Tuesday, September 24, 2024

We Do What We Can

 Howdy to all.  Hope all are safe and well.  I know many are in the path of storms and bad weather and I hope you stay safe and have no damage.  There are places in the European countries that are getting tons of rain as well and are flooding terribly.  I hope none of you or your families are involved in that.  Stay safe.

We finally got rain yesterday and last night.  More coming today - it is so needed and appreciated.
I saw something yesterday morning that really surprised me.  I even looked it up to make sure of what I was seeing.  I have had rabbits before, but yesterday there was a white-tailed jack rabbit in the yard!  No mistaking it, it was very long, and had huge long ears and was fast like the wind!  That was new for me.
Did you know a jack rabbit is a hare not really a rabbit.  There is a difference!  I didn't know that until yesterday.

Boy, this is true.  If we are just happy with what we DO have, life can be so much better.  We all don't live in McMansions (nor want to), we don't have millions, we don't all have the best - but we sure can just be grateful for what we do have and love it.  Many in this world would be so grateful for what you have.
It is all perspective.  It truly is.  If you live where you have some peace and are not confronting war daily - be grateful.  If you have some semblance of freedom - be grateful.  If you have a roof, food, and clean water - be grateful.
Much is taken for granted today - and it shouldn't be.
Again - a huge truth.
We cannot control much in this world, but we can control our little spot we call home and our little lives in ways, that we don't often realize.
You can't control inflation and the financial world - but you can control HOW you spend your pennies.  Be selective in what you buy, look for the best prices, make good choices.  You can control what you nourish your body with.  You can control your little home front.
Spend wisely.  Use less.  Waste nothing.  Recycle all you can.  MAKE GOOD DECISIONS!

Control the things you can - and stop fretting over the rest.  The world is going to put some harsh things in your way at times - how you react is in your control. 
Sad things happen, bad things happen and always will - but that is life.  You make your way through it the best way you can.  Try to be positive and do the right things ALWAYS.  You are then adding a little goodness back into the world.

All we can do is our best.  Try and try again.  Keep moving forward.  IF you need help - reach out.  Whether it be physical or mental health - there is someone out there that can be a gift to you.  If you need help with finances or goods - there is help for that as well.

Hopefully, we offer a tiny spot of hope and sunshine here.  Everyone is so helpful and tries to offer ideas and advise, and hopefully a little love.  
Little things can mean big things to others.  Be that kindness.

Have a blessed day my friends.


  1. Excellent quotes! They will go into my quotes journal as well as being pinned to Pinterest.

    Maybe that jackrabbit came from Texas to see you. We have all sorts of other imports around us.

    It has long been my contention that if each person would take care of their own space and help others along the way, the world would be in much better shape.

    We have been watching some of the horrific weather around the world on YouTube. China has been hard hit with all sorts of stuff. Almost of biblical proportions!

    Going to get my reClast infusion for my osteoporosis today. Not a big deal but it can make you feel sort of fluish. Enjoy your day. A rainy day is excellent for reading and cuddling the fur babies.

    1. Thanks. I have no idea - never seen one around here before. I read they are here - so just new to me.
      You betcha. If we all just tried a little bit harder and did a little more - what a great place it would be.
      Weather has been something lately. Hurricane season - sure makes its mark!
      I am loving it today. Windows open, sitting here in a nice little breeze and the babies are napping.
      Hope your infusion leaves no side effects.

  2. I don't think I've ever seen a jackrabbit in the wild. Yesterday morning there were 3 bears running around in my garden. Today there was a flock of wild turkeys.

    You are so right - control what I can, try to ignore the rest & do not fret over it. Bit of a challenge in this election year where I am so bombarded with ugly news. ;)


    1. It was my first! Bears oh my. You can keep them! Turkeys would be cool.
      All the fretting we do, does nothing except upset us. Ugly news is everyday any more.

  3. I don't know the background story of a woman whose You Tube video I watched this morning. But she looks to be middle-aged and just spent her first night in her vehicle, homeless, with her mother. I know that she is paying for a storage unit for her possessions that she can't fit in her car. She has a bucket with a toilet seat to use in the night. She believes that this is part of God's plan for her and that he will take care of her.
    This is incredibly sad. So many factors causing homelessness. Poor folk getting squeezed for more rent, more insurance. The wealthy are able to avoid paying their share. Every church is tax exempt; even the mega churches that are begging for cash.
    I agree that we should share what we can spare but it will take a change in governments around the world to find compassion for the least of us. It is the prerogative of governments to protect all of it's citizens from predatory business practises. Regulations are required.
    I am processing apples almost every day. We are definitely eating seasonally...apple everything. There should be a good crop of mushrooms since we had a really good rain. I will get out into the woods to look for them on a sunny day. Today is dreary but it's my birthday anyway! And Glen's as well. Happy memories to you.

    1. There are a lot of homeless in our city - some by choice others not. I will do what I can to help others.
      Yes a lot of factors - and truly the govt. hasn't been for the people in decades and decades. Govt. should be more proactive in helping and doing, but I don't believe I will see it in my lifetime.
      Love apples- lucky you. Oh mushrooms sound so good. Nothing like fresh mushrooms.
      Happy birthday to you. Enjoy your day.
      Yes, today would have been his 69th birthday - he would have laughed, because he would be caught up with me for 1 month! Thanks!

  4. It's warmed up here, back up to 26C/79F this afternoon. It's expected to last for the remainder of the work week, but will start cooling down on Saturday...the day I'm heading out on my trip. No frost though, at least not yet.
    Be the kindness. What a wonderful three words that is - if we all treated others with kindness, what a better world this would be.

    1. Nice temps - we were in the lower 70's today. Hopefully frost holds off for quite a while. You must be so excited counting down the days. Your trip will be wonderful.
      Yes mam - what a wonderful world it would be.

  5. Wonderful thoughts for the day. Thank you.

    I have a belief that bad things come in threes, and I just got the last of my three today so we are off to good things next ;). Went to a lovely well known hotel in northern arizona and the bed apparently had bed bugs, holy cow, I now have bed bugs at home and bites all over me. First time ever with bed bugs….yikes! Exterminator is coming later in the week. Item number 2, steering was acting strangely on my car so it is at the dealer and will get fixed under warranty I trust. Item number 3, I had rats and mice in my living room wall, exterminator came and trapped them and found and closed up the holes. Well this am, I heard scratching noises again. Sigh. He will be back tomorrow. But like I said, three things done, so this will be it for awhile ;). Otherwise, life is fine, still having ups and downs adjusting to life without my husband. On the plus side, we are almost done with summer here.
    Hilogene in Az,

    1. Geezy peezy! What a 3 things. That has been my fear for years and years about motels/hotels. No matter how good of one it may be - it can happen. That just terrifies me. Bless your heart.
      Oh, at least the car is a fix. Jeepers - rats and mice too? Girl what crappy luck. I sure hope they catch them all and get everything sealed.
      Now on to good things - more than three hopefully!
      Adjustments take time - give yourself a break. In time you will find you again.
      So happy you stopped by for a visit. Please keep in touch.
      Let us know how the bugger and critter fix goes!!! HUGS

  6. Lovely post Cheryl. Cindy

  7. Birmingham, AL just had 11 homicides in 7 days. People are bemoaning our city has gone this way. Now, at last, people are demanding that guns be controlled.

    1. Every single morning, we wake up to someone having been killed in our city. It may be a gun, it may be a hit and run, it may be a stabbing, etc. Every day. People just have no respect at all for others.
      We all have our opinions - but to me it is most definitely a PEOPLE problem!
