Sunday, August 4, 2024

Weekly Wrap Up 8/4

 Happy Sunday and August to all.  I hope this finds you all well and safe.  It has been a warm and muggy week here.  Any work outside needed to be done early - then it was still sweaty weather!  It appears that by Wednesday this week, we are to get a cooler streak.  I will gladly take it.  I know my heat does not compare to those of you with temps in the 100's.  Oh my goodness, that is hot!
The State Fair started this past week - it is hard to imagine it is that time.  Also, school started in many locales.  Yesterday was the annual fair hot air balloon race.  Now the fairgrounds is a good way north of me - but guess what?  I got to see the balloons.  They floated right over the neighborhood!  I got pictures of about 8-10 of them.  One flew directly over my house!  So cool.  They were low enough you could hear the burners and see the flames.
This is the one that came directly over my house!  Being Saturday, I guess everyone was sleeping in, as I only saw one other neighbor on the street out watching.  It was an unexpected joy.  Pretty darn cool.

My frugal week:
  • Used the last of the milk in a gallon (getting pretty past date) for pudding.  The milk still tasted fine - but it needed used.
  • Harvest - 3 zucchini, cherry toms, a nice bunch of rhubarb, and a cabbage
  • Made iced tea
  • Sprayed garden with Neem again after all the rains
  • Put up 5 pints of kraut to ferment for the next few weeks
  • Mowed and trimmed over 2 days.  Dang, it gets hot, even early in the day.
  • I cleaned out one of the flower beds out front (with sunflowers).  Many of the flowers were done, so I cut them and stuck them into the bushes out back for the finches to enjoy!  They found them and had a ball eating the small seeds
  • Put a couple more stakes in tomato bed and tied up more plants
  • I did a big clean and organize of the pantry!!  It looks so nice and organized.  Boy that is always a job.  This week I will do the deep pantry
  • Meals from home and using what I have
  • Used air fryer instead of oven
  • Stayed home all week
Meals this past week:
Mac n cheese w/broccoli & tuna patty
Leftovers - clean out frig day! A bit of this & that
Fish sandwich, broccoli/tom/carrot salad
Bacon/egg sandwich and fruit
Homemade bagel pizzas and salad
Zucchini/sausage/cheese skillet with Spanish rice - 2X

I am anxiously waiting a little cool down - so much outside work to do.
I have been watching the men work on the 'burn' house this week.  Oh how hot they must get.  No electricity on yet - so not even a fan.  I feel so bad for people who make a living doing their jobs out in the heat.
How was your week?  Did you get any harvest or find any fresh deals?  Grocery finds?
I hope you are managing to stay cool.  Thank goodness for AC - huh?  What a great invention! 

I wish you all a good week.  May you all stay safe and healthy and have a productive week ahead.
Blessings to you and yours from me at my humble little home.

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, and will turn from listening to the truth and wander into myths.  As for you, always be steady, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist and fulfill your ministry.
2 Timothy 4:3-5

Dear Lord, help us each to realize that the true word is Your word.  Help us to avoid falling into the traps of believing everything we find written today.  Right is right and wrong is wrong and always will be.
Keep us safe in Your loving and protective arms.  AMEN


  1. Good morning, It's so exciting to see the hot air balloons! They haven't been here since the year we moved in. I think covid messed that up. Your garden sounds like it is doing great. We are starting to get a lot of tomatoes. And I picked rhubarb too.
    *we haven't done much yard work; a few weeds here and there it's been so hot.
    Trying to stay hydrated. I've been doing a little crochet, a couple of scarves while I contemplate making a whole blanket in this heat. I was given a stationary bike, I need to get motivated now.

    1. Good morning my friend. I love seeing the hot air balloons. It was such a treat to have them come over the neighborhood, let alone my house! I almost felt like I could reach up and touch them.
      I wish my tomatoes would ripen. I am so glad you are getting lots, and I bet Butch is too! Mator sandwiches!!!
      Your weather has been atrocious. Way too hot to work in the yard. You stay in and stay cool. Best place to be. I look forward to seeing your creations!
      Nice on the bike!
      Have a wonderful week!

  2. Excellent devotional! We are already at the time when folks just don't want to hear sound teaching. That has gone on for centuries and thanks to Constatine, many teachings were subverted to untruths. I often wonder how on earth they get x out of a Scripture that very plainly says y.

    I always felt sorry for the animals in the barns, even though there were fans going. The balloon race is pretty cool!

    We definitely have had the rain! Headed out in a bit to work on the abundance of weeds that fell with the rain. ha! Mosquitoes have loved this rainy weather. I hate using repellent, but it is necessary.

    Still harvesting, even got a spaghetti squash. I read that a Master Gardener is having trouble with her tomatoes this year, so I don't feel too bad about ours under-performing. Looks like there won't be enough Amish paste to can but the green beans are going crazy. I checked with my neighbor who usually will take some, but she bought some chemically laced beans from Beasley's Orchard. We have seen how their employees moon suit up to spray the fruit and veg. No thank you.

    Stay cool, my friend! Hugs for the bitty kitties! See you Tuesday.

    1. Yes, people today believe everything that is in print - and it isn't a good thing.
      I know, all the animals at the fair and the kiddos showing them. It is always soooo hot during state fair time.
      Yep, we got rain for sure. I hate mosquitos - they are hungry this year too! You might try Vicks vapor rub on your pulse points. It really helps keep them away for me. Even your ankles. Weeds are everywhere!
      Tomatoes are slow this year in ripening around here. I do believe the heat has something to do with it, at least that was what I was reading. Glad you are getting lots of beans.
      That is disappointing to think Beasley's spray chemicals. I know many people who go there and don't realize that.
      Have a lovely week!

    2. Thanks for the tip about the Vicks! Erin texted me a picture of an elephant ear she bought when she and a friend went to see Gladys Knight (no Pips).

  3. I am glad someone's beans are doing well. Mine did not bloom for the longest time, so dry maybe? Then they started to bloom but no beans were set. :( This year doesn't look good, even though we're having a good bit of rain finally. I will say the wild morning glories are great! The flower arch is covered with magenta blooms every morning. :)

    Seems to me my local churches don't do much with Scripture any longer - they're all about Politcal Correctness now. I can stay home, read my Bible, pray, sing hymns, and give money to the ministry to feed the hungry. But for sure something is missing.


    1. Location, location, location! Rain and temps have really affected things too. I just want a ripe regular tomato!
      I hope your beans are just late.
      I agree. I am not politically correct and don't intend to be. I practice the Bible. I stay home and worship as well.
      Have a beautiful week.

  4. The cool down has reached here - it was a mere 12C(54F) this morning and we're only expecting a high of 21C(70F) this afternoon. It even came with a little rain, which is much appreciated.
    I've been picking and eating cherry tomatoes this week, along with lettuce. The tomatoes are so sweet, like candy!

    1. I am glad you got some rain and cooler temps. Ours won't be that cool - but any break is appreciated.
      Cherry tomatoes are such a divine treat! Glad you are getting some harvest.
      Have a great week.

  5. Good prayer, Cheryl! Give us a pic of your pantry, if you find the time. I love a good, organized pantry or anything for that matter!😆
    Your weather sounds like ours, only no cooling this week. Oh, well, at least it’s not 100+!
    Yes, I thank God probably daily for our fans and a/c and the electricity to run them. It would not be pretty otherwise.🥵
    We were given some beautiful summer squash, zucchini and Patty Pan again this week. So, we’ve been enjoying using them up! Today we’ll have zuke spears with homemade fresh corn dip😋as a side.
    One encouraging word I’ll share is that history is “His”story…He’s in control even when we see chaos all around us. His peace and blessings on your household, Cheryl.
    Mary~in OK

    1. I will try to get a pic. I love things that are neat and organized - but generally aren't!
      Oh the cool of the house is sure a blessing.
      How nice that you got such great fresh produce. It all tastes so good.
      Yes, He is always in control, even when we see the worst. We do have free will and that is what causes the chaos - God will prevail - always.
      Have a special week.

  6. Hi Cheryl! How awesome to have the hot air balloons go over your neighborhood. The one-time TBG and I decided it was time to take a hot air balloon ride, the winds were too strong, and it was cancelled. I took that as a sign it isn't something I really need to do. lol You're meals all sound so good. With the heat and humidity, we've been eating pretty light. Stay cool this week. I hope they're right about the cool down. I'm ready. Thank you for checking on me. You're a great friend.

    1. It was pretty special - I have never had that happen before. I have thought about it - it has actually been a bucket litem item, but the older I get the less likely I will ever try it!
      It is a toasty one here too. Hopefully by Wed.!
      I was worried about you - glad you didn't mind.
      Have a lovely week.

    2. I had a chance to go in a hot-air balloon. It was at the local fair. The balloon was not going to fly anywhere, it was still attached to the ground, but it could go up. My friend and I got into the basket with several other people. We were distracted by the sound of the hot air blower and when we stopped staring up at that, we looked out and we were above the buildings! We had not realized the balloon had lifted, it was so easy, not even as noticeable as an elevator! Amazing. :)


    3. Now I might do that - tethered so I can't fly away! Sounds like fun.

  7. There is always so much yard work to do. We could work out there all day long and still find stuff to do. LOL I know you will welcome the cooler weather later this week. I love that you were able to see the hot air balloon from the fair. That is so neat! Your meals sound delicious as usual. And what a nice little harvest from your garden.

    1. Oh for sure, the outside work never ends. I look forward to cooler days.
      That sure was an unexpected pleasure. Pretty darn neat.
      Thanks I look forward to big harvests!
      I wish you both a great week.

  8. Years ago when I lived in Iowa we'd go to Indianola to watch the hot air ballons. We'd take a picnic and find a place in a big open field we were directed to. No cost. Pretty simple. I wonder if it's that way now. Such good memories.

    I've been wanting to to try to make sauerkraut. But the potential for messing it up has stopped me. I just bought a smallish head of cabbage. Maybe I should try.

    A couple of years ago, Cheryl, you explained how to freeze eggs. Well, I'm just now getting to using those eggs I froze 2 years ago. They're fine. I've scrambled them and baked with them.

    It's 90 degrees today. Plus there's an overwhelming number of mosquitoes. They are literally swarming the car when I pull into the driveway. In the last few years I've developed a tendency to get big lumps from mosquitoes that take days to go away. I'm going to try the Vicks. Nothing seems to work for me but maybe that will.

    1. That sounds like a fun time and great memories.
      Kraut is pretty infallible. Cabbage and salt and a little water is about it. Jar and let it ferment for 6-8 week (check regularly to water level up). Then I process - which I know they say removes the good stuff - but it is how I do it. It is so tasty.
      Glad the eggs worked out for you - thanks for letting us know.
      The humidity has been awful. Vicks is about the only things that works for me - as I can't use any bug spray at all - I break out worse than the bites!
      Have a super week.

  9. We had some more nice rain, but now it looks like a long sunny week of 90s. I have several tomatoes growing and my first pepper just started. Hopefully they'll turn out good.

    Good news on the termite situation, it was contained to just a small area and is older. No active situations. Thankfully it's also not on the log part. We live in a log home, but the previous owner added on an extra room with just regular wood. It was also cheaper than we expected.

    I hit up some yard sales and found some really good deals on toys for the kids, some potty books for the toddler (this one is being very difficult), and a pair of new looking jeans for $1 which I needed as I just had to decommission my last pair into old ones. Also found flip flops and sandals on clearance at Walmart for $1.

    1. Hope you get some nice produce.
      How great that the damage was older and nothing new to worry about. We just never know about things when we buy someone else's home. We can sure inherit problems. Hope it all works out well.
      You got some great deals. Glad to hear it. I try to keep a pair or two of jeans for 'good' and the rest for working around in. I can make them last a good while, since I live in jeans!
      Good luck on the potty training. I love knowing we have some young gals on here!!
      Have a great week.

  10. That sounds like a nice week. And lots of frugal accomplishments! 🙂

    1. Thank you. Other than garden just doing the normal.
      Have a super week.

  11. Good morning, Cheryl
    It's been a busy few weeks here getting ready for family and grands to visit. We had such fun and my craft room is now immaculate (lol). The heat has been awful and the bugs -- OMG. Squash bug patrol every morning. It looks like they have finally finished their life cycle. Spent most every morning removing their eggs and squashing those that were breeding for the past two months. Our green beans didn't do too well either so we removed the plants, amended the soil and replanted. I also replanted zucchini with a 48 day to harvest schedule. Our okra is doing real well as are the carrots and sweet potatoes that are in containers and the sweet peppers and chard. I planted broccoli for a fall harvest, so here's hoping. With the carrot tops I've made several quarts of carrot top soup from a recipe on Zest of France.
    Aspargus bottoms were roasted for later use in cream of asparagus soup, peppers and onions got sauteed and frozen for fajitas. Hopefully we will get enough zucchini with the second planting to put up some fritters and have some for bread. Summer is a busy time. Blessings, Cookie

    1. Good ness you have been busy. Family & grands sounds like fun busy!
      Squash bugs are a pain for every person who grows squash I believe. Darn buggers. Sorry you have had some problems, but you are making hay while the sun shines for sure. You are getting some yummy things.
      I never thought about roasting the ends of asparagus - I have always dehydrated and then grind for using as flavoring in soup. Yours is a great idea.
      Hope your second crop does well.
      Have a lovely week.

    2. Cheryl, I either roast or sautee them and then make a puree which gets frozen. When we want cream of asparagus soup I just make a thin cream sauce, add the puree and seasoning, Cookie

  12. Love the simplicity of your prayer at the end. "Right is right...and always will be." Dee/ NY

    1. Yep - people can spin it however they want - but right is right and wrong is wrong. Pretty plain & simple in my book.
      Have a wonderful week.

  13. Posting late, as usual. It was a difficult week for me. I made Roger's funeral arrangements on Tuesday, not wanting to have to make difficult decisions at the last minute. Saw the optometrist and ordered my new eyeglass lenses on Thursday. Unfortunately, I am having problems with my left eye that could lead to a torn or even detached retina, so I am praying that it doesn't get any worse. A dear friend's mother died from Alzheimer's on Friday. I'm hoping for a better week this week.

    1. I am so sorry your week was so bad. You are smart to take care of arrangements now - instead of later. It isn't easy. You are so very vulnerable at the time of a death that you may not make the best decisions expense wise.
      I sure hope your eye gets better. I wonder what has caused that - stress maybe. Praying it doesn't get worse and gets better.
      Sorry for your friend's loss.
      Wishing you a much better week ahead. Blessings.

    2. The eye problem is actually a side effect of the cataract surgery. My eyes are longer than usual from front to back. This puts tension on the retina, causing it to pull. Add in the trauma to the eye from the surgery, and microscopic tears can occur. These usually heal quickly. In my case, nearly 7 weeks later, I am still getting new floaters accompanied by flashes of light on the outside edge of that eye. So we are monitoring the situation, and I have been advised to avoid strenuous physical activity. I contracted with a neighbor to mow my grass for the rest of this season. I just have to remember not to lift anything heavy.

    3. Oh my goodness. Never heard of that happening. I have always had floaters and still do - didn't know the surgery could cause extra ones. I don't like hearing you say flashes of light - that is scary. I sure hope it repairs itself or they can fix it.
