Sunday, September 22, 2024

Weekly Wrap-Up 9/22

 Happy Sunday to all.  Today is officially the first day of fall here in the northern hemisphere!  Summer held on for all its might around here.  We set record highs yesterday.  This coming week should be in the 70's all week.  Rain - hopefully!  Maybe some today and chances the next couple days.  Boy, do we need it.
Leaves are falling - not because of fall - but from the dry.  They aren't pretty, just dead.  The grass is brown, but the weeds keep growing.

I have officially seen my Christmas commercial on TV!  It was an ad for Disney World - but it was all Christmas.  I had to run into Big Lots this week, and they have Christmas items out for sale.  Good grief.

My frugal week:
  • I mowed everything - not because grass needed it, but the spindly weeds!
  • Cut all the peony plants to the ground.  I always wait until they are completely dead - putting all goodness back into the earth.  They are down and gone for now
  • Put a new tarp over the greenhouse (had it on hand)
  • Had the house generator fully serviced this week - not cheap.  It sure did need it, and I got a new battery in it as well.  All is good to go.  
  • I received a very big refund check this week, not really expecting (YAY) - helps offset my spendy month!
  • Got all leaves cleaned from deck (where greenhouse is), from flowerbed out back by house and one down the side of garage.  Really looked great (until they started falling again!)  sigh!
  • Filled the hummy feeders for probably last time.  They were all crazy a flutter for a week and a half - then went to nothing.  I think they have left.  Makes me sad
  • Made iced tea
  • I took a nice walk around the neighborhood one day
  • Done lots of laundry
  • Cleaning and cleaning some more
  • Ran to Kroger on Friday - got 4X points that day for gas.  Got milk - 1.39 half gal., Cider - 1.99 half gal.  Those are both why I went - but also found a nice pack of chicken breast fillets on clearance for 2.25.  (spent very little there)
  • Stopped at Big Lots (1 block from Kroger) and got some birdseed, instead of running to feed store.
  • HARVEST - tomatoes (ripening slowing a little), there are lots of green ones still, and zucchini & yellow squash
  • Just doing all the normal stuff - meals from home, using what I have, and enjoying fresh goodies
Meals this past week:
BLT and salad
Sausage patty & egg on a bun, 2 mini pancakes from freezer
Taco salad
Skillet veggies (squash, peppers, onion) w/smoked sausage and sliced toms
Tuna salad over lettuce - tomatoes, cukes & crackers
Jalapeno cheeseburger and salad
Fish fillet, fried corn and sliced toms & cuke

That is about it for my week.  The dog days of summer hang on - though we are getting a bit of a break this week.  I look forward to less humidity.
How was your week?  Let us know.  Are your gardens still going - are you still canning/freezing?  Did you get any deals this week?
I think we are all ready for a bit less heat and humidity.
PLEASE check in and at least say hello!  Missing so many of you.

I hope you all have a great week ahead.  Stay safe and healthy.  Enjoy each and every day in the best ways you can!
Blessings to you and yours from me at my humble little home

...for we walk in faith, not by sight.
2 Corinthians 5:7

Lord, we ask that You continue to strengthen those who waiver in faith.  Men of this earth will always let us down, but with You in our lives, we can go forward and face each new day.  We all have tough days but knowing You will be there with us keeps us going.  Thank You for all our many blessings.  AMEN


  1. Hi Cheryl, sounds like you've gotten a lot down around the homestead this week! You are very ambitious! Being in Florida, our yard work is 12 months a year, but it does have some cycles. I work outside several days a week, and thoroughly enjoy it. I was at Costco yesterday and the lit trees are up and lots of decor was available.

    1. I tried to get some stuff done. The weather cooperated part of the week - not too hot. It sure does have cycles.
      It is great exercise and fresh air and we get things done! Win-win.
      SO not ready to see Christmas stuff!
      Have a lovely week.

  2. This is Maureen in MO. The Brit living in the US. It is beginning to cool a bit here too and we finally got some rain and hopefully more to come with temperatures in the 70's and cooling off at night. When the rain stops we have to get out and mow for the last time this year. We mow about 5 acres so no five minute job lol. Husband is feeling quite poorly this morning. His A-fib is rampant today. Take care. XXXXX

    1. Hi Maureen - so glad you stopped by. Nice that you are getting some rain and cooler temps as well. 5 acres is a lot to mow - goodness.
      Prayers that you hubby gets to feeling better and that the problem stops.
      Have a great week.

  3. Hi Cheryl. It has been raining here all night. We're supposed to get 2-3 inches between today and tomorrow. I hope you get some at your house too. I have rosemary and thyme to dehydrate, and I'd like to dehydrate another onion or two and then I should be done for the season. We are still eating as many tomatoes and zucchini as we can while they're still here. I will miss them this winter but there is a season for everything and I'm kind of ready for fall and winter foods. Have a great Sunday.

    1. Lucky you! We are getting light showers at the moment - I will take what I can get. It does smell heavenly - I love the smell of rain.
      I am still picking toms and squash and have a few smaller cabbages out there - but it will be over soon. I know I miss that stuff too. I am about ready for a chili pot - been thinking of that a lot!
      Have a beautiful week.

  4. The celebration of life for my mom was held last Sat. The last of the houseguests departed on Mon followed by the changing of the bed linens & food management. And here I am a week later with a relatively mild case of covid. I'm almost glad for the valid excuse to isolate. Why is it that I need an excuse to shelter in? I'm working through mom's belongings from the nursing home; each move leaves less & less behind. And then there's the business of death that will sort itself out in due time. There was a delightful gathering at a friend's home midweek complete with home baked bread from her outdoor wood stove. The tomatoes were covered 2 nights with frost warnings. I don't know why I tempt fate; they should just be picked for canned tomatoes & salsa. I pulled your pineapple zucchini recipe out for processing the pattypan squash. Meals this week have been a smorgasbord of leftovers - chili, shepherd's pie, cabbage soup, hashbrown casserole, hamburger.

    1. I am so sorry you have had to go through so much lately. HUGS! It is tough - to go through things and distribute or discard. You don't need a reason to stay in and rest - you just have to do it. Glad it is just a mild case.
      It takes time to change up our routines, calls and just changes in life.
      Frost? Oh, I don't even want to think about that.
      Your meals sound wonderful.
      Take care, rest, and just know you are in prayers!
      Have a blessed week.

    2. Mona, please accept my condolences and allow yourself lots of time to get back to full health. Louise

  5. I'm ready for the cooler weather. Tired of the 90s, dropping down to 70s next week and rainy.

    My kids had their dental checkup. Preventative care makes it cheaper in the long run. One small spot on the toddler to keep an eye on and he thankfully didn't throw up this time (sensory issues even brushing at home is a battle).

    I'm thankful for Medicaid for the kids, knowing I can take them to the doctor when needed without worrying about such a huge cost which is why it takes a lot to get me and the husband to go. And also the free medicine my kid needed.

    I won a $25 Walmart gift card from the doctor's office.

    Used my husband's 10% off military discount at Lowe's and a $5 off coupon.

    Found clearance chocolate milk and cheap apples.

    The toddler is making progress on potty training. Diapers are so expensive, I'll be happy when we no longer have to buy them. It's harder with him though because he lacks the ability to tell me when he has to go.

    Borrowed books and movies from the library.

    Right now my plan is to stay out of the stores as much as possible. My husband's job just laid off people and you never know, especially since we are a one income household. Plus while repairing the house we just find more damage and more money that has to be spent.

    1. Glad the kiddos had good check-ups and yes, Medicaid really helps with children and a limited budget.
      Nice on the GC!!!!
      What a difference it will be when potty training is done. That is a big expense. My nephew didn't start communicating with words until very late - but they did some sign language (that they kind of invented) it helped them a lot.
      I sure hope there is no lay-off in your hubbies future. Stock up as you can, get those deals where possible. Check free cycle if you have some household needs too! Houses are expensive to maintain, but there can be some savings found with finding deals and free stuff.
      Have a super week.

    2. So glad you are joining us, Jess. Cheryl is a gold mine of information for those on budgets. Cindy/WV

    3. Thanks Cindy!!! Hope you are doing well.

  6. I hadn't realized this was the first day of fall. It definitely has cooled off here - woke this morning to 3C/37F, brrrr!
    Nice to receive some found money. The timing was right.

    1. 37? Brrr. We are in 60's at night now and this week highs in the 70's. Fall is here again!
      Timing was great for me - I have had a spendy month! Kind of unusual for me - but it happens.
      Have a good week. Trip time will be here before you know it!

  7. We also have dried leaves falling and have for a couple of weeks now, unfortunately. We can always use some rain. I went in Walmart this week and saw the Christmas stuff out right in the front of the store which is just too soon! I'm thinking of doing a basket for my nieces like you do yours, so I'm going to go back in your older posts and look for ideas. I think a simple, homemade, handmade Christmas is just what we need this year to help offset these rising prices.

    1. The things have gotten so dry and the leaves just keep falling. Not in a pretty way either.
      Isn't it crazy - we haven't even left September and they are doing holidays!
      I also think homemade, handmade & simple Christmas just says something special too. We care. I love those kinds of things and they are the best presents I get! I always have lots of ideas from about Oct on each year - just check the back files!
      Have a super week.

  8. Excellent devotional! Yes, man will let you down every single time. People need faith these days. I pray for courage and stamina for the days ahead.

    You are always a very productive lady! You will probably be very glad you had your generator serviced. One never knows...

    Erin unloads the trucks at Big Lots when they come in. She said they have Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas in the store. A seasonal favorite of my girls is pumpkin roll, and she sent me a picture of a slice that was apparently her breakfast. She and Alana both take them in to their co-workers.

    Your meals always sound so good! We are having unstuffed cabbage rolls for lunch. Should be enough for tomorrow too.

    We will be very happy to see the rain. According to the radar, I don't think it will miss us like it did a couple days ago.

    See you Tuesday! I am going for the reClast infusion for my bones.

    1. The generator hadn't been properly serviced (professional) for a while - so yes peace of mind.
      I saw all 3 holidays at Big Lots as well. I wish they wouldn't rush it so. All stores do it.
      Unstuffed cabbage sounds yummy. It is getting to be that kind of weather when those types of food sound yummy.
      It is raining lightly here as I type. So happy for any we get!
      Good luck with the infusion.
      Have a lovely week.

  9. Cool here is a relative thing-90's instead of 100'
    Out of rehab hospital since last Sunday and back to not being able to sleep in a bed again(wish I had a hospital bed). Still fighting with Ortho, PCP and Pain Management docs, none of which want to take responsibility for prescribing me pain meds. Back to the ER due to a weeping wound on the back of my calf caused by bumping into the leg/foot rests on the wheelchair. The pain doc won't see me for another 10 days to do a nerve block on my hip so am nursing the pain meds I have to get me through until then. Then I lost a filling in a tooth on Thurs. ugh Don't know how I'm goijng to lay in a dentist chair to have that taken care of. If it ain't one thing it's another, right? Trying to stay optimistic.....

    1. Yes, I guess it is al relative!
      Oh my gosh, you have been through so much lately. That is just awful. SO sorry you are having so much pain. Doctors can be real butts about the meds - my sis is going through that with here hip. No one wants to be responsible. It really ticks me off.
      Hope you can get the tooth taken care of easily.
      Prayers for relief from pain my dear. Take care.
      Try and have a good week!

  10. I have been picking pears and tomatoes from the garden this week. We have lots of rain forecast for the week ahead, so I decided to tidy up the hedge at the bottom of our garden today, since it might not get done this autumn if the wet weather continues on for longer. My husband came home just as I was about to start and decided to do it his way, which meant that all the longest branches were lopped, but not everything was cut back, as I would have done. I smiled and said thanks, since it looks a lot better than it did, but I will probably sneak out when he is not around (if it is dry) and do a little bit of remedial work. Shhh. Don't tell him!

    1. Pears sound so good. I love pears and only get them around this time of the year. Hope you can preserve some for later.
      LOL - we won't mention a word to hubby! That is probably exactly something I would have done myself!! Let them do it their way - then when they leave go finish the job. I understand.
      Hope you get things done before too much rain.
      Have a good week.

  11. Your week sounds very busy Cheryl, lots of things completed at your house. You are always so industrious. There was a lot of money spent at our house too this week, but no big refund check unfortunately. We went to an estate sale during the week and spent up big. It was out of town so had a two night holiday, it was lovely to eat out and not have to make your bed!!!!!! I am so easily pleased.
    Anyway, back to normal programming this week, it can’t all be fun all the time.
    Take care, Louise

    1. I did a lot of little things - the biggy was the service on geni.
      That sounds like a fun little vacation for you guys. I hope you found some goodies to buy.
      Same here - back to regular programming!! LOL
      Have a super week.

    2. $4500 was our total. I think I spent $40 of that. It sounds bad but most of it was machinery and parts, that’s expensive wherever you buy it. The prices weren’t cheap, but fair as it had been well looked after. I did get a box of lovely embroidered linens, which after Linda washes, is going to be turned into a quilt. That’s going to be our winter project.

  12. Rainy day; still no frost. Apple trees were generous this year. Lots of applesauce made and boxes of apples stored. When the rain quits we will pick the squash and set to cure for a week or so.
    I've potted up herbs and tomato plants for the house. Just little plant cuttings. They will grow after they get acclimated to indoors.
    Baked a ham; will freeze some for sandwiches.
    Roasted a turkey breast in my little toaster oven last week. It just fit. It was so moist and delicious that I will probably deconstruct the next turkey and repeat.
    There was a hummingbird at the window yesterday. Perhaps saying, "Farewell". Saw eagles flying with geese the other day. I think they are wanting to pick off the weak ones. Everything has to eat.
    Nice to have a whole house generator; we have two portables so no worries about outages.
    Fall colors begin but from drought not frost.
    Enjoy the autumn air.

    1. You sure sound like you have been busy with all kinds of good yummy food. All that meat will be so yummy later on.
      I think they come to the window sometimes to do just that - like "see ya next year!"
      I saw a big hawk today on the fence, I hate that - buy yep, everything has to eat.
      Generators are nice - no matter what type. It is just nice to have back up.
      No colors here at all - at least not yet. Here's hoping.
      Have a lovely week.
