very lovely gifts from my niece and nephew.  It warms my heart that they try to find that 'just right' thing for their Auntie!

This week things will be light here. 
I hope you had a great weekend and a lovely time with family.  It looks like there is some nasty weather coming into the area west of here.  Stay safe.  We will be gloomy and chilly this week.  Nothing crazy.
Safe travels to all traveling this week.  Soak up all the holiday time you can and just enjoy the week.

Have a great day!


  1. Your Christmas sounds a bit like mine! It was a good day, with children and food and singing and family. :)
    I'm having trouble posting here, it keeps failing. :(

    1. Mary, sorry you have had troubles posting. Some days - you just never know!
      Glad you had a lovely day as well. Children, food, singing and family - nothing better.

  2. Just spending time with family is a gift. I'm so glad you were able to spend time with yours. :)

  3. I'm so glad you were able to spend some time with part of your family yesterday. Sounds like a lovely time. TBG keeps asking me what day it is so I understand. I hope you find a lot of time to relax and reflect this last week of the year.

    1. Thanks, it was lovely. Oh the holidays just mess up the brain in days of the week!
      Thanks - hope you enjoy your week off.

  4. What a wonderful day you had. The littles truly do make Christmas special.

    1. They sure do. Sounds like you have had a special weekend as well. Loved your pictures.

  5. The little ones have the right idea...simplicity.

    1. Yes they do. Dollars don't matter - you sits where you fits and play!

  6. Sounds like you had a special Christmas! LOVE that. Our quiet Christmas was nice. We face-timed with oldest son to open gifts. Dinner Christmas Eve was steak and fries w/salad; Christmas day was spiral sliced ham, sweet potatoes, salad and rolls. There's plenty of ham leftover for tucking away in the freezer.

    The highlight of the holiday was Candlelight service on Christmas Eve with a young priest from Nigeria. It was good to see so many young people there, including families with babies and toddlers. Haven't seen that in decades! Hubs really likes this church. :-D

    HOPE may be the theme for 2024. I do themes vs. resolutions. There will always be difficulties and challenges in life, and heartache is part of the human experience, but HOPE keeps us going (I believe). May the New Year renew our HOPE. --Elise

    1. Glad you got to face time for the gift portion. Your dinner sounds yummy.
      I am glad you found a service you enjoyed and a gathering that was pleasing as well.
      I don't do resolutions either - just set a few goals is all.
      Life is sure never predictable, and we have no idea what tomorrow brings - but hopefully a lot of joy and progress for all.

    2. That all sounds so nice, Elise! I don't do resolutions either.

      Life is a roller coaster sometimes right? As Betty Davis said once, I believe in one of her movies...Something to the effect of ...."Buckle up, this is going to be a bumpy ride!" lol

      Hopefully none of us will have to buckle up but stay in an attitude of prayer for sure. : )


  7. A co-worker sat at the kiddie table yesterday and told me how much energy the littles had in them. Funny. Happy 2024!

    1. Oh those little ones are absolutely full on energy! FUN too!
      Thank you - happy 2024 to you as well.

    2. Thanks! I'm excited for 2024. Gonna be a blast!

  8. We had such a lovely Christmas. This might sound mean but there were 3 family members who didn't come and I didn't miss them! In the past their absence would have clouded my day but not this time. So I only mention it to point out how much I enjoyed the day that I didn't miss them. Despite the re-piping mess at my house and still no oven and few decorations and I got sick 4 days before it was one of the best Christmas eve & day in years! After everyone had left we were texting each other saying how much fun we had together.

    1. I understand - yes that can happen. Some people, well, they just put a damper on things.
      You are a fine example of a star still shines - even amongst the storm. We may not see, but it shines. You made a wonderful time out of some bad situations.
      Hope you are feeling better.

  9. Hi Cheryl, Your Christmas day sounds lovely! That little one who held your hand to play Ring Around the Rosies....Oh my. Now *that* is a Gift! Soooooo precious. That little girl trusts you. I was horrified when I was very little when my dad's debonair flight instructor politely told me in our living room that I had guacamole dip on my elbow...I was horrified, I definitely was not going to hold his hand and play Ring Around the Rosies. lol Not with his wife either! lol And they even had a little girl too, my age! Just saying, that child really likes *you*! A huge compliment.

    That sounds like a wonderful time Cheryl, I'm sure a blessing and the gifts from your nieces and nephews sound so heartwarming. It's all about thoughtfulness right? You are loved!

    Our Christmas here was so wonderful, I'm so tired but it was sooooo worth it! Our grandchildren had a ball, I just love seeing them converse and play, they are ages, 18 months to four. We were so blessed to see our oldest grandson in a sweet, sweet play at their family's church, it was the sweetest thing ever, you know how little children are in a play...The lady who was head of it was so patient whispering their lines and so forth. The pastor and his wife were very nice and I received a complimentary report that did my heart good that they liked us too. Now-a-days, you don't get thoughtfulness let alone a glowing report. That pastor's wife actually drove almost an hour to our daughter's home at 11pm one night when my daughter was expecting to bring her a natural herbal medicine for a medical need for our daughter, very unusual and sweet couple, and they have littles too and she was willing to do that, so touched my heart. The little Christmas play was simple but so beautiful and Christ honoring in that little church.

    I pray everyone has a wonderful and uplifting Christmas week!

    1. I was extremely touched that Layla reached for and grabbed my hand - she usually shy's away. Such a sweety.
      Sounds like you Christmas was lovely as well. Oh children in a play just melts a heart. I love watching little ones perform. I remember working with 4/5 year olds in VBS for the final program. They were a hoot. There was a little girl, who just cried and cried when mom left - finally she set on my lap and we became friends, so when she came in she would be crying - then see me and come running. Her mom was stunned - she said she didn't mix with other adults ever.
      When you know - you know! You knew.
      Sounds like a lovely pastor and family.

  10. I’m glad you had a good time with family. Yes, little ones love to play in boxes

  11. Glad you had a great time at your brother's house with the little ones, they are funny to watch when they are small.

    1. Oh the make you laugh so hard. They can give a headache as well - but they sure are fun!

  12. It sounds like a lovely Christmas.

  13. (Little Penpen) sounds like a great Christmas! I’m ready for the slow down time!

    1. Thanks. I think a lot of people are ready for the slowing of time and just ready to kick back and relax.
