Thursday, December 28, 2023

The Countdown Begins

 Happy Thursday to all.  Well, the countdown to NYE is here.  We are just a few days away from a new year.  January is generally a dark, cloudy and cold month - who knows this year!  Whatever the weather, I hope we all make it a fresh new start.  This has been a year of sadness, illness, change and inflation.  Here we are - we all made it - though many are different for it all.

I hope all have a new year of joy, love, respect, kindness, growth and financial freedoms.
It is a time to start anew and go forward with a whole new attitude and to dream new dreams.  
I do not do resolutions - I just try to change a few things in my life (an ongoing thing).  
This past year, I finally grew a little and got out more and socialized.  It took me a long time to get to that point.  I am proud of that and have enjoyed it as well.  I have made a lot of connections with people from my past and it was a blast to reconnect.  Decluttering has been a thing, and that continues - it seems it is never ending.

I love the meme above - it says it all.
The new year on the blog will be going back to what my original goal of the blog was.  I want to share creative ideas, recipes, tips and hints and new items that help with life. 

I will be here on NYE with wrap-up (Sunday), but just wanted to say - please have a safe weekend.  I hope you all spend your weekend with those you love and have a quiet and lovely end to this year and a quiet start to the new one.
Spend the next few days reflecting and planning.  You have another chance to do and accomplish your wish list and goals.

THANK YOU all for being here in 2023 and before.  I look forward to the new year.
Take care and have a great day!


  1. I don't make New Year's resolutions either. I'd rather make plans and set goals, some mini, some minor. Several of my long term goals were achieved in 2023, despite some adversity.
    For 2024, it is more about assisting my adult children for the years to come. There are some smaller goals in there too for me.
    Wishing you a happy, joyful and peaceful 2024 Cheryl! I look forward to your posts.

    1. Good way to do it. Goals are my objective this year - some house things, some personal. You have done some great traveling and I bet you continue in 2024!
      Love you are thinking about your children.
      Thank you so much!

  2. Thank you for your wonderful, positive posts. Many blessings to you and yours in 2024. Lynn Ewing

    1. Thank you for your kind words Lynn and thank you for being here! You all make the blog.

  3. Good morning, I don't do resolutions either. I do have goals for next year that I hope to get done.

  4. Good morning! What a lovely blog post, Cheryl. You said, "I hope all have a new year of joy, love, respect, kindness, growth and financial freedoms." Me, too!!! We've all made it to the end of 2023. Knock wood. A brand new year is coming. Kind of like a blank canvas or a clean sheet of paper.

    The remaining winter months are often about hunkering down. Scaling back. Staying home more. I guess I got off to an early start with that. ;-) Just... didn't feel like going out for after Christmas sales, or to a restaurant last night, or any of the other usual things. NOT because I feel depressed. Quite the opposite. Yes, I'm worried about my mom (and my Sis), and yes, this has been a more expensive year than I'd hoped, but I feel grateful.

    I'd like to learn some new things in the new year and revive a few old habits that were GOOD. For many, "frugal living" feels like work. It *is* work. But there are tools now to help lighten that work. Things not available in years past. Believe it or not, some of those tools have come down in price!

    Cheryl, you introduced me to vacuum sealing meats. It's saved me hundreds of dollars (at least). An off brand sealer with high reviews was $30. I buy WeVac bags in bulk--200 for $20. We easily have enough meat in freezers to get to summer without buying any more, so I can go a month or two if sales aren't good at the grocery stores. Note: they're plastic and some have strong feelings about plastic use, but vacuum sealing in those bags creates safe, airtight storage in the freezer for 12 months (or more), saving $$$. Sometimes you have to choose one thing over another. I'll always choose saving $$$. Or making it...

    In 2024 I'd like to generate a little income from home. I've done it before, and though I'm older now, will try again. It doesn't hurt to try! There are so many options for making a little extra cash, and the IRS has postponed the cap reduction (taxing anything over $600 annually) for a few years. Technology offers low/no cost ways to get started.

    On the home front I'll learn about canning, brush up on jam making from the past, build on food skills I already have, start crafting again and see if I can sell some of that, as well as new or gently used clothing, accessories, etc. For myself, I'd like to learn embroidery. We'll see how it all goes. I couldn't have grow-ceries before sue to mobility issues. As healing continues, who knows?

    Again, yes, it's all work of some kind. Work may be a four letter word, but so is GOOD. It's good to keep busy. Keeps my mind off of all those things I can't change. And it's good to rest. To plan. To dream. Thank you again, Cheryl. Sorry this is a novella.

    1. oops... due to, not sue to. [blush]

    2. Thank you, Cheryl. I'm flattered. Honestly, though, there are 3 main reasons I haven't started a blog again (had one years ago):
      1. It would probably be boring or repetitious to other awesome blogs like yours.
      2. When it's out there in cyber-land, there are likely to be readers with very strong feelings about things like all organic food/homegrown food, plastics (like vacuum seal bags), paper products, homemade laundry soaps and cleaners, and other climate change issues. Nothing against any of that, but there are those with VERY strong feelings who refer to never eating cr*p, who condemn parents who feed their kids cr*p, etc. As you know I do use mixes and canned goods. I also use (some) plastic and paper products regularly and must buy unscented everything from soaps and shampoo to detergents and cleaning stuff. I'd undoubtedly spark ire.
      3. In a word... SPAM. It was an issue way back when and I'd assume an issue still today. Often the only "comments" I got were SPAM.

      I hope we can have a garden, too, in 2024. It depends on what can be done before growing season. Hubs wants to fence the acre 1st so we don't have deer, elk, rabbits, etc. eating it all before we can harvest. And that may have to be done a bit at a time for the expense. (((Hug))) --Elise

    3. I am sure you would have a lot to offer. We all have our own opinions and not everyone will agree.
      We can all use things others do not. I am a meat eater and I do use mixes some. We have people here that are vegetarians and never use mixes. That is fine.
      Spam happens now and then - I just delete and block.

      I understand strong opinions and people who feel the urge to share too much. My opinions are mine and I am an adult, so I feel no need to 'talked down to'. That ticks me off.

      RE: vacuum seal bags - here is a trick (not everyone would agree with), that I do. I soak & wash all bags in hot soapy water after doing dishes - save them back - and then do a small load of whites and bags in hot sanitized (bleach or peroxide) water. I re-use my bags (even the meat ones). They just get a little smaller each time - until I can't re-use.

    4. Thank you, Cheryl. And I'll try that with the vacuum seal bags. I used to reuse ziptop bags all the time. --Elise

    5. Elise, what brand is your vacuum sealer? I need to start cooking for one (as opposed to nuking frozen entrees), and I'd like to be able to pre-package and freeze ingredients and planned leftovers.

    6. Frances, the brand I got from Amazon is Peachtree, but I got one almost identical (same price) for oldest son for Christmas that was a different brand name. The WeVac bags are 1 quart and ideal for smaller portions like 2 chicken breasts or pork chops at a time. I found that particular brand of bags to be best both for cost and for maintaining a seal. I bought gallon sized bags that I honestly never use. They'll last me forever. LOL! --Elise

  5. 2023 flew by! I am praying for peace and understanding in the new year. Resolutions for a year have gone by the wayside but I'm considering a monthly review of how things are going and maybe adding some goals to the new month. Small bites... Who knows what January will be, dark, snowy, cold... However it is only one month of the year and we will survive any unpleasantness that comes with it. We have been spoiled by the unseasonably warm temps.

    Wishing you a blessed 2024!

    1. Yes it did fly by. That is a good way - monthly. You know more about how you feel, where you are and what you are capable of. January may be warm - it may be cold - but it will BE!
      Yes mam, I have been spoiled this winter. It has been very decent.
      Thank you!

  6. A Sincere Apology... I meant no offense to anyone (above) and hope I *didn't* offend.

    Cheryl, I'll pray about your suggestion. Thank you. Not so much as a blog... maybe something else? Years ago, when I had a blog for awhile, it was specifically focused for those utilizing food banks and EBT. It's been in my heart for quite awhile. Often it means some prepackaged foods. Most won't be organic. Cost prohibits. Anyway, sorry and thanks. --Elise

    1. No offense at all. You made good points - I tried to address them. Maybe you could join some group or such around your area. Or start a cooking club for those on low incomes. Have workshops at the library or community center (or church). There are so many things that could be done to help others. I have seen many blog posts, and You Tube about using the dollar store and being creative with cooking on a budget. Not everyone can do organic or expensive - they need someone to guide them as well.

    2. Thank you, Cheryl. All good ideas! --Elise

    3. Elise,
      I got around the naysayers by moderating comments. It is amazing that people can read something and assume something else was said and get nasty about what they assumed. There is a way to disagree and not be nasty. I would enjoy a blog you would write.

  7. You have branched out and grown and that's a major accomplishment! Your blog is one of my very favorites, and I can't wait to learn more from you. You always so many good ideas to share!

    1. How kind of you. I have tried to branch out - but sometimes I think I may be needing to get back to roots.
      I sure appreciate that - especially from a fellow blogger!!!
      Thank you so much.

  8. I look forward to hear of your future adventures, Elise! ~Amelia

    1. Thank you, Amelia. I look forward to yours, too. :-)

  9. A lovely blog, Cheryl. That meme is so good, very good points to remember. Well said.

    Yes, I so look forward to a nice quiet New Years Eve, those are the best I think.

    I like what you had to say on resolutions, I just try to do my best, ask God's help and listen to that Still Small Voice.

    That's so great you have been able to reconnect with nice people, Cheryl. That is truly a Gift! : ) I would like to make some acquaintances in our area but it's odd, it's not easy here, in each town people have their own "rules", even in the churches. I don't understand the disconnect. God knows all about it though and I rest in Him, He may be protecting. Many times that is the case and I've learned to never push doors open and just enjoy the quiet solace God has given and appreciate what I *do* have. Usually I have a ball just going to the grocery store in smalltown or USO town talking with the WWII vets, that for me is a treat. When the lady who I have been acquainted with did not say thank you for the donation, and acted a a bit "funny", my husband who is normally the ENcourager said..."We're outsiders." For my husband to say that, it said multitudes.

    I look forward though to enjoying our home, cooking cozy meals, blogging when I am able, sewing some nice summer clothing when I get to it...After decluttering my studio! My poor little studio! I'm starting to miss it now that Christmas is over. I also enjoy the fellowship here on your blog and blogging too.

    Listening to "Noel" pretty. God bless you Cheryl, may we have a peaceful, blessed, joyful and quiet New Years. I appreciate you! ~Amelia

    1. I think we all need to be still at times and "listen to that little voice." It often speaks volumes.
      It has been lovely reconnecting - going out and meeting new people is harder for me. I am friendly and do talk a lot - but don't really make many NEW friends. I kind of like the comfort of the older ones! Kind of like that old housecoat - it just feels good.
      Don't you think we are all 'outsiders' to some point? Neighborhoods and areas are cliquish today. People are so offended, so to me, I kind of like being on the outside!
      Thank you so much.

    2. Amelia, I think it's just the culture we're in now. And Cheryl, I agree, we're all "outsiders" to some point. It's what makes your blog so very special. We don't feel like outsiders here.

    3. Cheryl and Elise, I kind of like being on the outside too, : ) Many times people can be a real pain! LOL Especially to a personality like mine. (INFP) I guess what I'm talking about in this instance is this one county, they actually use the word...'outsider'. Can you believe that? The last time we lived here when our girls were little, I first heard it when a lady said people don't trust the outsiders referring to a story I shared with her. It's very interesting, there are different little towns and they all have very different personalities! : ) Actually different spirits. Smalltown is pretty good though, the next one is horrendous (the one where they use the word, 'outsider'), we stay away from there! lol USO town is delightful but far from us. Suburbs were friendly at first but various prejudices arise there too, you are very correct though, even in homeschool groups or church groups people do some revealing things...leaving others out is a biggy, jealousy, competitiveness, insecurities? Who knows.... I guess that's just life. : ) Something we all have to contend with unless we are one of the bad guys. ; )

      So true, this blog is so nice. It reminds me a bit like the old movie, 'Boys Town'. (Love that movie!) The boys are explaining to the newcomer, Whitey played by Mickey Rooney that all are welcome there, no matter what religion or color they are. Btw...Whitey became a decorated military hero during WWII in real life. Spencer Tracey plays Father Flanagan. Your eyes won't stay dry.

      Anyhoo, that's the wrap, that was a longwinded way of saying, yes, I agree! : ) ~Amelia

  10. I love it. I like the hibernation - much of nature does that - so it must be good!
    Thanks - I feel I have grown more this year than in the past few. I was kind of stuck - for a better word.
    Thank you!

  11. As difficult as the past year has been for me, I look back and am amazed at how much I've grown. I've learned to be more open and to accept help. Like you, Cheryl, I've reconnected with people I used to know. I met more people in my neighborhood than I did the entire previous 20 years I lived here. I've learned who I can rely on (and who I can't). I'm finally addressing deep-seated issues with trust and anxiety. I've strengthened my relationship with God.

    Cheryl, I think it is a good idea to take this blog back to its roots. I admit to and apologize for hijacking the blog at times with my oversharing and emotional pain. I've found more appropriate ways to share and receive caregiver support. No more Husband updates. I thank everyone here who offered support and prayers. That means more to Husband and me than you will ever know.

    I know that 2024 will be a very difficult year for me, but I continue to build the scaffolding that will support me during the coming months. I will not only survive, but learn and grow in ways that I haven't even begun to imagine.

    1. It is amazing what makes us grow! Things we would never in a million years think would. We grow with others and with God and support of others. I am so proud of all you have accomplished. I am sorry it all happened the way it has, but God shows us lessons along the way and makes sure we understand.
      Hon, please DO continue to share updates with us. We care very much for you and thus your husband. We want to know each week, if a good or bad one. Keeping you in prayer.

      Life happens to each of us, and that contains good and bad. I love your attitude. Your last sentence says so very much!
      You have grown so much in the past months -- so very proud of you. PLEASE keep us in the loop!

    2. Frances, just wanted to let you know that you seem very mature in what you share, I've never felt you overshared, that is my humble opinion... : )


    3. Frances,
      I never thought you were oversharing. I felt all the pain you expressed. I rejoiced when things seemed to go better. Please continue to share, good or bad.
      Practical Parsimony

    4. Frances, I never felt you were oversharing or taking over either. I am very impressed with the way you've handled things that are so life changing and painful. I continue to keep you and your husband in my prayers.

  12. Frances, I've appreciated your sharing. Any of us could be walking in your shoes. Some here have walked in your shoes and some of us have been given the chance to think about "what if". To be more mindful. More grateful. To prepare for what may be ahead. It's also been a blessing to be able to pray for you and your husband. Cheryl is right... we DO care about both of you. We've cried with you, worried with you, and (hopefully) offered encouragement. You are stronger for a journey no one wants to take. So, I agree with Cheryl, as I'm sure everyone here does; do keep us in the loop in whatever way is comfortable for you. Know that you mean a lot to a lot of people. --Elise

  13. I love the meme above too. I think I may be sitting on the couch some, early next year, went to see a consultation yesterday and having knee replacement no 2 within the next 16 weeks eeek.
    Do love reading your blog Cheryl. We are having our bathroom and kitchen refitted from 8 January so staying in holiday accommodation for two weeks. 2024 will be a frugal year so will be interested in meal tips etc. We will be working on growing more fruit and veg, weather permitting. No real New Year's Resolutions though.
    No plans for New Year's Eve but Saturday evening we are going to our daughters house to eat things we should have eaten Christmas tea time! Before then, wallpaper stripping and kitchen cupboard and larder emptying.
    Best wishes to you Cheryl and readers for a good weekend and start to 2024.

    1. It sounds like big changes are in your future. Sorry you have to have another surgery, but you will feel so much better after healed. How lovely on a new kitchen!!!! That is huge and exciting.
      That will be nice to be at your daughters and eat all the goodies! Nice way to end the year.
      Don't over do the work preparing for the kitchen. Stay healthy.
      Thank you!

  14. Cheryl,
    We have one thing to do Friday, then we will be right here, safe and sound. I am going to make sausage balls as our one NYE food, along with blueberry goat cheese and sodium light crackers. I think dinner might be nibbles. Undressing the house will happen sometime, maybe the day after NY. If course, there will be blackeyed peas.

    1. I think I am in for the duration of 2023. Safer staying home - there will be a lot of crazies out there. I heard Saturday is actually one of the busiest days out on the road.
      Nibbles sound good to me. Yes indeed, got to have those black eyed peas!

  15. Oops --I left my comment for this post on the Wednesday Post. Senior moment I guess (lol). Anyway, Happy New Year to all . Blessings, Cookie

  16. Hello, I haven’t made any comments for a while but I’ve still been a reader. I have made lots of progress in my life this year and have been out and about making new friends, reconnecting with old ones and going on holidays. I’m looking forward to your blog next year especially the recipes. I hope 2024 brings you peace joy and happiness. Happy new year everyone. Clayre

    1. Hi Clayre - glad to see you here. I feel so honored that so many people follow along. Good for you - we have to move forward and sometimes make changes. It sure makes life a lot nicer.
      Thank you so much!

  17. Despite all the changes this year brought, we are still here and will be heading into the new year hopefully having learned some new skills from all the changes. I hope you have a lovely 2024 and stay safe this weekend too, Cheryl. :)

    1. Yes mam. Here we are, stronger and more resilient and hopefully a little smarter. We did it, through everything.
      Thank you and you as well.

  18. Positivity is a great thing to learn. It's not all bad so I try to think of something that is good in the mix. I've noticed you getting out more and I think that's great Cheryl!

    1. Sure, we all have negativity in life, but there is always a positive around every corner as well.
      Thanks - it does feel good to get back into flow of socializing a bit!

  19. Cheryl, I'm looking forward to your blog posts in 2024. Many regular readers (like me) and NEW ones will benefit. As this year winds down...

    "The U.S. government’s total debt was approaching $34 trillion as of Friday afternoon...The Treasury reported Wednesday that nearly $27 trillion of the total national debt is held by the public...The national debt exceeds $100,000 per citizen."

    Not shared as a downer, because your blog offers hope and encouragement to readers. Thank you. --Elise

  20. I have always tweaked my life a bit as time goes by. We will be safe as we will not leave the house. The only excitement will be neighbors' fireworks. Usually, from Thursday to NY Day, we hear fireworks. Maybe people cannot afford fireworks.

    1. I think that is just life tweaking how we do things along the way. I do as well. I will be well asleep before midnight - unless noise wakes me! Now that you mention it, I am surprised I haven't heard any yet!
