Thursday, December 7, 2023

A Little This - A Little That

 Happy Thursday to all.  It dawned on me this morning that it is Pearl Harbor Day - amazingly I have seen no one say anything about it on the local news.  Such a solemn day of remembrance.

Here is a holiday tidbit I thought was neat.

                                               Click on writing to enlarge for easier reading.

Today I WILL get the kitchen towel angels done.  They are really easy to make and will be cute.  I will post how and a picture when done.

I have a holiday luncheon on Sunday with my sis and brother and SIL.  This is our special day to just enjoy each other without kids and grands around and talk about the good old days!
These moments are special - sis in 92 (she is cooking the dinner!) and my brother and SIL are both 82.  As we get older the days seem so much more special.

Well, I have been coaxing them out to eat.  Each time I get them further away from the hidey hole!!!!  This morning they came out crying - saying feed me!  I sat down with them and petted and talked to them while having breakfast - and it was good.
Yesterday I saw Lil Bit go to the box to pee, but no one had done doody.  This morning I walked over to the box and Blackie followed - hopped in and poo'd.  Lil Bit was watching intently and then ran over and looked when he was done - BOOM - she jumped in and did her duty too!!!!
Lil Bit came out and found a toy last evening and had fun with it.  She kept acting like it should be in the potty box!  Little nut!
Blackie came out and rested under the cat tree for a long while after eating.  Slowly they are letting their guard down.
Lil Bit has come out and walked around the perimeter of the living room and dining room.  Blackie still hasn't come out of their room - even though the door is wide open.  He goes to the door and looks into hall - just not sure. It is all so new.
So things are progressing a little.  Hopefully soon, we will be one big happy family.
Poor guy - next Thursday Blackie has to have some infected teeth removed.  That isn't going to be fun.  Hopefully after that - there will be no stress situations for a long while for him.

Last night was the first night in 13 years, that I was not worried about outdoor kitties. Yep, there have been outdoor cats here that long.  I was always worried about their safety and if they were warm enough and dry.  This morning was the first morning in 13 years I didn't have to go outside to feed the cats.  I slept really good last night, and actually slept in an extra half hour this morning!  AMAZING.
Peace of mind is golden!

What are you all planning for the upcoming weekend?  When do your celebrations start?  I have 4 different get togethers that I know of this year.
It is a sunny morning and looks to warm a bit today - high low 50's.  Love that.

Hope you all have a great day and fun weekend.  Check in - love hearing your plans.
Kind of getting worried about Debby and Kim.  Guys check in!  I know I am missing some other regulars - love hearing from you all!


  1. So happy to hear those babies are doing well! I'll be interested in seeing your kitchen angel towels.
    * We have 2 get togethers next week, one with family and one with Butch's Veterans group.

    1. I think each day will be better. They are just so stinking sweet!
      They are easy to make and cheap - I got supplies at the dollar tree. Cute!
      Tis the season for the get togethers! Love it!!!!

  2. Aww! They're SO precious, Cheryl. In a month to six weeks they'll be fully settled inside and (no doubt) grateful to be warm. Expect Lil Bit to start getting into everything once she's made herself at home.

    Yes, Pearl Harbor Day and not a headline to be seen. Why is news media so intent on forgetting our history? There has to be a reason. And no... NO politics, please... it's just an observance.

    Also yes, I've wondered if Debby, Kim and others are just very busy.

    We have no parties, events or plans this Christmas season. Having moved so many times in my life, I know it takes a few years to settle in and make social connections. Hubs went out this morning to do bird watching with a group about 30 minutes from here. He hasn't gone out with a group to do birding since pre-pandemic. One of the main reasons he went was to make social connections. And once I'm healed up, we'll find/join a church; probably the Catholic church our son is going to. They have a lot of programs and opportunities to volunteer there, including a K-8th grade school and a food pantry. Many activities throughout the year, too.

    For those who might be busy, harried and stressed... just breathe.
    Blessings to all. --Elise

    1. They are just precious in my book too!
      There are a couple of movies/specials on cable about Pearl Harbor today - I just noticed that. But not a word on the news.
      I know Kim was traveling a lot - but thought she would be back by now. Debby said she is always busy during the holidays. I just hope all are well.
      Bird watching group sounds neat. That and the church will give you many chances to make new friends and connections. Just enjoy the season at home and with your little family.
      No stressing here - done with that stuff!

    2. Yes, Elise. They sure are intent on getting rid of history. That is what communists do so they can rebuild their agenda. (as I'm sure you know). It's disturbing. I did a blog on Pearl Harbor and links with our eldest daughter volunteering with the vets more than several years ago, it was a wonderful thing she was so privileged to do, fantastic memories and met true heroes. Oh if I could tell the stories...


    3. Just before my 50th birthday my Mom, Sis and I took a trip to Hawaii and as part of it, went to Pearl Harbor for a tour. All of the tourists--and I do mean ALL--spoke quietly there. It was if you could almost feel what happened. Thank you for your blog post about it. --Elise

  3. Good to hear the cats are getting a bit used to being inside. At least the litter box was a success. That's always step one. I'm glad you were able to sleep peacefully last night. It's good to have them safe inside with you.

    1. Yes - we will get through this. I just know they are safe now and that is such peace of mind. People fly up and down my street and I worry for all the animals out there.
      It will be good.

  4. The things that make us happy ... our pets doing their "duty"! LOL!!! I commented to a couple of friends I text with each morning about how happy I was that pup pooped this morning and filled a bag. He's not done that since Monday morning before his surgery. Yipee for pets that keep things regular! And I'm sure it let you know they were beginning to adjust to indoor life. :-)

    1. LOL - yep, the things that make us happy. That is funny. What a thing to brag about!!! BUT it is a biggy to a pet mom!!!
      I hope you pup is doing well.
      Yes, after that incident this morning - they both decided to make another deposit - which, like you, thrilled me as they didn't at all yesterday!
      Oh sweet pethood!!!!!!!

  5. This country has changed and what used to be meaningful seems to have gone by the wayside.

    Little Bit has pretty markings on her face. Kinda like toilet training a child. Always glad when they catch on. Blackie may not feel 100% with the infected teeth.

    Sunny today and it was a smooth drive to Carmel to the eye specialist. The Farmer doesn't go back until March 21. Enjoy this sunshine and warmer temps.

    1. Yes things have changed. No longer do we seem to have the same meaningful ways.
      Yes, such a cutey pie. Blackie is eating like crazy - but you can tell he is not up to par. I make sure his dry food has moisture and he loves his wet food. I will be glad to get that over with.
      It is a lovely day!

    2. Thank you!!! My Dad always thought that God had a plan to bring me into the world on this day. Cookie

  6. Today I'm celebrating the anniversary of my 29th birthday. Hub's anniversary is 4th of July. Aren't we a pair? (lol). Family will be here over the weekend. There's a 40 percent chance of snow here today and it's downright cold out there. Yesterday I baked 8 dozen GF cookies and will probably make some bread today.
    Looking forward to seeing those angels. Glad the kitties are indoors and that you are resting easier. Have a blessed day. Cookie

    1. I love that!!!!!!! Happy birthday to you!!!!!!!!!
      Oh how fun on the family get together. Baking is a good thing to do on a cold icky day. I bet you will have a grand time!!!!!
      Thank you!!!!

    2. Happy Birthday, Cookie! --Elise

    3. Happy Birthday, Cookie! ~Amelia

    4. Thank you!! My Dad always said that God had a plan to bring me into this world on this day. Cookie

  7. I'm so happy you have indoor kitties now!

    1. Thank you - the time was just right. They are so sweet.

  8. Oh, I'm so happy our outdoor kitties are safe and warm. I look forward to learning about the snow angels.

    1. Thanks - just knowing they are safe is huge.
      Can't wait to share!

  9. I'm thrilled you were able to bring Blackie and Lil Bit indoors. They're certainly getting over their nervousness quickly. I'm guessing this is due to their already trusting you as you've been caring for them outdoors. Enjoy the company!
    Your family dinner sounds lovely. Except for my younger brother, my siblings don't live nearby. The last time we were all together was at my Dad's funeral in 2008. My older brother turned 70 in 1920, and although she lives a mere 30 minutes away, our sister couldn't be bothered to attend the party his wife held for him. It's a shame really, as she doesn't seem to want to have anything to do with her sibs, though she does stay in contact with a couple of cousins.

    1. Yes, they always came running for meals and to be petted - so now it is just getting used to the new environment.
      I am so happy that most of my family is close by. I do have a lot spread across the country - but my siblings are right here.
      I am sorry you can't all get together. What a shame. I never understood why some people are so distant from family. I just always think - some day they will be sorry.

    2. Oops..I meant 2020, not 1920.
      My daughter and I were chatting about it this morning, and we agreed that my brother and sister have chosen family units...we're just not part of them. I'm grateful for how close my younger brother and I are, both physically and emotionally.

  10. It is such a busy time of year. Four days a week I drive two grandkids to and from school. That may change next year the oldest is 15 and taking drivers education. I transport to that also. This Friday evening those two have a Christmas program. Next Wednesday evening another grandchild participates in a Yuletide performance. The next week we have a small group Bible Study Christmas gift exchange. I am still making Christmas gifts for family. Two quilts down one to go. I am getting close to loading it on my long arm machine. The plans right now are to have Christmas as a family on Christmas Eve at our daughter’s house. We had Thanksgiving here and I need a break. I am looking forward to two weeks of no school driving. I know that being involved with my grandkids lives keeps me active and gets me out of the house but this old lady gets tired of getting up at 6am. Yesterday’s commute was terrible. We had terrible rain this week. Pineapple Express which dumped 5.5 inches in a few days. Yesterday we came across to bad accidents on the way to school caused by road flooding. I was praising God that we were running later than usual as the accident was on my return route and had happened at about the time I normally would have been there. Traffic on that freeway was backed up for hours. I returned home on surface streets. Nancy in Vancouver WA.

    1. Nancy it sounds like you are being kept incredibly busy right now. My goodness. Spending time with grands is probably lovely - but that is a lot of extra 'work'. Being out in the dark driving and then in the rain - oh my!!!!! I couldn't do that. You are much braver than I.
      Your gifts sound wonderful, as do your gatherings. I don't blame you, I would want to be somewhere else for Christmas as well!
      You definitely were protected by the hand of God. Stay safe on those roads and do not over do it!!!!!!!

    2. Just heard we are getting another Pineapple Express dumping rain over the weekend. Sounds like a great time to avoid the roads. Nancy

  11. Your cats are really adorable. Glad you have lured them into the house; better for all.
    I don't know if my brain is too full of history and modern concerns but for the first time this year I totally forgot November 22 being JFK assassination and also totally forgot Pearl Harbor but so what? It's ages ago and important details of why those events happened are slowly being revealed. JFK is no longer my hero like he was in high school and he had a lot of enemies in his own country.
    Remember when the Indians were the bad guys? That was just from the settlers point of view. There are at least 2 points of view.
    Meanwhile back to the present. Incredibly mild in the north today...40 F here. Snow changing to slush. Nice to see everyone prepping for Christmas. A time to feast and rest and then watch the days get longer until SPRING.
    I'll bet Santa brings some treats to your kitties.

    1. Hi Rita - was thinking of you.
      I understand what you are saying - but some things are just worthy of remembering in my opinion, as many of them involved our ancestors. I still find those days humbling.
      Yay for the decent weather. We got into the 50's today - just lovely. Yes, the feasts will begin shortly!!! SO much to do it seems. I am ready for those daylight hours to get longer already!!!!! I hate all the gloom.
      They are sweet babies. Lil Bit can walk right under Blackie!!! She looks bigger than she is and he is a big boy. Yes, I am sure Santa will bring treats to them!!!! LOL

  12. Those kitties are sooo cute. That’s certainly made me smile, I love a cute animal pic.
    As I commented earlier in the week I tried a “ new to me” recipe for fruitcake.
    I’m pleased to say it was a huge success. If anyone is interested I will write a more detailed comment on Sunday when I have more time.
    Enjoy those little bundles of cuteness Cheryl.

    1. Thank you - I think they are pretty sweet.
      YES, I want to know about the fruitcake. Glad it was a success - please share Sunday!
      Oh you can be guaranteed they have already changed everything for me inside! I love it.

  13. Aww, they are slowly but surely getting used to being inside. Blackie will be joining you soon enough.

    God bless.

    1. Yes, slow and steady wins the race. Blackie sure does enjoy his pets he gets. I just love them so much.

  14. I hope the indoor living continues to go well with the kitties. They sure are cute in your pictures! My Allie is still getting adjusted, but she had to learn about *me* as well as my home. Best wishes to Blackie with his teeth.

    1. I think it will go well. They have known me from outdoors, it is just the new environment that is scary. Yes, it takes time and I am glad Allie is doing better.
      I know, I think it will be traumatic, but he will feel better.

  15. Yes, it is Pearl Harbor day and it's very typical of the media to ignore something like that at least these days it is typical. It makes me sad that this deterioration of our country has happened, our eldest daughter went to Pearl Harbor on one of the past anniversaries to assist with those beautiful vets. Oh my gosh...You couldn't find better people and the heroes who were left in the ships to die and were blown up...Oh dear Lord. I'm appalled at the attitude or lack of care. I just put up a quick blog on Pearl Harbor, I'm not feeling that great today, worn out from yesterday, but I'll be darned if I was going to let the day go by without acknowledging Pearl Harbor. Dear Lord, help this country. There is a radio commentator that we love, his name is Michael Berry, he has a podcast too. He totally lifted up Pearl Harbor and interviewed some vets from it, one is 103 years old! You would probably enjoy his podcast. : )

    Little Bit is a doll! And Blackie is just beautiful! Oh they are so cuddly looking! I'm so sorry about Blackie's teeth, I bet that is painful for him, I'll be glad to hear when it's over next Thursday, praying all goes well.

    I can't wait to see your towel angels, those sound so nice, and so sweet too. You are quite the social butterfly too! Wow, four get togethers! That tires me out thinking about it! Haha! So far, we will be having Christmas at our home with daughters, son in loves and our little grandchildren and pets of course, and my mom too. I'm looking forward to it. : ) We may go to the Senior citizens center and help them put together Christmas bags to deliver to the elderly and maybe we will meet some other sweet people volunteering. Yesterday went so nicely, we went to Dollar Tree with my mom, she said that's all she wanted to do was some simple thngs like that so off we went, she said it was so fun and we were going around with her walker as she bought things for the grandchildren and we even made her get herself a Christmas tree in the $5.00 section too, and other stuff to decorate with! She had a ball and I so understand that, it truly is a treat to go to a good Dollar Tree. This one is brand new in smalltown and even has nice lighting. The clientele there were very sweet and friendly. You could have done a youtube of me, my mom and two of our daughters with three little ones at Dollar Tree! Nonny move over! lol Anyhoo...I'm tuckered out today! My throat is even on the sore side after talking and laughing so much! lol

    The Christmas colors meme is lovely and interesting too.

    I so appreciate you! God be with us all, and may we lift our country up in prayer. ~Amelia

    1. I read your blog - very nice. Solemn day for sure.
      I think the babies are sweet. They are slowly getting used to things. I think they have done decent for just a couple days. Poor Blackie -- yes I bet he will feel much better to get rid of the bad teeth and infection.
      How nice that you had such a fun day with mom and the family. It sounds like one of those days you want to remember. Glad she bought herself some decorations too, and was happy about it all. Those days are priceless.

    2. Amelia, Thank you for the reminder of Michael Berry radio show. I used to listen to him on my way to or from work along with listening to Rush Limbaugh. I'll be looking for him.

  16. I loved hearing about your cats Cheryl. You are so nice! I love that your sleeping well too. This made all the difference.

    1. Thank you. I love all animals - and it was just time they come in - for all of us! I am now relaxed at night and not worrying about the babies. Sure is a big difference.

  17. I wonder where the cats had been doing their business before you saw them. Finding the litter box and using it is a big deal for you right now. Imagine having to clean up after them. I always thought they were safe and warm in the greenhous.

    1. Well, I had a litter box in the greenhouse for rainy days or snow and cold days and Blackie had used it before. So he knew. Lil Bit always went to a spot out in the yard. I thought it was cute when she watched Blackie do his business in the box, looked in, and then jumped in and did her own! It was almost like she was relieved to find that spot - and not hold it in!!!!!
      They could come and go anytime from the greenhouse and Blackie loved to roam the neighborhood at night. I always worried about traffic, and I worried about something getting over the fence and hurting them. Now they are safe with me.

  18. OT... Hubs got a text this morning about another sale this weekend on 85% lean ground round, starting today. The same store (Bashas) has Fuji and Gala apples, all pears and naval oranges for 88 cents lb. and since those keep awhile, I see more apple butter being made in the kitchen in the near future. Haven't dared move the reprocessed scrap apple jelly yet. Any ideas for pears? Oranges? Besides just eating them. LOL!

    What homemade things are going into your gift bags, baskets or hampers (in the UK)? What are you doing for last minute gifts? Inquiring minds want to know! :-D
    P.S. I know the next post of your is on Sunday, Cheryl. Looking forward to it, hoping Lil Bit and Blackie are getting more comfortable inside, and wishing you a great time with your siblings!

    1. You can candy the orange rinds after eating oranges! Pears can turn into butter or jam. Pear sauce (like apple). Lots of fun stuff.
