Sunday, October 13, 2024

Weekly Wrap Up 10/13

 Happy Sunday to all.  I surely hope this finds everyone safe and well.  Continued prayers for all those that were in the path of the hurricanes and storms.
It is a cool morning and slightly breezy.  Temps have been lovely this past week, but they will be cooling in the upcoming week.  It looks like 50's and 60's for highs.  A couple nights of 'maybe' frost.  I know it is time, but I am just not ready.
Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow to our Canadian friends!!!!!!  Enjoy your day with family and friends!

Nothing looks like this here yet!  So much green still - not much has changed at all.  I have tons of leaves falling from the tulip poplar - but they aren't pretty.
The box elder bugs are ridiculous.  Hundreds (or 1,000's) everywhere.  Hopefully the cool snap takes care of them.  Thursday, I looked out at the birdbath early and there was a robin getting a drink and taking a bath!  Haven't seen one for a couple months.  Kind of late here for them.
We have had so much sunshine - all week.  I did get a lot done outside - I am so sore!

My week:
  • Did a lot of yard work out front - deadheading, pulling and cutting
  • Changed out yard flag
  • Ran out on Wed. to do bank and DMV.  Well, the computer lied and the DMV was closed Wed. not Mon.  So that didn't happen - still need to go there.  Will do this week when cooler.  I did go to the bank and took care of things and stopped at Ollie's for peanuts for the squirrels and blue jays.
  • Neighbor sent me over a bowl of her corn pudding (the best I have ever had).  YUM.  She also gave me 10+ pounds of apples - called Mollies - they sure are good.
  • Got the house power washed and the garage - took 2 days.  The back of the garage (N side) was actually green, top to bottom!! (it hadn't been cleaned in 2 years).    All is white and clean now.  One thing leads to another - so I cleaned the case of generator, the underside of small overhang (side door), the cement bench, the big angel, the backdrop of deck and the deck, and part of the shed!  Yep - this old gal worked her bum off.  Of course, I still need to do the deck again - after drying, I see what I missed, and I need to do the underside of the big front porch roof.  Another day!
  • I then had to wash windows
  • Ran to the hardware up the street and got a new connector to repair the big hose.  Got that fixed
  • Took apart the old potting table.  The wood was rotting and the metal all rusted.  So, I set the metal out back for the scrap guy
  • Another neighbor came over and gave me a nice bag of homemade Chex Mix!  NUM
  • Did a big vacuum and dust inside
  • Used water from barrels for watering plants.  I still have geraniums blooming as well as inpatients. The begonias still look pretty too.  Garden still going.
  • HARVEST - tomatoes, one zucchini
  • NO heat or AC
  • I rigged the wheel on the mower to hopefully give me one more mow this fall.  It seems to be sturdy (for now).  We will see - just didn't feel like shopping for one
  • Ran to Kroger on Sat. for grapes .99/lb. and milk 1.39/half.  Looked around and did I get a deal!  I got 10 cans each of navy beans and dark red kidney beans (10) for .14 a can!!!!!  Dated 2027!  I usually make my own - but will be nice to have on shelf or to donate.  Got 4 cans of garbanzo beans on clearance for .77 each.  I got all that was left.  WOOHOO
Meals this past week:
Chicken strips, corn on cob and sliced toms
Hamburger hash, cuke & toms cut up
Small veggie pizza - using what I had on hand
Chicken/rice/broccoli - corn pudding
Grilled zucchini 'steaks' and salad
Spanish style rice with beans and sausage added
Grilled bean/rice/cheese burrito topped with a little salad

There you have it.  I did work hard this week.  I am sore and tired (especially my hands).  BUT I got it done and feel so accomplished.  Not too snaggy for an old chick!  I did sleep well a couple nights!
Now it will be getting the garden stuff cleaned out.  Oh, how I hate that - since it is still growing.  It just seems so final - summer is over.

Did you get any deals this week?  Do you have any garden still going?  Canning or freezing?
What have you been up to?  I love hearing from all of you - near and far.  I am missing some of you - please check in.

Many continued prayers for all that are in the south and for those in other places that have been having big storms and rain and flooding.  Hoping you and your families are well.
Blessings to you and yours from me at my humble little home.

O give thanks to the Lord, call on His name, make known his deeds among the peoples!
Psalms 105:1

Lord, we thank You for all that we receive each and every day.  Not every day is what we may want or expect, but we are truly blessed to wake each day and have food to nourish our bodies.  There are so many tiny things in this world, that are beautiful and wonderful and aren't really so tiny at all.  Help us each to appreciate all the wonders and blessings we receive - both large and small.  With a grateful heart we pray.  AMEN


  1. We appreciate the prayers. It feels like nothing will ever be normal again at this point. So much to deal with and so much time spent on the phone with insurance and trying to get help. It is overwhelming.

    1. I am so sorry you and all the others have to go through that. That just hurts my heart for you. Take it moment by moment - then day by day - one day you will look back and say, "we did it".
      Huge hugs.
      Have a good week.

  2. "make known His deeds among the peoples!" Excellent! Some people don't know who the Creator is and how He cares for us.

    After reading about all you accomplished, I need to lie down and have a nap! ha! It seems sometimes when you get on a roll, it's hard to stop.

    Information on a web site isn't always accurate. Frustrating when you plan your day around paying a visit.

    You always have yummy sounding meals! We got some chicken and turkey specials at Meijer in Avon. Found a recipe for a mushroom and chicken dish in the crockpot. Very good! We will have the rest of it for lunch today with asparagus. We are harvesting beets, turnips and green onions. The sugar snap peas, broccolini and radishes are doing very well. Hopefully they will not get bitten by cooler temps.

    Miss Lana, the victims of the storms are in my prayers. I'm sure it is very frustrating to deal with insurance.

    Enjoy this pretty day...

    1. I know some people may have doubts right now, with all they have been through - but God is there and cares for us.
      I get on a roll - and just go and go sometimes, until I drop. Yesterday was the store and done! Today just odds and ends - I need to rest a bit.
      Your recipe sounds good. Chicken and mushrooms - can't be bad! Sounds like the garden is still going at your place. That is neat. They should all be good with the chill.
      Have a super week.

  3. Oh, what a great feeling to have your house and garage power washed! I'd say it looks amazing! What a great deal on the canned beans!!! I would have stocked up on those too, I love that for you. You have been so busy this week that it's no wonder your hands are sore. I would be sore from all that work too! Kudos to you!

    1. It just all looks CLEAN! Didn't realize that it didn't before! My back is screaming at me some too - but it means I did something useful. That is a good thing.
      Thanks - that was my deal of the year I do believe! Nutsy price.
      Have a lovely week.

  4. Good Sunday morning, It's cold here this am 48* and was foggy for a while but will be 81* later. We still have tomatoes on the vine green and red. I'm going to pick my pumpkins soon. I think they are pie pumpkins as they are small. Gardening this year was such a mash-up. We pulled the cucumbers out as the leaves were turning. Pretty soon I'll be cutting the peonies back . So much yard work to do.
    *I did make strawberry and blackberry jam this week. Still have to deal with the cranberries.
    *That was a great deal on the canned beans, Yea!
    Have a blessed day.

    1. 81 will be nice. We have been having those cool mornings - so refreshing. It got breezy here today and it is still only about 68*. First cloudy day we have had in ages.
      Glad you still have garden going. You guys seem to stay warmer a lot longer out there. This is the first year I have not dealt with squash bugs in years. YAY
      The yard work really gets you this time of the year. So many things to put to bed.
      Your jam sounds wonderful.
      Thanks I was pretty excited to see the beans.
      Have a blessed week my friend.

  5. It froze hard here overnight -4C/25F, brrr! I've been sitting around since returning from my cruise and need to get out and do some yard and garage clean-up. Maybe this afternoon. ;)
    You certainly got a lot accomplished. It's a good feeling when big jobs are completed. Nice neighbours you have too.
    No great deals to be had here. That was an incredible deal on the canned beans and they are always nice to have on hand.

    1. Brrrrr. That is cold. No freeze predicted here yet! You have to rest up after a vacation - always do! That is a rule isn't it?
      It does feel good to get those projects done and to know I did it myself. I do have some lovely neighbors.
      Thanks - kind of what I thought. Great to donate a well.
      Have a wonderful week.

  6. You seem to be making the most of every day. Good for you!

    I thought that I did good stocking up on beans at $1. a can; I used to always use dry beans but the prices of those have gone up and I like the texture of canned beans, and the convenience!

    We are hosting Thanksgiving for our lake friends; last of the season sort of thing. Lots of food prep. Stuffing made; pie dough next and angel biscuits. Tomorrow the coleslaw and veg prep and roast the bird.

    Fall colors are superb and did you all enjoy the northern lights? Best seen through the iphone boosted the colors.

    Do you have a rice or grain bag? I have a couple filled with rice and they are good for a sore back or just to warm fingers on a chilly morning. We do 3 minutes in the microwave for 4 cups of rice filled 22" by 7 " bag. Bag has 3 compartments so adapts to neck or wherever needed.
    Have a good week.

    1. I have been trying. So much to do and only me.
      Everything is going up - so we need to get those deals when we can.
      How fun. It sounds like there will be lots of yummy food and goodies. Fun time with friends as well. Enjoy.
      No - there are so many city lights here - just not easily seen. Glad you got to enjoy that.
      No - I need to make another one of those rice bags. I had one years ago. They do help.
      Have a great day tomorrow and a super week.

  7. That's a good deal on those beans!

    Amazon had a $20 off $40 food coupon if you had an EBT card on file and you didn't have to use EBT. Although we've never gotten actual food stamps, my oldest was already in school during COVID and all the kids got pandemic EBT cards. I've never deleted it off and it worked. It also stacked with a $10 off $30 Campbell's coupon. For $18 I got a 6 pound box of Bisquick, 2 jars pasta sauce, one large jar pasta sauce, a jar of pizza sauce, 8 cans of Spaghetti-os, a 20 pack of fruit and veggie applesauce, and 4 cans of canned chicken.

    Amazon and Walmart were both having deal days. I got a Christmas present for a great niece and gifts for my nieces baby shower. They were actually on sale as I have been looking at those prices for a while. Not much but a couple bucks on each thing adds up.

    Fall break week and other than an urgent care center and an emergency room visit (so thankful the kids qualify for Medicaid and places here take it, wish more doctors and specialists did so my oldest could actually get the help he needs quicker but that is a rant for another day) and a trip to a pizza buffet/arcade, we stayed home.

    Great weather, lots of outside time and no AC needed.

    Got the youngest a snowsuit and two shirts at a yard sale for $2.

    Super cheap Xbox game pass deals. I didn't know it at the time, but there was a deal of spend so much and choose a free tshirt. So I've got a new t shirt coming.

    My garden is mostly done for except one random little pepper plant that has just now decided it was going to try and grow a pepper.
