Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Just a Little Tale for Those Who Need Help

Happy Tuesday to all.  Hope this finds you all well and safe.  We have been enjoying fall like weather the last few days!  They say more summer comes back tomorrow for a few days - then cooler by a bit again.  Highs around 80*F - lows in 50's & 60'.  NICE!
You can definitely tell that fall is coming.  Everywhere you walk you walk into a spider web!  Daylight hours are getting shorter - later in the morning and earlier in the evening.  Not only do I hear cicadas, but lots of crickets too!
There are times when things get tough for everyone at some point in life.  So many people hate to ask for help, and many others hate to accept help.  I can understand that.
I want to relay a little story that happened a couple weeks ago.  I am telling this to help someone else.  I am in NO way looking for praise or attention for myself.  So please don't - that is not the purpose.  The purpose is to make people more aware.

I went very early to the store.  I tend to go early to avoid the crowds.  I was about done, when I came upon an older gentleman who caught my attention.
He was standing in front of the eggs - looking at his hands.  He had a dollar bill and change in his hand.  He had tears coming down his face.
I asked him if he was OK - and he said he wasn't sure what to do.  He said his daughter had been arrested the night before for driving on a suspended license, and he had his 2 grandkids for that day (Sunday) and into the next day.  He was hoping to get them some breakfast items.  He had very little money.  He explained he lived on S.S. and just didn't have much available right now.

I told him to walk with me.  I put the eggs in my cart and told him I would pay for them.  I also got him some milk, sausage, and asked if the kids liked pizza.  We got 2 fresh - to bake ones.  As we walked, we talked.  He told me his story and it broke my heart.  He was such a nice man.  He told me he would give me what he had in his pocket to help, and I told him to keep it - he may need for something else.
We chatted at the checkout and talked and laughed with the clerk.  No one knew we weren't together.

After we got outside, he cried and cried.  He told me God had sent me to help that morning.  I cried too.  He needed help and didn't want to ask, and didn't know who to ask.  He was reluctant at first to accept the help.  His words to me were profound.  "It is very easy to give, but so hard to receive".  Aint that the truth?  We tend to forget that.  He said he had been on both ends.  I told him to just take care of those babies while he could, and someday he could pass it on to someone else.  He gave me a hug and left.
I spent $20 that day on those items, and it was the best $20 I have spent in a long time.  So appreciated.

My moral to the story is - don't forget that people are proud.  Don't forget that when times get tough, some folks don't know where to turn.  Don't forget it is hard to ask for or accept help.  Don't forget to treat people with kindness.  Don't forget to be a good neighbor.

IF you need help, ASK.  Go to the local food pantries if needed.  Go to whatever agency you need to.  When an unexpected moment happens (like this one), just let someone know.  There are people out there that are glad to help.  Never be so proud that your children do without.

I know not everyone believes as I do, but I believe God puts us where we need to be, when we need to be there (on both sides).  There are no accidents!  We just need to pay attention.
We are all citizens of this big old rock we live on - help each other!

May you all have a wonderful and joyful day!


  1. Thank you Thank you Thank you. Pay-It-Forward is a wonderful way of being.

    1. IF we all pay it forward think how great this world would be. I feel confident he will when he can. He was such a kind man.

  2. Cheryl, you are a gift from God. Thank you for being you.

    1. I appreciate your kind words - I just want people to always be aware and listen for ways they can help. Someone needs it.

  3. I have tears reading this story. So many people are struggling and we often do not even know it. I'm so glad you were at the right place at the right time to help him and I'm glad he felt comfortable enough to open up to you and accept the help. Thank you so much for this because we all need to remember how much some are suffering and be there to help. And for those times that something happens to us, we need to remember to reach out. Have a wonderful day Cheryl!!

    1. God put me where I needed to be.
      That was my point - if we all listen and do a little when we can - it will help another in ways we can't comprehend. So many people are suffering in this world - no fault of their own. A little love goes a long way.
      Thank you!

  4. The Father put you in that place for a specific reason. We always need to be aware of entertaining angels (messengers) and what we do for others, we do for the Master. Not only did you do a great service to that man and his family, but your story will touch others who read your blog. Hopefully, prayerfully, it will open the eyes of all of us, to watch for the angels who are here at the bidding of the Father. Listen to the voice of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit).

    Gorgeous day and I intend to work on the mess of weeds in the backyard. Hugs for the kitties!

    1. Thanks. It wasn't about me - but the story. That is what I am hoping for, others will get a gentle nudge to help someone.
      I agree, we never know who we are entertaining - and we are all part of the Lord. Make each day count in a good way.
      Have fun in the yard - it is beautiful!

  5. Cheryl, I volunteer at my church’s food pantry by registering our patrons. I know how hard it is for many people ask for and accept help. All of the volunteers try to make our customers smile and feel as important as possible. Many of us have been in a like situation and this is our way of paying it forward. It is heartbreaking to see the homeless families who not only need shelter, but food to eat.

    1. It is heartbreaking to see. Compassion & understanding should be shown by everyone. Thank you for working there and helping out.
      A smile sometimes can change an entire day or week for someone - think about what a hand up can do.

  6. That was very good of you. I am sure he will never forget that. It makes me wonder what he was going to have for breakfast.

    I hate to jump on your blog and tell something that happened to me. I was talking to my favorite checker on evening as I bought the few groceries I could afford. We were both hungry. I just needed to go eat. Her hunger was different. As I walked to the door of the store, she ran up to me, grabbed my arm, looked me in the eye and said, "please help me. I don't have anything to eat at home." I said, 'Okay, I will get you food."

    I went home, got a brand new tote I bought, filled it with cans, fresh sweet potatoes, white potatoes, apples, a banana on top, two Cokes, and a handful or more of chocolate kisses and other candy. Mind you, this bag and another were heavy on fruits, vegetables, cans, light on the sweets.

    There was a can of tuna and large can of chicken. This is when I had chickens, so I added a dozen eggs. I tried to think of what would be good to eat, adding more and more. I wanted to invite her to my house to 'shop.'

    Lugging two heavy bags back to the store, I went in and bought something else, so I could tell her I would wait for her to take a break so she could get food from my car. I sat for an hour in the cold car.

    The look on her face and the tears in her eyes made me want to cry. I was glad she had food!

    Later, I listened in horror as she told me her husband was well-paid, working in another state. She had to pay the bills while he was gone with her meager salary in order to have utilities. She saved some of the food to cook a Thanksgiving dinner for him. She assured me the marriage was okay, but I doubt it.

    Can you imagine working with food all day and not being able to afford any of it?

    God did not put me there. I responded to a human need I saw. We are mostly willfully blind to the needs of others.

    1. We all need to help one another. That poor thing, I can't imagine working in a grocery store and not being able to get food. I would have thought maybe her boss or co-workers would have known and done something. That is so sad.
      I would say something must have been off about that marriage - he could have sent money home.
      You were kind to help her. She will remember that always. When we have enough - we can well give to others.
      I will say I DO believe God put you there to respond to her cry for help. That is just me.
      But so happy you helped. That is why we are here on this earth - to do good work. Well done mam.

  7. Well done Cheryl. You were there at the right time, and able to help. I'm sure he won't forget your kindness.

    1. I will never forget him. I still think about that and wonder how it turned out for him and his family.

  8. That warms my heart! (((Hugs)))

    1. Thanks. He was such a kind gentle man - who needed a hand. Hopefully someone would do that for me if needed.

  9. Replies
    1. I hope others learn to watch and listen - we never know!

  10. Well done, Cheryl! You listened when God spoke to you. :)


  11. This story brought tears to my eyes. God arranged for the two of you to be there together. Thank you for sharing it with us.

    1. I believe it was God as well. I almost didn't share - but thought it may help someone else.

  12. You are a kind woman, Cheryl and it is a tale worth telling. My sister had a similar experience recently with an elderly man in a supermarket who couldn't afford to buy the rechargeable batteries for his home phone. She gave him the money, telling him that it was more important that he have the ability to contact people in an emergency, or just for a chat, than she have that cash in her purse. He asked for her details so that he could repay her, but she said (just like you) that he should just pay it forward if he came across anyone in need. I cried when she told me the story.

    1. Thanks. That is a lovely story. God moves us in so many ways. It is very important that the elderly have a means of communication. I am so glad she helped out.
      So many ways in this world to help another human being. Pretty cool.

  13. A good reminder that we never know other people's lives ... your story brought tears to my eyes. Thank you ---Madelyne

    1. We have no idea what goes on with other people. A kind gesture could change everything for someone.
      Reminder was what I was after!

  14. Thanks for this.

    A few years ago while in line I saw a woman pay for the groceries of another woman who didn't have the money (I can't remember now if her card was declined or she didn't have enough cash but she was quite distressed). She was profuse in her thanks to the woman who paid. I found it inspiring. Since then I've had 2 opportunities to help out another shopper. I've never told anyone in real life because like you Cheryl I didn't want a pat on the back. I felt blessed I could help.

    1. It makes such a difference to someone. I wasn't going to tell the story - but thought it might help others.
      Thank you for helping. If we can afford it - we need to help where we can! Blessings come in so many packages.

  15. So very kind of you. We just never know what others could be going through.🤗

    1. No we never know. How many people we pass a day - and their lives may be awful - no knowing. It gives more than we can possibly know.

  16. I had a similar incident at a grocery store.
    I saw an elderly man counting pennies
    trying to see if he had enough for a loaf of bread.
    I walked over and gave him five dollars.
    He was so thankful.
    I went to the check out and as they were ringing up my purchases and bagging them I realized it was not enough.
    So I gave the bag boy some money and told him about the man.
    I asked if he would give it to him.
    He said of course, I know who he is.
    The cashier started crying.
    She told me I was so wonderful to do that. That she wished everyone would
    be like that.
    All I could think was I should have given him everything in my wallet.
    I know you don't want accolades but
    well done good and faithful servant.

    1. Thank you for helping him. It may mean that someone eats or pays a bill or gets home. It doesn't matter HOW we help - it just matters that we do.
      Thank you. I love these stories.

  17. Ditto to all the above. I love it when I can help someone. It feels so good, and sometimes I just want to feel good. Good for you. 😀 Linda T

  18. Love this Cheryl. You are so nice to see the need to ask and help. It helps to pay attention to other people for sure.

    1. I hope it encourages more people to keep their eyes open and more people in need to just ask.

  19. My mother always said "when you give to others, you will get back 10x what you gave". It is so true...maybe not the money but something better.

    1. Oh yes mam, you get something much better than money. I truly believe that statement.

  20. Bless you, such should happen more in our world.

    God bless.

    1. That was my point - I hope it reaches someone else to just pay attention to another's needs. People need to ask, there are givers out there.

  21. (Little Penpen) ❤️❤️❤️

  22. This is the best thing I've read in such a long time. These are the kind of encounters that we never forget - you and the sweet man. This is humanity. We've lost that in this country. Thank you for reminding us what it looks like :)

  23. Thank you so much for the visual reminder of the 8 things to remember. I lost my husband in a car accident in June. As a relatively young widow it is a tough road to walk. I have to remember it is ok to experience joy amongst the sadness and that it is my journey alone. People seem to have expectations about how/what I should be doing. I have to learn to ignore their ideas and do what is right for me.

    1. Oh Christy, I am so very sorry for your loss. I am also a widow (unexpected) and there are many others here as well.
      There is no right way or wrong way to handle things. Every journey is different.
      I have finely learned to experience joy in many things, but it took a long time.
      You and you alone know what is in your heart. They can't tell you how to 'be' or 'act'. That is your personal journey.
      Start with the little things that bring joy and work on the others.
      I am glad the chart is helpful to you. It spoke volumes to me. It is all true.
      Take care of yourself and be kind to yourself. You have of support here if you need it.
      Many blessings to you. Huge HUGS!

    2. Christy, you're among friends here, and several of us were widowed early and unexpectedly. Just remember to open the gift you are given of a new day, a new page, in a new book. Hugs from one widow to another.

  24. That's amazing, Cheryl. Thank you so much for sharing this. I'm always grateful to hear these kind of experiences- people tend to think negative and while it is true that helping others in our individuality minded societies is getting more rare, there still ARE enough good, kind hearted people out there. You are truly a blessing!

    1. I like hearing the stories as well - it revives my faith in people. Sometimes we tend to lose that, as we see the daily going ons!
      Yes, there are good people, and everyone can do something.

  25. God works in mysterious ways. What a blessing you were on that early morning grocery shop. You were placed there for a reason. Love and hugs, with tears in my eyes.

    1. I think I was meant to be there as well. God intended our paths to cross. Early morning, big old store - odds?
      Kindness helps us all.

  26. Thank you for doing that. I try to find someone I can help every day. Doesn't always work, but usually. People are still kind, just have to look past all the *stuff* that is out there.
    It is hard to ask for help but here goes. I won't get in to details but my family could use some prayers for a recent health thing going on. Prayers for enlightenment for the right path to take and healing. Thank you in advance.

    1. Barbara even a smile can change a day. It doesn't take a lot at all - and not always money. A kind word, a smile, a helpful hand, etc. I love that you try to make a day each day!!
      Hon you got it! Prayers that you can figure this out and that it has a good ending and prayers for complete healing.
      May you find the answer you seek. Hugs.

  27. Thanks for doing that. We need to look out for each other.

    1. Yes we do. It may be a small thing for us, but a big thing for someone else!

  28. What a beautiful story to tell. So many times we just don't know why has a need. God did send you to that man to help him at that
