Wednesday, September 25, 2024

90 days and the Countdown is on!

 Morning to all.  Hope you are all safe and well.  Hoping for safety for all those in the south and southeast.  It is a cloudy morning here today - cooler as well.  We did get rain yesterday - a bit.  It has been kind of a quiet week for me so far.

Yep, I was talking about seeing a Christmas commercial the other day and stores displaying Christmas goods already.  But guess what?  It is 90 days from today!  That will be gone in a flash.
I know some people are buying - some are even done.  Belinda mentioned the other day about maybe making up gift baskets for her nieces this year.  I told her to go back and look at old posts - any year from October on.  
Just a few suggestions to get you going now - if that is what you want to do.  I have found everyone in my family loves the gift goody bags and expects them.  I love getting them too.

Start looking for containers for your gifts.
If making mixes - start keeping nice jars.  No need to give away expensive canning jars.  Smaller jars are great for spice mixes as well.
Also keep those containers that produce comes in - they make great containers for mixes, or cookies or candies, etc.

Any type of basket will work.  You can save or hunt baskets - think yard sales or thrift stores.  Use boxes you have received stuff in (cut open one side) - then wrap in paper or contact paper or fabric.  Use containers of any sort.  Small waste baskets, wicker, totes, plastic containers, strainers, large mixing bowls, backpacks, milkcrates, you name it - you can use it.  It is like a gift within a gift.

Decide on a theme if you so desire.  Is it a cooking theme?  Spaghetti night, pizza night, movie night, game night, personal items, kitchen items, etc.
There are so many options.
I tend to gift adults home canned goods - jelly, salsa, relishes, etc. and items that they may not buy themselves.  My sis loves canned salmon but doesn't buy it often - I include it.  My brother loves Spam - it is always in gift.   I have a nephew who loves Cheese-Its, always has a couple boxes, a niece who can't get enough dill pickles - guess what goes in her basket?
Sour candies, chocolate, cookies, snacks, card games, trinkets, specialty items, etc.  Whatever they like.

I make jar mixes too - they are always a hit.  Soup mixes are always a hit - a quick fix for a busy night.  I make up some brownie or cookie mixes - a nice treat for a cold day.  
I like to make up my own kind of trail mixes.  Just about anything fun to eat!

I know it seems early but seeing that first commercial really got my mind a going!  Time this summer has flown by - so we can expect the next 3 months to be gone in a flash.  It is nice to go out and accumulate things and ideas early - so you can just relax and enjoy when the holidays get here.
There are always options of gift cards as well.  Maybe a meal out, or a grocery card.  Who doesn't need free groceries????? (cards are easy to mail as well).

Anyhow, get your minds busy and thinking.  Start looking for containers.  You can get for free or pennies.  Start looking for those goody bag stuffers.  I find a lot of odd ball stuff at dollar stores and on clearance for pennies on the dollar.
As we move through time, I will give a lot of ideas of things that can be gifted.

Have fun.  It is fun to put together and fun to receive.  Step out of the traditional gift giving mode!

Have a super great day my friends.


  1. Rain, 1 inch! While wandering around in my muddy garden I noticed that my formerly dead bean plants were alive and I harvested a handful of beans! Plants sure like God's water better than City water! :D

    My Christmas gifts usually are cookies, home made. I have two types that seem most popular: gingersnaps and chocolate-chip. In years past I made other kinds, Christmassy ones, but always people reacted more positively to those two kinds. So I'm always checking the charity shops for small size tins. Far as I can tell, very few people need a Big Batch of cookies! Most folks are on a diet (or should be!).


    1. YAY for rain and new alive bean plants!
      I would like those kinds too. It is always fun to look for tins and pretty plates to gift with the goodies.
      Calories don't count at the holidays silly girl!! LOL

  2. Over the years my gift giving has gotten less and less. These days I'm down to my adult children, my grandson (who always gets spoiled) and my brother and his family. Consumables are a great idea because they all have enough stuff in their lives. Though, I must admit that most of those consumables are not home made anymore.
    This year, I'm giving my son the gift of snow removal. While he'll likely have to shovel his way out in the morning if there is snow overnight, the sidewalks and driveway will be cleared by the time he arrives home from work.
    Other than that, I haven't put a lot of thought into the gifts, but know that the niece and nephew will get gift cards. Predictable but appreciated. :)

    1. I give a lot less than I used to as well. Less people as well. Yep, everyone has to eat. Homemade or not - goodies are good.
      Neat idea on snow removal. Practical too. GC's are always nice and can be used.

  3. Oh good grief, it's only September so no need to rush the holidays...why not enjoy the day and be thankful there aren't bombs and missiles raining down on our heads like those poor people in Lebanon and Gaza.

    1. I can be thankful for those things and still think about the upcoming holidays. It is almost the end of September, and many people are getting their shopping and ideas in order.
      Thanks, I am thankful and practical as well.
      We all do our lives differently.

  4. Oh, so many good ideas here. Thank you, Cheryl. I've always thought Taco Seasoning would make a good gift when included with other items. My mind is turning with good ideas now.

    1. Right, I always look for those taco seasoning packets and cannisters in my Christmas stocking and under the tree, right next to the gravy and spaghetti sauce packets.

    2. Belinda thank you. There are so many things to make and get ready - enjoy doing what sounds good to you.

    3. Anonymous - we enjoy happy thoughts and do things the way we want. Not everyone is the same - thank goodness. That is what makes the world a little interesting. If you need to be negative, please refrain from commenting. Thank you, wishing you a happy day.

  5. About 50 years ago, I started a 'junk box' tradition. It was an accident. I found good things, like coffee measuring scoop and bought four, one for me, one for my mother, and one for each of my two sisters. I had not yet visited them in Memphis, so things accumulated. Finally, I decided to give it to them at Christmas in a box. This was not their gift, just something extra. One of my sisters started to open it first one year. I made her stop and open real gift. I referred to it as the "junk box." They loved it and looked forward to it every year. Everything was useful and dirt cheap on sale. All three gifts were identical, nothing especially for either one. Often, during trips home, one or more commented on something in the box that I gave them. I continued this tradition for 20 years or more until my mother died.

    1. I like that idea. Why not have a little fun with things. I have gone to surprise gift parties - certain amount of money or homemade and no one gets a certain person.
      Those are the fun things memories are made out of. Here you are still talking about it - that is neat.

    2. What a good idea! Only it's a bit late to start now, I'll have to start in January.... if I remember this clever notion. :)


    3. One year I had a bunch of samples of things I received in the mail, odd and end stuff I got at thrift/yard sales - and just let the niece and nephews and their families rummage through the box before they left. They had a ball.
      I think we all need a 'junk box'.!

  6. To my thinking the best gifts are the ones that will be used. I have no problem giving or receiving grocery items at all.
    And even though it is only September I am starting to put away food items that I will need at Christmas. This is the only way I can afford for all of us to have an enjoyable time at the end of the year.
    Thanks for your ideas Cheryl. Take care, Louise.

    1. yes and yes. We all have to eat and getting free groceries (GC) or some different fun foods is just a hoot in my book.
      I went and stocked up today on eggs - plan on freezing some, to last the rest of year.
      Get those items when you find them and add to your stock. That is just smart.

  7. Thanks for the inspiration! I have to start early or I won't get it all done. And I really enjoy gifting homemade/handmade items. I learned a long time ago to only give that kind of gift to those appreciate it. Anyone else who only wants a store gift gets a store gift!

    1. You are welcome. I need to get started soon. I have been working on canning - so that is a start.
      Yes - some don't. I guess not everyone appreciates a homemade gift. I am so fortunate that my family likes it so well, that they all started doing it too! It is a lot of fun.

  8. I love your gift basket ideas, they are so old fashioned and sweet. That 'Merry Christmas' in cursive gives such a sweet vintage look.

    I'm one that has started keeping a lookout for Christmas gifts already. I have my little granddaughter's gifts bought, a Dec. birthday gift for grandson, and big-giant stuffed squishies we found at a fraction of the cost on clearance as an extra and they are even cuter than the norm, much sweeter looking. I have my mother's gifts bought etc. Just little by little as I see things. I *like* to have my gifts wrapped by Thanksgiving, it just makes me feel better if I can possibly do that. It hasn't always been like this, in the past many times I did not have the finances to buy early. I've also started making a list of what I have in the attic, wrap paper etc. I find on clearance or dollar store. I will also have to look out for my mother's gifts to the children and family. Bless her heart, at 94 in not great health, dementia comes and goes that is what she worries about, gifts for others.

    I'm looking forward to Christmas holidays as long as everything stays at a dull roar, hopefully and prayerfully a *happy* time with our parents etc.

    God bless and thank you for sharing, ~Amelia

    1. Hi Amelia. It is such a great idea to be on the lookout all year long for items. When I bought a lot for the kiddos, I started right after Christmas. Littles are so much fun to buy for.
      Glad you already have a start. I love the ambition of having it all wrapped by Thanksgiving.
      Glad your momma is still here with you - I have wondered about her often. Her purpose on earth is not done yet.
      Hoping the upcoming season is a good one for you.

  9. You have some great ideas! My Christmas gift to my sisters has been for many years stuffed dumplings. I use my French grandmother's recipe. It takes two days to make about a dozen, which I freeze in small packets. My sister loves them, but never makes them. I can bring these in a cooler when I drive to visit for the holidays.

    1. What a neat idea. It is so nice to have those things from past days, that bring back memories. Love you're using grandmother's recipe! I do the same with one type of Christmas cookie. It takes a lot of time and effort, and mom always made them. Everyone looks forward to getting them. A little piece of mom and grandma!
      Fun idea.

  10. Great ideas Cheryl. I love giving and receiving food gifts.

    1. Thanks Lori. Same with me. There are so many options!
