Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Tuesday Show & Tell at my House

 Happy Tuesday to all.  I sure hope you are all well and safe.  Welp, here we are halfway through another month!  It seems fall is finally here in my area!  Goodness, it is a bit chilly this morning.  Looks like it rained a little over night - not much here as far as I can tell. (the first rain of Oct.).   The Blazer was wet, but that was about it.
Today is supposed to be the ickiest day of the week - chilly, breezy and damp - and guess what?  I have a luncheon to attend that is going to be outside in a nearby shelter house!!  What luck.  I guess I just bundle up a little.  I am betting it will be a short affair! (highs in low 50's).
It is 68* in the house this morning - so still no heat on.  My house warms up nicely during the day and it really holds the heat.
Some of the fall decorations out front of my house.  All free - as the birds are responsible for these.  This picture really doesn't do it justice.  The colors on the plumes are so pretty.  Browns and golds.

                                       What to do when you are chilly?  Snuggle under a blankie!

Just wanted to post a picture of the bean find, so no one would doubt me!  The top pic shows the date on the can.  I still can't believe this find.  Kroger usually has some decent markdowns - but nothing like this have I seen in ages!!!!

Anyone purchased this item?  I used to keep a jug of bleach around for different uses - but hardly ever used it and when I got ready to - it was often leaked out and empty.  Luckily, I kept it in the basement.  I found these and decided to get them to have on hand.  These can be used in laundry, for cleaning or toilets.  I did try one tablet in the toilet, and it fizzed and cleaned well.  Bleach is not something that gets used often in my house - I prefer peroxide (laundry) or vinegar & baking soda - but you never know when these might come in handy.  Shelf stable and no leaking, so I find it a win.  Just a nice thing to have in the pantry.  This was just a little over $3 - I have seen at both Kroger and WM.
I also keep denture cleaning tablets on hand for the toilet cleaning once in a while.  They really work (like Efferent).  I don't have dentures but decided to try them out for cleaning porcelain.  Works.

Well, the sun is shining at the moment - so misleading looking.  Sunshine always brightens my spirits.  It just calls for a smile.
Frost is called for tonight in many surrounding counties, but not here according to the news.  I still have a lot of green tomatoes to get picked.  Yesterday I got all that were starting to turn.  They will ripen in the house - but there is a lot out there!  After the next couple nights, things warm up a bit again.  Oh, we will see how I feel when I get back from the luncheon.  Maybe just a tarp to be sure tonight!

Wishing you each a lovely day.  Hope all of our Canadians friends had a lovely Thanksgiving!
Be safe and smile and spread a little joy.


  1. It is definitely cold this morning! The dogs didn't linger too long when they went out to potty.

    Your bird landscaping is pretty. We gave lots of tomato plants scattered all over the yard. Most likely birds.

    Have to look for some of the bleach tablets. They would be handy for cleaning.

    Going to early voting this morning. We figured that the place wouldn't be open yesterday because of Columbus Day.

    The Farmer made beef stew yesterday and there is plenty left for our lunch today. Soup, stew and chili weather!

    Pinned the cute picture of Bits to my Pets board.

    1. Dogs should be wearing sweaters when going out to potty, that way they don't have to rush and risk unfinish business.

    2. Yes, it was chilly this morning. It is amazing what the critters plant for us!
      The tablets are handy for 'whatever' and shelf stable - so that is a plus.
      Stew sounds wonderful.

  2. Cool bean cans photo, artistic yet minimalist in style. Genius.

    1. Didn't really consider the can - just what was in it!

  3. Woo Hoo on those beans! I love it! I use the bleach tabs too as I find the weight of them to be so much less than a gallon of bleach. I will put one in when I wash my kitchen laundry and it brightens it up for sure. I buy mine at Walmart and they also have a lavender scent. Your kitty is so cute snuggling under the blanket. I woke up to 37 degrees outside, so pretty chilly here too.

    1. Yes, the weight of the tablets is nothing and it does a lot of stuff. Didn't know they had them scented - I can't do scent well. but good to know.
      Kitty is now under my cover on the bed! He sure like to snuggle under covers.

  4. Cold this morning, I do have my heat on. It's too early to start my wood burning stove but I need just a bit of heat in the mornings.
    I just cleaned and straightened the kitchen pantry, I can't understand how it gets messy since I am the only one here....LOL

    Our gardens are picked and cleaned out as of last night. Onions were not great this year, but there is always next year.
    Next up is making some stuffed peppers for the freezer and some hot pepper jelly. I got 2 huge bags of bell peppers off the markdown rack yesterday for .89 per bag.....smoking deal.

    1. Hey, if you are cold - turn it on.
      LOL - I know - same here with the pantry. I say it is 'gremlins' - because we sure know it isn't us!!!!
      I picked a bunch yesterday - a few more just a bit ago - then covered the rest. Hopefully all will be fine. They say no frost here in my area - just making sure - in a couple days it will be in 70's again. Crazy weather.
      Mmmmm stuffed peppers sound very tasty. Pepper jelly and cream cheese - nummy.

  5. Hi Cheryl, I am still here. We had a few sunny days and I was able to cut the grass. Our weather has been VERY wet this year and that is why Ireland is so green
    I have a confession to make……I really don’t like vegetables much. My dinner is at my cousin’s tonight so will eat them then. In my sons and daughters I eat them but don’t cook any for me. Do potatoes count?
    I do have my wood burner going but get lots of free wood so it does not cost me much.

    1. Glad you got some sunny and dry weather. I remember you saying how much rain you were getting.
      Not everyone likes everything. Sure potatoes count! I love some potatoes - any way you want to fix them - especially if they contain cheese! LOL
      Free fuel is great! Good to hear from you.

  6. I was just going to suggest covering the tomatoes, especially as it is due to warm up again. We do that a lot here, because our weather can be so up and down.
    Between the frost overnight and the wind, the leaves on the trees are falling quickly. Still pretty out there but we'll be soon looking at the bare branches again.

    1. I picked a few more from the outer edges - then covered as much as possible. Hopefully that does it. It will warm in a couple days. Just not today!

  7. It will be below 60 one day, then back up to 70s. No rain here yet.

  8. I have those bleach tablets and sometimes use them. they seem to work well but when i bought them, their info said they had not yet been certified to label as germ killing -like liquid bleach.

    super find on the .14 beans

    1. Good to know. I didn't really get them so much for germs - just to use in cleaning some things. Doesn't leak or weigh a lot - easy to store.
      Thanks - I was blown away to get them! Good to see you stop by.

  9. We keep those bleach tablets, too. They are great.

    1. Cool - not sure why it took me so long to find these. I am glad to have them on my shelves. Glad to hear others have them too. Hope you are ok.

  10. Those beans were sure a bargain, I haven’t found anything that cheap for a good length of time.
    Today is miserable at mine, drizzly showers, light breeze and chilly. I have a pot of pumpkin soup on the go, so at least inside is nice.
    Take care, Louise

    1. I hadn't seen a deal like that in years - which is why I jumped!
      Miserable here as well today - a big pot of hot soup sounds perfect.

  11. We have been pretty chilly the last few days, however like you I am refusing to turn the heat on no matter how much Harvey bugs. The house heats up nicely and retains its heat for pretty much the entire day.

    Great deal on those beans.

    God bless.
