Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Different - Yet, so Very the Same

 Happy midweek my friends.  Hope things are going well in your lives.  We are quickly approaching the end of the month and it is hard to believe.  It is a decent morning here, about 72* at the moment.  Going to be a hot one again.  We had some big old winds come through about 2AM - but I don't think there was any rain.  Saw no evidence of it this morning.

Just some things that I have been thinking about this morning.

Life is so different for us all.  There are folks from the city, the suburbs, there are rural folks.  There are people who live in homes, apartments, condos, trailers, etc.
We have young and older and in between.  Some have children and grands and others who never did.
So many from other countries that have different ways of life.  
Quite a cornucopia of people.
I think that is just so neat.  So many, many differences - yet we are so much the same.
People come by here, to learn or get some new ideas - or maybe to get reminders of things they already knew.  We come to chat and share ideas.  We give suggestions, we give recipes, etc.
Not everything is for everyone.  That is OK.  Actually, that is good.  It sure would be boring if we were all the same.
Just remember as you read and maybe learn - you don't have to be like others.  You have to be you!  This is huge for those just starting this venture.  You can't do all the tricks and tips - you have to pick and choose what works for you and your family.

You can't change everything all at once either.  It has taken most of us years, to accomplish what we have.  A bite at a time!!!!  A little now and a little then is better than nothing at all!

Work on yourself and your home and family.  DO NOT judge others at all.  Easier said than done, I know.  But it isn't your place to judge how people choose to live or how they want to run things.  You do you, and leave others be.

Take things a step at a time, a breath or a moment at a time.  It will get done eventually.  You can't eat a steak in one bite - you can't change your life all at once either.  Things take time and the take patience.
Stop being hard on yourself if you fall.  It happens to everyone.  Just take a big breath, pull up those big girl panties and start again.  That is what we have all done.
Frustrations will be many - but when you have that first big accomplishment - it will be worth every moment you fretted.

Just a reminder to us all - but especially to those starting out - YOU GOT THIS!
It takes work, it takes perseverance, and it takes a 'can do' attitude.
Everything worth having is worth working hard for!!!!!  This is true for marriages, relationships, budgets, friendships, a homestead, everything!
YES, we all live differently - but in the end we all want the same things.  Peace, joy, happiness, and peace of mind.

Hope this encourages someone just a little.  
May you all have a wonderful and productive day.
Peace be with you all.


  1. Great quote! I added it to my saved quotes journal. You always post good stuff! I walked into our living room a few days ago and it was like I hadn't seen the room before and I was very pleased with what I saw. Saw it with new eyes, I guess. Very grateful for our home, shabby though it may be.

    If everyone would take care of her own corner of the world, we would all be better off. We may not always agree with another person's view, opinion, or way of life. No nosy Parkers allowed! Even though we were adults, if we had purchased something or done something we knew the Farmer's mother would disapprove of, we kept quiet about it. It wasn't worth the conversation. We are Messianic and keep kosher. That's another thing the mother disagreed with... I love that you say, "you do you, and leave others be". Cheryl, you are a jewel! I have great respect for you.

    Another hot day! Monday it looks to be considerably cooler. We are hunkered down in the a/c. Have plenty to eat, books to read, YouTube to need to go out in the heat.

    Oh, I was going to ask what word processing program do you have on your computer. The twelve-year-old computer I used couldn't be upgraded so we bought a new one and it doesn't have a program for writing. Years ago, desktop publishing programs were available, and I used to make cards, stationery and all kinds of fun stuff.

    1. That is so nice - that you saw your home with 'new' eyes! I love that. We should just all be so grateful for WHAT we have. Some have nothing.
      I can understand just not mentioning things - it often just keeps the peace. Why not just keep the peace.
      I am ready for Monday - ah cooler.
      I don't really have one on this computer. Mine used to have one too - that I used for cards, and documents. This newer one doesn't have one either. I am sure there is something that can be purchased. I have thought about looking into that as well.

  2. Cheryl, this is a very timely piece of writing for me LOL. I am by nature a "helper" and I am trying to learn on my grown granddaughters that my ideas are not always theirs. It's a learning curve.
    When they discover things and how to do things that I know or do, it is a great feeling of accomplishment to them. I need to let them experience those feelings and excitement.
    Drying comfrey leaves in my dehydrator for use later. We did get some rain overnight/very early morning. 70 miles north of you, maybe tonight you will get some also. We really need it.

    1. Well, all we can do is TRY! Kids are kind of like men - you tell them "this is how you should do it" and it aint getting done. Put the idea out there and let them think they came up with it - well - things get done!! LOL
      Amazing how that always seemed to work here. :)
      I saw north of here got rain. I think wind was about it. They keep saying chances over the next couple days. Yesterday I went ahead and watered everything - not trusting the weather!

  3. An excellent post, Cheryl. We were 72* with 85% humidity early morning, and we got nearly 1.5" of heavy rain last night, per my rain gauge. It came in with a vengeance around 9:00, with huge splats against the windows. Things were still a little wet this morning, so I'm guessing it rained on and of all night. We certainly needed it!

    I love what you say about this being a group from all parts of the world and all walks of life. My grandparents lived rural, I grew up in an unincorporated resort area (we used to joke that we had a population 500 in the winter and 5,000 in the summer), moved to small-town for college, big city after I married, and am now suburban. And again living single, I've gone back to my rural roots, as much as I can in a townhome. With a long life comes knowledge, and that knowledge can be shared to educate those who are seeking information. That kind of sharing is what makes this space sacred and enjoyable. And, as I'm sure many have been told "that's a silly question", IMHO, the only silly question is one that is not asked. No judgement. If you have a question, there's probably someone here who has the answer -- another benefit of this site. Keep up the good work!

    1. So happy you got rain. The humidity is something.
      We are from all over - not just the U.S. So many walks of life and experiences. I think it is pretty darn cool.
      I lived in one different state for a year - but most of my life has been burbs on the same side of town. You have experienced it all.
      I like that we all share as well - so many things to learn, and no one is too old to learn.
      I like that people ask questions - no matter what age they are - and someone can offer help. That is what life is all about. Not telling them they are doing it wrong or correcting them - just giving new suggestions!
      Thank you very much!

  4. Yes, the world would be a very boring place if we were all alike. We had some pretty heavy thunderstorms roll through from 4am until almost 8am. Nothing serious but a lot of lightening. We needed the rain. Today and tomorrow will be in the high 90's then a cool front is supposed to come. I can't wait! Have a great day and stay cool.

    1. I wish we would get some rain - it is needed. Same kind of weather here as well - I look forward to that cool down.
      Yep, the world would be so boring - variety is the spice of life!

    2. We need rain here too. It's been hot and dry for days. Some plants have just collapsed, pitiful. I have jugs of water I can carry out to them, but city water isn't the same as God's water! :)


    3. Boy do you have that right. The rain from the heaven's is so wonderful and full of goodness. I have my rain barrels and have been using them - it sure has helped.

  5. Great blog post, Cheryl. Step by step is how we will get there. :)

  6. What an excellent thought provoking post.
    Many many years ago a woman much older than me asked me why a was friends with Linda…. “ a woman like her”.. were her exact words. Years later, she is like a mother and a friend wrapped in one, she has helped me countless times, encouraged me many times, taught me endlessly, laughed with me, cried with me and supported me. I am so lucky I had the courage to pick my own friends and not listen to the small minded people of this town.
    Your words are so true, to each their own, but have tolerance for others. Your words have much truth.
    Take care, Louise

    1. Thanks.
      Isn't that something? People can be so small minded. I have many friends that others may think are odd. Glen always approved of anyone I introduced him to. He had some odd ones too - but I treated them kindly - they were his friends. We worked together on that. I mean people probably thought/think we were odd sometimes too! That is fine.
      I really don't care what people think about my friends, my house, my clothes, my choices. They are mine and mine alone.
      I am so happy you listened to YOU and made Linda your sweet friend.

    2. My mother would have had a melt-down-hissy-fit over many of my friends, but my friends were always kind, helpful, generous, loving-hearted. Unfortunately many of them were poor and not very well educated, both of which were very important to my mother.

      I think my mom missed out on a lot of good things. Pity.


    3. That is sad Mary. I think I have to agree with you - she probably missed a lot of good things. Never judge a book by it's cover.

  7. I can remember when I first really started on a frugal journey. Man it took a bit to realize that what worked for one person did not in fact work for our lifestyle. It also took a great deal of time to get Harvey on board as well. Now I am not sure he always agrees with what I do, but he at least gives it a try.

    God bless.

    1. It is definitely a learning curve - I hope the new kids on the block understand that. Men seem to either embrace it right off the bat or they don't. It is all a process.

  8. What a lovely post! We would all do well to be not only more accepting of each other, but even to learn to relish the differences and treasure the uniqueness of each person. The world would be boring indeed if God had created all of us identical in every way, looks and likes and actions!

    1. Yes mam. There is so much we can learn from others, especially those who are living lives very different from our own. It would be lovely.

  9. I read your blog regularly but never comment.

    I just wanted to say thank you so much for this post. I’m reading it at the end of a very long, hot and difficult day. I’m burning out trying not only to do everything, but to do it all “right.” I’m a homeschooling mom of four, and (among other issues) I’m struggling to make ends meet on my husband’s paycheck (which used to be more than adequate)…inflation is really starting to hit us hard. Outside of my wonderful husband, I don’t really have a supportive group of friends and/or family. You’re like a favorite aunt to me and I always come away from here encouraged, more so than usual today.

    God bless you!

    1. Bless your heart. Thank you for your kind compliment, and I am so very glad you are here. YOU are the people I am trying to reach. We all need reminders, but sometimes someone needs to hear that it will all be OK for the first time.
      I applaud you for homeschooling, that is a huge and very important job. It sounds like you also try to do all on the housewife scene as well. It can be such a struggle.
      Money definitely doesn't go as far today. Hopefully you can find some ideas and tips on how to stretch your grocery funds and the funds for other bills. PLEASE try not to go into more debt - that won't help.
      You are doing a very important job dear. Be proud. No one in this world is perfect, and we all make mistakes and trust me, we all have those days when we struggle. You can do this.
      It sounds like you have a good man behind you - and that is important.
      Just do things as they come, in the best way you can, it may not be perfect and that is just fine. Life is a journey, make sure you enjoy the ride! Bless you and I will say a prayer for you. Keep reading and hopefully we can all help a little.

    2. Thank you for this encouragement-I really needed to hear it. And for the prayers! I really need those, too.

      Thankfully the only debt we have is a mortgage…I really hate owing money and have always been frugal. It just gets discouraging when my efforts go less and less far and it feels like there’s not enough hours in the day. I actually enjoy doing frugal stuff like hanging the wash and gardening, but some days it feels like I just can’t keep up. I needed the reminder to just try my best. And I love learning new ways to make ends meet here.

      Thank you again!

  10. A great reminder! I used to tell my students that of we were all the same, it would be such a boring world! I don't think they will understand until they are much older, but maybe they will remember it someday! It was a scorcher here today. 101. But, we have rain coming this weekend with a cool down, so I'm looking forward to it! Hope the rest of your week is great!

    1. They will eventually figure it out. Yes mam, they will remember those words someday.
      Sounds like your weather is about the same as what is here. UGH! We shall persevere!

  11. The older a person gets, the more surely they understand doing things slowly.

    1. You betcha. I still try to accomplish a lot, it just gets done slower and when I feel like doing it!
