Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Food, Oh Fabulous Food

 Happy Tuesday to all.  Hoping this finds you safe and well.  I seem to be on slow this morning.  I laid in the bed longer than normal this morning, kitties came and curled up with me, and it sure felt cozy.  Now I am in catch up mode.  Funny how just a few minutes out of your routine can throw you for a loop!
It is nice outdoors - about 50*F and looks to be a sunny day.  As soon as the sun started to pop out - the birdies were singing so pretty.  What a great way to start the day - kitties and nature.

Food - the basis of life.  Every living thing needs some type of nourishment to thrive.  
It is now time for all the wonderful fall produce.  Whether you grow it, find it on mark down, or go to farm markets, or are gifted goodies - use it and love it.
If you have an abundance of 'whatever' make the most of it.  You can - can and freeze and dehydrate - but if you aren't in the mindset to do that - find new ways to eat it up.
This is time for cabbage, brussels, broccoli, potatoes, onions, beans, some peas, greens, tomatoes (both green and red), parsnips, turnips, winter squash, etc.  There are tons of variety out there, and right now can be had for pretty cheap prices.

Get those kitchen basics as well.  Flour, sugar, all baking products, spices and herbs, eggs (they seem to be getting cheaper), butter, oils etc.
With these basics you can make not only sweets and yummies from the kitchen, but also lots of good hearty food.  Biscuits, noodles, dumplings, pancakes, breads, crusts, etc.

Our options are limitless really.  Poultry and pork seem to be the cheaper meat products at this time.  Turkeys, they say, will be at least 15% less in cost this year.  When you find them cheap - buy extra if you have the room.  If you don't have room to store whole turkeys - thaw and cook - then wrap and freeze for later.  Cents per pound is cheaper than any lunchmeat or deli meat that can be had.  Ground chicken or pork can be used just like any other ground meat.  You can always add bouillon to change the taste. 
Buy the deals when you find them - stock up.  Tis the season for lots of great food finds.
Holidays will be upon us soon, and that always makes for some great sales.

Tomorrow, I will give lots of ideas for using 'normal' veggies and fruits in new and different ways.

Food is such a beautiful thing.  It truly is.  Look in your cabinets and frig and freezer and see what you have.  All those labels, and all those fresh and yummy things - THEY TRULY ARE BEAUTY!  
Isn't that something?  Things of such beauty are full of nourishment for your body.  I find that so amazing.  Color is huge - learn to eat the color - it is full of vitamins and minerals that you need in your body.

Until tomorrow and lots of fun ideas - have a beautiful and joyful day!


  1. Your post is making me hungry, lol! I'm working on a grocery list this morning, hoping to do a bit of a stock up for my son before I leave for home next week.
    Enjoy your day!

    1. Wait till tomorrow's post - if you think about getting hungry!!! LOL
      Good luck with your stock-up. Nice of you to get him stocked and ready for bachelor life again!

  2. Produce is quite lovely! The colors, shapes and textures are pleasing to the eye. Most of our meal plates are of varied colors. It is so much better, both taste and good for the body, to cook meat and avoid the deli counter.

    It is a beautiful day! Another day without the furnace running with the house closed up tight.

    Enjoy this glorious day!

    1. Windows open here and airing the house again today - it is just perfect out.
      Yes, people tend to think of food as just a thing we ea. It is also so good for us, and it really is pretty to look at!
