Sunday, September 29, 2024

Weekly Wrap-Up 9/29

 Sunday again, and the end of yet another month.  I surely hope this finds you all safe and well.  Oh what a few days it has been weatherwise.  My heart breaks for all the destruction and death that has taken place.  It is just beyond comprehension.  The pictures are just horrible.  
It has been such a widespread event as well.  Places that you would never think of hurricane damage.

I had a ton of limbs down in the backyard.  They have now been stacked up.  Pieces of leaves cover everything - houses, cars, roofs, streets, etc.  We had 68 mph winds at one point, and it was sort of scary.  My little spot in this world is wonderful, so please know I am not complaining.  I just can't fathom what the folks in the worst areas felt/feel.  Such extreme sadness.  

Our family event was cancelled because of rain - hoping for next Saturday.  Much of everything was cancelled Friday evening around here, Saturday was just rain.
Bitsy was even scared.  He ran from window to window and door to door, then hid under the covers for a while on Friday.  Blackie could not have cared less!

This week was just odds and ends.
  • Used the crockpot and the air fryer when I could
  • Used leftovers in new ways - made Mex. chicken and ate 3X this week in different ways and froze enough for 3-4 more meals
  • HARVEST - tomatoes and squash.  My pepper plants are growing and budding and setting new fruit.  It is amazing
  • Hard boiled eggs for snacks
  • Cut up and froze lots of produce.  Couple quarts of each celery and bell peppers.  More tomatoes to use later
  • Washed my car at home with rain barrel water
  • I did deadhead the big flower bed out back.  The New England asters have started blooming now.  The wind and rains have laid them down - but they are covered in blooms and bees and butterflies.  Funny, here it is autumn, and the clematis is blooming again, as well as D'Oro lilies and even the dandelions!
  • I walked the perimeter of the house looking for any tiny cracks.  Any cracks or tiny spaces around pipes, lines or vents was stuffed with steel wool to prevent pests!
  • Made zucchini brownies
  • I tried the power washer - glad I didn't do much!  Now a lot more to clean off
  • Did go out for grocery deals.  Eggs were 18/1.99.  Potatoes 5lb. 1.88.  Seedless grapes .99 lb.  I also found 3 lbs. of sweet onions on clearance.  Perfect size - like tennis ball size.
  • Filled the gas tank on Blazer and got a .40/gal. discount
  • I stopped at the church thrift store while out.  I got 4 packs of hot chocolate mixes for $2 each for baskets.  Dates are way out in the future.  They carry lots of food items that get donated there.  Many are free.

Meals this past week:
Mexican chicken and mashed potatoes
Veggie fritters and salad.  Fritters were mashed pots, shredded zucc., cabbage and carrots
Chicken enchiladas & sliced toms
Smothered fries
Tortilla pizza
Grilled tuna patty melt and baked beans
Chili and crackers

Chili sure tasted good - it hit the spot.  Made a smaller batch but will probably eat today as well.  I have been craving comfort food.
How was your week?  Did you get any deals?  Still getting produce from the gardens?
If you are in any of the affected areas of stormy weather - please check in as you can!!!!!  I pray each and every one is safe.

Again, just hoping all are safe.  Life sure throws some curves and some are just catastrophic.  It just seems so sad - nature is a very powerful force we cannot beat, sadly.  Hugs and prayers.
Blessings to you and yours from me at my humble little home.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such there is no law.
Galatians 5:22-23

Lord, help us each to spread kindness and good to others.  There is currently much hate and division in the world.  Please help all to understand that it is the devil feeding this, and that it will serve no good purpose.  Help us all to hold our tongues and pray for those who are offensive and rude.  Prayers for all in the path of the storms.
Prayers for peace in this world Lord.  Amen


  1. It's hard to imagine being in the middle of a weather event like a tornado or hurricane. I'll take -40 winter weather any day compared to that. It's been beautiful fall weather here in NE Alberta. The lawn has been cut for the last time? Tomatoes were picked & a batch of salsa made. The rest will ripen in the basement. 6 pts of pineapple zucchini were made. Mom's clothes were readied for charity donation. Thank you cards were completed. The porch has been tidied & floor vacuumed/mopped. I didn't leave home for 6 days because of the covid infection I came down with. I'm in my happy place at home. I spent a lot of time lying on the couch or outside in the sun between the jobs I got done. The fridge is finally empty of leftovers. What I ate this past week: lasagna from the freezer, cabbage soup, yogurt, avocado toast, charcuterie. I hope all have a good week.

    1. I hate the frigid weather - but I think I have to agree. I have been around tornadoes my whole life - a couple came through within blocks of me - and it is some scary stuff. A hurricane - I can't fathom. Just horrible.
      Time off for healing and you still kept very busy. Sounds like a lot was accomplished at your house. Sometimes we just need rest - that is something we tend to forget. Home is my happy place as well. I get it.
      Hope you have a lovely week.

  2. I made chili this week too as this is the perfect weather for it. Nice score on the hot chocolate and such good Kroger sales. The pictures of the storm were devastating. My heart goes out to the all the people impacted by this storm. And another one is brewing in the Gulf now, which is so sad. I'm glad you had a good week and are safe and sound. :)

    1. Chili did taste good - didn't it?
      Thanks - got to get those deals while we can.
      I am glad to hear you are safe - it is hard to believe so many states have been affected.
      Be well and have a great week.

  3. Another excellent devotional! There is much hate and division in this world, but in the world to come, all will be peace. You are so right about the devil feeding this. He knows his time is short. In the meantime we need to, as you say, "hold our tongues and pray for those who are offensive and rude." If we lash out, that just makes things worse, and definitely tarnishes our testimony.

    We watched footage of the devastation in Tennessee. Whole towns destroyed. I follow a blogger who lives in Johnson City, TN and emailed her to see if they were affected. She said they were fine. Can you imagine trying to clean up after such damage?

    Your meals sound yummy! We eat chili year round. Cute little hot chocolate packages to put in gift bags. Going to put round steak in the one pot for lunch.

    We are still getting turnips and green onions. The broccolini and snap peas are up so we should be able to harvest those before frost. We get spoiled by being able to shop for grow-ceries in the backyard.

    Poor little Bits! Riley, my smaller Chihuahua, was spooked. Our power was off for a while and just about the time we put the lanterns out, the power came back on.

    Enjoy your day! See you Tuesday!

    1. I am trying hard to hold my tongue. I have a family member who goes out of her was to antagonize other family and yesterday I just had enough. Said my speech and then told her I loved her. It gets my goat. But I will try to just ignore from now on.
      Oh the devastation in so many places is horrific. Some areas have been hit hard before and now again.
      I tend to leave chili alone during the summer - so it is extra tasty come fall! Good going on still harvesting something. Yep, it will all be missed.
      Our babies just don't know what all the noise is!
      Have a wonderful week.

  4. Cheryl, excellent verse and devotional.
    We had high winds and rain up here also. But nothing like those in the south received. It just breaks my heart to hear of the devastation and loss of life.
    Our garden is just about finished, still getting a few tomatoes and the squash seed to be hanging on but beyond that getting nothing.
    I was able to find boneless chuck roast this week for 3.99 which for us is a smoking deal. Also canned kidney beans for .59 so that was a bargain also. I use dried beans but DD uses the canned kidney beans for our copycat Wendy's chili and the whole family loves it.
    I made a buttermilk yellow cake and chocolate fudge frosting last night to use up some buttermilk. Putting the remainder of the buttermilk in the freezer. Biscuits and pancakes in the future.
    Eating at home, made a big pot of jambalaya because I had celery, tomatoes, peppers and bits and pieces of smoked sausage, ham and chicken to use up. I swear I could "founder" myself on jambalaya and it freezes beautifully....just add the shrimp if using after it is thawed and reheated as they will toughen up.
    Need to check the grocery ads for this weeks stock up foray.

    1. Thanks. It is all just so sad - all those people and animals.
      Glad you are still getting some bits too. It all helps. That is a great deal on chuck roast. What a deal on canned beans.
      Mmm the cake sounds good. I usually make jambalaya once a winter - it lasts, as there is so much of it. I love it.
      Hope you can find some good deals.
      Have a lovely week.
