Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Back in the Day

 Happy Wednesday! Hope you are all well.  It is another lovely morning here.  Sunny and cool.  I have big plans on things I want to get done today - we will see!  Bits has been playing since breakfast, as usual.  He goes full speed until about 10AM - then crashes and sleeps all day.  Blackie is enjoying the window this morning.  He loves the fresh air.

Last evening I was going through a lot of old pictures I found and got to thinking about days gone by.
Do you remember when we could get tons of groceries for almost nothing because of coupons?  I used to play the coupon game (my MIL taught me) and saved what I am sure was thousands of dollars over time.

They doubled and tripled back then, and coupons had good value!  We had one grocery store that had a triple up day every now and then and would triple coupons with up to .50 value.  My goodness did I have fun.  You would see women with their boxes of coupons scouring the aisles.  Many times, I would walk out with close to a $100 worth of groceries for pennies.  That is when my pantry prep actually started.
THEN EXTREME COUPONING came on TV and kind of ruined it for us all.  I still see viewings of that now & then.
I remember this store and I remember these prices from when I was a kiddo.  I used to love going to the grocery with Mom.  She had $15 a week that she went with, and that was what she used.  Sometimes coming home with money.  We had such a big garden, that helped a ton.  
I remember when she increased her budget to $25 and you would have thought the world was ending!!

She was keen on making a menu for the week with what she had purchased.  I think it was mainly meat, eggs, milk and baking items when I was growing up.  Everything had a purpose.  She could work leftovers like a wonder, and they were always good.
I remember once she had purchased a Buddig's beef packet (yes 1) to make chipped beef gravy.  My sister had got into the frig one day and saw it and made a sandwich for a snack.  Mom went to make dinner and there was no Buddig's!  Her whole plan went down the drain for that night, so she improvised.  We always had tons of fresh fruit in the summer and homemade cookies and treats in the winter - so sis wasn't supposed to snack on the dinner 'food'!  We had sandwiches or a cup of soup for lunches.

I guess that is why I use up everything today.  I mean I eat what I want, when I want - but there is always something here to munch on.  I can make a meal of pretty much all leftovers.  Is it balanced - maybe not - but I do snack of fruit and veggies during the day, so I get my balance.
Here's one.  Leftover country gravy over toast, leftover potato pancakes (from leftover mashed), a scrambled egg and 2 little smokies.  There are 10 smokies in a pack - so that is 5 meals for a sale priced pack of smokies!  Yep - it was good and it was filling.  I ate handfuls of cherry tomatoes and some fruit during the day.  Pretty darn cheap eating!

I can make anything a salad.  Salad doesn't have to be lettuce to me.  Any types of cut up veggies (whatever I have) and a little dressing.  Salad is good as a meal if you throw in a little chopped meat (or tuna) maybe some cheese, a hardboiled egg - whatever you have.  It makes a great side and gives you a helping of veggies.  I like salad with pasta as well.

We can't turn back time, to get those grocery prices like above or the double coupons anymore - but we can make a plan to use what we have and use it ALL up!
Use the digital store coupons on your store cards if you can.  Make sure it is something that you will use.  Nothing is a deal, if it goes to waste.  Find outlet stores if you can - they can give great pricing.  Find cheaper stores like Aldi.  Go in with others if necessary, on purchases and split the price.   Also, if in need, use your area food pantries to supplement what you can buy or grow.  Most pantries are just that - supplemental - they don't give you everything you need.
Eat meat as a side - not a main course.
Learn to make meals that you can shred a piece or two of chicken to make an entire meal (casseroles or stir fry) - the same with pork or beef.  Use ground meat - season to make it taste higher end!
Learn to use rice, pasta and potatoes as fillers - they can stretch foods a lot further.
Check with neighbors - do they have fruit trees or nut trees they aren't taking advantage of?  
Barter with folks.  
Put up (can or freeze) anything you can.

You can get by 'a little' cheaper than many people, but you have to learn a few tricks.
I wish the prices of old could still be - but it is not going to happen.  I love that we share ideas here to help make it a little easier on all of us - trying to get by a little cheaper.
Inflation will never go away - but we can learn a few tricks of our own.  Heck, we can play the $ game too!!!

Have a great and productive day!!!


  1. I make salads a lot with leftover meat, fish, veggies. I also make fruit salad as well. Salads are my go to for leftovers most of the time.

    1. I love all kinds of salads and they don't have to cost a fortune. Just use what you have!

  2. We never had quite the coupon frenzy as you did in the States. But I do recall trying to use coupons to extend my grocery budget when the kids were young. These days I use the Flipp app for price comparison and identifying deals. At the stores everything is about points. I save mine for Christmas.

    1. I heard Canada didn't get as many coupons as we did. I don't have any apps - don't have that kind of phone. But I do use digital coupons for my store. Our points go toward gas purchases. You get money off per gallon. I get the other kind of points if I use my CC for purchases - then pay off each month.

  3. Ah, couponing! Some ladies were rock stars at couponing. I used some and that was when the Sunday paper had lots of them as inserts.

    That's kind of funny about your sister eating what was intended for dinner as her snack. Years ago, when I was working at DeJa Vu in Brownsburg, a colleague prepared strawberries to bring in for my birthday treat. She got up that morning and her boyfriend had eaten every one of them. She was not happy with him.

    Salads are wonderful. We have been using kohlrabi to make salads. Today is the Farmer's 75th birthday so we are preparing steaks purchased at Costco, veg and a nice salad (mostly from the garden). We use turnips, jicama and swedes (rutabaga) to extend ingredients in a dish. Potatoes spike our sugar levels, and we really don't miss them. I still have a big bag of green beans to break and cook. Cucumbers are gone for the year.

    It is indeed a beautiful day. The indoor jobs are always at war with the outdoor chores. Priorities... Enjoy your day!

    1. I have to brag - because I was one of the 'rock stars'. Not quite the stuff as seen on TV - but very seldom paid much or anything for groceries.
      Kohlrabi is good - I like it raw. Dad used to grow it and mom cooked - wasn't a fan as a kid. Now it is good.
      Happy birthday Mr. Farmer!!!!! Enjoy your day!!
      Gardens sure can provide a nice variety.
      Enjoy this blissful day!

  4. I still keep an eye out for coupons and if they're something I use, I'll check the expiration date. If it's a ways out, I'll save it in the small notebook I use and watch for the item to go on sale. I especially use the coupons my Meijer store mails me each month, and I do check their digital coupons. Every little bit helps these days.

    1. I get coupons just for Kroger as well. I do not get the paper any longer so no general coupons. They add up and it all helps.

  5. I remember those prices--bananas for $.10 lb., tuna for $.25/can. I was a big user of coupons. I supplied 3 children, dil, sil, and 4 grandchildren with free toothbrushes every three months and free toothpaste and a plethora of other food items. Now, I buy what is on sale from ads from three stores. Publix bogo items are sometimes the only items I buy. My budget for 1966 was $15/month.

    1. Prices sure used to be good - although people made a lot less money then as well. I remember free toothpaste - had that for years. It would be nice to still get those deals today/

  6. I remember coupons & used what I had, but did not get all that many - didn't get the right newspaper I guess. Double coupons, oh my yes! I don't recall triples in my area.

    Oh, those low prices! They are misleading though. I remember my first hourly wage was 90 cents per hour (before tax) and I felt *rich* beyond my wildest dreams! Well... now minimum is over $7 per hour, so we can figure out how to compare prices with wages. Mostly it's because we remember that we feel so taken advantage of! :)

    Today's lunch was leftover plain mac. I doctored it with olive oil, salt, pepper, a handful of grated cheese and a spoonful of bacon bits. Microwaved gently and it was yummy! Big serving of spinach on the side. :) It's wonderful what can be done with "bits and pieces" of leftover stuff.


    1. Yes prices and pay have always be comparable. Low prices - low pay. Cars used to be dirt cheap too (and houses), but compared to the salaries were in the right market.
      I think my first job was 1.25 - thought I was rolling in the dough! Of course I was just a teenager too.
      Your lunch sounds yummy to me. Mom used to like macaroni that way. Yes, we can recreate things into new in a flash.

  7. This is a wonderful post.! Just this week a young woman was trying to triple stack her purchases at the Dollar General using digital coupons buying more items all on the same receipt with varying products. They would only let her use one digital coupon for the least value and refused to let her use the other coupons even loaded on her phone.
    She finally asked if she could go to the back of the line and come through separately for the items. They said yes, but I'm not sure how many times they let her do that.
    I had one of their cash register $5.00 paper coupons I had gotten earlier in the week there. It would not take it either. The fellow told me he had a paper coupon from another receipt and he scanned that. It worked but the one I had been given would not. I know there has been complaints about their chain online, but they did help me and allow her another chance. It does pay to double check your prices no matter which store you are in.
    My husband would have loved your gravy plate for a meal.
    Annie, Ann Austin

    1. CVS does a lot of that coupon/rebate stuff too. I know people who say they save a lot doing all that - but I have never figured it all out - maybe it just looks like a lot of work to me!! LOL
      I use those coupons for $5 off sometimes at DG - if I think about it. They usually need to be used pretty quick.

      It was tasty - a lot of carbs - but I didn't care. Good is good.

  8. Oh, I miss the triple coupon days! I loved couponing when I was a newlywed and got so many great deals! I was able to donate lots of household/personal items and it was just so much fun! I had a big binder stuffed with coupons that I took shopping with me. And yes, Extreme Couponing ruined it all for us. I sure do miss those days. Especially now when things are so much more expensive.

    1. I miss those days too. I think many of us had the big binder or the coupon file organizer. It was so much fun to see what you could get for almost nothing. I think it made it so much easier for people to donate as well. Today people need what they buy.
      Sometimes shows give us good ideas, then they mess it all up for us as well. Yep, it would be nice to do that again.

  9. I did the coupon thing for awhile too. I did get some good deals but honestly I feel like what I do now is way easier and better. I shop loss leaders & the clearance shelves/bins at my regular stores. And most everything else comes from Aldi's. I also do occasionally a bulk buy from a co‐op. I also use up foods as Cheryl shows. I figure if overall what you have in the house to eat is healthy and good quality then a meal here or there that's a bit lopsided in its nutrition really is ok and that it all evens out.

    1. Yep - same here. Now it is clearance and loss leaders! That is pretty much my life too. Aldi really has some good prices on the basics.
      Use it up - only makes since - we pay for it - we sure shouldn't waste it. I agree on the meals. Once in a while they are lopsided - but it all works out at my house too. Snacks are usually fruits or veggies.

  10. I definitely agree with Margarets comment about lopsided meals, instead of looking if one meal on a plate meets all the nutritional guidelines, I now tend to look at a weekly block and try to guesstimate if I did okay. Some weeks I nail it, other weeks not so much.

    1. Yes, it is easier to do that way. Some days are better than others - but it all works out eventually!
      We do our best and that is all we can do.

  11. I always did my shopping on triple coupon day at a store that also gave triple green stamps that same day! I fed my little family for very little and bought gifts and what we considered "luxury" items with the accumulated green stamps. Lynn Ewing, Pecos, NM

    1. Oh the wonderful green stamps! Mom bought a lot of gifts with those as well. I always got the job of licking the stamps!!
      There used to be so many incentives to shop certain stores. Not so much anymore.
      Sounds like you made the best of both items! Smart cookie.

  12. Hiya Cheryl, as I now live on my own my grocery shopping is very low.
    I get dinner in my Cousin’sHouse on Tue and one home with me. On Friday my daughter and son in law come to my house. We take turns to supply dinner.
    We occasionally get £3 off a £15 spend but that is really it. The weekly deals are not usually my type of food. It’s mostly processed food.
    This has been the worse summer ever. Nothing but rain.
    It’s even difficult to get the grass cut.
    Take care. Sylvia

    1. Gad to hear from you Sylvia. Sounds like you have a good plan. Most of sales here are the same = processed stuff. I get eggs, meat and dairy when on sale - but not much else is a deal.
      So sorry about all the rain - it sure doesn't make it enjoyable. No outdoor time or events. Hope that isn't a sign of what your winter will bring. Check in more often - I worry about you!
