Thursday, September 5, 2024

Some Excuses for Being Broke

 Good morning all.  Hope you are all well.  It is another cool morning here, but we will warm up today.  Looks like we will get a taste of fall over the weekend, then back to normal the first of the week.  I did have to turn the AC on for a bit yesterday afternoon, but it got turned off quickly.  Love this kind of weather.

You all know people who are always broke.  Sure, it may be lack of job or lack of good pay for a job.  Illness happens sometimes, and that affects funds.  There are many legit reasons to be broke.  Emergencies happen.  Been there and done that!  But I got it in gear and turned things around.  I stopped and realized, much of it was me.

People don't like to admit that OR they are just blind to it many times.
  • Buying spendy stuff - high end coffees, nails, expensive haircuts, going out to eat all the time, fancy clothes brand new, magazines, etc.  Many just don't get that these things can be done so much cheaper - and huge savings can be had
  • The excuse "I was poor as a kid" - so therefore they deserve nice things.  Well, many of us were poor as kiddos, and still live within our means.  One doesn't mean the other
  • Being accustomed to having it all - and think that is a must!  Spoiled.  Maybe someone had rich parents and think they continue to 'deserve' the good life even as an adult on their own.  That is something you EARN - it isn't a given.
  • Immediate gratification - that is a huge thing today.  Maybe something will make you happy today, but in a bit of time - that too shall fade.  You are just more in debt and don't care about the thing you purchased
  • It's CREDIT - I don't have to worry about it.  Some people just never figure out that credit IS money!!!!!  I challenge those people to spend only cash on things and see how quickly they change their tune!  
  • Knowing you can't afford it - but want to fit in.  Well, let me tell you, if you lose friends because you quit spending money you don't have - you haven't lost much.  REAL friends will never expect you to do that!
  • Keeping up with the Jones's.  It sure isn't worth it at all.  In the end, no one cares!  You can try to keep up with family, friends, neighbors, etc. - but it sure won't make you any happier - and odds are everyone already knows you can't afford it.
  • Impulse shopping.  This is huge.  Some people just can't say NO.  If that is you - stay home and stay offline!!!!!  Put yourself on a mandatory NO buy.  Stuff truly doesn't equate to happiness.
  • "I deserve it".  WHY?  I have never understood that.  I saw a You Tuber the other day justifying spending a huge amount of money, because they deserved it, and the kiddos should experience it.  Sorry, that isn't valid.  This same person was telling about using the food bank right before that statement.  If you can't buy your own food, then NO you don't deserve that big extravagance.  There is nothing in this world that we 'deserve', just because....... We need to earn it, work hard for it, and truly appreciate it when we do get it.  Don't do anything on the shirt-tails of others.
Remember you can JUSTIFY anything, but that doesn't make it right. 
Being broke is not fun.  Dodging bill collectors is not a way to live.  Always being worried about how to pay for things is stressful.  
LIVE WITHIN YOUR MEANS!!!  That means you make XX amount of dollars and spend less than that!

You can turn things around if you desire.  It does take work - yes, that isn't always fun - but in the end you will be so much better off.
You got this.

Have a great day and enjoy yourself on a budget!


  1. So very true! I had a friend say to me once that if the church didn’t give her kiddos a scholarship to attend summer camp then she would be forced to put it on her credit card which she really couldn’t afford. While I do think summer camp can be a great thing for children to experience, so is the example of their parents being financially responsible! My son attended summer camp once, when his name was drawn for a free week at camp, and my daughter has never attended. But guess what? They both have had great experiences visiting grandparents, and have learned the lessons of living within their resources.

    1. Yes, not everything we want has to be done or had. Sometimes we just have to go and have a different type of activity, and keep it free or in line with the budget.
      I bet the children learned a lot of good 'stuff' with the grandparents too!

  2. I never could afford to do things other single women could do after I divorced. They asked how I could be too broke to go out with them because they knew I just got paid. I told them I paid my bills first. Once, I really could not even pay a bill. One told me to sell things like my washer and dryer. She said she had sold her mother's antiques to pay the mortgage. I knew she drank like a fish and did drugs. Within the year, she lost her home. So did the other women who could not believe I had no money. Well, my house lasted another 40 years, and they all remarried and had more kids. We had a different mindset, so I lost touch with all of them. No loss!

    1. Yep, those weren't friends. I know people think they have the right to do everything they want - but dang, be realistic.
      You live the fast life, eventually it catches up. Your point proves that.
      Not only was that lifestyle costly in$, it probably messed with their health as well.

    2. When is your house being rebuilt Linda?

  3. Keeping up with the Joneses and immediate gratification are two of the biggest culprits for overspending. I have never been one to go the salon for fancy manicures and pedicures. Talk about spending $$$! Most of my clothes came from charity shops. Going out to eat was our downfall and then we realized that we were paying lots of money to have an upset tummy. The restaurants are not going to use good quality oils and even good ingredients. All the restaurants up and down Rockville Road (and there are a lot of them) are almost always packed. Eating at home makes a huge difference in your budget.

    Warmer today but Saturday looks good! See you Sunday!

    1. I have never had a professional mani or pedi, I do them myself. I could do it, I just haven't. Same with my clothes or end of season markdowns.
      It always amazes me, when I drive by the mall or past restaurants how many people are there anytime you go by.
      More money than sense!!! Is always my thought.

  4. Been there, done that! Dug out in 5 agonizing years.

    A friend says: Now that I can afford Broccoli, I would rather grow it!

    Ain't that the truth :-)

    1. I love that saying!!!!! Yes mam, it can be agonizing. If we can teach anything to anyone out there, I hope that is it. It just isn't worth it.

  5. They are all definite excuses I've heard over the years, and I may have used one or two in the past. However, I am a number cruncher by nature so there is only one time in my life when I got in a little deep. I'd bought a house and had a roommate to help with the costs. One day I got a call from my daughter saying said roommate was moving out without any notice. It was a couple of tense months, but I was fortunate that I got a promotion shortly thereafter, and our contract was settled providing a cushion from back pay. I never looked back, and haven't spoken to that person since. We'd been friends for 15 years or so when she pulled that stunt.
    I think, these days, instant gratification is a big one. Turn on the televsion and see the news from around the world immediately, pop a frozen dinner in the microwave and a minute or two later you are eating, etc. Credit is far too easy to get and making minimum payments seem easy...until the person realizes they will never pay it off in their lifetime.
    On another note, we woke to a temperature just above freezing this morning. The house is quite cool, 64F, but liveable. We've got more temps in the 80-88F range for next week. Crazy weather!

    1. You know, those tense months taught you a lot I am sure. You learned a valuable lesson and met the challenge and moved forward and upward.
      Yes indeed, see it and get it. Credit is way too easy. Some people will actually never get bills paid off before they die - minimum payment gets you nowhere but deeper in debt.
      That is chilly! We are supposed to have highs this weekend in the 60'sF! Then it gets warm again.
      Fall will be here soon!

  6. My husband has been selling things at carboot sales the last couple of years. He has been genuinely shocked at the number of people who rudely complain that the low prices are too expensive whilst eating burgers from the take-away van and smoking/vaping. Many of them also sport thousands of pounds of tattoos. He says it has been quite an eye-opener!

    1. Isn't that amazing? People do love to get something for nothing and they truly like to complain. I see the same thing, people complaining how expensive gasoline is, all while drinking their expensive coffee. Let's talk how much that is a gallon!!!!

  7. I see a lot of going out to eat, coffee take-out, vaping, smoking, tats, expensive travel... and hear a lot of complaining about money. Some folks are really getting into a corner with this and I don't know how they'll get out, they've not got anything saved nor anything to sell! It's perfectly true that it costs more now to make do, but that's when you really have to look at what you're spending.


    1. Sure, it does cost more and there is inflation. But it doesn't stop those who yell the loudest from the things you mentioned! Some people want to be seen, and they want what they want - yet they can scream about the basics. I don't understand it at all. Some people will never ever get out of debt - maybe not because of inflation, but their own doings!

  8. We really didn't have any extra money with five kids and one income but all our bills were paid and we had enough of everything we needed. Some of my friends ran their family into deep debt charging stuff they didn't need at the mall every week. I think some are just born to be savers and some to be spenders. Glad I am a saver!

    1. I am with you - glad I am a saver. I have taken the other road before as well - and well, it wasn't fun getting off that ride.
      I just don't understand the 'I deserve it" mindset.
      You used the key word "enough"! Some people have no idea what that is.

  9. Hi Cheryl, I am just back from seeing my Son and daughter in law. The travelling is exhausting. I had some good conversations at the airport. A couple sat beside me. The wife was knitting and her husband was chatting. It was easy to talk to.
    Yesterday you were speaking of a simple car to drive….well I would be totally lost without my car as I live in the country. I am also afraid of falling so I am extra careful. Lots of folk are having fractures close by.

    1. Hello Sylvia, so nice to see you post. I am glad you had a good visit and a nice trip. Traveling very far can be very exhausting. I hope you get some rest.
      I think I would be lost without my vehicle as well, it sure beats walking! Living in the country makes it a very important necessity.
      Take care of yourself and be safe.

  10. I had a friend years ago who was an independent financial advisor. He'd have people hire him who were overspending every month and they'd want him to help get them out of the red. He'd tell them they'd have to give up the ski vacation or one of their 3 cars. Nope. They didn't want that. Expected him to find some other way!

    I was watching a guy on youtube the other day who talks a lot about the economic crisis happening now. He read a letter from a woman who was complaining she could no longer buy name brands at the grocery store! I chuckled at that! I've never been brand loyal. I am loyal to my money though! Hahaha

    1. It is amazing, people want an easy way out, as long as they don't have to give up things! It is like they think there is a magic button or something.
      I have never been brand loyal either. Just never meant anything. Most things are made by the same companies and repackaged any way. Yes mam "Loyal to my money"!

  11. I will never forget a former colleague, early on in my career, who asked to borrow money to get her train ticket home. I gladly helped, thinking I was doing a good thing, helping someone in need. The next day she showed up with long newly manicured acrylic nails with a unique hand-painted design. I commented how nice they looked and asked how many train tickets they cost. She knew what I was getting at. I was never re-paid for what I loaned. Lesson learned.

    1. Pitiful. You were giving with a good heart.
      I recently had a neighbor whom I barely know, ask to borrow $200 because the lights were going to be turned off. Now that is a bit of change. She works and so do her 2 roommates. I had a funny feeling, as I have heard things - so I said I couldn't.
      I told one of the roommates I hoped they got it taken care of, and they said she was needing to pay her bookie!
      I have not spoken to her much since then.
      People think their lies won't be found out. In your case, that was pretty in your face! Some people just have no shame.

  12. I have a friend and her husband that always seem to be spending and then only have a few bucks to see them through after paying bills. There was a time when we were first married that we lived pay cheque to pay cheque. Like you I figured out that much was over purchasing and spending unwisely. Turned it around and have never done that again.

    You gave all the excuses that I can think of.

    God bless.

    1. I think many of us have been there at some point in life - thankfully most of us figured it out quickly.
      Some folks just never learn and keep doing it over and over.

  13. Studies have concluded that poverty *can* affect intelligence, and it happens in quite a lot of cases, especially with long term poverty. I think that sums up a lot of the aforementioned reasons for being broke when in fact people shouldn't have to. A lot of poor people have difficulties with long term planning, so therefore they spend whatever they can without doing without the things they believe they "deserve". Sadly, poor people are sometimes among least frugal people there are (of course this doesn't apply for all poor/low income people).

    1. I can understand that being so. Then I see those who have had it all - all their lives and think as adults that should continue. They try living as their parents did - and it just doesn't work.
      People like to impress too. A couple weeks ago we talked about having the address with all the prestige and nothing being in the house!
      There are so many reasons over spend and are broke. Mindset can be a huge portion.

  14. I so agree with all you have written. I'm stunned that anyone could take food from a food pantry and then spend money on an indulgence. Lynn Ewing Pecos, NM

    1. Thanks. Yeah kind of what I thought - and it was a big extravagance! Oh she had it all justified in her mind too!
      I just don't understand some people.

  15. This may go in the immediate gratification category - lazy. I see some people who will buy ready-made or throw money at a problem when it could be done in a less expensive way. The psychology of money/spending is always interesting. My sister spends money like she has it. I've always encouraged her to track her spending. Now 70 & living on a senior pension, she's finally starting to do that. She spends impulsively, eats out regularly, sees every movie in a theatre. I asked her what those expenditures added up to. "Too much," she replied.

    1. I do think you hit the nail on the head for a lot of people.
      Might as well throw cash out the car window while driving! That is how I see it.
      Sounds like she still likes her stuff! She sure needs to figure it out soon.
      I'd rather have the funds!

  16. There is something to be said about having peace of mind knowing that your bills are paid. That is worth more to me than anything I could buy at the store.

    1. Amen. You are so right - it is worth so much more than stuff.
