Sunday, October 27, 2024

Weekly Wrap Up 10/27

 Happy Sunday to all.  Hoping this finds you all well and safe.  Cool morning here in Indiana.  These brisk mornings, sure make it hard to get out of the cozy bed!  I have the thermostat set at 67*, yet it hasn't turned on.  The house stays pretty comfy.

We finally have some color setting on around here.  There are reds, yellows, oranges, crimson, burgundy, etc.  It is getting pretty.  I saw my big old woodpecker out there yesterday!  I haven't seen it for a while.  Also saw a red-winged black bird, that must be flying through.  I have during the spring and early summer - then they usually disappear.  How about that big old moon this last week?  WOW
We have had 'Micheal Myers' walking up and down the street this week!!!  Neighbor from down the road - he walks slowly down the street (mask on) and sure makes traffic slow and take notice!!!! 
My frugal week:
  • Lots of laundry and used the dehumidifier water
  • Got to air the house a lot - had a lovely week
  • Working on cleaning out the garden, the area between the garden and fence (flowers), the huge New England aster, the reeds on the pampas grass, etc.  Got lots and lots of yard/garden work done
  • Back hose is drained and put up
  • Received my 15% off coupon on entire purchase from Ollies - will use at some point for kid's gifts
  • Got another negative light bill.  This has been going on much of the year.  I have been on a reasonable budget plan for years - and suddenly I am showing credit all the time.  I did go ahead and pay the budget several months - now I get a negative bill and NO envelope!!  It also won't let me pay anything by phone until out of negative.  Cool!
  • Cut my hair at home and root touch-up
  • No grocery shopping.  I did run out and got NON-food items to add to the panty.  Furnace filters, cat food and treats, medicated lip balms, throat lozenges, stocking stuffers for some gift baskets, etc.  Oh, I did get one thing at Big Lots for the food pantry.  A great deal - no mixing, other than water - will make almost free tortillas!!!
Clearance of .62 for the whole bag.  Will place in glass jars and be ready to go!!!!!! Love homemade tortillas!
  • Did a total vacuum and dust of main floor
  • Meals from home with what I have
  • Finished up a half gallon of milk dated 10/5 - still tasted perfect
  • Opened a new bag of A/P flour - dated 12/21 - perfect
Meals this past week:
Chicken strips, fried corn/cabbage, sliced toms
BLT and fruit
Fried green tomatoes and a fried egg
Faux Philly beef & cheese open face, fried onion slices and sliced toms
Smoked sausage, 2 small corn on cob, salad
Mexi chicken fillet, fried zucchini, sliced toms
Cheesy tuna/noodle casserole w/peas added and sliced toms
Lots of fruit and nuts for snacks

The sun has been shining, the colors are starting, nature is great, kitties are loving - super day here.  What have you all been up to this week?  Did you find any deals?  Anyone still canning/freezing?  I am going to finally start canning this week!
Prayers for all in the storm affected areas - whatever part of the world you are in.  Look forward to hearing from you all.

Be safe and healthy and have a wonderful week ahead.  Smile and enjoy all the gifts you have been given.
Blessings to you and yours from me and my humble little home.

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Romans 12:21

Dear Lord, help us each one to do and say the kind thing.  There is so much evil in this world today, and we see and hear it daily.  Help us to not succumb to it, and to always do the good and just thing.  If we each do that, we can improve this earth and a little at a time.  Please continue to lay Your healing hands upon all in need.  AMEN


  1. Wow, what a great deal on the masa! I love seeing the woodpeckers here, some of them are huge. I love that you have a negative light bill, that is terrific. I've never been to Ollie's, but we do have them here. I need to check one of them out. I used to like Big Lots, but they raised their prices a few years ago and the bargains were very hard to find after that.

    1. I couldn't believe the price - no way was I passing on that! Just the right place at the right time.
      You need to check Ollies out - they have so much stuff. Each visit is different.
      I love the woodpeckers too. This was my big old Woody!
      Have a lovely week.

  2. Good day to all. The week started with a "me" day when absolutely no work was done! I watched an episode of my favorite series right now - Call the Midwife; had a soak in the whirlpool tub; gave myself a pedicure; walked 2 miles; read. Then it was a week of appointments - oil change, hair cut, massage, chiropractor. I went to the new Beetlejuice movie; I enjoy Michael Keaton's & Catherine O'Hara's performances. Someone referred to the road I live on as "death road" as yet another resident has passed bringing the total to 4 in 2024. I know it's not a competition but my mom's death at 91 pales in comparison to my neighbor's at 76 yrs. He was still farming & leaves his wife to mourn. I visited with her for a bit this week as well as another friend who has been feeling poorly. I'm experiencing an emotional lightness after caring for mom through her final 6 months. I walked a total of 6 miles this past week. The fall weather is still relatively mild for end of Oct. The neighbor little stayed one day & we had fun in the fall leaves & painting a pumpkin. In the kitchen: turkey tetrazzini, turkey soup, biscuits, banana chip muffins.

    1. Good for you on the ME day! We all need those from time to time. Sounds like a busy week otherwise.
      That is a shame so many have passed on your road this year. You are bound to have lighter feeling days. Being a care giver is really difficult work, that many do not understand. You are finally getting to have some 'regular' time, as sad as losing her was.
      It is pretty mild here as well - it sounds like we may have a mild winter from things I have read. So love that you get your little neighbor to stay now and then!
      All the food sounds yummy.
      Have a beautiful week.

  3. May I grumble about a bill? It's been 1 month (to the day) since I had *any* AT&T phone service here... but the bill is just the same, service or no. Spectrum also was the same, but they did fix their lines. Funny thing: Spectrum kept sending me email messages about how my service was out. I got all those sad apology emails when the service was restored a couple weeks later. What were they thinking? *Nobody* out here had any access to Spectrum or cell phone; who did they think was going to read those emails? At least the electric company bills for what I use, and with the power out for weeks the bill was much less.

    I'm sure the repairs from Helene to all the lines are *astonomical*. All those men, trucks, new wires, OMGoodness. For sure a company cannot send a bill to God, so that leaves the customers paying for it.

    Our Frugality meme says we should be saving some $$ against an evil day, to cope with a catastrophe. But nobody could save enough to cope with this kind of storm, not even a big company like AT&T or Spectrum. It's a great big puzzle and food for thought.

    Today I had to get more drinkable water, so I took my jugs down to the local grocery and had them filled up from a Water Tanker Truck from 'someplace else' manned by National Guard. That's 6 jugs, for 6 days of washing my face and brushing my teeth. Thank you, God.

    I'll say it's lovely to see my tax dollars go for something really needed. :)


    1. Isn't that something. I can see maybe a minimal fee for just being a user (not using at the moment). But a regular bill somehow seems wrong. Yes, I get it too, someone has to pay for all that - they sure don't want it coming from their profits (you know they have them).
      This sure is going to be a learning situation for so many. It is a never before seen thing so far inland. I am glad you got water. It surely is a necessity.
      I really hope things get back to somewhat 'normality' in the near future.
      Have a super week.

    2. It's interesting. The locals who've lived here forever call this "the hundred year storm" because there was something of this sort in 1916. There were not as many people here then, and folks were more self-reliant, grew their own food, had their own water supplies, used to doing without. Not as much was built in a flood plain, so much of the flooding in 1916 was on agricultural land or forest, not homes & businesses.

      Because this storm was so widespread some are calling it a 500 year storm, as there was record of such a massive thing in 1791. (I've even read "5000 year storm" but I can't imagine where that kind of information is obtained.)

      My neighbor has a report on this area written up by the TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) back in the 1960s and it was interesting to read and see the photos (all b&w) from washed out bridges and railroads from various floods in this area - many of them the same ones that washed away this time!


    3. I am sure it has happened more than we know - just not in our lifetimes. More people, more structures, more modern conveniences to all get messed up for sure. Seems there have been some horrific storms all over the world causing flooding, destruction and death this year.

    4. Same sort of storm situation hit the Western Mountains in VA when I was a kid, Agnes in '72. That one also devastated parts of Eastern PA, mostly urban parts of Harrisburg and Wilkes-Barre and PA is not a coastal state. They still run newspaper/tv station stories about Agnes when we lived in PA 2 years ago.
      I hope you get all your utilities restored soon Mary. 8-)

    5. Learning new things today - I don't remember that one at all.
      Daddy would be proud of me for learning!!!!!

  4. Excellent verse and prayer! You can almost feel the evil in the air, and see it people's faces, hear it in their voices.

    Brrr, it was chilly this morning. The sun is shining brightly and that is always a good thing. The Farmer planted some more seeds and all are doing well, despite no rain. He waters as necessary. I need to go out and pick more peppers and pull more green onions for the house. There are still cherry and spoon tomatoes. I see Riley out picking up the fallen ones and eating them.

    Can't beat a negative bill! We received our light bill and it was considerably less.

    Good buy at Big Lots! Most of them are closing and Erin thinks her store (an old Marsh store), which is the largest in the state, will probably be the last to close. The closest Ollies is on 31 and we haven't been down that way for a while.

    Enjoy this day...see you on Tuesday.

    1. Yes the evil in the air is palpable.
      Wow, good for you still picking garden.
      Yes, not needing heat or AC should does help the light bill.
      The Big Lots I go to is doing a good business and has lots of stuff - guess we will see. The Ollies I go to in on Thompson road near intersection of Emerson - never been to any other one. They always have a bunch of stuff.
      Have a lovely week.

  5. I bought a lot of fresh strawberries this summer for 99c. I'll be turning those into jam for Christmas gifts soon. That'll also free up freezer space which I need.

    Yesterday I spent $4 and got some good bargains --lettuce, 5 bell peppers, 2 bags of oranges, 3 bag of limes, mushrooms, snap beans, 1 each yellow squash and a zucchini. The produce bargains haven't been that great recently so this was exciting!

    Last week I found three 10 ounce packages of chicken meatballs in a sweet and sour sauce $1.60 each (normally $6.99 each)! I would never pay that much! A couple weeks before I ended up with 20 brats and Italian sausages for about $8. Both these bargains came from a Kroger brand store. They used to not have clearance items like this so I rarely went there. I only stopped in to get their cheese on sale and discovered the clearance areas. I'll be swinging by there more often.

    Made coffee this morning with a coffee I got for $1.50 for a bag. It's a fall flavored coffee that was clearanced in the summer at Walmart. My husband will drink it all before the bag even expires.

    I'm starting to work on the gifts I'm giving for Christmas.

    32⁰ this morning but the house is still holding heat at around 67⁰

    Hope everyone has a good week!

    1. I hear you. I will be glad to get tomatoes and grapes out of the freezer - there will be a lot more room!
      What fantastic deals you got. That is a lot of produce for $4.
      I love the Kroger clearance - it is usually pretty good here. Great deals!
      I bet you 'fancy' coffee was good too. Christmas - not that far away now. I think we all need to get busy.
      Stay warm and have a super week.

  6. My comment disappeared after it posted. Can you see if you can find it, Cheryl?

  7. Our furnace has been running since mid-October. It's set to 64F, which is perfect in this house but too cool at my daughter's. I have to wonder if the thermostat temperature is correct. I sure wish we could see negative power bills. The province raised the prices nearly 20% in the last year and I dread seeing the bills each month.
    It is always a bit sad to see the gardens put to bed, but on the other hand, without the winter, we'd have no spring to enjoy.

    1. I keep mine about 67 and the house really holds the heat well. During the day - the W side window blinds are open and that really warms the house into the 70's. Heat has only come on a couple times.
      Yes, I hate seeing all our pretties go away - and I know we need winter - but that doesn't mean I have to like it!!
      Have a great week.

  8. You got some great buys this week! It is looking more Fall-like here - the leaves are really starting to turn but they are a few weeks behind schedule. Two caught my eye as I walked to the subway this morning - one very tall tree all turned a beautiful pinky red and a smaller one in front all in a lemon yellow hue - spectacular! Good thing seeing them put me in a good mood because I then discovered that the subway was down at my end of town and no idea when it would be fixed (and too long a gap to use the few shuttle buses) - so - no church for me this morning (although I did watch the online service).
    So - I am continuing with my Fall cleaning and reorganizing. I've done a lot the past few days (along with 4 loads of laundry) so I will take it a bit easier today and get to some of my library books along with a few more jobs to complete.
    I did a big grocery shop on Friday - mostly filling in pantry gaps before the bad weather arrives. There are some good deals on frozen veg, cream and butter this week so I will go back on Monday to get in some of these items - needed to do a bit of work in the fridge and freezer first.
    You wouldn't think that I'd done much if you saw my living and dining room but the plan is to do a bit more each day with the aim of having it all done by the end of the coming week - and then I will look at doing some batch cooking and baking. Just have to pace myself a bit more these days.
    Have a wonderful week.

    1. I bet those trees were lovely and a nice cheer for the morning. Dang, so sorry you made the trip to the subway and it wasn't running.
      Cleaning seems to go on forever here. I do believe at times we can make bigger messes cleaning and organizing that what we had to start with!
      Sounds like you got some good deals and filling in those pantry items is always a smart thing to do - we just never know what might come our way.
      Take care and have a wonderful week.

  9. It's been down in the 40's here at night but we haven't turned the heat on yet. I think the coldest it got in the house was 66 and we just opened the curtains to let the sun come in and put on sweaters. As long as it warms up a bit during the day the house is cozy. Your meals sound good especially the fried green tomatoes. They are SO good aren't they. Enjoy your Sunday and have a great week.

    1. Good for you! That is the smart wat to heat up - I let the sun in too. Clothes and socks are my friend!
      I do love me some fried green tomatoes. I am meeting my sis for lunch tomorrow and I will be taking her some green tomatoes. She loves them too.
      Have a super week.

  10. Hi Cheryl,
    Great prayer, thank you. I am a bit envious of your fall colors and activities. Still hot here in Phoenix alas. All good in my world, I did a bunch of shopping and have my pantry in good shape. Have a good week, Hilogene in Az.

    1. Thanks Hilogene. Good to hear from you as always! Dang, sorry it is still so hot. The colors here really are pretty.
      Glad you have gotten all socked up. Always pays to be safe!
      Have a great week.
