Tuesday, December 5, 2023

A Song, a Smell, a Movie, a Dream.......I Believe

 Happy Tuesday all.  Today I am going to talk about something that I know many of you believe, and others say is crazy.  Those things that make us feel close to someone not on this earth any longer!  I truly believe we are shown, hear, smell, see things that are meant to be.  Things that help us!!!!!!
Some say coincidence, freak thing, chance, serendipity, fate........you get it.  That is OK.  Not everyone has to believe - but if it makes you feel better, then it was meant to be.

                                                            I consider the occurrences 'gifts'!

Frances mentioned the other day about she has felt especially close to her grandma lately.  Then she heard the song "Ave Maria" and she knew it was grandma letting her know she is close by.
Those good days - like Amelia mentioned yesterday with her mom.  It is just a gift!!!!!  A special gift.
Several have received better than expected health news for their loves.  
I think there are many, many gifts we get that cost ZERO and mean the world.

Saturday, I went out to shop for the littles.  I wasn't much in the mood (was having one of those days).  I went, in Ollies, I came across this older couple (won't say elderly - I am elderly!).  He was teasing her across a couple aisles - joking and giving her a 'hard' time!  That so reminded me of how Glen was - such a jokester!  She came up laughing and smiling.  The guy looked over at me and winked (he acknowledged me), and they went off together holding hands and laughing.  I had to walk off, as I was tearing up - it just reminded me of us.
Then on the way home (after I was better), a song came on the radio, and I lost it.  The song "Hungry Eyes" (Eric Carmen) - think Dirty Dancing!  It wasn't the song perse' - but the meaning behind the song that hit me.  We used to look at each other with those crazy young love eyes and had those feelings and that passion.  It took me back to our first 'date' when Glen ASKED if he could kiss me.  
Needless to say, I was a mess!  BUT I felt so close to him the rest of the day.  It was like he was with me - and I knew I was supposed to go where I went that day.
Just a little sign.

I have had dreams of G, but I have only seen his actual face in two of them.  Both were very serious dreams with important conversations (him telling me why he left - seriously).  I begged in both, and I cried in both asking him not to leave.  He told me I would be fine, that he always knew I could do this.  That he had things he had to do.  I woke up sobbing (for real) and my pillowcase was wet.  I somehow feel these were 'real' and he 'was' there - that God let him speak to me.  (this happened w/in the first year or so).
Somehow, as sad as it was, it helped me.  I knew he had faith in me - if he did, then I should.

Sometimes - do you ever smell something that takes you back in time?  
For G it was popcorn popping - it reminded him of his grandma when he smelt it.
Me - laundry off the line - I always think of mom.
Me - the bite of that first tomato - daddy (we always shared that together when I was a kid)!

Hear something?  I have one particular song that reminds me of my sis that is gone.
Words?  Silly as it is - schnitz - takes me back to a weekend with my sister and brother-in-law, when G and I went to an Amish festival with them.  Sis just thought that word was hilarious and laughed every time she heard it!!!!!  

For months I have had no animals in the house - yet many nights, I feel an animal jump up on the bed!  Sometimes I feel it cuddle next to me. 

Call me crazy - I don't care.  Maybe I am - I don't care.
I get comfort from these things.  They are gifts to me.

MANY of you know!!!!!!! 
You can call it anything you want - crazy, silly, coincidence, God, family, etc..........
Those are special moments, and they bring us back to a spot in time and we feel close to someone.  That is all that is important!

SO know - you are not alone!  
I have been enjoying the stories of joy and happiness. 


  1. You can call.me crazy all you want but I 100% agree and get it! God provides for us in His own mysterious ways!!!

    1. YES MAM!!!!!! We may not understand the 'why' or 'how' - but it happens.

  2. I wouldn't call you crazy at all Cheryl! I have had many experiences where I knew guidance/support was coming from a family member that was no longer here on earth. Today I received a FB message from my brother that I haven't talked to since 2019 saying he tried to call me on Thanksgiving and he's sent texts but I didn't respond. I told him I changed phones in 2020 and had to get a new number. I gave him my number and told him to call anytime and that I've missed him. We'll see where this goes. He's my only sibling and we were always close but his wife was VERY difficult. Go figure she ended up leaving him and the kids a few years ago so maybe we can work things out.
    I love that Glen sent you the messages that you needed to help you make it through loosing him. Big hugs. I believe miracles DO happen, especially at Christmas time.

    1. Oh Lori - that is wonderful. I sure hope that you and he have a joyous reconnection. A 'bad' spouse can just mess up so much!!!! Today WAS the day for you to get that message for some reason. I know it had to make your day. I sure hope there is a holiday reunion!
      Yes, miracles do happen every single day!

    2. Thank you Cheryl! With everything going on with TBG this really did make my day. I'm sure we will be fine now that she is out of the picture.

  3. A bluebird always reminds me of my dad who died 20 yrs ago. And the bluebird seems to appear when I most need the encouragement. I have an afghan & glider rocking chair that belonged to my paternal grandma. I swear I can still smell Grandma's lavender scent that she liked so much. Consequently, I don't launder it as often as I should.

    1. I love that. The world works to get you that message when you need it. I don't know if I could wash it at all if it smelled like her! I have my mom's morning jacket (half robe), and I wear it when I feel like I need a hug from her.

  4. Hi Cheryl, It will be 11 years this coming Saturday since, God called my dear husband home. Sometimes it feels like forever ago, and other times like it was just yesterday. This week can be hard to get through, then his bday is the 20th and then we have Christmas. I have come a long way since the beginning of this widowhood journey and it is all because I have Jesus constantly by my side. He is my strength, my source of comfort.

    Through the years, I have dreamed a lot of dreams about my husband. One of the most recent and oh so wonderful ones was of the phone ringing. I answered it and heard these three words spoken slowly and then nothing more. The three words were "I LOVE YOU". I woke up with a huge smile on my face and just thinking about that dream even now, blesses my heart. Most dreams seem to be of us working on projects together, or I'm sharing something that has happened or that I've read, and it's a bummer to wake up and he's not with me for real.

    Each day is a gift from our heavenly Father, and He blesses us over and over again in many different ways. May you continue to feel His comforting love, flowing through and surrounding you.

    Have a lovely, Christmas holiday season. ~ Love, hugs and prayers, FlowerLady

    1. Hello Flower Lady! I know it has been a while for you - but so sorry for your loss. This has to be a hard week and month for you. Your most recent dream makes me smile. Oh my gosh, I would love to hear those words again!
      Yes, my faith in the Lord is what gets me through each and every single day. It gives me purpose and hope.
      Those moments are indeed blessings. This is not a club I would wish for anyone to be a member of - but somehow some way we get through!
      Blessings to you. Thank you!

  5. Family members have experienced visitation from loved ones. Just because I haven't had anything like it doesn't mean it isn't meaningful to someone. I have wonderful memories of my mother and my three brothers and wish I could share things with them. We are always saying that my brothers would eat a meal we had prepared. My oldest brother loved gravy. I wish my mother could have known the Farmer, they would have loved each other.

    Gloomy day! We are headed to the eye doctor in a bit as the Farmer is experiencing pain in his "good" eye. He had that a few years ago and she prescribed some sort of antibiotic salve. Goes back to see the eye specialist in Carmel on Thursday.

    1. Thanks for being open minded. Just because someone has not had an experience doesn't mean they don't happen. Those moments where you talk about them and shar memories keep them alive in your heart and mind. That is important.
      My dad passed the year before I met Glen - I know they have met now!
      Hope all goes well at the eye doctor - and it is an easy fix!

  6. Thank you for sharing this, Cheryl. All of it. I mean that from the bottom of my heart, because I BELIEVE. You're not crazy. If you are, then many of us are, too!

    Pop and I were very close. I used to say he could read me like a cheap dime store novel. My poker face never worked with him. He simply KNEW. My breast cancer happened in the months before he died. When he passed, it was like a tidal wave knocked me down and dragged me out to sea. Over the next few years (as I struggled... he was my rock and safe place to land) there were a few very, very real dreams like you mentioned. In them he was younger, healthy and happy. Or I'd catch a whiff of his cologne. In my house.

    Before she passed, my best friend said butterflies are loved ones passed coming by to check on us. To encourage us. In spring, when BIL was staying with us, our yard was filled with butterflies every day. I believe her spirit was among them. But enough of my own stories. Thank you so very much for sharing yours. A good reminder that the best things in life aren't things. Which reminds me...

    The country song, "The Older I Get" has been running through my mind lately. It's by Alan Jackson. Give it a listen if you're inclined.

    1. Yeah, I guess if crazy - there are a lot of us!!!! At least I keep good company!!!!! LOL
      Don't you love seeing them healthy and happy. I still have a bottle of Glens cologne - and once in a while I either take a whiff or dab a bit on my pillowcase. It is so comforting.
      I love the butterfly story. I am sure she came by to check out the new digs and say hello!
      Great song.

    2. What was odd (about the butterflies) was nothing was yet blooming--or even close to it--when they hung out all day in our yard, particularly around the front door.

      LOVE that about Glen's cologne. (((Hug))) --Elise

    3. Oh my, Elise, I didn't know you had breast cancer. That must have been sooooo traumatic and right before your dad died too. You poor thing!

      Yes, butterflies are a known sign as well as cardinals and birds. My cousin lost her daddy a few years ago, (my uncle) and she said a butterfly would visit her every day, no matte where she was, the same kind or same butterfly would come see her. Roma Downey, the Christian actress has spoken of butterflies too. And ya know Elise, I too caught a whiff of my father's cologne in our larger master bathroom one early evening, there's a special glow in there as there is many times as if loved ones are there that have gone to Heaven.

      I'll have to write more later on my comment, I so get what you wrote, Elise. Bless you, Elise. ~Amelia

    4. Amelia, it was fall of 1999. I wasn't even 40. Youngest was in 1st grade, oldest in middle school. DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ), caught early, hormone receptor positive. If you get breast cancer, that's the "best" one to get. No chemo or radiation necessary if the surgeon gets clean margins. It was scary, though. And Pop died not quite 6 months later.

      Yes, the cologne scent was a sure sign, because Hubs never has worn any cologne, and Pop's was hard to find. A few friends at the time thought I was crazy. Just grieving. But it happened again in the next state we moved to.

      We've ALL been through our own rough stuff, which is why the good days, little signs and encouragements are so important. I can't tell you how many times Cheryl will post something that's 100% spot on (for me) that day. Knowing others are praying for you is also a comfort.
      (((Hug))) --Elise

    5. Oh yes, Elise. There is definitely something to all of that. I'm so glad you are okay!

      Same thing here, we're not big cologne wearers either so I knew. That is such a beautiful testimony, Elise. And I know what you mean, Cheryl's posts really will be spot on.

      Yes, those prayers are a beautifully, powerful thing! I know God has answered prayers when others are praying for me. Sometimes we can feel those prayers of others like yourself too, Elise.

      (((((hugs))))) (I'm loading pics too for my blog Elise) : ) ~Amelia

  7. You are not crazy! And I can relate to those dreams being a lot of detail. I will share my most profound experience:

    I was beyond profoundly sad when Dad died to the point of a panic attack about 6m after his death. I sought counseling and care of a Native American Medicine Woman. She 'found' me holding my Dad around my neck to keep him here. About 15m after his death I had a dream that I was driving and he was directing me. None of this terrain was familiar. He directed me up a hill-climbing dirt road that took a curved right turn into a beautiful grassy area with big beautiful trees. It was full daylight. At the point he vanished. I awoke and my neck/shoulders were lighter.

    Mom told me once "you have IT". that sixth sense. Said she could not discuss it as people would think she was crazy and non-Christian. She shared some stories that in the early 40s would have sent her to a mental institution in this country.

    Personally, I believe we all have this. Some of us allow the experiences while most block it.

    Happy Tuesday ya'll! We are Blessed with another sunrise and day to enjoy :-)

    1. Elle - that gives me chills. You had to hold on as long as possible - then he came to rescue you and give relief.
      I have always had 'it' through life. Just knowing some things - no reason for knowing other than 'it'. I have been told I am very perceptive. I know many think it is evil or non-Christian and YES, people used to be sent to mental institutions. I think it is just that we perhaps use a bit of our brain that others may not. Gifted - maybe so. I don't know - but I embrace it.

  8. Your story about Glen and the couple in Ollies is so sweet, and I can see how it made you cry. Sometimes a song at church will bring tears to my eyes. I believe in what you've mentioned here. One of the teachers at school last year lost her mother and her Mom told her she would try and let her know afterwards that she was OK. That summer she found one flower, very TALL, in bloom in an old crusty half barrel flower pot that she hadn't used in years. She knew it was her mother letting her know she was OK. It gives me chills just to type that out. Great blog post, Cheryl. :)

    1. Thanks. You know it would have made a point with me anyway - but the fact that he turned and winked at ME, when others were nearby - just said Glen. As if to say 'you saw that right?'
      How cool is that story of your teacher friend. I think we get messages somehow - when we need them.

  9. Hebrews says: Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?

    I think they hover near and minister to us in our time of need. Nothing un or non Christian about that!

    1. AMEN! I believe that too. It is just so comforting.

  10. I don't often have connections, perhaps because I don't pay attention. But every once in awhile something happens that isn't easily explained. My friend Christine passed away this summer, and I miss her so very much. When I go to Value Village, where she and I used to visit, I'll often find a cat themed item tucked on a shelf where it ought not to be. She was Ktcrzy (Cat crazy) - that was her license plate. I'd not notice if the item was on a regular shelf but these are out of place. I like to think it's Chris saying hello.
    My daughter had a dream a few months after my mom passed away, of a phone call with Grandma. Mom told her she was fine and D should stop crying. That was so my mom - direct and to the point. :)

    1. Yep - I bet that is your friend saying hi! How neat.
      Grandma knows best! An important message she needed to deliver. Thos small things can just make our day.

  11. Belinda, that happened to me too, I loved my step-dad like a really good real dad. He passed suddenly from us and it was very painful for me. Several years passed and one day just as you described, there was a very *tall* rose up at the very top of the rose bush in the winter time. It stayed and stayed...I knew it was "Al". My mom came over and said..."Do you think that rose is from Al???" The rose stayed up through Christmas and then my birthday, far longer than a normal rose lasts on a bush.

  12. Oh Cheryl, the couple at Ollies....Oh I can only imagine how that made you feel...Like looking upon a segment from your own life. Yes, and then that song! Oh my gosh, I would have lost it! But it's a Gift.

    No, none of us are crazy, I feel as if I have a strong intuition from the Lord, a very strong Holy Spirit radar let's say...I think some of us do too. Some people don't sit still long enough to take notice of things. My mom will sometimes have it too...When we had to put Missy Christmas to sleep, i was so traumatized, and my mom called me to check on me, a good day. But my mom said out of the blue on the phone that I may have to do that again with our pets...And it really hit me. Soon after we had to put our little Muffie down, broke our hearts, my husband is still upset too, but I think about my mom saying that.

    Oh wow, I could write a novella here. My mom's friend, a widow had forgotten something on paperwork after her attorney husband passed, she prayed and prayed and then had a dream where her husband came and said..."Teresa? Don't you remember I told you to contact Joe Jones is you need help on that?"

    I've sensed my dad so many times, I've had lights come on and then gradually go off, things like that. Our youngest at home who my dad just adored because she has his "look", the lighter hair and pretty blue-green eyes, she even acts like my dad sometimes. (He loved all his grand daughters but Grace did have his look and actions). She came downstairs one morning and tells me she's had a vision of Grandpa. She's not a super loud "praise the Lord" person even...She's very private. She said the dream or vision was so crisp, like nothing on earth. She was washing dishes and she sees him go by the window and then through the back door by the kitchen and he stood their in a mist standing there looking wonderful smiling at her. He was wearing a silver blazer with a blue shirt underneath it...A symbol from what i understand.

    I wrote to Belinda above about a special rose from Al, Al shows himself in beautiful flowers to me. He was a darling, a sweet, sweet sculptor who did cemetery monuments by hand. He was from the Bronx. Once there was snow here, we are in the south, it hardly snows here. That very Sunday in the funny paper there was a Family Circle cartoon of an angel who looked like AL talking to another angel in Heaven, the other angel says: "Hey AL your grandchildren are going to love that snow!" Wow. I think I still have the clipping somewhere.

    Usually the day after our daughter's wedding there will be a very strong sign, once a bright red cardinal and a bright yellow bird singing their hearts out, it was my dad and his mother who I was named after. She passed away when daddy was ten.

    Several days before daddy passed away, a bright red cardinal was standing in the driveway literally waving us down as we took a walk...It was trying to tell us! It may have been daddy already leaving his body. My uncle Wesley my dad's big brother who passed away in his 20s, a Rice University grad, gorgeous man. He appeared in my dreams in black and white, all dressed up in his cut away suit smiling at me from another room. One dream I had was of Father Connelly, like a vision where he was sweetly telling me..."Amelia, lean to the left to get out of bed". I had injured my back and the pain was horrible, Father Connelly was a special person when I was little.

    My comment is long so I will try to break up in segments.


    1. SO many amazing stories. I have things happen a lot too. I just love hearing all the stories. Some of us just seem to be more aware than others. I don't know if we are quieter soles or what the answer it.
      The story about the lawyer - my mom was trying to find their will after daddy died. She looked every where. She looked several times, where she 'remembered' they put it. Nothing. She went to bed that night and cried and asked daddy to help her - she was just so upset. The next morning she went to
      'that spot' and there it was laying on top of everything!!
      I know of no other ways to explain these things except to be miracles and signs.
      Thank you for sharing.

  13. After my cat died I was sure she was jumping up on the bed with me at night. At first I thought I was crazy and really asleep and dreaming it but after while I decided it didn’t matter if I was crazy or asleep it was very comforting to feel her presence. Nancy in Vancouver, Wa

    1. YEP! Me too. I have had it happen while awake and asleep. It is just so comforting - that they are still there.

    2. God is so good....Wow, that is just so awesome. God's Creatures are there too...There are quite a few videos in fact explaining testimony of that. : )

  14. Part II I apologize for the long winded comment, I'm sure you all are thinking "That girl can 'talk'!" lol I just have lots of true stories that's all! lol

    Even our pets leave signs, white feathers, shiny pennies, my dad also leaves pennies in our home in strange places like right on top my bed. When Muffie passed away we went to dollar tree and right at the bottom of my basket was a shiny penny, I knew it was from Muffie. Once pennies fell to the floor at our breakfast table and Grace and I looked at each other...Where did that come from? I knew, I said, that was from Grandpa. I've also had a dove literally greet me at the door and visit me many times as well as an owl when our sweet dog, Coffee passed away last August.

    I may write more later, I have stories, true stories that I hope would encourage. The Bible does talk about a Great Cloud of Witnesses.

    Cheryl, your story about your fur babies are amazing, and I loved hearing about G speaking to you in a dream...Tell us more!

    And that precious G ASKED if he could kiss you? WOW. What a keeper!!!! That is so precious, what a gentleman he was and is. Tell us more a bout G.

    No, no one is crazy, not a chance, these are Gifts from our loved ones and God.

    God be with us all, ~Amelia

    1. I feel past pets a lot. I always feel like something is on the bed with me. It is very comforting.
      I will relate more of the dream story at some point. I still get emotional when I talk about it.

      Yes, we were neighbors - living in the same apt. building. He had broken up with a gal and we met on my ground floor patio (it was next to the entrance of bldg.). We talked and talked - and I knew he was it! Crazy, because I swore never to marry again. He wasn't ready either (I thought). After talking several days - he asked me out - he asked where do you want to go? My answer - the Zoo!!!!!! Yep. Anyway we had a grand time, walked around holding hands - and when we got back, he asked if he could kiss me. Of course I said yes - he was just the dreamiest to me! LOL
      3 months later he asked me to marry him and we were married 3 months after that!
      Oh those days.
      I love those memories!

    2. Oh what a neat story, Cheryl! You could do a sweet movie with that story! I can see it now! And the zoo! How fun and oh how sweet! That's so funny, we were engaged 3 months after meeting too and married four months later. : ) I would love to see a pic of your patio where you met! Wonderful memories, Cheryl. Encore! Encore! : D

      Yes, we both still look at Muffie's bed by my bedside to check on him...It's like he's there. That is so neat that ya'lls pets are there to comfort ya'll like that. Wow. My sil lost her husband suddenly a couple of years ago. She says she feels his presence every night at the side of her bed.

  15. I love the dreams. They are visits. Sometimes they leave me in tears when I awake, but other times I'm just rejoicing at having seen my loved ones again.

    1. I agree 100%. I don't dream about many that are gone - at least not often - but I sure do enjoy them. It is like you have been given a few more minutes. I treasure those moments.

  16. These stories are just wonderful! And they had me sobbing into a handkerchief, but in a good way. Yes, I have that "sixth sense" connection, too. The veil between this world and the next is very thin at times.

    1. Oh, didn't mean to make you cry - but sometimes, I know I need a good sob!!!! It just helps clear the cobwebs of my brain. I am really loving this post - it has been fun.
      You kind of started it!!!!!! Your grandma story got me thinking.
      You are so correct that the veil is thin!
      Hope you are well.

  17. Cheryl, you are not crazy! I've had a couple of serious conversations and lots of signs. Most recently, last week. My daughter and her dad had a very close relationship and every year, on his birthday, she would "take him" to the movies (of course, he paid) and they'd always see an animated / children's movie. This past Weds. would have been his 72nd birthday and my daughter and I went to see Disney's "Wish" to celebrate his birthday. Mind you, evening show followed by dinner at a very popular location. We had the ENTIRE theater to ourselves. There's no way we could pull that off ourselves. And the message of the movie was perfect for our evening. If you go to see it, stay through the entire credits. There's a little something special at the very end.

    1. Oh wow. The theater to yourselves! That is pretty darn amazing - especially being a Disney show this time of the year.
      How neat. He knew and I bet he was sitting in there with you!!!!
      How cool. These stories have just made my day and week. I love hearing how we all connect with our loved ones on a different level. I needed to hear these stories at this time of the year. Warms my heart.

  18. Last spring (I'm sorry for being such a bigmouth but I love sharing these wonderful things from God and our loved ones)...We were at Trader Joe's in the city. That morning in my prayers I had asked God to allow my dad to show up some how, I was missing him. A sign. I was standing in line for the restroom and got to talking to a man with cargo shorts on, very briefly, he wasn't dressed like the clientelle there in the city, he looked fine but not the typical you see, he went on into a vacant restroom. When he came out of the restroom he smiled and passed me and then he looked back at me intentionally with a sparkle in his eyes in my eyes and said smiling hugely..."Be tidy!" His mouth made a smile that looked identical to my dad's smile! And that was a phrase my dad (a jokester) often said about the bathroom thing! I went into that bathroom and said to myself..."That was it!"

  19. Well Cheryl if you are crazy, it seems a lot of others here are crazy too.
    I am a strong believer in dreams. It have dreamt the gender of all my children in the early stages of pregnancy and also meeting my partner. I didn’t know him at all, but dreamt like I knew everything about him, and that we were together. Six weeks later I met him and the rest is history.
    Off topic, I have a fruit cake set aside soaking that only has three ingredients. I volunteered at a food bank this week after they put out a call for helpers as most of their usual staff was out with Covid, and another woman bought in this cake for morning tea. It was delicious and I asked for the recipe and couldn’t believe it only had the ingredients she said. If it works out, I will share.

    1. WOW - that is a pretty good track record with dreams! It just amazes me, how people think none of this really happens. You are proof it does.
      Yes, please let us know how the fruit cake turns out. That sounds pretty darn easy!!!!!

  20. Those we have loved and lost are always, always with us and let us know in ways that are beyond human understanding.

    God bless.

    1. Yes indeed. Not only are they in our hearts and memories, but I believe they are actually watching over us. I agree - beyond understanding - but happy it happens.

  21. Just reading your post, Cheryl and the others -- well, it's just wonderful to get to know kindred spirits. I just need to add -- Me Too! My Dad had a 1975 yell Oldsmobile Cutlass that he loved. He went to be with the Lord in 1980. Periodically I will see that same exact car in front of me in traffic. One of my closest friends passed away a little over a year ago. She had a Tibetan bell that she used to ring. The morning that she died I was awakened by the sound of this bell ringing. When her husband called to tell me she had passed, my reply was I know. I was awakened by the sound of her bell. I have been awakened by the sound of the bell several times since then. I really think she's letting me know that she's fine. I've had this sixth sense since a young child. I believe it is a gift of the Spirit and there's nothing unchristian about it at all. I believe we are blessed to be given such this gift. Cookie

    1. YES - I believe we are blessed as well!!!!!!!
      Isn't that something. Seeing the car and hearing the bell - both signs. That is pretty amazing to be awakened by the bell, when you don't even have one. It is wonderful to know they are fine and watching over us. Just a little hello!!!!

  22. I "get it". I still feel my grandma's hugs and there are so many things that let me know she is still with me after all these years. I also have this sense that she is watching over my children and grandchildren and is getting such a kick out of them.

    1. It sure is a comforting feeling isn't it? Oh to feel a hug - that would be lovely. Grandmas never stop watching oveer their families!

  23. You are not crazy. They are moments from God. Cindy/WV

  24. About a week or so after my daddy died, I went over to my parents house and nobody was home. Mom always tells me to just let myself in, it's my childhood home. Anyway, I went into the bathroom in their main hall and suddenly I smelled the scent of Old Spice, the aftershave my dad always wore. I immediately went through the cabinet looking for a bottle that may have spilled, but none was there. My dad always shaved in their master bedroom bathroom anyway. I was convinced it was him letting me know he was ok. A few minutes later the scent was completely gone. I have so many other stories, but I won't bore you. I do believe in those little "I'm still here" visits and dreams.

    1. That is cool. Years ago Glen used to smoke cigars - but always did it outside. Once in a while I get a whiff of cigar smoke in the house!!! Yep, I understand the smells.
      Glad you got that moment with your daddy.
      Those are indeed special moments and the dreams are visits. How honored are we?
