Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Ambitions for a New Month

Hello to all.  Hope you all had a great weekend.  Yesterday was a perfect weather day here.  Just glorious.  Many times, I looked up, and not a cloud in the sky - just lovely blue.  It is a cool morning, the birds are singing, windows open.  The AC has been off for over 24 hours!
Blackie has assumed the 'position' after having breakfast, and Bits is well, being Bits!!!  He sure makes me laugh.
I am again all messed up with my days!!  Yesterday everybody in the neighborhood was home - so it seemed like Sunday.  Today should be trash day - but no it is delayed a day.  It just messes with my head.

I have plans for this month!  Things I want to accomplish.  I don't usually plan a lot of things - as I am a "we will see what happens" kind of person.  I am alone now, so there is no real time frame I have to follow.  If things get done, they do.  If not - well, they don't.

Yep, this is what I plan on doing a lot of.  I have a paper shred event to go to on Saturday - I think it is the last one of the summer/year.  I still have a lot of old paperwork that will soon be gone!

I plan on continuing the harvest and canning and preserving.  Don't want to waste a precious fresh goody.  Much of the canning I do is also for holiday gifts.  People would be disappointed if they didn't get certain things!
I have plans to finish the blankie I am making for my great niece from baby clothes.  NO, it isn't done.  I have not worked on it much at all this summer.

My big goal is to clean the entire house - one bite at a time!
I have plans to work on one room at a time until I get it done.  Truly each room, should not take that much time.  My house is not big, but I do have a lot of stuff!  I want to do a thorough clean and dust of everything.  It may be one room a week or one a day - just depends on how I feel with other stuff that is going on.

Sure I dust and vacuum regularly - but we all know there is that stuff that we just ignore.  My shelves in the living room are one!  They have lots of stuff on them, and well, I just don't like moving it all (I do like looking at it).  I want corners, and unders and behinds all clean.  From ceiling to the far corners.
YEP.  Sounds ambitious even to me - LOL.

But I figured it was time to make a few plans.  I can get very complacent if I do not have structure or a plan.  It is time to get 'er done!

Do you have any plans for this new month?  Any ambitions, goals, vacations, plans on budgets, etc.?
Hopefully we can all give each other encouragement to do the plans we have in mind.

Enjoy your day.
Busy hands accomplish much!


  1. I have been in cleaning mode for a week now, our guests arrive tomorrow. They stay for a week then we are off to New York to see my husband's family. Our weather yesterday was nice and cool, however, we are going to have some very hot temps in the upcoming days. Our goal for the rest of this year is to start our greenhouse garden. We just built one in our backyard and are looking forward to having fresh veggies though the winter.

    1. Well it sounds like you have good reason to have started your cleaning. Enjoy your visitors and then your trip. How fun for you.
      You will enjoy having a greenhouse. That will give you some extended garden time. Here it still gets too cold in the winter to keep things alive in the greenhouse, but your weather is more even keel in the PNW.
      Have a great time!

  2. I have the same plan for the month as you do. It's a good month to do all of those extra jobs before winter sets in and I begin to hibernate. I do room by room also. It just makes the most sense to me to start and finish a room top to bottom before moving on. Enjoy this wonderful weather.

    1. Glad to know I will be in good company doing this chore! I kind of hibernate as well once winter comes - so now is the time.
      Have fun cleaning!

  3. I could stand to dust a few things here too. LOL I'm sure you'll be thrilled to get the paperwork shredded on Saturday. We finally got some much needed rain here, I'm so glad. I was able to drive today without having the ac on, which I love. I know you are loving not having your ac in your home either. I hope you succeed with all your September goals/plans.

    1. LOL - I betcha we could all stand to evict a few dust bunnies!
      So happy you got rain. It is scary when it gets so dry - and you live around so much nature that could burn.
      I love having the AC off! The fresh air is so lovely.

  4. Shredding is such a relief! When I finally had time to sort out everything I had Bags and Bags of papers to shred, and went to a shred-event across town which charged me $10. It was so worth it! After that I have tried to keep up with the shredding here at home. Anything with name, address, account numbers get shredded. All other paper gets recycled. That first go-round was massive, years worth of paper. Ooooof.

    I need to make more effort with my pantry storage. Prices here are high, but it's better to buy now than later. It would be lovely to have a better place to put things, but I'm limited to an old cabinet in the guest room, unless I'm going to start putting boxes of stuff under the beds!

    Today is sunny and cool, a high of about 70. Lovely!

    1. Good for you for getting rid of so much paper. $10 is still cheap - as a shredder can only do so much and often they break when doing a big bunch. My event is FREE - which makes it super! I am still getting rid of years worth of things that G thought we needed. I am getting close to being done with all that - and like you said a little at a time after that won't be bad.
      Under the bed works too! That is where I keep a lot of extra paper goods - TP especially. No one sees it.
      Yes, it will be cheaper now than probably later. Sad to say. We can hope inflation (prices) go down, but odds are they won't. Organization is key.
      Maybe even try storing extra in a closet (cases of canned goods, etc.) as a false type floor.
      Enjoy the lovely weather.

  5. It has been awhile since I've commented but life has been very busy. It will be slowing down a bit and I will be spending more time at home, so there will lots more chores getting done. I have plans to go through the basement as well as paperwork that needs to go away LOL! Gardening is slowing down although I am still getting a few tomatoes, cucumbers, and green beans. I love having the windows open, too. The weather is just beautiful.

    1. Summers do get busy with all sorts of things. Glad to see you post!
      Sounds like you have some big plans too! Stuff sure does accumulate. It is freeing every time I get rid of stuff.
      It sure is nice to get the 'grow'ceries while we can!
      Enjoy the weather.

  6. It's going to be a busy month for me. I've got started on the yard work at my son's place. I'm also planning to get back to the knitting group while I'm here, once a week, plus I have plans with friends to get together. In just over 3 weeks, I'll be flying out to Seattle for my 2 week cruise, and once back in the city want to do some work in the garage to make room for my vehicle this winter.
    Your decluttering efforts will help with the housecleaning. I did a big declutter when I first retired, but I have to admit, I've brought a lot of stuff in the house(s) since then. Maybe next spring, I'll consider another purge. :)

    1. WOW, you will be busy. Another cruise? You go gal. I love that you have such a grand time traveling.
      De-cluttering never ends. I understand - we can get rid of tons, but we still bring things home!
      Don't over work yourself - you want to be fresh for that trip.

  7. Canning continues this month. I still have bits and bobs coming out of the garden that I'm turning into canned mixed veggies and stewed tomatoes with veggies. And I am canning beef chunks and chicken from sales at the store today too. It soon will come to an end as I'm almost out of jars and the freezer is just about full, which leaves me with only dehydrating as an option. I'm dehydrating herbs for myself and several family members.
    I started my Fall Clean and have 2 rooms completed. I was trying to do a room a day but it was unrealistic on days I'm also canning. I hope to get my fall inventory in this month and somewhere in all this some garden work needs to be done before its all put to bed in October. When I think about all the work, I compare what I'm paying vs what the store is selling the same item for and I keep on canning. I've also started on crocheting a new poncho and making some Treat bags for my Cousin's children for Halloween from panels my grandmother crochet before she passed. I'm scheduling by the week what I want to get done that week so it will all happen.

    1. What a wonderful predicament to have - out of jars and full freezer!
      I like your idea of putting up mixed veggies. I have made soup base mix before - tomatoes, peppers, onions, herbs, whatever I had on hand. It works out great.
      Great way to look at things. Your time and labor vs. actually spending the cash. It can keep one motivated.
      Good going on the fall cleaning. You are sure keeping busy.
      It really does feel good to accomplish so much!
      Keep on doing the good stuff!

  8. Getting the garden in and processed is the biggy right now. I need to get as much done as I possibly can before we go away. Cleaning out all the leftovers is another task that needs doing. It will either be eaten or made into a meal for freezing. My chest freezer is getting a bit untidy so I need to straighten that up as well.

    Whole house cleaning will need to wait until October (mostly just walls need to be washed).

    God bless.

    1. Sounds like you have plenty to keep you busy before you get a nice rest from it all. It is amazing how quickly freezers and pantries can get cluttered.

  9. Oh and I need to touch up some paint on doors in the hallway. That will hopefully be done when we get back from our holiday.

    God bless.

    1. It will still be there - it will get done when you find the time.

  10. Today was another beautiful day! We had several errands to run and it was nice to be out.

    Cleaning areas that are not part of the weekly chores always make me feel like I have accomplished something. The Farmer helped me with the three ceiling fans by handing me supplies so I wouldn't have to go up and down the ladder. I have one of those brushes which is supposed to clean the blades, but I use the soft brush attachment on the vacuum hose to get the biggest part of the festoons (ha!) and then use a damp rag to get the rest of the dust. Still bagging things up to go to charity. How do we accumulate so much? There are curtains I would like to take down and wash before cold weather. The list could go on and on and on...

    1. The day was just about perfect.
      I feel the same way. Lots of things get done regularly - but other things just get forgotten. Then I see them!! Oh my.
      Dust bunnies - they do breed quickly.
      Good for you on continuing to declutter. So much stuff.

  11. That’s an ambitious plan, but knowing how hard you work I am sure you will get it done.
    Linda has decided to wash and air dry her curtains this week, so that’s on the list of jobs. And she has finally agreed to demolish her old poultry coops which had become a bit of a vermin hotel. I’m thinking a nice tree and some flowers around it would look good in that spot, the soul would be great from decades iof poop, so we may have a trip to the nursery.
    Have a great week, take care, Louise

    1. Yep, it's ambitious - I am not as sure as you are! LOL
      So glad she has you to help her. That will be a good area for growing. I had heard that back in the day, the spot where my garden is, had a chicken coop. It has always been a good location for growing. A nice tree and flowers would be lovely.
      Let us know what happens!
