Thursday, August 8, 2024

The Things They are a Growing

 Howdy Ho to all.  It is a gorgeous morning here in my neighborhood. Cool and sunny.  The humidity has dropped and the temps this morning are in the 60's.  Daytime highs will be in the 80's.  YAY - it is glorious.
It seems like hurricane Debby just doesn't want to let go - go away Debby - enough is enough.  I hope you are all well and safe.  There sure has been a lot of flooding from what I see on the local news.
Things seem to really be taking off growing around here.  Finally getting some regular tomatoes starting to ripen!  The cabbages are getting huge & I need to get busy.  Zucchini are thriving.  Grapes soon.
This was earlier in the week.  There were 8 peppers picked that day.  Tons more hanging out there!
                                             Does anyone know what this is????
It is growing profusely amongst the lilies in the flower bed.  I am going out in the next couple days to clean it out and was wondering if it is useful or if it is nasty weed.
It has pretty little delicate flowers - but I figure it must be a weed.  I am curious if it is one of those weeds I can use for something.  So many weeds are actually good for tinctures and extracts.
Guess I need to know - keep it and dry or throw into the trash barrel.
I don't have a smart phone - so can't get an app to search.  I looked on the computer and could find nothing that matched.

Weeds - well they are growing in all their glory!!  LOL
Good grief - how is it that people can have such a bad time growing veggies and those weeds just thrive and grow and grow - no matter the weather conditions?  They sure can be a pain in the bum!

How is your garden growing?  Are things finally taking off?  
I see on FB some people have gardens that are done, and all has been canned and frozen.  They live in areas that are further south.  Those super-hot areas seem to get done and over with so soon.  Mine is just now doing good.  North of here is starting to produce it seems.

Thanks for anyone that can help identify that plant.
I hope you get good weather and have a wonderful end to your week.

Stay safe and have a productive weekend!


  1. Looks like Ground Cherry to me.

    I have them growing here, and I don't know where they came from. I've eaten some of the fruit and it's tasty. Never tried to keep it.


    1. Huh! I never even thought about ground cherries. Will have to check that out. That would be nice to have something new to work with.

  2. Idaho here: I have zero harvest to date. June was too wet for good growth. July zoomed into the 100s so tomato flowers drop. I have 15 tomato plants and zip! This happened last year as well.

    Meanwhile, fires abound by the dozens, the smoke is thick and considered dangerous air quality.

    I'd say the only good thing today is that hubster and I woke up happy and healthy. I'll consider myself Blessed :-)

    1. Bummer on the garden. Some years it just doesn't pay does it. Farm markets here you come! I sure hope you end up with something for your endeavors.
      Yes mam - that is a great thing!

  3. When we lived in South Florida everything needed planted in January and by July everything was done. It was a learning curve when we left and came back to the Midwest. We have been eating zucchini twice a week and I made a huge loaf of zucchini bread. It's that time of year. Enjoy this weather while it's here.

    1. Location, location, location - is about more than real estate!
      I love zucchini so much - it my favorite time of the year.

  4. I searched using Google lens, and it tells me it is a variety of ground cherry as MaryB has suggested. I'm not familiar with them at all. Guess some birds dropped seed in your yard.
    The lettuce is still growing, the peas are about done, the cherry tomatoes are ripening quickly, and the carrots are thriving whether they were dumped in a hole (Eli) or in a row (me).
    But the weeds...they certainly don't care where they are, they just keep growing!

    1. Cool 2 opinions the same. I will def. look it up when I get done answering comments.
      Lucky you with lettuce, my gave up (got bitter) a long time ago.
      Glad you are getting goodies. It is such a wonderful time.
      I had to chuckle about the carrots in a hole!
      Weeds grow like crazy.

  5. Sunflowers always bring a smile! I have one lonely sunflower that was left by the chickens in the area where their coop and run was located. A goal for next year is to have lots of sunflowers, different varieties. Still canning beans which we did not plan to do. "Oh, we'll just plant enough to eat on, not can." said the Two Little Gardeners. Ha! You can't tell me that the Father doesn't have a sense of humor. Our plans are not His plans. I am canning again this morning and the bed that was so prolific is just about to be pulled up. The Farmer mows up the plants so he can put it on the beds to provide nitrogen to the soil. We still have a couple rows of beans which are just about ready for harvest now. Your peppers are going to town. We have an abundance, and the Farmer didn't plant near what he did last year. I told Erin to come and get what she wanted to chop and put in her freezer. Next year the Farmer will plant some super-hot ones for her.

    Dogs need a bath and a mani-pedi, so I better get moving. Enjoy these nicer days and I'll see you on Sunday.

    1. I love sunflowers too. The birds all plant mine.
      Wow on the beans - that is fantastic. The Lord must figure you will need them come this winter. What a blessing.
      Yep, peppers are doing great - which makes me happy - many for the freezer.
      I can get hot peppers next door - that guy grows all kinds of super hot ones - no thank you!
      Have fun with the pups.

  6. Grapes are on my to-grow list when we move as long as we can keep the grapes safely away from our dog. Have you ever made raisins? Oh my gosh. I have. They were yummy when eaten. Though got lost when baked. Happy Gardening. Cheers, Ivy.

    1. No, I have never done raisins. Sounds interesting. I do jelly (gifts) and sometimes juice. I have had my arbor for about 35 years. It just keeps giving.
      Nice to see you come by Ivy. Take care.

    2. I made raisins and was thrilled.

  7. Picked three cherry tomatoes yesterday, the first thing of the year, many more tomatoes growing right now. We have one lone corn stalk growing at the edge of the weeds, must have been something dropped by a bird.

    1. It is a start! Hoping you get lots and lots. I have several corn stalks here and there around the yard. The squirrels tend to plant them and I let them grow. They get any corn that grows!
      I like just letting things grow!

  8. We are getting a few tomatoes, some red peppers (very small), cucumbers and tiny handfuls of pole beans. Even the potatoes that started off so well are not producing like they should. Don't ask about the corn, it is so short that it is just at my shoulder, but seems to be producing cobs.

    God bless.

    God bless.

    1. Glad you are getting something. Hopefully things turn around and get better in your area. As long as you get corn, I wouldn't worry about how tall. Good luck.

  9. Oh my, what beautiful produce!
    In the south here our gardens have been done, ours looks very sad now.

    1. Thank you. Things are really starting to pump up here. It is about time to get busy with it all.

  10. From my deck planters, I'm getting a handful of cherry/grape tomatoes 3 times a week, enough for salads, which is what I wanted. I've also got several green and red peppers on the plants -- still small and need to ripen some more. And, there are lots of habanero peppers, which will be chopped and frozen for next year's peach habanero jam. My lettuces are just about done, with the hot heat we had last week. Heading out to the farm stands tomorrow morning and will get a case or two of roma tomatoes for making sauce, and a case of round tomatoes for making plain stewed tomatoes (for chili, etc.) for my daughter. Will also make a point to pick up some onions, zucchini, corn, and green beans. Time to fill the larder in preparation of winter weather.

    1. Glad you are getting some veggies from your plants. Oh those are hot peppers! That will be some spicey jam!
      Have a great time at the farm stands and find lots of yummy goodies.
      Yes mam, it is time to get back into plans of filling the larder.

  11. Ground cherry/chines lantern. Invasive!!!

    1. Thanks! I got a couple other replies and then looked them up and sure enough - ground cherries.

  12. At my house, I had tiny, cute wild strawberries that I enjoyed. Then, ground squirrels came and stayed. I went to market and purchased the best tomatoes. I had one tonight, chopped and mixed with coleslaw. Delish!

    1. That is pretty cool. FREE is always a plus - I love gleaning from nature.
      I ate my first homegrown tomato yesterday and they are the best. Fresh tomatoes are so good. I love tomatoes in slaw.
