Thursday, September 26, 2024

Big Brother and the Deal of the Week

 How is everyone this Thursday?  I hope you are all safe and well.  Prayers for all those in the path of the hurricane.  Heck, we will even receive weather tomorrow from this event.  I hope everyone that needed to leave has, or that you have a safe shelter.

It sure feels like fall this morning.  It is a bit chilly outside.  Nothing bad - just cooler than normal.  I have been out and fed the neighbor's cat, the birdies and the squirrels.  Living room windows open and Bits is running from window to window to see Licorice!  Big boy, Blackie, has set in the window for a while, now is on the couch with me, snoozing.  Oh the life!
It sure can be.  I know sometimes the events in life aren't - but if it weren't for change, we wouldn't have seasons, we wouldn't grow, and life would be pretty dull.

I keep being amazed at how 'big brother' is watching us!  I truly don't know why it amazes me, but it does.  Now just to point out, I do not have a 'smart' phone - it is an old type flip phone - and I do not have a 'smart' TV.  My TV is many years old.  Of course, we all know the computer monitors everything, even when they say it doesn't.  IT DOES!

Last week when I was talking to my niece, we were discussing how her daughter is interested in building a tiny home.  Suddenly I am getting tons of pop ups on my news page for tiny homes!
I looked up Jack rabbits the other day - now there are articles all over my news about rabbits!  Shoot, even the local news did a story this morning!
Just to show how fast it works - yesterday we talked about goody baskets for the holidays - and what showed up yesterday afternoon - an ad for buying already filled gift baskets - custom orders!
I just find it incredibly creepy.  
They don't even hide the fact that they spy on our every move.

I guess the thing I so often wonder about is how I can just be sitting here thinking of something - not say anything out loud or look it up, and BOOM, there is an ad or article.  Now that is creepy!

We all like our store cards for getting deals and digital coupons, but it is another way to monitor what we buy.  CC's the same thing.  I often get 'customized' coupon offers from Kroger for items I have purchased over and over.  Yep, they keep track.
I guess the only way around that is to not get deals with a store card and pay cash.  UGH! (not sure if that would even work).

Speaking of deals.  If you have Kroger or an affiliate - this is the week for eggs!  1.99/18 count large eggs.  Limit 5 cartons.  I ran in yesterday morning to get mine.  I was afraid they would run out early - so I went on the first day early.  They actually had several displays, and they had a lot of them!
So, you might want to check your fliers.  That is a great deal now days.  Eggs have gotten so pricey again.  I plan on freezing some of mine - so I will be good until probably the end of the year.

Just another tip for the grocery!  Every time I go - even though I don't mention it - I buy canned tuna or chicken.  YEP, I generally get 4-6 cans each time.  Now I don't go to the store every week - but I get this when I do go.  I just feel comfortable having this protein on hand, and having it be shelf stable.  It sure would come in handy in a pinch.  If I have a lot and it is getting close to date - I can donate - but both last for a long, long time.
Also, it could be used for pet food as well.   I just like having shelf stable meat on hand.

Well, it looks like a lot of rain and wind tomorrow.  I know it is nothing compared to what others are getting.  STAY SAFE
Saturday I will be attending a family fall event - chili/hotdog day.  We get together every fall for this.  We also celebrate my nephew's birthday.
Not sure what I have in store today - but I bet I keep busy with something.

Hope you are all safe and have a great weekend.  I know we have one vacation gal leaving for a cruise this weekend - hope the storms don't affect it!  Have fun.
Hope you all get to do something fun this weekend.

Have a great one!


  1. Rained all night, still raining, supposed to get worse - wind coming soon. Bought a new raincoat - old one was leaky! Just in time, I think. :) Did have a power blip, hope it's the only one. Checked rain gage this morning, 4.5 inches so far. Good thing I checked and emptied it or I'd not be able to measure later today. Ally Cat is not pleased with the weather! :)

    I also like to have canned meat on hand. I like those little cans of ham, so tasty, and go with beans or eggs or just plain. Buying extra every time is a good way to build an emergency supply.

    You're so right about the creepy feeling. It's like "they" are listening even when we don't have the phone turned on and are not near the computer. I've heard others remark on this as well, and they also think it's creepy, even tech-savvy folks.


    1. That is a lot of rain. Hope it doesn't do a lot of flooding. Good going on the new raincoat. You know I have never had one! Something I should have on hand.
      Yes mam, those little hams are good. I have 3 or 4 of those around. They do make some great beans!
      It is creepy. It is actually like they are in your head sometimes. That is what gets me.
      I guess I am not the only one thinking these things.

  2. Yes Cheryl, Big Brother is watching and listening and it is scary but I don't know what we can do other than move to mountains and live off grid and I'm too old for that so I try not to worry about it. We're supposed to get 2-3 inches of rain over the next three or four days. Prayers out to all in the cone of uncertainty. Enjoy your family event. I hope it doesn't get rained out.

    1. Yeah, I am too old for that as well. I guess that might be the only way.
      It is supposed to be very rainy - supposedly ending Sat. morning here. That would be cool!
      Stay dry and safe.

  3. Yeah, How do they know what we are "thinking"?

    1. THAT my friend is the BIG question!!! I don't understand it. I am not a big doctor goer as you know, so no surgeries or procedures (you get me drift). Maybe we are just paranoid - but it sure seems like they know what we think.

  4. Big Brother (or "bother") is incredibly creepy! 'Nuff said...

    Bits really likes patrolling for you, to keep you from harm. ha! Erin has one cat that is always in one of her windows. He is quite the chatterbox.

    Good price on eggs. Gotta love a good loss leader.

    I know you will be busy with something. You are not the sort to lounge around all day. Enjoy your weekend and your family event. See you Sunday!

    1. Yep - creepy for sure.
      Oh Bits just loves me to pieces! He really does. If he is awake, he follows me all over the house, rubbing and loving me. Wants all my attention. He is a watch cat - unless it is human - then he hides!! LOL
      Been out enjoying the morning and doing odds and ends.
      Talk at you Sunday!

  5. The rain off of it isn't too concerning to me, but we are supposed to have high winds, which does make me nervous as there are several huge trees surrounding my house.

    Big brother is everywhere. It can make shopping for gifts difficult because whatever gets looked at pops up on the husband feed and what he looks up on mine.

    I did take advantage of the good Kroger deals this week. I signed up for a free trial of boost and got free delivery, it says the boost coupons wouldn't work on the trial, but it did! Got the eggs, 1.99 5lb potatoes, .99 sugar, .49 bread and buns, some other really good deals. Plus I had two $20 off $75 delivery that unexpectedly stacked so that was an additional $40 off. Well worth it even after the tip.

    1. I hope your trees stay standing and you are safe.
      I never thought about that - but it would make gifting a little harder.
      Good for you - I have thought about signing up for Boost, just haven't figured out how yet!!! I 'm not real techy.
      They had some great Boost deals as well. Sugar and flour too! That was why I considered it.
      Glad you got some deals.

    2. I don't know where you are, but I also expect heavy winds from this storm. I've already lost power once for a couple hours this afternoon. Wish there was Kroger near me, but all I have is Ingles. There is a scratch/dent/outdated outlet, but they've really changed in the last months - stuff is much more expensive and much is nothing I've ever seen or heard of before. Maybe new management or something. Not happy about that.

      Glad I have canned goods that I can eat without cooking. Although the power is presently on, I'm not using my stove - no point in losing power with a half-cooked supper! Peanut butter on whole wheat bread is good enough for me this evening. :)


  6. That is a great deal on the eggs at Kroger! Hopefully everyone in the path of the storm, including us, will be safe. I'm pretty sure we will lose power, but I hope not.

    1. It is a great deal on eggs anymore. They are so expensive.
      I sure hope you don't lose power. Stay safe and dry.

  7. Hubster is a cybersecurity expert. He says that he can learn anything he wants about you in less than 30 minutes. Therefore, he told me to quit fussing. People gonna find what they want to find.

    1. I do believe it. It will still creeps me out and I don't have to like it. I guess, maybe I would be one of those that would thrive back in the day.

  8. I have a Google home mini and I know it is listening to me because it talks back to me when I talk to it. Thus, it has to be listening all the time to know when to talk. If you do a search on-line or click on an ad, that info is stored too. But I suspect, based on your description, that your blog may be providing the info. And, of course your store cards track your purchases. It helps the businesses determine inventory requirements.
    What an incredible deal on eggs. I was thrilled to purchase a carton of 18 eggs today for $5.99 Cdn (about $4.25 USD). How do you freeze eggs?

    1. I admire people that have those mini talking machines, bit I would never have one.
      Yes, they are tracking the blog as well. They track everything.

      I break one egg per muffin section in a muffin pan. Place in the freezer until frozen. I then set it in a warm sink of water for a few seconds to release the bottom. Throw them in a baggy and you are done. Thaw in frig when ready to use.

  9. I'll have to check my flyer. I have one egg left from all the ones I froze 2 years ago after you explained how to do that.

    And shout out to Rita who tipped on freezing whole lemons. It worked! Thaw & squeeze. I kind of think it got more juice out of it.

    So reality just got more real. My husband lost his job yesterday. He'd planned to work 2-3 more years. Totally unexpected but they also let 2 other men near retirement go. Of course, my husband is crushed. It's before we planned but I'm confident we can manage it. I've learned a lot here so I will be continuing those things or implementing things I haven't done. yet.

    1. It really is amazing the things one can freeze for the future. Glad it worked for you too.

      Oh my goodness, I am so sorry to hear that. Companies are good at that just before retirement sets in.
      You are wise in all matters, so I am sure you have prepared well. Any questions you may have, shout them out - there are several here in retirement now.
      People get a lot tossed at them when the timing wasn't what they expected. You guys will get through this. Maybe even a part time job or working on something he enjoys to make a little extra? Don't rule things out.
      Huge hugs!

    2. Sorry to hear about your husband's job, if I were him and his co-workers, I would check with a legal expert. What you describe is blatant age discrimination. AARP has a lot of info on their website about this issue. Good luck to you both!

    3. Thoughts are with you Margaret, this happened to my partner as well, and it was a hard period in our lives. Ours turned out to be a blessing in disguise because a few months later he was offered the same job with a different company who appreciated his experience and then he got to finish his working life on his terms. I hope things work out for you both. Louise.

    4. Thank you ladies!

      I have to admit I like the part where he'll be home! But of course, it's not under the best circumstances. I do kind of hope he picks up a side gig or something or maybe as Louise mentioned something better comes along and he can finish on his terms.

      I'll take a look at the AARP stuff. I appreciate the suggestion.

      I didn't want to overwhelm him but I did stay whenever he's ready I'll be ready to reassess our budget and spending choices.

      He barely ate all day but he wanted something late and I was able to make him a nice plate with pantry stuff. Pulled out more pantry stuff and made him some chocolate chip cookies. (I used powdered eggs I bought for 99c per pound & butter I bought way back for $1.49 a pound, chocolate chips I'd stocked up on Aldi flour). I felt good about giving him a treat and not being spendy because baking cookies can be expensive.

  10. Maybe you need to use Duck Duck Go for privacy.

    1. I might give it a try, but I doubt that anything will keep things private any more. It seems the whole world is tech. That won't help here on the blog - but thanks for the idea.

  11. I know what you mean about the creepy all-knowing internet but we need to call it Big Tech instead of Big Brother. Congress has chosen over and over to let Zuckerberg and his ilk do whatever they want and they are out of control. Privacy is a thing of the past and the younger generations don't care because they've been raised without it.

    1. I guess I just remember reading the book 1984 and it has sure come to past. That was written so long ago, and here it is.
      You are right - govt. has let the techies take over. I really think it will part of our ruination! People have gotten to accept it all as normal.

  12. Oh, I wish I had your Kroger affiliate store! The cheapest 18 ct. mine offers is for $5.29. Even the 12 ct. carton is $3.59. And, yes, I'm sure I'll start seeing posts about egg prices now!!! It was glorious to sleep with the windows open last night. I love a cool room, and our morning temp here was 58*. Pup even climbed up and snuggled under the covers for awhile. Have a lot of family and friends who winter in various parts of Florida, so have been watching the weather in the South. Here, we'll get some of the trailing bands, though not expecting anything severe. But of course, will monitor reports for any severe weather. Stay safe, everyone!
