Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Short & Sweet

 Morning to all.  Another cool morning here, warming later in the day.  I plan on going to the DMV today - oh joy!  I hope it goes smoothly and quickly. I hate going to places like that - but it is time to renew the driver's license.  Then on to the bank (across the street).

I am praying so hard for all those in the south.  I cannot imagine what they are and will be going through.  As you can - please check in if you are in this part of the world.  I truly hope all that are so inclined will PRAY.  I pray that God lessen the severity of this storm and keep all in its path safe.
I have always intended for this little blog to be an informative and helpful place.  I also want it to be a safe place for people.  A refuge of sorts.
Let us be the light that others need.  You never know who you may need tomorrow - so be kind today, to all that show up in your path.
Lift up, praise, applaud, and promote others.  Do not criticize and say negative things.
We are all learning - no matter our ages.

This blog is like a child to me.  I have cared for and nurtured it over the years.  I love it and all the sweet, lovely people that come to visit.  
I look forward to people asking questions and to those saying 'that really helped'.
Thank you to all the rays of sunshine in my life.
You can't pour from an empty cup - so all the encouraging and helpful ideas are appreciated for all.

I try to keep this spot free of politics - that can be a very volatile subject.  If others want to do politics or discuss it on their sites that is just fine - but I just think this is one thing I will continue to stay away from on my little spot.

May you all have a lovely and beautiful day.
PLEASE PRAY for all involved in these nasty storms.
Safety for all.

                                             WORKING TOGETHER IN A POSITIVE WAY


  1. Thank you for this safe space to learn from one another and to share our knowledge. With you in prayer for those in Milton's path and for the emergency workers who are already staged nearby to help pick up the pieces. I have family, friends, and classmates who have opted to "ride it out" and they are all in my thoughts and prayers today.

    1. Thank you for being here. I love that we all continue to learn new things.
      Prayers for those you know and all others. Gosh, I hope they are safe - dang it, it is so scary. Please keep us informed.

  2. Maybe the BMV line will move quickly and you can be on your way. Our location in Speedway is nice and big, and we have not had any problems there.

    It is definitely cool this morning. After the heat and humidity of summer it is actually refreshing. The weather seems strange lately.

    A great-nephew who lives in Sarasota posted on Instagram that he and his wife were headed to Orlando. I'm not sure that will be much better, as it looks like the storm will go right across Florida to the Atlantic coast.

    Love the text with the picture of the hands. A lady on Instagram and I have been having a conversation about bringing a little civility back into our lives. Personally, I think that is a very good idea. You are so right, "you can't pour from an empty cup." Same line of thinking as "you can't give away what you don't possess." If there is love and kindness in your heart, that can be shared with others.

    Enjoy your day!

    1. Well, their website lied! They aren't closed on Monday - but Wed. Oh well, I will try again. Did some other things while in the area.
      I do love this cooler weather.
      I sure hope they are safe. I wouldn't want to be anywhere in the mid section. We have a couple of regulars here, that live there - I just don't know what section. I sure hope you gals are safe.
      There is so much anger and meanness today - we just need to spread the good stuff any chance we get.

  3. (Little Penpen) good morning!! I had to renew my drivers license picture this year, after having had the same picture for 16 years. I went from 45 to 61. Oh what a rude awakening! lol

    1. Oh my goodness, that is a big change up! I went a few years from doing mine on-line that had the same pic - but not that long. The pictures are always horrible anyway!
      Good to hear from you Penny!!!!

  4. I am certainly not envious of your job list today, rather you than me.
    Thank you so much for keeping your blog going. I actually have no true idea of how much work it must be for you, but can guess it’s a lot!!! I have learnt a truckload of things here, and not all about being frugal. I do appreciate your hard work
    Today Linda and I are making tomato chutney. She will scold me when I don’t dice the onions finely enough, she will mutter Polish swear words when I forget to stir regularly and at the end of the day we will have jars of chutney. Same happens every year.
    Take care, Louise

    1. Thank you so much. It takes time - which is why I don't do every day - but it is enjoyable too.
      That sounds yummy. Oh that is so funny. What great memories you two must have. I am glad you have each other to 'fuss' at!! Tell her I send a happy hello!

  5. Thank you for providing a light-filled, safe place. May we all be guided by the law of kindness. Lynn Ewing, Pecos, NM

    1. You are welcome. I think we all need a quiet safe place to fall now and then.

  6. Thank you, Cheryl, for keeping your blog a safe apolitical place, where we can all learn and help one another. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. My prayers join with yours for all those in harms way. It's chilly here today as well. I have bones in the Instant Pot to make some bone broth and am thinking about making hot and sour or some other soup for dinner tonight. Safe travels to the DMV. Cookie

    1. You are welcome. There are enough political views in this world - and no one needs mine!
      The broth will be wonderful - so will soup. It sure is that kind of weather. My destination was a bust today - but I did other things while out in the area.
      So many prayers are needed.

  7. I also thank you so much for your blog. I don't comment often but read faithfully! I am older than you but still learn much. We never stop being able to learn from others.

    I am grateful this is a no politics zone. Keep that to yourself and vote your choice. That's voice enough.

    I, too, have family in FL who have evacuated. We probably all gave family or friends impacted by Helene or in line of Milton. We need to pray for all of those and help however we are able

    Again, Cheryl, thanks so much for the blog and being the wonderful person you are!

    1. I am so happy you are here. You are so right, no matter our age, we can all learn something new every day! My daddy would be proud!!
      Hope your family is safe. I cannot begin to imagine the stress level they all have. Their homes and livelihoods and everything - so sad.
      Thank you so much.

  8. My mother was right...if you don't have anything nice to say keep it to yourself. I think she also said to avoid politics and religion in conversations.
    I work remotely and I am praying for several team members caught in the path of Milton. One wasn't evacuating and is doing so now in a hurry. A nightmare.

    1. Your momma was right - I almost posted a picture of Thumper today with that saying!
      I sure hope they are all safe. I can understand wanting to stay with your home - but this is big. Bigger than all of us - so safety first.

    2. I have heard the saying "Run from the water, hide from the wind." so many times in the last few weeks.

  9. I so enjoy visiting your blog. Thanks for it all. I do appreciate that you steer away from controversy. I can find that anywhere!

    I have a question. My daughter bought a fresh container of berries recently. One berry had mold. She did return the container. But I know she threw a container out once when she couldn't get back to the store because a berry was moldy. She said if one is moldy then they're all contaminated. I couldn't find an answer specifically when I looked. I was wondering what others do?

    1. Thanks. I do try to steer away from some things - it isn't always easy. Just do my best.
      I would throw away the icky ones and wash the rest in a bit of vinegar water myself. Then rinse and drain. I have done that before - and I am still kicking! Not sure what others would do.

  10. bonjour de France où chaque soir je regarde le post du jour . J'ai71 ans et j'ai décidé d'aller vivre dans ma maison de campagne en montagne sans beaucoup de voisins parce qu'il faut que je fasse ce qui me fait envie après avoir elever mes quatre enfants m'etre occupée de mon conjoint malade il faut que je mène une vie qui me convienne simple frugale avec un jardin ,fleurs légumes ceuillette de champignons et d'herbes sauvages mais j'ai appelé ma maison "le refuge" car c'est comme celà que je vois la vie aider les autres et je peux vous dire que meme si je ne prie pas je pense très fort à tous les gens qui de part le monde souffrent des aléas climatiques ^Merci pour votre blog j'ai toujours l'impression qu'une amie m'a envoyé une lettre
