Sunday, September 15, 2024

Weekly Wrap-Up 9/15

 Happy Sunday to all.  Hope this finds you well and safe.  Golly, here we are half-way through another month!  It just does not seem possible.  The days are flying by.
It is another wonderful morning here.  Nice and cool.  The days are warmer again and look to stay that way for at least another week.  We are to be mid 80'sF all week.  No rain in sight - we sure do need it.

If you enlarge this pic, you can see the bees.  Live forever (sedum) is in full bloom.  Last evening I walked out and looked at the ones just in front of the house and counted 12 big bumble bees, lots of honeybees, a Monarch, and lots of little butterflies.  I also have these all down the side of the house - it sure gives the bees and butterflies something to enjoy in the fall.

My frugal week:
  • I had a meeting with my finance guy this week - all good
  • HARVEST - toms, zucchini, yellow squash, 1 pepper, and rhubarb
  • Did my fall maintenance on the generator - and decided to have a full maintenance session done - called and set for Tuesday this coming week
  • Cut my hair at home - been holding off, trying to let it grow.  Just didn't like it!
  • Patched a pair of jeans
  • I did it again!!!  Spent some money.  Been talking about it all summer and finally did it.  I bought a power washer!  I got it at the fairly new discount store I have close by.  I paid at least $100 LESS than retail according to my research.  YAY me.  I also got a new pair of jeans for $10 (heck GW cost 7.99 for used), bunch of celery $1, and raisin/cinnamon English muffins for .85 pack/6.
                                                         Good brand and really great price!
  • Was cleaning out closet and found a brand-new set of sheets at the top and back of closet, I had forgotten about!  Laundered and they are on the bed now
  • Mowed - not that the grass needed it - but the spindly weeds.  It is dry and the grass really isn't growing
  • CLEANED and cleaned some more.  Really working on getting everything all cleaned for fall
  • No grocery store
  • Just doing all the normal stuff
  • Processing tomatoes - some went in the freezer for now.  Gifted many to neighbors
  • My neighbor gifted me 8 packaged meals they receive every month.  He has celiac (or something like it) and gets 32 frozen meals every month from his insurance or something.  They didn't have room for all of them - so gifted me some.  Breakfast and lunch/dinner entrees.  Nice to have on hand for something quick.

My meals this past week:
Leftover day - cleaned out and ate what was in frig
Fried chicken, mac n cheese and sliced toms
Fried chicken, leftover mac, sliced cukes and toms
Spicey grilled cheese, leftover ravioli from freezer
'Jalapeno popper' style zucchini bites and salad
Beans and rice and salad
Chicken/beans/rice supreme burritos
SNACKS, fruit, toms and/or salad, crackers and cheese

That's about it for me.  I have enjoyed the cool mornings and open the windows for about half the day (kitties like that too).  Mornings are the time to do things outdoors.
How has your week been?  What have you been up to or buying this week?  Any good deals?
Check in and let us know how you are - missing some of you!!!

I wish you all a wonderful week ahead - stay safe and healthy and productive.
Blessings to you and yours from me at my humble little home.

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
Psalms 18:2

Lord, we thank you for our previous week and all the many blessings that we receive each and every day.  Continue to wrap us in Your loving arms and protect us from our enemies and from all that are trying to destroy us.  May we each enjoy the beauty you have created every day.  AMEN


  1. It's hard to grow hair. There's a terrible point at which it seems "ugly" and there's not much one can do with it, so most people cut it then. If one can get through that stage (which takes maybe a year!) then it's long enough to pull back or put up and the whole game changes. But oh, that "ugly" spell is long and a challenge. I've not cut my hair in some 25 years and it is *so easy* to care for now, just wonderful. Like you, Cheryl, I cannot even calculate the money saved from Salon visits! :D

    The bees sure do love that autumn sedum. They almost act drunk or drugged, just creeping or staggering around on the blooms. Too funny - big bees, regular bees, tiny bees! :)

    Lovely weekend at Singing Camp, oh the songs, the hymns, the music all day long. That must be what Heaven is like.


    1. Yep, once I get to a point, I just can't stand it anymore. If appears I get 'wings' - I tried clips, headbands, etc. - just can't get passed it. I like mine short, I guess. I had long hair for years, now I am the short hair gal.
      They do love the sedum. I can brush up against a plant and they fly around me, never trying to sting or anything. I guess they are enjoying their selves!!!
      I am so glad you enjoy your singing.
      Hope you have a lovely week ahead!

    2. Sorry for tagging on to someone else but it seems to be the only way I can post. Sedums are my favourite flower this time of year. They are so easy to grow. I break a stem off and stick it in ground and it grows.
      On Tuesday I go to my cousin’s house for dinner and usually get one home with me. Today I was with my son for lunch so something light tonight. My shopping for food is very low.

    3. Hi Syvia - sorry you have trouble signing in.
      I really like them too - just so pretty. Yes, they are easy to grow and very hard to kill!
      Love that you are having luncheons with family. That is pretty neat.
      It sure helps the budget when having luncheons out.
      Have a super week.

  2. Those flowers are lovely! I have never heard of them before! We have just a few flowers blooming still in our yard, but I did find a few wildflowers in the nearby woods.
    Things I did to save money this week include picking and drying basil, making home made granola, home made oat waffles, and a few quarts of home made apple sauce some of which was eaten promptly on the above mentioned waffles! So yummy!
    I also found some bananas at half off at the store so bought a pile and they are now in my freezer waiting for either smoothies or other baking as I use them like a sugar substitute in some recipes. My hubby and I installed our new stove ourselves, saving the installation fee from Home Depot. I also went for a hike in nearby woods. Free exercise, and good mental health as well! I have pictures on my blog here:
    The woods are my “green therapy.” Even my college daughter recognizes that she has lower stress after she has gone for a hike in the woods, and she asked me to hike with her last week which I did.

    Good buy on your pressure washer! Our neighbor has two lawn mowers that are that brand, and he absolutely loves them! I hope it gives you many years of good service!

    1. The flowers are referred to as Live forever, as they sure do seem to! These have been at my house the 38years I have been here. The purple flowers come in the fall and provide a feast for bees and butterflies. They are a type of succulent I believe - rain or drought - nothing hurts them.
      Sounds like a good week for you. I will stop over to see the pictures. I find nature as my calming spot as well. My friend and I were talking about that not long ago. She has a lot of acreage and beautiful gardens, kind of out in the country, and she says that is here sanctuary. I do believe we come close to God in those spots. It is so soothing.
      Thanks - I think it will sure be handy.
      Have a blessed week.

  3. I can't believe it is the 15th already. I was thinking this morning that it was Sunday and time for your weekly wrap up and thought, my goodness, where did the last week go? Time just flies. Sounds like a good week in your home, using up, finding new sheets, and a new power washer, how neat! You are going to love that. I love to watch videos on those. LOL

    1. I know, it is hard to believe how fast the month has gone and the year for that matter.
      It was a pretty good week. I think I will love the power washer. I know the back of my garage will! It needs a good cleaning for sure. So many things I can use it on - I do believe I will get my money's worth!
      Have a great week.

  4. I'm happy to hear you had a nice week. We've had rain off and on since Friday and I'm thankful because we really needed it. Thanks for telling us about the Live forever Sedum. I've seen it but didn't know what it is. Now that I do, I know the perfect spots for some. I hope you enjoy your Sunday and the week ahead.

    1. Thanks. Lucky you with rain. Not a drop here - nor none predicted. We sure need it.
      The sedum is something that just keeps on going - year after year. I love it for the bees.
      Have a lovely week.

  5. Sounds like you had a very good week. That sedum is gorgeous!

    1. Thanks - It really is easy to grow. Seems to thrive through everything.
      Have a super week.

  6. Made my husband bbq meat sandwiches for his lunches yesterday. He takes his lunch. Portion size is what I grew up with-- enough meat to cover the bun but no where near the mega sandwiches they sell down the street for $15. That, a few chips and maybe a cookie is lunch.
    I made 12 of these for 50c each- meat, bbq sauce & bun.

    I can't complain about that but I will say just a few years ago I was making them for 30c. Stores around here have "raised" their clearance prices.

    I was looking through some old Taste of Home magazines and cookbooks for ideas yesterday for when family comes over. I don't know what the publication is like now but I like the old ones as the recipes are "family fare"- simple and usually affordable.

    1. That is fantastic - and I bet it tasted better than the $15 sandwich as well!
      Yes mam, the stores have raised their clearance prices. When I find meat on clearance, it is still generally above what I will pay. Dry goods used to 50% off - not so much now. Bakery - Italian loaves were clearanced less than .99 all the time - not now. I understand. But still .50 each is a bargain to take-out!!
      I love those cookbooks. I have the yearly cookbooks for about 10 years. It put all the magazine recipes in one book.
      I get them out all the time and look at them.
      They have great recipes.
      You have a wonderful week ahead!

    2. I'm finding that the sale prices on meat are often what the regular price was a few years ago and I didn't buy it then because I thought it was too high!

      My husband's a meat eater. He grew up with a hunk of meat as a separate item on his plate. So no meat stretchers like casseroles or stews for him. So I try to control costs with portion size. A year ago I had 2 shelves in my upright freezer with clearance meat. I have slightly less than one shelf now because the bargain prices haven't been that great so I haven't been able to stock up. Two years ago I bought ten 1.5 lbs pork tenderloins for $1.15 each. I used the last this past spring. Along the way this year I've managed to get decent prices on hamburger, pork roasts and chicken. In a few weeks I'll need to focus on finding more meat bargains--- I haven't been in the stores much recently.

      Because meat takes a chunk out of the budget I do work to make up for it in other ways.

    3. You are right.
      Portion size is a good way of controlling it a bit. I see pork loins reasonable here once in a while.
      Hamburger and chicken are my staples too. It is all so expensive.
      You are doing good.

  7. I have a sedum similar to yours that starts as a white flower, and as it gets older it turns to a pinky mauve. It grows everywhere.
    I have a busy week coming so today cooked up some meals to be prepared. I wish someone had of gifted me some pre cooked meals!! Very handy!!!
    That reminds me of saying my grandmother used to say “ if goodness gives, goodness is returned”.
    Have a great week, take care, Louise

    1. Sedum is such an easy plant - and it is always lovely.
      Good for you on planning and having the meals ready - sure cheaper and tastier than take-out.
      They will come in handy. Her husband told me, "you can have the whole lot next month if you want". Sadly I have no room - the freezer is totally filled. (satisfying problem to have)
      Don't over extend yourself this week. Have a lovely week.

  8. Another thoughtful devotional! That particular Psalm pretty much covers what the Father is to us. I don't know how people survive daily living without Him.

    Sedum is almost a three season plant. Kind of a ground cover while it is just spring, summer it is nice foliage and then the blooms begin. The bees love it. The bees have been going crazy over the basil I have let go to seed. I don't have the heart to cut it back while they are enjoying it so much.

    Good buy on the power washer! You have had a busy and productive week. It's always great to find something hidden away that you can use, like the sheets you found. Now you have extra ready-made meals for those days when inspiration doesn't strike.

    From the forecast, it looks like it will be hot until October. The mornings are coolish so that is the time to do any outside chores.

    See you Tuesday!

    1. Yes you are so right about the sedum. It is just so easy to grow.
      Same with me and the echinacea flowers - they look horrible, but the finches are so enjoying them. I just can't cut them yet.
      Thanks - I always love finding things I can use. Yes mam, it looks to be a warm September. The mornings are so nice and a great time to get work done.
      Have a wonderful week.

  9. I love sedum! But, somehow, mine died. I never worked outdoors in morning! Good deal on washer.

    1. Gosh, I have never had a problem with my sedum. It is the plant that just keeps on giving for me.
      Mornings are perfect for me - nice and cool, and don't work up a sweat.
      Have a good week.
