Thursday, August 29, 2024

Pantry and Grocery Tips

 Howdy Ho all.  As we approach the final days of this month, I hope you are all doing well and staying cool!  Next couple of days will be hot again here - maybe rain tomorrow night into Saturday - yes please!
Looks to be much cooler by Monday, Labor Day.
Life sure is moving quickly!

Today, I just want to post a few reminders about shopping and prepping your pantries.  Most all these things are common knowledge - but someone may not know.  
If you read our comments - yesterday was a good example why I do what I do.  A young lady, who is home schooling her children, wrote to say thank you.  She sounds very overwhelmed - and my job (our job) is to help gals like her who need some advice and support.

I did a store run yesterday.  It was round one of my stocking up.  I got mainly non-perishable items.  I took my time and strolled the store just looking around and getting some information to share.

FIRST - before you start that stock-up for fall/winter make sure you know what you have on hand!!  If really helps you spend your funds where they need to be spent.  You don't want to end up with a ton of something you use seldom, and not enough of something you use weekly.  INVENTORY FIRST

You all know I am not a person who is big on dates.  Those dates are NOT expiration dates - but "best is used by" dates.  They are by no means a 'throw it away' date!!!!!  Please do not waste your precious money and resources.
Think - the item in the package doesn't have a brain - so in no way knows the date!!!!!!
click on pic to enlarge for easier reading

With all that being said - when buying fresh items, I want them as fresh as possible.  I always buy from the BACK of the shelves.  Yesterday I bought milk.  The milk to the front of the shelves (where the doors open), was dated 9/3.  I moved some gallons and the milk on the same shelf at the back (and colder) was dated 9/10!  Think about that - not only is the date further out, but it is not by the door that is constantly being opened - at the back the temp will be a bit more stable.
I do the same when buying sour cream, cheese, etc.  I get product from as far back on the shelves as I can.  It just seems to have stayed colder.
I looked in the produce department as well - the bagged salads and veggies to the back were dated a good 5 days later than those in front!
Eggs and meat - I try to get packs that are further down under and not right on top.  Same reason! Colder.
ALSO shop for your cold items LAST!  Do all other shopping you need to do, then go to dairy and meat and frozen food areas.
If you can carry a cooler with you in your car that is handy.  You can keep some ice packs in there (when shopping) and place your cold items in it.  Or you can get those insulated bags.  Keep your foods cool if you have a ways to go home or have an extended trip out.

Along these same lines - I bought Ritz crackers that were on special.  I did the same thing and looked at the dates on the box.  The ones in front said - Nov. '24 - the ones in the back of the shelf were dated Mar. '25!
**also, for those worried about illness - the stuff at the back has been handled less!

Shop sales - loss leaders - you can save so much.  Those are the really great priced deals, that the store uses to lure you in.  It is the game they play.  YOU can play the game too!  Buy those items and any clearance goods you can and then leave!  Try to make you menus around what you have on hand and what loss leaders and clearance items you can get.

NEVER buy meat that has bloaty plastic.  You want your meats to be sealed very tightly.  Bloaty means gases are expanding and your meat is already starting to get yuck!  The same with buying bagged salads.  You want the bags that seem to have little air in them - kind sucked in looking.  Air is not your friend.
If you can get a vacuum sealer - get one.  You can often find at thrift stores for little money.  Vacuum sealing meat REALLY helps meat stay fresh longer in the freezer and not get freezer burn.

Take a time or two and really walk through your favorite grocery.  Get to know the lay-out (until they change it - grrr) and know where they keep any and all clearance racks.  My 2 favorite stores have a clearance section in the main aisles - then bakery has a rack.  The produce has a small section with bags of .99 bagged produce.  Other areas like cheese and dairy just have things marked to stand out.  I even have an endcap in the frozen dept. with markdowns.  Look around and notice it all.  It really can pay off.

If your grocery offers points for your shopping that can be used on future purchases or for gas - make sure you get as many as possible.  Know days that they may double or more your points.  My store does Fri. - Sun. that they often 4X points on grocery purchases (sometimes 2X).  You need to have their digital coupon for that - but it sure adds up.  They often have days when you get 4X points on buying gift cards (other than store cards).  That is a good way to buy gifts here and there and get extra points as well.
IF you have a little extra money when shopping - think about buying a $15 or $25 GC from the grocery.  Do this every so often.  (keep them for yourself IF you can).  They don't expire and SOMEDAY you may be very short on funds - and these will come in handy.

Check the buy one get one deals (B1G1).  Know your prices.  I buy these kinds of things now and then - but often find they are not that great of a deal.  If I watch other sales, I can still get better prices than the B1G1 most times.  It sounds like a deal - I mean you are getting something for half price - right?  Not really, as they usually have increased the price to give you that option.  It is sooooooo important TO KNOW YOUR PRICES!!!!!
Don't just buy B1G1 because!  Sometimes a store brand or another brand is much cheaper.  Look around.

Now I am a cook from scratch kind of gal - you all know that.  Not big on mixes and such.  I do buy some canned veggies and fruits (w/o added stuff).  BUT that being said - it is OK if you don't do that.  As much as I think cooking from scratch is best - if you have a boat load of kiddos or a schedule that is just crazy - you may need to do the box mac n cheese or the simple and easy mixes that help you save a bit of time.  This is another time to DO YOU!  You know what works in your family.  Not everyone is into cooking or cooking from scratch - so do what works.  Just do it as cheaply as possible.

Lastly, when putting your groceries away at home - take a trick from the stores.  Put your oldest product in the front and your newest to the back.  First in first out.  This makes the rotation smart.  Things don't get lost and you are using it all and thus saving money.

Hoping this helps someone.  Just a few things I noticed and thought about when walking the store.  Any way you can keep things fresh and save money is a winner.  Be aware of your stores and the rotation of sales (many are 6 - 9 week intervals).  

Enjoy these last few days of August.  Stay cool and have a lovely weekend.
Have a wonderful and blessed day!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Different - Yet, so Very the Same

 Happy midweek my friends.  Hope things are going well in your lives.  We are quickly approaching the end of the month and it is hard to believe.  It is a decent morning here, about 72* at the moment.  Going to be a hot one again.  We had some big old winds come through about 2AM - but I don't think there was any rain.  Saw no evidence of it this morning.

Just some things that I have been thinking about this morning.

Life is so different for us all.  There are folks from the city, the suburbs, there are rural folks.  There are people who live in homes, apartments, condos, trailers, etc.
We have young and older and in between.  Some have children and grands and others who never did.
So many from other countries that have different ways of life.  
Quite a cornucopia of people.
I think that is just so neat.  So many, many differences - yet we are so much the same.
People come by here, to learn or get some new ideas - or maybe to get reminders of things they already knew.  We come to chat and share ideas.  We give suggestions, we give recipes, etc.
Not everything is for everyone.  That is OK.  Actually, that is good.  It sure would be boring if we were all the same.
Just remember as you read and maybe learn - you don't have to be like others.  You have to be you!  This is huge for those just starting this venture.  You can't do all the tricks and tips - you have to pick and choose what works for you and your family.

You can't change everything all at once either.  It has taken most of us years, to accomplish what we have.  A bite at a time!!!!  A little now and a little then is better than nothing at all!

Work on yourself and your home and family.  DO NOT judge others at all.  Easier said than done, I know.  But it isn't your place to judge how people choose to live or how they want to run things.  You do you, and leave others be.

Take things a step at a time, a breath or a moment at a time.  It will get done eventually.  You can't eat a steak in one bite - you can't change your life all at once either.  Things take time and the take patience.
Stop being hard on yourself if you fall.  It happens to everyone.  Just take a big breath, pull up those big girl panties and start again.  That is what we have all done.
Frustrations will be many - but when you have that first big accomplishment - it will be worth every moment you fretted.

Just a reminder to us all - but especially to those starting out - YOU GOT THIS!
It takes work, it takes perseverance, and it takes a 'can do' attitude.
Everything worth having is worth working hard for!!!!!  This is true for marriages, relationships, budgets, friendships, a homestead, everything!
YES, we all live differently - but in the end we all want the same things.  Peace, joy, happiness, and peace of mind.

Hope this encourages someone just a little.  
May you all have a wonderful and productive day.
Peace be with you all.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

My Garden - My Gift

 Howdy everyone.  Hope this finds you all well and safe.  It is going to be a scorcher today.  Probably a good 10-12* above normal highs.  It feels pretty darn good outside right at this moment.  Now is the time to get things done outdoors.

My garden has been going strong, and I love it.  I don't have a big garden, but I do have a lot crammed into a small area!  I know not everyone can garden - but for those that can't, I hope you are getting to eat some fresh produce.  I hope you are being gifted some or finding farm stands to get some.  There sure is nothing like it!  The taste is phenomenal.

This has been a normal on my counter for the past several weeks.  I eat by handfuls each day (my summer candy) and go pick more the next morning.  The blue bowl is cherry toms as well - but that one plant has much bigger ones on it!  
Check this out!!!!! 1.11 5/8 lbs.!!!  This thing is huge.  I have had so many big tomatoes from those plants.  This has been the biggest one so far.  Daddy would be proud!  He was always trying to see how big he could grow tomatoes.  One year at the garden center (their business), he had a contest - you should have seen all the big tomatoes that showed up.  And the best part - they taste good too.

I have been enjoying eating all the produce I grow this year.  Here is a tasty meal.  Zucchini, peppers, onion from garden - with some chopped chicken from freezer over rice.  Cukes & toms as a side.  I mentioned last week making a veg pizza.  It was darn tasty too.  Peppers, onions, tomatoes and even some thinly sliced squashed from the garden - threw in some rehydrated mushrooms and some olives and a tiny bit of pepperoni - golly it was good.
It is such a joy to eat the produce I have grown.

Soon gardens will be coming to an end.  Don't forget that when that happens, to still use up what you can.  Just because things aren't ripe or grown to full capacity - you can still use them.  Think about relishes.  You can make some great relish.  I used to make green tomato relish - oh my goodness that stuff is heavenly.  Eat it with a spoon good!!!
Now I try to can many of the green tomatoes to fry over the winter!  YEP.  It is easy and they are quite tasty in the middle of the winter.
You can also let tomatoes that are in perfect shape - sit in a cooler spot and ripen up.  Many people wrap in newspaper and keep cool - so they will ripen.  I just set them out on a paper or cardboard and let them ripen in their own time.  I usually eat my last fresh grown tomato somewhere around Thanksgiving.

If you end up with BIG zucchini or cukes (those that hide) - use them in relish.  Both make great relish.  Grate the zucchini to use over the winter in zucchini bread or muffins.  **You can do the same with cucumbers.  Make faux pineapple.  Don't let things go to waste - they are still useable.

I just love this time of the year.  It is busy and we work hard to put that produce back for the winter - but dang it, it is worth it. 
If you don't can or freeze items (or even dehydrate), I hope you at least get to enjoy some of the freshness for a while.
If you have extra - share with family and friends.

Now is the time to forage if you live in a place where that is possible.  Walnuts are falling around here.  If you can beat the squirrels to them, that is a good forage item!  Soon apples & pears will be ready - if you have neighbors that don't use theirs - ask if you can have them!  Wild grapes are ripening.  There are many items that one can get for free.  Heck, even ask your family and friend if they have fruit trees that they don't use the produce from.

I have been loving eating all the fresh items, and really haven't thought much about the grocery lately.  I know I should really watch the ads now - as there are some sales going on for Labor Day - it is time to start stocking up for winter.
I do not want to get into any politics (AT ALL), but things may get weird come fall - and this gal just wants to be prepared.  Illness and flu usually pick up in the fall & winter months, so staying away from stores is a good thing.  Thankfully I am not a person that needs to be on the go all the time - very content staying home.  You just never know what could happen in life - so stay on top of your home.  It is your domain, and it is about the only thing you can control.
Hoping my time will be full of planning Christmas gifts and working on them!

Hope you are all getting to enjoy some of the harvest freshness that seems to be everywhere!  Nothing like it.
Stay cool and hydrated.  Please don't forget the animals - they need water too!

Have a super beautiful day!

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Weekly Wrap Up 8/25

 Happy Sunday.  Happy last Sunday of the month and last week of the month!  That is so hard to believe.  It is almost September!  September and Labor Day weekend kind of marks the official end to summer - yes, it will still be warm/hot for a long while - but we are so close to fall.
Our temps have gone back to hot and humid.  Looks like at least the next week will be 90*F+ and humid.  They are saying 96* Tuesday!

I have been trying to help out an old neighbor some.  He owns the house next door, and he lives in Italy.  I have a key and have worked with cleaners coming and going and showing it to prospective renters.  He and I have talked a bit this week.  I think he may have it rented (he thinks), so here is to having a good neighbor.  I have really kind of enjoyed no one being there - it has been quiet for sure.  LOL
I have sure been seeing an uptick in wooly spiders, bees, wasps, gnats and cicadas and crickets!  Fall is close.  I hear the cicadas to a certain point each night - then come early morning I hear all the crickets.
Seems each time I go to pick grapes I get stung.  Yep - darned old bees.  Gladly I am not allergic to those.
Bringing in produce from the garden, brings in gnats/fruit flies as well.  Nothing I have tried helps.  I have tried all the homemade 'catchers' and they haven't worked.  So, I kill them!!!  I have smooshed 100's of them.  UGH

My frugal week:
  • HARVEST - lots and lots of cherry toms, reg. tomatoes, peppers, squash, grapes
  • Froze leftovers from meals
  • Mowed and trimmed the entire yard - did a really good trim
  • Did lots and lots of yard work.  Cleaned the drive fence area again (neighbors stuff), the back fence row (cutting back flowers that are done), the 2nd front flower bed.  I have gotten the front about 85% done - then I just got tired, and it got hot.  It will get done soon.
  • Froze more grapes - I have enough so far for one batch of jelly so far.
  • Made more hummingbird nectar and cleaned the feeders (they are getting busy)
  • Shared produce with a couple neighbors
  • The 'corn bin' where I keep corn for squirrels needed repairs and a good cleaning out.  I got that all done one morning
  • Made a basically veggie pizza - using just about every type of veggie I had fresh (yum!)  I did add a little pepperoni - but 95% veggies
  • Had almost a week of no A/C.  Lots of fresh air.
  • Put the fall decor on the doors - had on hand
  • Talked myself out of shopping this week!
  • Renewed library books online
  • Eating from home and cooking from scratch
  • Just doing the normal stuff
Meals this past week:
Mushroom stuffed ravioli (freezer) topped with garden skillet leftovers, & cukes & toms
Beef patty topped with fried egg, salad
Chicken tender soft tacos/wraps
Loaded baked potato
Veggie pizza
BLT and salad
Toast topped w/beef burger & baked beans, side salad
SNACKS - lots of fruit and fresh veggies

How has your week been?  Did you all get a reprieve from the heat any?  It'll be back with a vengeance this week it seems.  Just a reminder to please keep water out for birds, squirrels and any strays!!!
Did you do any shopping this week - deals?  How are the produce harvests/finds going?
Have big plans for holiday next weekend?

I hope you all have a great week ahead.  Stay safe, and healthy and cool.
Blessings to you and yours from me and my humble little home.

I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will tell all of thy wonderful deeds.  I will be glad and exalt in thee, I will sing praise to thy name, O Most High.
Psalms 9:1-2

Lord, thank you for all our many blessings and thank you for the opportunity to spread Thy word.  As we appreciate each and every single blessing received, may we also spread the gospel and the love that we receive every moment.  Help us to be kind to others and do good works.  Please continue to watch over and protect us all.  Amen

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Luxury and Wealth

 Happy Thursday to all.  Another lovely cool morning here.  Enjoying it all while I can - as it all changes this weekend.  Higher temps and humidity come back.  Next week looks to be mid 90's F.  I knew summer wasn't done.  It is what it is - I am just thankful it is not below freezing and snow and ice!
                                          7:45 AM this morning from my front porch!  Cool

We all have an image in our heads when we hear the words wealth and luxury.  They are generic images that we have been taught.
I am here to say those are NO longer what I think of when I hear those words.  It is time we change our views of those words and that in turn will change lives!
You ladies (and guys) just starting on this journey, need to realize all is not what it appears.  The notions that you have been taught for years are skewed.  Us folks that have been at this 'frugal' journey or simpler lifestyle see wealth and luxury as something different - and it sure is lovely on this side.

I live in a small 2-bedroom bungalow.  Have been here in this neighborhood for 38 years.  Homes are close to each other and there is noise from close by major roads.  I have become accustomed to the noise, as I don't really hear it - I hear nature. YES, I still have lots of nature around.  My neighbors and I keep an eye on each other and help each other when we can.  I can still garden and enjoy my yard.  I have had my home paid for, for years!  It didn't cost a fortune - it needed some work and updates which we did.  My car is a 2002 Blazer - and still looks decent and gets me around just fine.  I have a savings account and I have investments to help with my future.
THAT is WEALTH and LUXURY to me!!!!!

Yep - the sooner you learn this - the better off you will be.  It isn't about the stuff!!!  It is about the people and the experiences.

I know we all work hard (or did) to get what we are told is the 'dream' when we get older.  I tried that, as did a lot of others here.  Yeah, well, for a lot of us, that 'dream' changed.
If you are starting out, PLEASE don't be blindsided to think that stuff makes a life.  It doesn't.  You can drive around every day in fancy, smancy neighborhoods and see tons of empty homes.  You also don't see behind the doors and windows.  Many may have nothing in them - they are just a 'good' address!  People are in debt up to their eyeballs.  They aren't happy.  Sure, there are some that make it work and have good lives - I am not trying to be critical of those folks (I am happy for them), but it isn't realistic for most.
Years ago, I worked in the HVAC industry and the techs would talk about the fancy neighborhoods they went to.  A nice car in the drive and a beautiful home - but basically they contained a bed, a couch and a TV.  These folks couldn't furnish them, but they sure had that prestigious address!!!
How is that living?

**Funny story I have related before - years ago we played the lotto on Saturdays.  On Sunday morning (every Sunday) Glen would say "are we rich yet?".  He knew my answer - then he would say "yeah, I know we are already rich".  LOL.  Rich had nothing to do with money!

Don't be shamed or pressured into what you know you cannot afford.  Today, even lending places will try to convince you that you can afford what you can't!  Common sense will tell you that.  
You make X amount of money - you need to spend less than that!!!!!!  PERIOD!
There are many here that can relate stories of going into extreme debt and how it DOESN'T work!
You can live in a tiny home, and you can have an average salary - and you can be wealthy and have luxury!  
*************** Peace of mind is a luxury many have never known. **************

Start with a small home - and maybe finish with a small home!  You need less room than you think.  Work hard at what you do and pay your bills and start a savings.  Stock your pantries.  Remember the difference between wants and needs.  Love your life where you are and make it the best you can.  IF you do that, you will be far ahead of a whole bunch of people in this world!

If life gives you lemons - make lemonade!  If the rain pours down - go dance in it!  Make things happen yourself.  Make your life a joyful and happy one.  YOU HAVE THE POWER!
Do you and don't let others burst your bubble.
Learn the luxury listed above!  You will not be disappointed.

Have a beautiful day everyone.
Go out and make the day a great one!

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Just a Chat

 Happy Wednesday to all.  It is another beautiful day here.  Quite cool this morning, but that is fine.  Sun is up and I can still see that big old moon out there.  Birds are chirping, squirrels are waking up, Blackie and Bits have had breakfast, and Blackie is back to sleep.  Bits is all over the house.  I sometimes call him Kramer - as in those who have ever seen Seinfeld!  He comes running full bore into a room, and stops on a dime and looks at me as if to say, "here I am!".  Crazy boy.

I am all mixed up this week on the days for some reason.  I have been thinking today is Thursday.  No holiday, so not sure why mixed up!  I had another night of bizarre dreams!  This has been going on for a couple weeks - just the strangest things.  No idea why!  I am just weird I guess.
Yesterday I was going through the frig and cleaning and I have some apples and citrus that have been in there a while.  I am thinking of making some juice out the of the two together and maybe making some jelly or just making juice.  I don't want to waste - and I could use the crisper space.

I was out working in the yard and garage on Monday and filled up the big trash can - replaced the bag and lo and behold it was my last big black trash bag.  I am going to have to get some - not that they get used a lot - but I need some.  The last big box I bought was 5 1/2 years ago!!!  Got it at Sam's before G passed.  I can only imagine the cost of them now - trash bags are so expensive.

I have been watching some You Tube videos from  Single Mom on a Farm.  It is pretty amazing.  She is a divorced mom of 10.  6 at home and 4 in college (all earned scholarships at BYU).  All home schooled and all graduated at 16 or 17, and very smart.  She was married and he had some 'personal' issues and divorced her.  She moved across the country and bought a small farm w/35 acres sight unseen (except for real estate ad) for her and the kids.  She is a stay-at-home mom - and takes on all kinds of small jobs to make extra money. (she does get support).
Hers is a pretty neat story of how everyone said NO you can't possibly do that, and how she did.  Pretty inspiring. She is a good example that you can do about anything you put your mind to - perseverance!
She also has a blog under the same name.

Gosh, tis that time of the year that there is so much to do.  Harvests are coming in and canning and freezing and dehydrating are taking place.  Yard clean-up when the days are cool enough.  Taking care of our homes and making sure they are in order before cold weather sets in.  Just seems like the list doesn't end.
Heck, even thinking about holidays and gift ideas!  Yep, that time will be here before we know it.

Well, I guess I better get busy.  Things are calling my name!  Much to do.
May you all have a fantastic day and stay well.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Cole Slaw for the Future

 Good morning to all.  Hope you are well and safe.  It is a glorious fall feeling morning here.  It is about 59* as I type this.  We get a sampling of fall for a few days - then summer comes back in the form of 90*F by weekend.  The moon was magnificent this morning.  So big and bright.  It always amazes me, that all of us, no matter where in the world we are, are looking at the same moon.  The simple and the basics amuse me!
I enjoyed yesterday's weather and got a bunch of outdoor work done.  More to do today and garden to harvest and things to chop - oh my!!!

I had a couple people ask about canning the Cole slaw - it is really very easy.  I like it as it is - it is sweet and tangy.  BUT it can be drained and used with mayo as well.  Let is sit for a few weeks before using after just canning.  Yes, it does stay somewhat crunchy as well - it is not like cooked cabbage.
1 medium cabbage
1 large carrot
1 bell pepper
1 smaller onion
1 tsp. salt
Chop all of this up finely and add salt.  Let it sit for about an hour - then drain if needed. (I didn't have anything to drain)
**I did all the chopping in my Ninja in batches.  It pulsed to the perfect consistency. It only took a few minutes to complete the chopping.

1 C vinegar
1/4 C water
2 C sugar
1 tsp. mustard seeds
Bring this all to a boil for about 1 minute.  Cool slightly and pour over your stuffed jars.
Process in a water bath for 15 minutes boiling.

**I doubled the brine for the batch I made.  I think my cabbage was a bit larger than medium - and I stuffed 7 pints with slaw to about 1" from top.  I suggest doubling brine.
If you are just a 'little' shy on having enough brine (top w/water).  My tip is to pour brine over contents a little at a time over all the jars you have - that way it is even and if you need to make more you know how much!  You want it to cover all the veggies.
I hope that isn't confusing.  
**You could always just double the brine to start with - and IF you have any left - make some refrigerator veggies!!!  I used all of mine in the slaw.

                                                  Slaw mixed up in my big cooking pot
                                                                7 pints of slaw all made up

There you have it.  Super easy and tasty to eat.
There are so many ways we can use different ingredients we have.  Your mind is your only limitation! 

I love this time of the year.  It is the time to make things and put things back for the winter months.  I have cabbage, peppers, tomatoes, and squash.  I have grapes as well, so will be using those as well.
Not only is it good for our pantries, but making fresh items and canning are great for gifts as well.

Do what you can with what you have.  There are just all kinds of options.
Enjoy using these fresh ingredients in your cooking as well.  

I hope you all have a wonderful day and stay productive.
Be safe all.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Weekly Wrap Up 8/18

 Hello and happy Sunday to all.  Here we are starting yet another new week.  Time is just flying by so quickly.  I hope you are all well and safe.
Cloudy morning here - it appears it rained a little in the wee hours of the morning.  We had rain Thursday afternoon/evening, Friday morning, Saturday early morning and maybe overnight.  It has been needed.  The rain barrels are full again.
Looks like a cooler week ahead and less humidity - until end of week.
I finally have yellow crookneck squash setting on!  I didn't think that was going to happen.
It seems everything is green and I am not talking grass!  LOL!  Oh gosh, working in and picking tomatoes and all the green that gets on your skin - Ugh.  I have to come in a basically wash all skin showing.  I am very allergic to any plants anymore - so I am constantly washing myself!

So many little things this week - nothing major.
My frugal week:
  • Did a lot of weed pulling and clearing out.  Cleaned the raspberry & fence area out completely - that was a job
  • I canned 7 pints of slaw
  • I used the scalding canning water on weeds in the rock out front in flowerbed - killed them!
  • HARVEST - zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, cherry toms - lots of fresh goodies
  • Washed throw rugs and did laundry
  • Got my new remote - that was easy to set up
  • Hosed down the front porch and scrubbed down the mailbox and white metal railings.  They were very oxidized and cleaned up nicely
  • I downloaded 100's & 100's (actually a couple thousand) pictures.  It took a while to figure out and I had to do an upgrade for more space - but I now have access to saved pictures I had thought I couldn't look at anymore (many very old)
  • I picked, and destemmed grapes twice and froze until I have enough for jelly (just starting to ripen)
  • Visited my sister one morning - that was enjoyable
  • Made sun tea
  • Ran to Kroger to look at beef roast they had on sale and maybe peaches - got neither.  Peaches were rocks and beef was way fatty!  I did get OJ on clearance!!  $1.35 a half gallon - I got 4 for less than the regular price of a gallon anymore.  Juice is so expensive, and I love it.  I have been using up my frozen concentrate - so this was a great find.

                                                                Cole slaw that I canned.
  • Did stop at Ollies and got peanuts for squirrels and birds (across from grocery).  Much cheaper there than the feed store.
Meals this past week:
Chicken breast fillet, mashed pots & country gravy
FRY day - zucchini slices, potato cakes (using leftovers) & sliced tomatoes
Breakfast for dinner
BLT, cuke salad
Patty melt & onion rings
Tuna salad sandwich, cuke salad and sliced tomatoes
Garden skillet - zucc., onion, peppers, tomatoes, salsa w/ground sausage & cheese - YUM
SNACKS - fruit, salad, peanut butter & crackers, cherry toms

How was your week?  How is your harvest going?  Did you get any good deals this week.
I hope you all have a lovely week ahead.

Please take care and check in when you get a chance.
Blessings to you and yours from me and my humble little home.

A man's mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.
Proverbs 16:9

Dear Lord, we know you guide in our lives.  The answers we get are not always what we had planned or hoped for, but we must know that You have control, and they happen in Your way and time.  Please keep us all in your safe and protective hands in this coming week.  AMEN

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Fun Ideas and Maybe Some Gifts!

 Happy Thursday to all.  Hope you are all well.  We have so many gals that haven't checked in for a while.  Please stop by and say hi!  You are missed.
It is a cloudy morning - going to get a bit warmer today and maybe some rain.  It would gladly be accepted!  It looks as if our 7-day forecast will be fairly nice.  YAY!

Today just a few things that are fun facts or great ideas for gifts.  I know that 2 of these will be going in the gift baskets here.  I love finding new things.
For those that are new here, I do foody gift baskets for all adults in my family.  Homemade things, jar mixes, and fun snack items.  It has become a fun family thing, and others have started doing it as well.  Hey, we all have to eat!

I am making these up and adding to gift baskets.  These sure taste good and are just like having cake mixes (store bought) on the shelves - but you know what is in it!
Nice to have on the shelf ready to use for those upcoming family events!  Great for cake, shortcake or dump cakes.  Heck you can even make cupcakes.  ENJOY

This is fun.  I have known what many of these were - but I admit, there are a couple that I had never heard of!  I have made crisp many times, and cobbler at my house was a crust over fruit.
Click on the picture to enlarge for easier reading.  Any that you have never heard of??

PECAN BUTTER - oh my!  Yes, this is another that will be going in the baskets!  I have a huge bag of pecans and what better to do with them than this.  Of course, I will leave enough for a pecan pie - but this is something that sounds wonderful!
I will put in 4 oz. jars for gifting.  What a treat!
Click on pic to enlarge for easier reading.

Lots of great ideas for ground beef (or whatever ground meat you have).  I know we all get stumped sometimes on things to make.  Here are a lot of great ideas.
One simple ingredient can be made in so many ways!   I have an old cookbook that is 100 recipes for ground beef!  So versatile!  Hope this gives someone ideas.
Click on pic to enlarge.

I hope these give someone some new ideas to try.  It is so nice to be sufficient enough to have HOMEMADE items on the shelf instead of store-bought convenience foods.  Know your ingredients!
Have fun with these.

I mention gifts - because we all know Christmas will be here before we know it!  Look how fast summer has flown by.  It is time to START thinking about it.  I know many of us are in preserving mode at the moment with gardens (some of that is gifts too), but in a blink of the eye - the holidays will be here.

Have a wonderful day and a great weekend!
Blessings to all.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Back in the Day

 Happy Wednesday! Hope you are all well.  It is another lovely morning here.  Sunny and cool.  I have big plans on things I want to get done today - we will see!  Bits has been playing since breakfast, as usual.  He goes full speed until about 10AM - then crashes and sleeps all day.  Blackie is enjoying the window this morning.  He loves the fresh air.

Last evening I was going through a lot of old pictures I found and got to thinking about days gone by.
Do you remember when we could get tons of groceries for almost nothing because of coupons?  I used to play the coupon game (my MIL taught me) and saved what I am sure was thousands of dollars over time.

They doubled and tripled back then, and coupons had good value!  We had one grocery store that had a triple up day every now and then and would triple coupons with up to .50 value.  My goodness did I have fun.  You would see women with their boxes of coupons scouring the aisles.  Many times, I would walk out with close to a $100 worth of groceries for pennies.  That is when my pantry prep actually started.
THEN EXTREME COUPONING came on TV and kind of ruined it for us all.  I still see viewings of that now & then.
I remember this store and I remember these prices from when I was a kiddo.  I used to love going to the grocery with Mom.  She had $15 a week that she went with, and that was what she used.  Sometimes coming home with money.  We had such a big garden, that helped a ton.  
I remember when she increased her budget to $25 and you would have thought the world was ending!!

She was keen on making a menu for the week with what she had purchased.  I think it was mainly meat, eggs, milk and baking items when I was growing up.  Everything had a purpose.  She could work leftovers like a wonder, and they were always good.
I remember once she had purchased a Buddig's beef packet (yes 1) to make chipped beef gravy.  My sister had got into the frig one day and saw it and made a sandwich for a snack.  Mom went to make dinner and there was no Buddig's!  Her whole plan went down the drain for that night, so she improvised.  We always had tons of fresh fruit in the summer and homemade cookies and treats in the winter - so sis wasn't supposed to snack on the dinner 'food'!  We had sandwiches or a cup of soup for lunches.

I guess that is why I use up everything today.  I mean I eat what I want, when I want - but there is always something here to munch on.  I can make a meal of pretty much all leftovers.  Is it balanced - maybe not - but I do snack of fruit and veggies during the day, so I get my balance.
Here's one.  Leftover country gravy over toast, leftover potato pancakes (from leftover mashed), a scrambled egg and 2 little smokies.  There are 10 smokies in a pack - so that is 5 meals for a sale priced pack of smokies!  Yep - it was good and it was filling.  I ate handfuls of cherry tomatoes and some fruit during the day.  Pretty darn cheap eating!

I can make anything a salad.  Salad doesn't have to be lettuce to me.  Any types of cut up veggies (whatever I have) and a little dressing.  Salad is good as a meal if you throw in a little chopped meat (or tuna) maybe some cheese, a hardboiled egg - whatever you have.  It makes a great side and gives you a helping of veggies.  I like salad with pasta as well.

We can't turn back time, to get those grocery prices like above or the double coupons anymore - but we can make a plan to use what we have and use it ALL up!
Use the digital store coupons on your store cards if you can.  Make sure it is something that you will use.  Nothing is a deal, if it goes to waste.  Find outlet stores if you can - they can give great pricing.  Find cheaper stores like Aldi.  Go in with others if necessary, on purchases and split the price.   Also, if in need, use your area food pantries to supplement what you can buy or grow.  Most pantries are just that - supplemental - they don't give you everything you need.
Eat meat as a side - not a main course.
Learn to make meals that you can shred a piece or two of chicken to make an entire meal (casseroles or stir fry) - the same with pork or beef.  Use ground meat - season to make it taste higher end!
Learn to use rice, pasta and potatoes as fillers - they can stretch foods a lot further.
Check with neighbors - do they have fruit trees or nut trees they aren't taking advantage of?  
Barter with folks.  
Put up (can or freeze) anything you can.

You can get by 'a little' cheaper than many people, but you have to learn a few tricks.
I wish the prices of old could still be - but it is not going to happen.  I love that we share ideas here to help make it a little easier on all of us - trying to get by a little cheaper.
Inflation will never go away - but we can learn a few tricks of our own.  Heck, we can play the $ game too!!!

Have a great and productive day!!!

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Just a Little Tale for Those Who Need Help

Happy Tuesday to all.  Hope this finds you all well and safe.  We have been enjoying fall like weather the last few days!  They say more summer comes back tomorrow for a few days - then cooler by a bit again.  Highs around 80*F - lows in 50's & 60'.  NICE!
You can definitely tell that fall is coming.  Everywhere you walk you walk into a spider web!  Daylight hours are getting shorter - later in the morning and earlier in the evening.  Not only do I hear cicadas, but lots of crickets too!
There are times when things get tough for everyone at some point in life.  So many people hate to ask for help, and many others hate to accept help.  I can understand that.
I want to relay a little story that happened a couple weeks ago.  I am telling this to help someone else.  I am in NO way looking for praise or attention for myself.  So please don't - that is not the purpose.  The purpose is to make people more aware.

I went very early to the store.  I tend to go early to avoid the crowds.  I was about done, when I came upon an older gentleman who caught my attention.
He was standing in front of the eggs - looking at his hands.  He had a dollar bill and change in his hand.  He had tears coming down his face.
I asked him if he was OK - and he said he wasn't sure what to do.  He said his daughter had been arrested the night before for driving on a suspended license, and he had his 2 grandkids for that day (Sunday) and into the next day.  He was hoping to get them some breakfast items.  He had very little money.  He explained he lived on S.S. and just didn't have much available right now.

I told him to walk with me.  I put the eggs in my cart and told him I would pay for them.  I also got him some milk, sausage, and asked if the kids liked pizza.  We got 2 fresh - to bake ones.  As we walked, we talked.  He told me his story and it broke my heart.  He was such a nice man.  He told me he would give me what he had in his pocket to help, and I told him to keep it - he may need for something else.
We chatted at the checkout and talked and laughed with the clerk.  No one knew we weren't together.

After we got outside, he cried and cried.  He told me God had sent me to help that morning.  I cried too.  He needed help and didn't want to ask, and didn't know who to ask.  He was reluctant at first to accept the help.  His words to me were profound.  "It is very easy to give, but so hard to receive".  Aint that the truth?  We tend to forget that.  He said he had been on both ends.  I told him to just take care of those babies while he could, and someday he could pass it on to someone else.  He gave me a hug and left.
I spent $20 that day on those items, and it was the best $20 I have spent in a long time.  So appreciated.

My moral to the story is - don't forget that people are proud.  Don't forget that when times get tough, some folks don't know where to turn.  Don't forget it is hard to ask for or accept help.  Don't forget to treat people with kindness.  Don't forget to be a good neighbor.

IF you need help, ASK.  Go to the local food pantries if needed.  Go to whatever agency you need to.  When an unexpected moment happens (like this one), just let someone know.  There are people out there that are glad to help.  Never be so proud that your children do without.

I know not everyone believes as I do, but I believe God puts us where we need to be, when we need to be there (on both sides).  There are no accidents!  We just need to pay attention.
We are all citizens of this big old rock we live on - help each other!

May you all have a wonderful and joyful day!

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Weekly Up-date 8/11

 Happy Sunday to all.  I surely hope this finds you well and safe.  Hoping all that have been involved in the flooding and the hurricane are safe as well as their homes and families.
I had a couple neighbors check on me this week, when they hadn't noticed me out.  I had been, but they hadn't seen and thought something may be wrong.  That is nice to know that we look after each other.
Have a new family that moved in catty corner from me.  The little fellow, I am used to, as the lady across from me babysits him - but he is there now with mom & dad and a new baby coming anytime!

Mornings are very cool now that the front has come through. Need a light sweater chilly!  Days have been glorious.  Humidity gone.  Looks like this coming week will be in low 80's - nice.

Had my cable remote completely die for the TV in the bedroom the other night.  I even called Direct TV and they tried to give fixes over the phone.  Nothing - so they sending a new one (mine is very old).  I like to have TV on for sound at night to fall asleep - I need a quiet noise.  Last night I turned on the radio very low and read until sleepy!

My frugal week:
  • Washed a lot of jeans this week - and line dried them on a very hot day.  That was almost quicker than the dryer!
  • Used dehumidifier water in washer
  • Made new hummy nectar and cleaned feeders
  • Washed many windows
  • Trimmed Blackie's front nails
  • HARVEST - lots of peppers, cherry tomatoes, 2 zucchinis, 2 more cabbage and 7 regular tomatoes!
4 of the 'regular' tomatoes were like this.  They were all over a pound each - with one being almost 1 1/2 lbs.!
  • I did run out to stock-up on kitty treats - they do love their treats.  I also got melons!  They had honeydew, cantaloupe, & watermelon for 1.99 each w/digital coupon.  I got one of each - all cut and ready to munch on now.  I have found the best tasting melons this year.  I have eaten more melon this summer than many of the past years combined.  Got a few other stock ups for freezer
  • Made another batch of kraut
  • Mowed and trimmed
  • Lots of yard work - finally finished the one front bed (one more to go).  Worked out back cleaning and clearing weeds & deadheading from beds - boy have the weeds thrived.
  • Been eating from home and using what I have
  • AC off for a couple days and airing the house
  • Kitties got their flea meds
Meals this past week:
Chicken strips, small baked potato, salad
FRY day! - Zucchini, onion slices and mushrooms (last portobella in strips) all breaded and fried
Open face Swiss/salsa burger topped w/sauteed peppers/onions & salad
Seasoned rice with shredded pork & peas added, fresh veggies on the side
Stovetop enchiladas (used leftover rice/pork in them)
3 cheese/ham grilled sandwich & fresh zucchini salad
BLT - YUMMO!!! (w/'my' fresh tomato)
Stove top enchiladas.  Not the prettiest but they were good.  Fill and grill in pan - turning until lightly browned on all sides.  Add sauce and cheese and heat slightly - turn off heat and cover for a few minutes until cheese melts.  Beats using the oven!

How was your week?  What is going on in your gardens?  Mine are finally starting to produce nicely.  Weather plays a huge part.  Any deals this week?
Is anyone canning or freezing their goods?

I pray for all of you and wish some would check in.  I hope all is well, if possible, please check in so we all know you are OK.  I have many of you on my mind.
I know it is a busy time of the year - but please take a moment to let us know all is OK.
Have a wonderful upcoming week.

Blessings to you and yours from me and my humble little home.

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the lands!  Serve the Lord with gladness!  Come into His presence with singing!
Psalms 100:1-2

Dear Lord, thank You for this new day.  Thank you for letting us get our houses together, both in prepping for the unknown, but our souls as well.  May everyone 'find' You and prepare for eternity.
Please continue to watch over and protect us all in this coming week.  AMEN

Thursday, August 8, 2024

The Things They are a Growing

 Howdy Ho to all.  It is a gorgeous morning here in my neighborhood. Cool and sunny.  The humidity has dropped and the temps this morning are in the 60's.  Daytime highs will be in the 80's.  YAY - it is glorious.
It seems like hurricane Debby just doesn't want to let go - go away Debby - enough is enough.  I hope you are all well and safe.  There sure has been a lot of flooding from what I see on the local news.
Things seem to really be taking off growing around here.  Finally getting some regular tomatoes starting to ripen!  The cabbages are getting huge & I need to get busy.  Zucchini are thriving.  Grapes soon.
This was earlier in the week.  There were 8 peppers picked that day.  Tons more hanging out there!
                                             Does anyone know what this is????
It is growing profusely amongst the lilies in the flower bed.  I am going out in the next couple days to clean it out and was wondering if it is useful or if it is nasty weed.
It has pretty little delicate flowers - but I figure it must be a weed.  I am curious if it is one of those weeds I can use for something.  So many weeds are actually good for tinctures and extracts.
Guess I need to know - keep it and dry or throw into the trash barrel.
I don't have a smart phone - so can't get an app to search.  I looked on the computer and could find nothing that matched.

Weeds - well they are growing in all their glory!!  LOL
Good grief - how is it that people can have such a bad time growing veggies and those weeds just thrive and grow and grow - no matter the weather conditions?  They sure can be a pain in the bum!

How is your garden growing?  Are things finally taking off?  
I see on FB some people have gardens that are done, and all has been canned and frozen.  They live in areas that are further south.  Those super-hot areas seem to get done and over with so soon.  Mine is just now doing good.  North of here is starting to produce it seems.

Thanks for anyone that can help identify that plant.
I hope you get good weather and have a wonderful end to your week.

Stay safe and have a productive weekend!

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Powders and Their Uses

 Happy midweek!  I sure hope this finds all safe and well.  I know storms are still happening on the East coast and many have been hit hard.  My heart goes out to all of you that have damage or have been without power for hours.  The state of Florida is beautiful as is the East coast - but dang it can be dangerous as well.  
We had rain just before dusk last night and it sure did cool the temperatures.  It still feels a bit humid this morning (it was also misting), but it is much cooler.  I can't wait to get caught up on outdoor work this week while the getting is good!

Yesterday we spoke about how we need to get those pantries stocked up and how to use things in different ways.  We can freeze, can, dehydrate, and some have freeze driers.  We can get creative with our cooking - put just a reminder we can POWDER things as well!
It is a great way to use parts that you may never use and it is also a great way to get a few extra vitamins into those picky eaters.  
Lately there have been posts all over the FB about 'use everything up' challenges!  I thought that was just normal!!  I guess people normally waste a lot of food.  I try to use every little thing to the max.
ALSO - don't forget you can use peels & cores of apples and peach skins for making jelly.

You can powder just about any fruit or veggie.  FIRST you need to dehydrate items.  It needs to be very dry.  You can use a dehydrator, or you can use the lowest setting (about 225*F) on your oven.  Once you have your desired item very dry - you grind it up.
I have myself a couple small coffee grinders that I purchased for $1 each at yard sales.  One is for spicey things and the other one if for pretty much everything else.

I started this journey with the skins and leftovers of canning tomatoes. (not bad spots).  I have dried both in the oven and with a dehydrator.  Both work well.  I get the skins crispy - not burnt.  Then crush up by hand a bit and add to grinder.  It takes pulsing a bit to get it into a powder.  This year I am going to try using the Ninja - it has a good pulse setting I like.  I use the tomato powder in soups and casseroles a lot.

Click on pic to read better.

Fruit powders can be added to pudding, Jello, milkshakes or malts, homemade ice cream, oatmeal, in pancake batter, sweet bread/muffin batters.  You can add to about anything that you want to be lightly flavored with fruit.

Veggie powders can also be added to smoothies, soups, casseroles, in fritters, even sprinkle in things like meatloaf.  It is a 'sneaky' way to get those veggies in the body without most people knowing!
The other day it was posted about roasting the ends of asparagus for use in soups (in comments).  I dehydrate and grind them, then add to my cream of asparagus soup.  Either way can be done.
Other than asparagus (which is stronger in flavor), I usually put all the green powder in one container all mixed up.
You can dehydrate zucchini (and yellow squash) very dry and grind and use as a substitute for part of the flour in your breads and such.  YEP, zucchini flour!

I dehydrate the outer leaves of cabbage, the greens from carrots, turnips, radishes, etc.  There are many things that you can use.  If you have extra lettuce - dry it.  
There isn't much you can't dehydrate and grind.
Don't forget all your herbs you grow!  They are great for seasoning.  You can make things like lemon pepper, mixed herbs, garlic/onion salt, etc.  Granted it is easier to buy it already made - but there are so many other 'things' in it.  You know exactly what is in your blends if you make it yourself.

Flavors are very subtle - yet you get a few extra vitamins.
You are using up everything and letting nothing waste.
It is a great way to have items on hand for those who have very little storage space.
It is also fun and creative!  Think about using as fun gifts as well.
What do you powder and what creative way do you use it?

Have a wonderful day to each of you!!

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Pantries - Let's Talk

 Good morning to all.  I hope this finds everyone well and safe.  I am hoping all of those in the path of the hurricane are safe.  It sure is dumping lots of water.

It is ugly muggly this morning!! LOL.  Man, it is humid.  Looks to be the last day of it for a while though, so I can handle it.  Starting tomorrow, the weather will be tweaked a little and cooler temps and less humidity are in store for the remainder of the week.  So they say - we will see.

Let us talk pantries today.  I know we talk about them a lot - but there are many newbies checking in, and it always good to get reminders as well.
Just a few things that have been on my mind this week.

Last week I cleaned and organized the regular pantry (what I use daily).  It is always a job - but necessary.  I have to admit I did get rid of a couple things, which always makes me sad.  They had gotten shoved back, and just didn't look right.
This week is the 'deep' pantry cleanup and organization (my in-home store!).

When I talk pantry, I am not just speaking of dry goods and canned goods - I mean you freezer(s), your cleaning, health & beauty, paper products, your home canning, ANYTHING you use on a regular basis.
You need to look at what you have and add what & when you can.  It doesn't need to be a ton of stuff each shop - you can spend an extra $5 or $10 and add those things back. 
I can't emphasize how IMPORTANT having a good pantry is.  It could save you and yours from going hungry in bad times - no matter why you are having a bad time. (there are a myriad of reasons)
Look for deals of all kinds - markdowns, clearance, lost leaders, and even markdowns of fresh produce or meats - those can be canned or frozen.
You can dehydrate goods as well.  Try keeping your goods safe and protected from any kind of buggers or varmints.  Glass is a wonderful defense.  Keep any all glass jars you can to repackage things in.

BE CREATIVE in your cooking.  Learn how to use things in new ways!  
A reminder is that with veggies you can saute', fry or roast about anything.  Yes, you can.  I get tired of plain old veggies - so I fix in many ways.
Butter or bacon grease is great for sauteing.  Try corn, with maybe some chopped peppers or onions (or whatever you like).  I love what I call fried corn.  You can do anything this way - my biggies done like this are corn, summer squash, and any veg I want to use in stir fry or fried rice.
Slice cauliflower into think slices and bake or fry - cauliflower 'steaks' are wonderful!

BREADING and FRYING - anything can be done.  Of course now is the time for zucchini and yellow squash - but try new things.  Onions, mushrooms, green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, peppers, etc.
It can be as simple as dipping in egg wash, then rolling in flour or cornmeal or breadcrumbs or a combo of these.  Place in hot oil and fry or use the oven or use air fryer.  I tend to like them actually fried the best!
GRILL any veggie or meat.  Most everything tastes wonderful when grilled - even fruit!  Pineapple, peaches and pears are super tasty when grilled.  What a treat!

Dried beans, pasta, and rice are essentials.  Again, look at new or different ways.  Lasagna doesn't have to have lasagna noodles - use what pasta you have and layer.  (Make a lasagna tasting dish in a skillet on top of the stove.
Pastas and rice's can be flavored with anything.  Pesto, gravies, sauces, stocks, herbs and spices, salsa, you name it.  It doesn't have to be bland un-flavorful!
Use as a side or incorporate into main dishes.  Chili, goulash, soup beans, fried rice, any skillet meal, etc.
BEANS - use for all kinds of things.  I know people say 'I can only eat so many beans & rice'.  Well, get creative.  Use those beans in chili, with any kind of ground meats, in salads, as refried, make them into veggie bean burgers, add to taco meat to stretch - tons of different uses.  Beans are a great protein and can be used in place of meat or to stretch small quantities of meat.  This is great for those on small budgets.  Beans are pretty darn cheap to purchase.
Again, keep plenty in stock - as they may be a life saver at some point.

FRUIT - a little butter in a pan and some fruit and you have an easy and yummy dessert or side.
Apples are a favorite of mine, peel, core and slice - add a bit of sweetness & cinnamon and saute and yum!  Peaches and pears are wonderful this way (even bananas).  Great on oatmeal or ice cream or pudding as well.  If fruit is getting older - this is a great save.  No need to throw away fruit.  You can chunk it and freeze and use in smoothies or milkshakes, or you can cook down and turn into sauces. 
As Amy used to say in Tightwad Gazette - even that apple the kiddo took a bite out of and left - can be used.  They are your kiddos so just trim it up and use it - do NOT throw good food away!
You can use apples or peaches with meats as well.  Great with ham or pork.

SMALL MEAT SCRAPS - can be used.  Any leftover meat or odd and end pieces can be added to make a stir fry or fried rice.  You don't need a lot for those.  Add to soups or casseroles.  They give that meat flavor, yet you have so many other fillers that meat doesn't need to be the main ingredient.

MILK products that may start to have that 'off' taste - can be wonderful for making biscuits, pancakes, or waffles.  Freeze it in ice cube trays and then bag - mark as prefect for baking!  Grandma always made biscuits with clabbered milk!!

So this is my reminder that you use it up - use it all up!  DON'T waste.
Get those pantries clean out and inventoried.  Know what you have - use those things that have shoved to the back in a new way.  Waste nothing.  Get creative.

Think about adding whatever you can a little at a time.  Keep the pantries prepped - all the pantries. 
There have been days in the recent past, that people had a hard time finding products. (remember 2020).  Don't be caught without.  Always have the basics on hand (don't forget baking supplies like flour and sugar) these items can be made into many things.

You got this!
Any other ideas are appreciated.  I know we all love to help someone getting started.

Have a great day!