Thursday, October 24, 2024

Sometimes the Best Things in Life are Free!

 Hello this Thursday!  Hope you are all well and safe.  It is a chilly morn here.  We have ups and downs with the temps - it is that time.  Come Tuesday next week - it may be close to 80* again!  
The daylight hours are sure shorter.  Used to be about 6AM - 9PM, now it is about 8AM - 7PM.  Soon the clocks will change again (UGH) and it will be dark even earlier.  That is ONE part of winter that I despise!  I am a sunlight kind of person!

Today's post will be short.  Now that the seasons are changing, we look at life differently.  I think we all do it.  Cozy and comfort are what we think of.
I want to sit and rest here!  It looks so cozy and warm.  To sit and read a good book and to be all warm and comfy.  That just sounds like bliss.  It seems we all keep so very busy with home, yards and just going - that we get little of that sweet bliss.  We all need to take more time to just relax and enjoy!  We need to slow down and enjoy the simple things.

I do believe this with my whole heart.  I know often times medication is important and needed - but there are so many things that work well for our health and well-being.  Medicine or not - these things more than HELP each of us.

As I get older - the more I understand this.  So many free and yet simple things in life to make us each a healthier version (mental or physical) of ourselves.  I said above - I need my sunshine, that is hugely important to me.  I need my sweet kitties - they give a very important kind of joy.  I need my family and friends.
Nature makes me happy, and it lifts my spirit.  So many simple things - so much joy.

Just want to take a moment and thank you all for being some of the 'medicine' I need and have needed to keep me going.  You all have done so much over the years, to help me through stressful situations and horrible moments.  We ALL try to lift each other up and bring some joy into each other's days!  You are all the best.
I look forward to being able to that in the future as well.

So as the days get shorter - let the love and friendship lengthen.  
Take a moment to bring joy to another and to appreciate the simple things, and you will receive much in return.
Have a wonderful day my friends!!!


  1. So very true! I am relatively new here, but have been blessed. There are so many blessings all around us, if we but open our eyes!

    1. I am glad you feel that way. I just love all the positive souls we entertain here. You are all special in a lovely way.

  2. You have a wonderful day too Cheryl!

  3. Like your medicines, my "doctors" are: sun, air, exercise, water, rest, nutrition. And the grand essentials of happiness: something to do; something to love; something to look forward to.

  4. Pinned your list to my Taking Care of the Temple board on Pinterest. These are things that are given to us by the Great Physician. When the time changes and days are short, I would love to sit in front of the fireplace in a room like that one.

    Blessings abound if we but open our eyes and hearts! Quoting our Friend from her comment! So true!

    Enjoy this beautiful fall day! See you Sunday.

    1. Yes blessing abound. We just need to be aware every moment.
      We are just so endowed with wealth.

  5. Such a beautiful post, Cheryl. I love our friendships here too and they add a certain joy to my life. :)

    1. Thank you. Everyone here are considered friends in my view and are loved very much.

  6. I'm fortunate that I don't yet need any kind of medication on a daily basis. A tablet for pain occasionally when I do too much physically, or if I get a headache. Or a tablet to help ease the symptoms of a cold or flu virus.
    Many of the things you mention, family, friends, pets, nature are all so beneficial.

    1. Myself as well - no commercial meds on a daily basis. I just love all that this life has to offer us all. We have so many good things in our lives!

  7. Replies
    1. It is such good medicine - for us psychologically and health wise.

  8. I like the Medicine poster! After all those days without power or internet, I can attest to the truth of it.

    Another blessing of that time was the *absolute absence* of political upheaval, unrest, and name-calling. Nobody cared if they all fell into the ocean, we were busy at home. :)


    1. Silence of 'political noise' would be most welcome. Can't wait until all the stupid commercials are over - all I hear is blah,blah, blah. NO ONE is nice.
      Sorry you all got that silence that way - but you sure had more important things to do.
      Silence can be golden!!!

    2. I like all that stuff, it's free entertainment. Besides, it will be over after Nov 5th unless of course the whole mess ends up in the Supreme Court's lap.

    3. I do believe you are a rare breed - most people I know are sick of it.
      I can find better entertainment looking out my windows

  9. Thank you for all yr postings and for yr encouraging messages .

    1. You are welcome and thank you all for being a positive light for everyone!

  10. Wonderful thoughts today Cheryl, and so very true. You are such a positive person.
    Enjoy your weekend, Louise.

    1. I appreciate your thoughts and feelings. Thank you.
      I love all of you!

  11. I love coming here. It's always a
    Positive experience. No meanness or ugliness. You attract a lovely group of followers.

    1. Cheryl never disappoints ! Cindy/WV

  12. Totally agree, Savannah. stopping by to visit Cheryl is always a pleasure.
