Sunday, August 18, 2024

Weekly Wrap Up 8/18

 Hello and happy Sunday to all.  Here we are starting yet another new week.  Time is just flying by so quickly.  I hope you are all well and safe.
Cloudy morning here - it appears it rained a little in the wee hours of the morning.  We had rain Thursday afternoon/evening, Friday morning, Saturday early morning and maybe overnight.  It has been needed.  The rain barrels are full again.
Looks like a cooler week ahead and less humidity - until end of week.
I finally have yellow crookneck squash setting on!  I didn't think that was going to happen.
It seems everything is green and I am not talking grass!  LOL!  Oh gosh, working in and picking tomatoes and all the green that gets on your skin - Ugh.  I have to come in a basically wash all skin showing.  I am very allergic to any plants anymore - so I am constantly washing myself!

So many little things this week - nothing major.
My frugal week:
  • Did a lot of weed pulling and clearing out.  Cleaned the raspberry & fence area out completely - that was a job
  • I canned 7 pints of slaw
  • I used the scalding canning water on weeds in the rock out front in flowerbed - killed them!
  • HARVEST - zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, cherry toms - lots of fresh goodies
  • Washed throw rugs and did laundry
  • Got my new remote - that was easy to set up
  • Hosed down the front porch and scrubbed down the mailbox and white metal railings.  They were very oxidized and cleaned up nicely
  • I downloaded 100's & 100's (actually a couple thousand) pictures.  It took a while to figure out and I had to do an upgrade for more space - but I now have access to saved pictures I had thought I couldn't look at anymore (many very old)
  • I picked, and destemmed grapes twice and froze until I have enough for jelly (just starting to ripen)
  • Visited my sister one morning - that was enjoyable
  • Made sun tea
  • Ran to Kroger to look at beef roast they had on sale and maybe peaches - got neither.  Peaches were rocks and beef was way fatty!  I did get OJ on clearance!!  $1.35 a half gallon - I got 4 for less than the regular price of a gallon anymore.  Juice is so expensive, and I love it.  I have been using up my frozen concentrate - so this was a great find.

                                                                Cole slaw that I canned.
  • Did stop at Ollies and got peanuts for squirrels and birds (across from grocery).  Much cheaper there than the feed store.
Meals this past week:
Chicken breast fillet, mashed pots & country gravy
FRY day - zucchini slices, potato cakes (using leftovers) & sliced tomatoes
Breakfast for dinner
BLT, cuke salad
Patty melt & onion rings
Tuna salad sandwich, cuke salad and sliced tomatoes
Garden skillet - zucc., onion, peppers, tomatoes, salsa w/ground sausage & cheese - YUM
SNACKS - fruit, salad, peanut butter & crackers, cherry toms

How was your week?  How is your harvest going?  Did you get any good deals this week.
I hope you all have a lovely week ahead.

Please take care and check in when you get a chance.
Blessings to you and yours from me and my humble little home.

A man's mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.
Proverbs 16:9

Dear Lord, we know you guide in our lives.  The answers we get are not always what we had planned or hoped for, but we must know that You have control, and they happen in Your way and time.  Please keep us all in your safe and protective hands in this coming week.  AMEN


  1. Good morning, I love your prayer for us today. I think about that verse everyday.
    Our tomatoes and still coming along. The grapes are producing but I think the hot weather kind of did a number on them as in some are shriveled on the vine. We did have thunderstorms yesterday, it was so nice to have the rain. I transplanted some parsley to pots so I can control where it's growing. I've decided to plant lavender in several spots in the yard it grows pretty profusely here. There is just so much to do in the yard. This coming week we are to have some cooler weather so I should be able to get some things done. I need to harvest my horseradish cause it's taking over.
    We went to a birthday party yesterday, one of the great nephews. He turned 12. Lots of family there, I'm finally getting to know some of them. We had pizza and cake! We brought some of both home.
    The thunderstorms came up when we were there and they lost power and it rained buckets. Fun times!

    1. Glad you are still getting tomatoes - I bet that makes Butch happy! Some of my grapes have done the same - dry, wet - heat, cool - it all takes an effect. But they sure do taste good.
      Sounds like you have lots of nice potted goods. Cooler weather will be a blessing for you, I am sure. Always so much to do.
      Sounds like a fun day - even in the rain. I had one day this past week I got soaked to the skin trying to help someone! LOL. It actually felt pretty good.
      Hope you get your horseradish up - that is a job. I remember mom & Glen grinding it back in the day - such a funny vision in my head!
      Have a blessed week.

  2. Nancy in Vancouver WAAugust 18, 2024 at 10:02 AM

    We got rain yesterday evening. None of us believed we would because it had been a beautiful warm sunny day. But about 5:30 T-storms rolled in. We were at our youngest daughter’s celebrating the August birthdays. We saw that we were also going to get high winds so headed home to beat the high winds on the high bridge. Plus we needed to make sure the chickens got locked up before the winds kicked in. We got over .5 inches in a little over an hour. We needed it. We recently inherited a cat. Our friend passed away, at the age of 91, and had put in her paperwork that we would take her kitty. It has been some adjustment for all of us. We had always assured our friend that her pets would be taken care of and not end up at the humane society. Kitty is 8 years old. Her dog and her two other kitties had already passed away so we only ended up with one kitty.

    1. Glad you got some rain. It sure is nice, when it is needed. That would be scary for high winds on a bridge. Glad you made it home in time. Sounds like a fun time until then!
      Oh, thank you for taking her kitty in. Poor baby. I am sorry for your loss of a friend, but glad you helped her baby.
      Have a lovely week.

  3. Excellent devotional! Yes, we may have ideas, but we need the Father's guidance. People don't want to relinquish their "control" of situations and wait for the Master to work in His time.

    Tomato plants have that "tomcat" smell and it's hard to get off your skin. Leaves an alien-looking greenish cast. You did a ton of chores! I need to mix up some vinegar and salt water to kill weeds. The rain was very welcome, but it sure brought back the weeds with a vengeance. Hope to get some pulled this morning and sheets washed. This time of year is always a battle between outdoor and indoor chores.

    Enjoy your day!

    1. Oh tomato plants. I remember mom always getting aggravated at daddy when he came in for lunch or something. He would rinse off and dry and there would be that green junk on the towels. Everything breaks me out anymore - so I wash and wash.
      Yep, the weeds never stop. There is always so much to do. And some days I just want to do nothing!
      Have a great week.

  4. It is cooler today, and that makes me want to sleep, so after a good Sunday breakfast I took a nap! How to waste a day, I guess, but oh, how lovely it felt just to lie down again and immediately drop off. Maybe I needed it as I was out late on Friday at a hymn singing. :)

    The green beans have begun to produce! I thought it was a lost cause, but I've had a few meals and they are *so* good. The heat and dryness really hurt the veggies this year, I think. The weeds, however, have been *thrilled*. Pfffft.

    Good on you, Nancy, to take in your friend's cat. Glad it wasn't also the dog and 2 other cats, that would have been a *really* major adjustment. ;)

    Cheryl, your prayer is so good. I hope I let the Lord direct my steps, and not take control myself. Sometimes it's hard to tell.


    1. A nap is always nice. I take a nap every now and then. Not long, but it always refreshes.
      YAY on the green beans! I felt that way on the yellow squash. Glad you are getting a yield and some is better than none!
      Thanks - I remind myself often - God has this.
      Have a super week.

  5. Sounds like a good week for you with lots of weeding, produce from your garden, and the oj markdown from Kroger. Can't beat that!

    1. Thanks. I was thrilled with the OJ. It is so expensive anymore.
      Hope you have a wonderful week.

  6. I needed to see that prayer this morning, so thank you for that. This week I've harvested lots of cherry and grape tomatoes from the pots on my deck. I also cut back all of the remaining lettuce plants and some have started putting out new leaves. Hoping they stay tender and are not too bitter. I need to harvest some basil -- while searching thru my spice shelves, I discovered that I'm out of basil from last year and only have what's in my countertop spice rack. Green and red peppers are still growing, but are a ways from being ready for harvest. My habaneros are really starting to turn from green to yellow to orange. Will pick them and freeze them as they ripen for future use, since I had to purchase for this year's peach habanero jam.

    I did get a large (to me) cabbage when I was in Michigan last week. How do you make your canned coleslaw? Does it stay crunchy at all? Looking for a recipe that can be preserved and then just drain and maybe add a mayo or sour cream-based dressing.

    I spent much of this past week canning tomatoes and making sauce. I canned 9 pints of round tomatoes for my daughter, made a batch of spaghetti sauce (meatless) and canned 11 pints + 1 4 oz. jar, and finished off my 20# box of Roma tomatoes by putting up 6 half-pints + 1 4 oz. jar of plain tomato sauce. A friend finally decided to make time to put up his 20# box of Romas (after they sat in my garage for nearly a week) and we did that yesterday morning -- 7 quarts + a partial, which he took home to use right away. This is only his 2nd year putting up tomatoes, and since I have the large canning pot and other canning items, it gets done at my place. I'm planning on going thru my pantry and doing an inventory this week. I may end up getting a 10# box of round tomatoes to put up for myself, for use in chili. Thought I had plenty left over from last year, but they seem to be all Romas, and I prefer the texture of round tomatoes in most soups and stews. I also want to check my supply of pepper relish, with peppers starting to come to market. And, I'll want to get a supply of fall raspberries, since I didn't get enough of the first picking. And I may want to try some pints of sliced apples, will see.

    1. Glad the prayer helped.
      Sounds like you are keeping busy processing. I love that. I will list the cole slaw recipe Tuesday if that is OK. It is super easy, and yes it stays nice and fairly crisp. You can eat as is and it is good, or drain and add mayo.
      I love that you have a friend to can with.
      Yes, now is the time for inventories and checking. So much fresh veggies available, we need to check now to add to the larder.
      You have some great plans. It all sounds so good.
      Have a super week.

  7. We have had the same rainy times Cheryl, we needed the rain so much. Of course it also helps the weeds grow and I always think of August as "the weed month" anyway.
    I went thru all of my frozen juice when I was going thru my "sickness" and when I went to replace it from Aldi's it had gone up from 1.19 to 2.89! During the covid lockdown I was paying .89!
    Eating from home and trying to chase bargains each week. i am the point person for the grocery shopping in my family, I find the bargains and then family pays me back. They all work and I am happily retired so it is easier for me to find the bargains and markdowns.
    Our gardens have not done well this year but like I tell them there is always next year!

    1. Glad you got rain too. Yep, it is weed time!
      OJ is 3.29 for a container of concentrate for store brand here, and way over $6 or $7 for a gallon of juice. Nuts.
      That is cool that you run the bargains down for everyone. Kind of a good system.
      Good attitude on garden. Some years are good others not. They can't all be winners.
      Have a lovely week.

  8. Thank you for the devotional - they're always do good!

  9. I am trying a new browser for blogger in the hopes I can comment on my pc. Fingers crossed this goes through.

    1. This is Maureen in MO. At least I can comment anonymously and add pictures on this browser, that is an improvement but not perfect. Have to remember to say who I am lol.

    2. It seems Blogger and even regular computer is always changing. It is so aggravating. I just wish they would leave things alone and ask you if you want to change. But noooooo!
      Good luck.
      Have a great week.

  10. Sounds like a good week, productive with a visit with family too.

    1. Yes mam. It is always nice to catch up with sis. We don't do it often enough.
      Have a lovely week.

  11. I hate the smell of tomato plants so bad, but I'm very sensitive to smells. I was able to pick a few cherry tomatoes and my only bell pepper. School started back this week and all kids here receive free breakfast and lunch because of the high poverty numbers, so one less boy I'm feeding all day. Ran to Kroger to pick up some good sales. Also went to a peddlers mall to look around and found some good deals, the best being a vet clinic toy that is $90 new, it was missing most accessories and was only $5. My toddler with no attention span has spent so much time playing with it, it was very well worth it.

    1. I have never been bothered by the smell of the tomato plants - just the green mess they leave on your skin. I have to kind of 'climb; through my plants so I get that. Glad that you are getting something.
      That will help the food budget go a little further. Glad they are feeding the children breakfast and lunch!
      Hope you found some deals at the grocery. For $5 it sounds like fun. Kiddos are pretty easy - often just playing with the box. They like things that occupy them - that is often enough.
      Have a great week.

  12. What a nice week you had, Cheryl, and your meals look yummy. Things are slowly getting back to normal here after our covid bout. We harvested tons of sweet peppers, carrots and okra from the garden. We enjoyed some fried okra with dinner Friday night and most of the most of the peppers got sliced up using the food processor, frozen and then vacuum sealed. We had planted and even replanted zucchini " Gel and make basil jelly to use for a condiment.
    I am continually reminded of John 6:12 to "gather up all of the fragments so that nothing goes to waste," and we've been doing a lot of that creating more food from already existing food. Beef bone broth was made in the Instant pot, deconstructed stuffed pepper casserole was made for dinner one night and the leftovers or fragments will appear as another meal only this time wrapped in tortillas for enchiladas.
    Well, didn't mean to write a novel. Have a blessed day. Cookie

    1. Glad you are getting back to 'normal' after the sickness.
      I love fried okra - that sounds so yummy. You have been busy. I need to do a bunch of chopping tomorrow of peppers. Hmmm - never heard of basil jelly. That is interesting.
      Great verse - and it is so very true. We should use it up and never waste what we have been given. It is fun re-inventing things. Today I had the leftover garden skillet with mushroom stuffed ravioli from the freezer - YUM!
      All your ideas sound so good.
      Have a blessed and healthy week!

  13. Cheryl, you are so productive. I bet "bored" isn't in your vocabulary. Back to routine after vacation. Mom fared well in my absence; I doubt she was even aware that I was gone. Did a little cleanup at her rental house - trimmed cedars, hauled rotting picnic table away, cleaned up the old burn barrel. Haircut & chiropractor appt. Insurance claim for hail damage has been initiated. Got a few walks in awa some floor exercises. Time to up my game in that department. Picked cucumbers at the neighbor's but not enough to process. Froze a few bags of chard & made a few pans of lazy beet leaf holupchi. In the kitchen: salad & pork tenderloin, new potatoes, cantaloupe & ham; sauteed zucchini; carrot/rice soup, rice krispie squares. There was 1/2" of rain yesterday. Sure appreciating the cooler temps.

    1. Oh, I have days of doing very little. It sounds like more than it is.
      Glad your mom did well and that you are back.
      Bless her heart - I guess it could be a blessing her not knowing. Nice of you to clean up around her place.
      Sounds like you got some goodies put up and cooked! It all sounds good.
      Have a wonderful week

  14. Slowly but surely things are growing in the garden. I am still picking and dehydrating herbs, but soon those will just be left to grow as my jars are getting pretty full (well except for the thyme jar). Picking lots of cucumbers and enjoying lots of salads with them or just as a pick me up whole. How do you can coleslaw, now that is something I am really interested in.

    God bless.

    1. Glad things are growing! It all tastes so good.
      I will post the cole slaw recipe on Tuesday. It is very easy and very tasty.
      Have a great week.
