Thursday, October 10, 2024

Wealthy or Not - Much More That Matters

 Good morning to all.  Hope you are safe and well.  Hope all in Florida are safe.  Thank goodness this storm is moving out to sea.   So much clean-up to do.  I sure hope you are safe as well as your families.  Check in and let us know.

Today just a bit about money or lack of it.  I know some folks who are pretty wealthy (money) and never help a bit or give a dime to anyone or anything.  I know folks that haven't got a 'pot to **ss in', as they say, that are as generous as can be.  Of course, I know some that have money that DO all they can - so it really isn't about money.  It is about HEART to me.

We just never know what is behind the scenes.  There are people with lots of money that look all prim and proper - but how do they live their 'private' lives?  We see glitz and glamour - but not the well kept older clothes or the fact that they may eat only at home or the giving that they do.  You just never know.
I also know some that barely make it financially - yet they have such caring and big hearts.  If they can't give money - they give of time, they try to be good citizens, they do lots of little bits!
I want this to be an encouragement to many struggling and thinking it isn't worth it or feel bad about their selves.
You are GOOD and you do the best you can.  That is what is important.

A fine home has nothing to do with size or stuff in my opinion.  It is about cozy, comfort, cleanliness and love.  You may not have a lot of stuff - but you can have the greatest home around.
A McMansion doesn't impress me much - or actually at all.

So many people think because they buy second hand or cook at home or use up bits and pieces or cut hair or mend clothes, etc. means 'poor'.  NOPE.  I am not wealthy - yet I am good, but I do all those things.  It is just good sense to me.
Doing the best you can to be a good steward of your life, your money and your time is important.
We truly do not need to impress anyone!  
You can have a low income and have an upbeat spirit.  That is so important.

Never be ashamed of being frugal - regardless of how much money you have.  NEVER!
Do not be pressured into immediate gratification, or unnecessary spending.  You know you and what you can do - stick to your guns.  Be proud of who you are and what you DO have.

To quote Amy of Tightwad Gazette:
"To be successful and happy in the frugal lifestyle, we have to be proud and confident in our choices.  We must have a clear view of our goals, and we must understand the tradeoffs we're making.  If we do this, we will feel no shame about being frugal.  Instead, we'll understand that we have a wealthy attitude."

Life is all about choices.  Make the best ones you can for YOU and YOUR family.
If you have money or not - live with a good and caring heart.
No matter how small the act you do - it may totally change someone's day.  A helping hand or a smile can mean more to another than a thousand dollars.  
Spread positive words not negative.  As crazy as it may sound, YOU will reap great rewards from that one!
Small acts pay huge rewards.

Prayers for all involved with these darned old storms.  Many prayers will continue to be said.  Bless you all in every way.
Wishing you all a good weekend.

Have a wonderful day!


  1. I checked on all my Florida people this morning and they are all good praise God! Looks like one more storm to go before we can all breathe a big sign of relief. There is no reason for us to feel bad for being frugal. The best we can do is share ideas and learn from each other, which is why I love our little blogging world. :)

    1. So happy to hear your people are good. What a wonderful blessing.
      I agree - I am proud of being frugal. I love sharing with everyone and getting new ideas.

  2. Good morning, I love my frugal life! I get to treasure hunt at Estate Sales. My favorite thing to do!
    * I am so glad to hear that the storm wasn't as bad as they were expecting. It was bad enough.
    * I got blackberry and strawberry jam done yesterday. 4 pints of each flavor. My neighbors Daughter brought me a pint of this years honey. What a treat. So I'm giving back some of my jams. I still have cranberries to make sauce with.

    1. I love my frugal life as well. You find the neatest things at the estate sales. You do so good.
      What a blessing that the storm wasn't worse. Like you said - more than bad enough - but it sure could have been so much worse.
      Yum on the jams. How sweet to receive the honey (hehe) - that was nice. Nothing like fresh honey. She will enjoy the jams I am sure. you have been on a roll. I am pretty much waiting on colder temps to do my canning. Trying to get all the other stuff done.

  3. Really dreamy picture; love it.
    I think that the best generosity is a smile and respectful spirit. Let each person manage their resources how they wish; I do not want to contribute to charities that enable reckless behavior. In my local community there are many food banks and soup kitchens providing support for people who choose to do drugs, gamble and make mischief. That's the kind of choices I will not enable.
    As they say, "necessity is the mother of invention". Somehow we each need to cope with our situation. I do favor government programs to help people in need but wish there was more education distributed with these programs. The needy are often the uninformed. So I share my goodwill with all and expect no more from others in return.
    32 F here today but no frost. It's a gorgeous day.

    1. Isn't it? I saw that and fell in love. I want that kitchen!!!

      I can understand that. We each make choices, whether it be for what we do with our funds or how we live. I do donate to MD Foundation - as they are doing so much good to help those with MD. Hubby had that and the foundation provides, equipment and chairs and things for those in need. Not all insurance covers those things and many with youngsters can't afford them. Specialized equipment is expensive.
      There does need to be more education for many programs.
      Yes mam, sharing kindness and a smile go a long way.

  4. We have not heard from our Florida families yet. I pray that all is as well as can be, given the magnitude of the storm.

    I have known people who were more financially sound that most folks and they didn't seem to appreciate the blessings they had received. We need to be good stewards of what the Father has given us. You wouldn't take a gift from someone and then tromp on it in front of them. If someone looks down their nose at you for what they consider your lowly status in life, that is their problem, not yours. Some people like to drive their money and wear their money..."Look at me, look at me!". Living frugal is a wonderful treasure hunt, whether at the grocery or charity shops. Share your smiles and your positive attitude. Who knows, you may just make someone's day and start them on an upward path.

    Enjoy this beautiful day! We are off to Menard's (again) and Meijer. See you Tuesday!

    1. I sure hope your people are good! Hoping you hear from them soon. I am sure the phones are a mess.
      AMEN. Some don't appreciate what they DO have and have no respect for others.
      I love the find and the hunt, as you say. It is fun, and I just love getting things for a little money! The stores play the game - so can I!
      Indeed, give a smile and a friendly hello - it may make the difference someone needs.
      I am plum tuckered. Been working outside.

    2. Found out my nephew Dan who lives at Sarasota lost his shed, which probably had all his furniture and cabinet building tools. Other than that some landscape damage. They were safe!

      You will sleep like a baby tonight!

    3. So happy they are safe. That is why we have insurance - hoping it is covered.

  5. What a lovely post - and a lot to think about. Thank you

  6. We survived Milton, and no water damage or power loss. We are in Naples, FL. We feel so lucky... Jane

    1. I am so happy for you. That is fantastic no damage or power outage. Glad to hear good news.

  7. Your are so right Cheryl. Firstly I wanted to tell you Mum was here this afternoon and she reads all your posts. Second... the flashier people are the less I believe they actually have any money. It's all smoke and mirrors!xxx

    1. There is just so much more in this world than money. Kindness and a good heart go a looooong way!
      Love that your mum enjoys visiting here as well. That is so sweet. Hope you are both doing well.

  8. Some people think we are wealthy while I know we garden can/freeze, make do and live frugally in order to have experiences. We do what we want--we don't have a yacht or mcmansion etc ;-) I would give up travel before I would stop my monthly contribution to the shelter, the foodbank and the annual water well in another country (I do love Compassion International).

    May God Bless us all!

    1. It is funny what some people think is wealthy. My late brother used to say, "if I had your money". We would just shake our heads. Rest his soul - he was such a spendthrift - never saved a dime, ever. He never did get it.
      I am glad you have a lifestyle you love, and one built with thrift and compassion.
