Sunday, October 20, 2024

Weekly Wrap-Up 10/20

 Happy Sunday to all.  My gosh, times is flying by!  Another week has passed and soon this month will be over.  Just amazing.
We have had cold and we have had warmth this week.  Couple of morning were down in the 30's.  Days have gone from 50's to 70's.  It is still pretty green in these parts.  I guess they are saying peak color should hit outer areas in another week or so.
The big old moon sure has been magnificent the past few nights!  So big and bright and full.  I find it so neat to think that no matter where we are - we are all looking at the same moon.  Kind of cool to think about.
I had a HUGE old hawk in the yard a couple days - my goodness it was the biggest one I think I have ever seen.  I did a double take - it almost looked like an eagle sitting on the fence.  Huge and really a beauty.

I had a much gentler week than last week.  I did not work myself silly.
My frugal week:
  • I had lunch with school chums - albeit a cold luncheon!  Outside in a shelter house (thank goodness for shelter).  Sleet, rain and wind - but we still had a nice visit. $5 - had pizza, fruit, veggies and goodies
  • I did go and get my driver's license renewed.  It was painless!  In, done, and out in 10 minutes
  • Over a period of 3 days I have picked all the garden produce, except cabbages still out there.  I now have boxes and boxes of green tomatoes!!!!  Some ripe, some starting to turn and lots and lots of green - which will turn.
  • I have sprayed and sprayed for the box elder bugs - killing 1,000's.  I am so over these things - I want to sit on my porch again before it gets too cold!
  • Visited with a couple neighbors this week
  • Made a pot of cream of broccoli/cheese soup - freezing 2 containers for later
  • Made meatloaf burgers and froze extra for later (just mix up like regular meatloaf, but fry in skillet in burger form)
  • I did turn on the furnace 2 mornings for 1 cycle each - to remove the chill. 
  • Have been cleaning, cleaning - it never ends
  • Laundry and used dehumidifier water in laundry
  • NO grocery shopping - using what I have & cooking at home
  • Paid all bills I had on hand
Meals this past week:
Grilled cheese and tomato soup
American goulash, sliced tomatoes
Luncheon out
Cream of broccoli/cheese soup over rice
Baked potato, 2 sausage patties and a side salad
Cup of broccoli soup and a veggie wrap/roll-up
Meatloaf burger, mashed potatoes and sliced tomatoes
SNACKS - apples, popcorn, mandarins, juice

So there you have it.  Not a lot going on here.  I plan on working outside the next couple days cleaning out the garden spot, putting up the hose and trying to empty out rain barrels (what is left).  Still need to mow again.  Lots of odds and ends - then it will be getting busy inside time!
How was your week?  Did you get any good bargains or save money in any new way?  Gardening, canning, freezing?  Holiday shopping?
I so look forward to hearing from you all.  There are still a few I wish we would hear from.  I have even sent a couple e-mails and not heard back, so I am worried about a few of you.  PLEASE check in.

I hope you are all recovering from the storms and starting to get your lives back in order.  Prayers for everyone's health and safety.
Blessings to you and yours from me at my humble little home!

Finally. brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, do; and the God of peace will be with you.
Philippians 4:8-9

Lord, as we go forward in this coming week, help us each one to appreciate all the wonderful gifts that we receive every moment of every day.  Help us to love all the beauty of the season and please help us each to be kind and loving to all that we encounter.  May we each have peace in our lives.  AMEN


  1. Another excellent devotional! The Scripture spurs to see our blessings and know that the Father is with us.

    The weather has been up and down. We have turned on the furnace just to take the low 40's chill off in the house. This coming week looks to still be pretty nice.

    I found a link to how to eradicate box elder bugs (along with a bunch of other ideas). This lady said they were nesting in a crack in the exterior bricks. We have seen a few stink bugs too.

    We are still picking peppers, green onions and hopefully soon, broccolini and snap peas. All are doing very well.

    Enjoy your day! I am off to spray the shower with a DIY solution to cut the hard water and deal with the mold. Always something!

    1. It was pretty chilly a couple mornings!
      I have been using the soap/water method - it does work, but there are just so dang many of them. Each morning I go out to the porch to fill feeder and there are tons of dead ones. I think the cold kills them too - you would think by now they would be gone - but noooooooo.
      Good for you on still picking. Hope your broccoli and peas provide lots of good eating.
      Yep, it is always something!
      Have a super week!

  2. It may have been more gentle, but you certainly had a full and productive week.
    It's been down right chilly here in the mornings, but warming up slightly in the afternoon. I need to get out and move the scrap lumber out of the garage, as it is supposed to get cold this week with a high of 4C/39F on Tuesday! There might even be a bit of that darned four letter word s__w. It won't last, but still!

    1. I guess it was somewhat productive. You have a lot on your plate getting your garage ready for your cars. Hope you get the lumber moved - we would put that at the curb and it would be gone in no time. People love curb finds around here.
      Oh, dang that is cold and noooooo on the nasty "s" word! Too soon.
      Have a great week.

  3. Fall is definitely here with snow fall warnings for the western & NW parts of the province. Box elder bugs are here as well, a bug I didn't used to see. The yard has officially been put to bed with only a few garden hoses to be rolled up & stored. Fall tasks such as draining/disconnecting the stock waterer has been done & the routine septic maintenance has been done. Furnace/duct cleaning is scheduled for next month. I had 2 surprise visits this past week from friends. Debbie & I walked 2 miles & explored the riverside in a strong wind. The windshield was replaced in my car & another friend gave me a ride to & from town but not before she beat me at 0.11c rummy. The perennials have been trimmed; frozen plants removed from the flowerbeds; grass trimmed behind the garden; flower pots emptied. 7 pts of tomatoes were canned; outside windows washed. I'm participating routinely in the gratitude & writing for fun groups offered by phone through Senior Center Without Walls. In the kitchen: rhubarb upside down cake; sauerkraut soup; Sante Fe chicken; rice pudding; salad topped with chicken. Have a good week.

    1. What a busy gal you have been!! My goodness. Goodness sakes I have much of what you have done to do yet. No snow in the forecast here for the near seeable future. It actually looks like it might be a milder winter here than normal.
      Glad you got to visit with friends that is always nice. Nice of you to LET her win at rummy!!! LOL
      You need a week of rest now. Have a superb week!

  4. It has been a sunny, chilly week for me also. I still have some outside work to do, might do some today. I really want to clean windows but farmers haven't taken in all of the crops around me and I have to wait until they do.
    Did find some bargains on shrimp and salmon this week 50% off and beyond that, nothing cheap.
    Frost has taken the last of the annuals and that makes me sad. I do not like cold weather.
    Went to the salvage store and found all natural plant based cleaners for cheap.
    Cooking and eating at home, I have everything I need and much of what I want.

    1. Chill is most definitely in the air in the mornings here. Sorry you have lost everything to frost. I still have a geranium blooming, 2 pots of impatient, and begonias - all right up by the house.
      Bargains on shrimp and salmon are wonderful - both are pricey here.
      I love your last sentence. That is how we all should feel.
      Have a wonderful week.

  5. Sounds like a nice week except for the pesky box elder bugs. Hopefully they will be gone soon and you can enjoy your front porch before it gets too cold. You will have tomatoes for a long while, which is wonderful. My Dad used to do the same thing, pick them now and baby them all winter and have them up until around February. I've been wanting to make some Broccoli and Cheese soup and you've definitely put me in the mood. It's the perfect time of year for it too.

    1. Oh those bugs are a royal pain in the rear! I sure hope they are gone soon.
      I keep tomatoes for a long time - usually through the holidays at least. I have a bunch!
      The soup hit the spot. I am just in the mood for comfort food - sounds like you are as well.
      Have a lovely week.

  6. You have accomplished a lot! I'm glad you've had a good meal with your classmates. I love that ya'll stay in touch like this. I'm sitting here now trying to make a few plans/list for next week. Time is rolling along!

    1. Thanks. It is fun to see what everyone is up to after all these years. I have even made some new friends (we had a huge school).
      Lists - I make lists for everything. I don't always follow them - but I make them. Hopefully you will stick to yours!
      Have a great week.

  7. Wonderful devotional. It sounds like you had a very good week and some yummy meals. We've had cool fall weather and light frost every morning. It was not a killing frost so things that remained in the garden survived. We harvested about 5 lbs of carrots and enough peppers that we let get ripe to freeze 6 more pints. I will most likely make Romanesco sauce out of those. We still have many peppers that are ripening. The broccoli has headed up nicely. I've learned my lesson-- broccoli does better here in the fall rather than the spring. The chard is still producing and we will soon harvest sweet potatoes that we grew in containers. All the windows and screens got washed inside and out. Whew, I'm glad that's over until next time. Got all my Halloween cards finished and ready to mail. Had a few errands to take care of. All in all a good week. Cookie

    1. Thanks.
      Glad no killing frost for you and that you are still getting garden. That is neat. I picked about 6 peppers this week as well - so those will be good eating. All the others got frozen for winter use.
      Yes, broccoli like cool weather for sure. You really have a lot that is still growing, that is neat.
      Windows are a pain for sure.
      Sounds like you had a great week to me.
      You take care and have a lovely week ahead.

  8. Your post reminded me to check the ripening tomatoes under my bed. They tend to develop rot readily once they're inside. I've never had a year of so many tomatoes. Glad of it!
    When you put your garden to bed do you ever put a layer of leaves on for mulch? I try to get 6 inches of leaves on everything. They will compact and eventually become soil under shrubs, etc and they disappear when the garden is tilled in spring. Hubby bags the leaves by running over them with the lawnmower; then I spread them where I want them. Surprisingly, many leaves are still on the trees and the colors persist. Not enough cold to drop them yet.
    The moon has been beautiful this month due to the clear skies at night.
    Glad you had an outing with friends. We've enjoyed similar and card and dice games.
    Hope the new week is a good one for all.

    1. I had a great tomato year as well. YES, I always mulch with my leaves - the garden always has a thick layer in the fall. Still lots of green here on the trees. I love natures way!
      The moon has been so big and bright. Sure has been something to see.
      Have a super week.

  9. It’s always good to have a quieter week after a busy one. I am sure your body appreciates it!!! I can’t wait for a quiet week, this time of year always seems a rush to get things completed.
    I love your chosen verse today, it definitely has relevance in my life this week.
    Take care, Louise

    1. Yes, those quiet weeks are nice after a super busy one. My body has appreciated it. Seems there is always plenty to keep us busy.
      I hope you week is lovely.

  10. Storm recovery inching along.

    1. Bless your heart. I know you and many others are having such a tough time right now. I pray - don't know what else to do.
      I sure hope you get things close to regular soon.
      Many blessings sent your way.

  11. I have see a few boxelder bugs and one stink bug. Our big pest this summer other than mosquitoes are the lantern flies. Do you have those yet? They are everywhere here. My son in CT was vacuuming tthem off the tree trunks in his yard-there were that many. I read that birds are beginning to add the lantern fly to their diets, so maybe there is hope for the vineyards and orchards and native trees that are vulnerable to them. Asian longhorn beetles, lantern flies, ash vine borers, gypsy moths, the non-native species of ladybug, the tiger mosquito! So many introduced pests! It makes one wonder what is going on...The moon has been so beautiful. I enjoy it's reflection on our local creek when I walk the dog in the evening. Dee/NY

    1. That is one bug I haven't seen. Mosquitos are pretty much done now. Lantern flies doesn't even sound like something I would want to see. Sounds like you have a bunch of critters there - ick!
      Yes, the moon is just gorgeous lately. So beautiful that we all get to share something like that!
      Have a wonderful week.
