Sunday, August 25, 2024

Weekly Wrap Up 8/25

 Happy Sunday.  Happy last Sunday of the month and last week of the month!  That is so hard to believe.  It is almost September!  September and Labor Day weekend kind of marks the official end to summer - yes, it will still be warm/hot for a long while - but we are so close to fall.
Our temps have gone back to hot and humid.  Looks like at least the next week will be 90*F+ and humid.  They are saying 96* Tuesday!

I have been trying to help out an old neighbor some.  He owns the house next door, and he lives in Italy.  I have a key and have worked with cleaners coming and going and showing it to prospective renters.  He and I have talked a bit this week.  I think he may have it rented (he thinks), so here is to having a good neighbor.  I have really kind of enjoyed no one being there - it has been quiet for sure.  LOL
I have sure been seeing an uptick in wooly spiders, bees, wasps, gnats and cicadas and crickets!  Fall is close.  I hear the cicadas to a certain point each night - then come early morning I hear all the crickets.
Seems each time I go to pick grapes I get stung.  Yep - darned old bees.  Gladly I am not allergic to those.
Bringing in produce from the garden, brings in gnats/fruit flies as well.  Nothing I have tried helps.  I have tried all the homemade 'catchers' and they haven't worked.  So, I kill them!!!  I have smooshed 100's of them.  UGH

My frugal week:
  • HARVEST - lots and lots of cherry toms, reg. tomatoes, peppers, squash, grapes
  • Froze leftovers from meals
  • Mowed and trimmed the entire yard - did a really good trim
  • Did lots and lots of yard work.  Cleaned the drive fence area again (neighbors stuff), the back fence row (cutting back flowers that are done), the 2nd front flower bed.  I have gotten the front about 85% done - then I just got tired, and it got hot.  It will get done soon.
  • Froze more grapes - I have enough so far for one batch of jelly so far.
  • Made more hummingbird nectar and cleaned the feeders (they are getting busy)
  • Shared produce with a couple neighbors
  • The 'corn bin' where I keep corn for squirrels needed repairs and a good cleaning out.  I got that all done one morning
  • Made a basically veggie pizza - using just about every type of veggie I had fresh (yum!)  I did add a little pepperoni - but 95% veggies
  • Had almost a week of no A/C.  Lots of fresh air.
  • Put the fall decor on the doors - had on hand
  • Talked myself out of shopping this week!
  • Renewed library books online
  • Eating from home and cooking from scratch
  • Just doing the normal stuff
Meals this past week:
Mushroom stuffed ravioli (freezer) topped with garden skillet leftovers, & cukes & toms
Beef patty topped with fried egg, salad
Chicken tender soft tacos/wraps
Loaded baked potato
Veggie pizza
BLT and salad
Toast topped w/beef burger & baked beans, side salad
SNACKS - lots of fruit and fresh veggies

How has your week been?  Did you all get a reprieve from the heat any?  It'll be back with a vengeance this week it seems.  Just a reminder to please keep water out for birds, squirrels and any strays!!!
Did you do any shopping this week - deals?  How are the produce harvests/finds going?
Have big plans for holiday next weekend?

I hope you all have a great week ahead.  Stay safe, and healthy and cool.
Blessings to you and yours from me and my humble little home.

I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will tell all of thy wonderful deeds.  I will be glad and exalt in thee, I will sing praise to thy name, O Most High.
Psalms 9:1-2

Lord, thank you for all our many blessings and thank you for the opportunity to spread Thy word.  As we appreciate each and every single blessing received, may we also spread the gospel and the love that we receive every moment.  Help us to be kind to others and do good works.  Please continue to watch over and protect us all.  Amen


  1. I love that you have good use of your freezer for food. We gave our freezer away to a friend. When we move we may or may not get a new one. We will eventually get a home freeze dry machine.

    Here we are cool and already. Walnuts on ground, trees changing and heat on for the car ride to work. I love it!

    Been a very, very good week here. Six days on and three of those were in an excellent training. So glad I got to go to those.

    Have a yummy week.

    1. I love my freezer. I used to think about a freeze drier - but they are just so expensive, and for 1 it wouldn't be worth it to me.
      Walnuts have been falling here for a while - the critters bring them to my yard to eat - shells everywhere!! LOL
      Have a wonderful again.

    2. That's it too. If a small home freeze dryer doesn't make sense for someone I totally get that. For us, it's 100 percent worth it. Endless uses for the kind of baking I do. And cooking. Though I also may upgrade the dehydrator. Yeah fall is here for us. We never even put the air unit in the bedroom. We didn't need it this year at all. Just the one in the snug. This is our first year we didn't need air on in the bedroom. Electric bill looked great this summer for us. Have a wonderful week.

    3. I am glad you will be getting a freeze dryer and maybe a new dehydrator. They will be a blessing for you.
      WOW., no AC - that is amazing. I have gotten to have mine off a bit, but it sure has done a good job too. I like being cool at night. I bet your electric was great.

  2. Such a busy week, Cheryl. It's good to keep up with the yard work.
    For the fruit flies...I put some wine and a pinch of yeast into a wine glass. Cut a small hole (1/8th inch) in a piece of plastic wrap. Put the plastic over the opening of the glass and push the plastic down a couple inches with the hole in the very center. Secure the plastic that is on the outside of the glass with an elastic or tape it so it is airtight. The flies go in but can't find the hole to get out. Probably a few of your grapes would be a good substitute for the wine. If you cover bowls of fruit or produce with a cotton towel to keep the flies off it helps prevent them from reproducing too.
    Your pizza sounds terrific. It is extra delicious when you've grown the ingredients. I am making a lasagna today with all home grown veg plus home made noodles.
    Heat returning here as well but not as hot as your way. Good for the squash!

    1. I try to keep the yard looking decent - the neighbors don't tend to keep the fence rows cleaned on their sides - so I do it when I can't stand it anymore!
      I have tried sugar water - I have tried vinegar & sugar, I have tried wine - and the top covered - yep, I have trapped ONE! LOL
      The cotton towel makes since! Thanks
      The pizza was great - I even used thinly sliced squash! Got to utilize what we are growing. Your lasagna sounds wonderful.
      Guess the heat is better than freezing!
      Have a fantastic week.

    2. Yes, summer is coming to a close. The mountain ash trees are laden with berries; birds are flocking together; a canola field in the area has been swathed; a tomato has ripened on the vine. Mom continues to fail becoming more despondent & weak in the past week. I can only trust that I'm making the best decisions for her care in collaboration with family & health care providers. I hosted a bbq for my cousins' joint birthdays. Also hosted a "high tea" for our friend who finally came home after 3 mos in hospital with a leg fracture. I even made clotted cream to serve with scones & strawberries. Preserved 6 qts of peaches & made a peach pie awa a crisp for the freezer. Close friends were involved in a MVA on Thursday resulting in serious injuries. We'll wait patiently for the outcome. In the kitchen: taco salad; bbq steak with new potatoes, beans, corn on the cob & trifle; taco meat with fried potatoes; sauteed potatoes w/ onions, mushrooms, zucchini; quiche; egg salad; peach pie.

    3. Yes mam there are signs of fall every where.
      I am so sorry your mom is having more problems. Getting older can really 'suck'.
      How fun on the BBQ and the high tea.
      I hope your friends will be OK. That is awful.
      All your meals sound wonderful.
      Blessings to you this week.

  3. It was such a glorious week here, too. Lots of cherry tomatoes got harvested and were mostly enjoyed on salads. I've got a couple of green and red peppers on the plants, hoping they get bigger, and a huge crop of habanero peppers that I'll freeze for use in recipes and jams next season. Unfortunately my pepper harvest doesn't coincide with peach season (peach habanero jam, prepared for a charity fundraiser I'm involved in).

    This past week I cleaned out and organized both my pantry and freezer and found a few holes that need to be filled. I have NO canned pumpkin, and I have always kept at least one or two cans on hand for when the pup has "issues." I weeded through my canned goods and tossed those that were way past "best by" or "use by" dates. At my age, I just don't want to take a risk with something with a date 3+ years past -- 2023 maybe, 2019 it's gotta go. Not much got pitched from the freezer -- some chopped peppers that had gotten way too much ice in them, same with a package of 2 burgers and a half-pack of hot dogs. I broke out my food saver and portioned out a bag of frozen peas and one of corn, making more room and eliminating the possibility of an unusable brick of vegetables, come winter. I still have 2 bags of brussels sprouts and one of broccoli to do. I may just use the broccoli for soup in a couple of weeks, once the temps start to change. Because of all the herbs I got last summer, I only planted one basil this year and ran two trays through the dehydrator yesterday. Now to start watching the ads to stock up where needed.

    Rita, thanks for the suggestion for the wine glass. Will need to give that a try.

    1. Glad you have had such a good year for hot peppers. They will be put to good use! I think my cherry tom plants are nearing the end - but the others are going gung-ho!!
      Good to check those pantries and freezers now. It pays to do it now and get things before they are needed. Good idea on splitting the veggies.
      Broccoli soup sounds so good. One of my favorites.
      Have a great week.

  4. It sounds like a lovely week! This is such a busy time of year trying to get everything preserved but it's worth it. I have been canning, freezing and dehydrating. I found local candy onions and now two large jars of them have been dehydrated for soups, stews and chili this winter. I'm excited for the new season. The 'bers' are my favorite time of year. Have a wonderful Sunday.

    1. It is a busy time. A lot more canning in store here this week.
      The onions - yum!
      I do like the 'ber' months - great temps - just hate what comes after!
      You have sure been keeping busy.
      Have a lovely week.

  5. Cheryl, we are fighting fruit flies also...OMG where do they all come from? I have been spraying with homemade orange vinegar....I "think" it is helping. DD finally broke down and bought a plug in light thing that draws them to a sticky thing. She said it is well worth the $.
    Supper last night with family, everything from the garden with the exception of the bacon that wrapped the sweet peppers and cream cheese. I think those bacon wrapped cream cheese stuffed peppers are supposed to be appetizers but they make a great main dish! Fried zucchini and baked potatoes went with, and it made a great meal!
    The heat was back for us Saturday morning. If I can work outside until about 11:00AM it's okay but after that.... sweat chases me back in.
    Fall is coming and I will install Fall decor after Labor Day, it seems this summer has just flown by. I am not a winter person, truthfully I dread it. But we take what we get, don't we?

    1. I have seen those plug in things and wondered if they worked. They can drive a person crazy!!!
      I bet your dinner was very yummy and being with family is great. Sounds good.
      Yep, heat come on yesterday. I go out and pick and such early - then I will stay in. I usually wait till Labor Day as well - for door decor - but thought what the heck. I love my fall wreaths and I just decided to do it. They will stay up till T-day!
      I dread winter too - but it is what it is.
      Have a beautiful week.

  6. I can only catch gnats here if I put a little slice of apple in vinegar and leave the container open (no plastic wrap). Otherwise, they won't go in!

    We've had more bugs in the house this summer than we ever have before. Not sure why.

    1. Hmmm - there is a method I haven't tried! It does seem like I am seeing a lot more recently. Not sure what the indicates for winter. Supposedly our area is to be cold and dry - not sure.
      Have a great week.

  7. I hope you get a nice neighbor too, Cheryl. That is so nice of you to help your neighbor who owns the house. I'm sure his being in Italy makes it difficult for him. We always see an uptick in spiders come September, so it is that time of year. I've already been sweeping some spider webs off the roof of the back porch. Sounds like you are swimming in produce, a nice "problem" to have for sure. Try and stay cool this week, sounds like it's going to be a hot one for you.

    1. I hope for a good neighbor too. Yeah, he is kind of estranged from family - and I have known him for years - so he relies on me a lot.
      Spider webs are everywhere. Every place I walk - I seem to run into one!
      Yep, swimming in produce is a good term. I love it. Nothing like fresh.
      Thanks - hope the heat misses you.
      Have a super week.

  8. Good morning, We have fog here this morning and 49*. But we are going to get warmer again this week. I kind of hot it lasts a bit longer at least for our tomatoes. We had our nephew come by on Friday and shared lots of produce with him. Sent home some canned goods and meats from the freezer.
    *I have been working on the afghan a lot while watching movies. But since it's getting a little cooler I'll be doing some canning. I need a break from granny squares.
    *I have been cooking from the freezer etc; beef and gravy over polenta, carrots and green beans one night. There is always enough left over for at least 1 or 2 more servings. I cook chicken a lot so always doing something with that. Lots of salads. DH does his tomato sandwiches too.

    1. I forgot to say I have one of those Bug Catchers too. It does catch the fruit fly's and sometimes other bugs too. I think I found it on Amazon but maybe you can find it other places, I don't know.

    2. We had a couple of the 49 mornings - so lovely. Tomatoes do love the heat. Nice that you got to share some of your goodies with the nephew.
      I bet the afghan will be beautiful. I love granny squares - so many pretty colors.
      Those freezer meals sure do come in handy and it just saves money. I eat tomatoes every day and I am loving it!
      Thanks for the advice on the bug catcher. I am going to have to look into those. I have seen advertisements - just didn't know if they would work.
      Have a blessed week my friend!

  9. The last few days have been quite hot, but it has cooled off due to thunderstorms and rain. It is too wet out there to get at the garden shed (my next project) or any digging of weeds. The temps are supposed to cool all week with more rain in the forecast.
    My daughter has a freezer, and she did up a list the other day, as things do tend to get forgotten. I'm hoping she'll use it for meal planning while I'm away.
    The tomatoes are finishing up and I'm left with only carrots in the garden. They can stay put until the first frost. Mom always said they were sweeter that way...I guess we'll see. :)
    Nice of you to help your neighbour while he is away. Good luck with the new neighbours!

    1. Sounds like you are getting the cooler and your heat is coming my way!
      Having a list is wonderful IF you use it. I never keep mine up. I bad!!! Wow, your tomatoes are finishing up? I bet I have tomatoes for another month or two. Yep, dad always said the same about carrots.
      Have a super great week.

  10. I love reading about ways others have saved because it always gives me new ideas!
    Things that I did this past week include:
    1) Starting a new blog. I count this under frugal entertainment, since I am using a free blog hosting site. 🙂 I had a previous blog, but unfortunately have a relative that is quite critical of me, which caused me to not want to share on my blog simply because I did not want this individual to read anything about what I was up to. After two years of not posting, I realized a week ago that I could simply start a new blog and not let this person know about it. And so I did! I am enjoying having a place to post once again. If anyone is interested, my frugal endeavors are in more detail over here:
    2) I have been working on declutterring our basement, which is a huge job! But I am trying to take it slow, one section at a time. Right now I am on a roll, and am riding that adrenaline as far as I possibly can! 😁 Many things are simply being donated or given away free. I thought why not? Others will be blessed. Did not God provide that item for us, at the time that we needed it? A few things are being sold, for extremely low prices, and the pennies from the sale added to my savings .
    3) I cooked all meals at home, using ingredients from the fridge or freezer before the went bad.
    4) I balanced my bank accounts, making sure I have an accurate record of monies in and monies out.

    Thank you for writing your blog! I just found it yesterday and am enjoying reading it very much!

    1. Yes, having a blog is wonderful entertainment (and work). But it gives me a 'job' being alone and retired. I like reading blogs. Yours looks like it will be quite sweet. I look forward to reading more posts.
      Oh basement decluttering - yes, huge job. I have so much to do in that territory.
      You are doing great being a frugal diva! You are right I like just donating or gifting items, as I no longer have the energy for yard sales.
      I am glad you found your way here - please feel free to go back through posts and read. Always love having new 'friends'.
      Have a wonderful week.

    2. Thank you, Cheryl! Your comment means a lot! I am a bit younger than you, but not a whole lot! Life is now a different stage for me than it was when I was actively raising my children. It is time for me to face reality of the things I am no longer using or realistically WILL use again in the future, and let them go to bless others.

  11. Friend, you make a good observation about letting go of things once that phase of life is gone. My husband has a hard time with that. I finally realized if I did get rid of those things (because I realized realistically I would never use them again)I could enjoy the things that I still do or care about even more!

  12. You had a productive week!
    Here on the Prairie Farm, we are winding down the growing season for the crops. We keep watching the ponds for the cattle and filling the tanks, which they like more than pond water for drinking. We've had 2 fall calves so far (one was a surprise.)
    I've been slowly using our chipped wood piles to mulch the berm and eventually will do the long flower bed. It's been hot and we've been busy, so I'm not near as far along as I'd like, but there is all Autumn to do it. Next on the agenda is painting the board fence before it gets too chilly in the late afternoons. (I'm chuckling as I type this, today the heat index is 108!)
    We shredded the garden down yesterday. It is/was DS2's garden but he couldn't keep up with it and the one at his house in town. We got potatoes and onions out of it but he didn't mulch it so the tomatoes didn't do well. The sunflowers were amazing and the gold finches are loving them. We left some standing but I noticed today the birds are after the downed ones as well.
    I've been canning for the kids/grands. I've done a lug of peaches (saving 4 fresh to eat and they were amazing!) Yesterday I did a double batch of pasta sauce. Then I did a double batch of bone broth for myself. The new flats are horrible and I've had so many failures. 2 of the pasta sauce pints. 3/4 broth quarts. I reprocessed the broth and 2 of the 8 didn't seal. I was very careful to wipe the rims with vinegar, but still had failures. I believe from now on I'll be using my reusable lids with the rubber seals.
    Finally, my around the corner neighbor had a huge garage sale over the weekend. I went over the 2nd day and all was half price, reduces greatly or free. I got 2 local university throws for Christmas gifts and an Autumn colored throw/pillow set ($3! It looks brand new.) It matches my living room perfectly. I didn't buy much else as I need to declutter my house of so much that she had on the sale. I recently took in 6 boxes of books to the thrift store and many boxes of clothes this summer. I just keep at it a little at a time and will do a really big clean out when I finally retire. We have too much "stuff!"

    1. Talk about busy - you are the busy one! Congrats on the 2 new calves. Having a farm is a lot of work. You sure do keep busy. The weather is nuts - but yes, hopefully you will get plenty of cooler days to do some of the maintenance.
      Peaches sound so yummy. I have heard so many people complain about newer lids. Companies downgrade things and it sure isn't kind to the consumers.
      The finches loved my sunflowers until they cleaned them up - now it is echinacea flowers!
      Your garage sale finds sound nice.
      Decluttering seems to be a theme with many of us! You aren't alone.
      Hope you have a lovely week and stay cool!

  13. Gratitude is important for the believer. We can do nothing without the Father.

    Hope you get a good neighbor. Sure makes like easier!

    It was wonderful to have those cool days with windows and doors open. We worked outside for a while this morning but that may not happen again until it cools down some. Always chores in the house. Sounds like your garden is still going strong. The bees must not like you messing with their grapes! The Farmer planted cabbages, and I fear the hot weather will not be good for them. Most of our harvesting is finished and spent vines are being taken down.

    Stay cool! See you Tuesday!

    1. I hope for a good neighbor as well.
      Yes, the weather was just a joy. Now things are closed up again. My cherry toms are about done - the vines look pretty sad. My cabbages are re-heading and doing good. Only time will tell. Good luck with yours. The heat won't last forever!
      Have a great week.

  14. I finally heard cicadas this last week. The way I get rid of hordes of fruit flies is to use the vacuum cleaner around fruits or plants. It works. The vacuum kills them. Also, get the sticky traps meant for any pest. And, I have an electric flyswatter. Don't swing it like a tennis racket. In gnats, I move i slowly. For houseflies, come from behind because houseflies go backward when they first fly.

    1. I don't have swarms of them, but they are just annoying. No sticky tapes - I can't stand those things. I haven't had but an occasional fly, so no problem with those.
      I have been killing the gnats slowly - just so much produce in the house.
      Have a good week.

  15. I hate fruit flies for sure- I spray them with my dawn dish spray. It seems to work some and I use one of those sticky pads on a pop bottle. Both work. Tired of them!
    I hope you get a good neighbor..We get lucky sometimes and I love it. Makes you wonder though when they first move in.
    Have a good Monday!

    1. They sure are annoying! I am slowly killing them. I am wiping down my windows with white vinegar today - can't hurt. I guess they are a sign of summer.
      I hope so too - it is always scary getting new people. Never know who they are or what they will be like. Fingers crossed.
      Have a great week!

  16. Debby in Kansas USAAugust 26, 2024 at 7:54 AM

    We'll see if the comment police recognize me after getting a new tablet lol!!

  17. Debby in Kansas USAAugust 26, 2024 at 7:58 AM

    Look at that! It forgot it hates me!! I gave up trying to post awhile ago, then my old tablet died. Got a new one and got curious...
    All is fine, except waking up to 80° temps at 5am. Ugh!! I'll try and do a little catching up.

    1. Gal, so glad to have you back. I have been worried about you - but remembered you had computer problems. Hopefully no more problems getting on. Glad you remembered us!!!
      Look forward to catching up.
      Have a great one.

  18. Nope heat is back up here. I have been working on various projects and have made a decision to only do a weekly menu plan for the next little while as I always seem to be changing things around.

    You had a lovely week and my freezer is my best friend (especially at this time of year).

    God bless.

    1. Yep, heat is back here as well. Sadly we know that will end sometime soon and the cold will be along.
      Yes, the freezer is such a gift to have. When busy, the freezer is most definitely a friend.
      Have a wonderful week.
