Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Handy Make It - Have It - Gift It

 Hello to all.  Very chilly morning here in central IN.  It will warm up today - but these cooler nights do make for good sleeping.  I have my bedroom window open a couple inches all night, no heat and feeling all snuggly in the bed.  
Thinking of all the people in Florida and south of there.  So sad they are having to go through all of this yet again.  Please leave if you are in imminent danger of any sort.  MANY prayers for all. 💕💔

Just a few recipes today for making things at home, instead of buying them.  Great to have on our pantry shelves and they can make nice gifts for those goody baskets.  
I know many of these items can be purchased cheaply, but often we have no idea what all they contain.  Make it yourself and you have a better idea.  Plus, they just taste better!

1 C instant coffee
1 C sugar or measured equivalent of sweetener
4 1/2 C nonfat dry milk
1/2 C cocoa
Stir everything together and then process in the blender until it is powdered.
Use 2 Tbsp. to one small cup of very hot water
It does taste like espresso!  Adjust your water to taste.  I am not a regular coffee drinker - but really do love this.
Put in a cute jar with instructions and neat little cup - super gift.

1 pack of yeast
1 1/2 C warm water
1 Tbsp. sugar
1 Tbsp salt
4 C flour
1 egg
Combine the yeast, water and sugar together in a large bowl.  Stir in flour.  Knead the dough until smooth.  Pull apart pieces and shape into pretzels.  Use water to 'glue' ends together.  Place on a greased baking sheet or parchment paper, brush with the beaten egg and sprinkle with salt.  Bake in preheated oven at 425* for about 15 minutes.
I use pink salt that is larger grain than regular salt.  Just my preference.
Fun to make and eat.  Gift with some cheese dip!

1/2 C cocoa
1 C water
2 C sugar
1/8 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. vanilla
Mix the cocoa and the water in a pan - heat to dissolve cocoa.   Add sugar and stir to dissolve.  Boil for 3 minutes.  Add salt and vanilla.  Pour in jar and keep refrigerated.  Great over ice cream or any favorite dessert (yummy on cheesecake).  Lasts for many months in the frig. 

Click on recipe to enlarge and see better.
Use up the apple scraps when making applesauce or apple butter or pie filling.  Use and make a new yummy!

As the temperatures cool, I get in the mood for comfort items.  I like having ingredients on hand to make these items and not having to make a trip out to buy them.
It can be a fun thing to do with the kiddos and it is just good old fashioned good eats!
Mom always made our chocolate syrup, and she made jumbo pretzels and scrap jelly.  Nothing was wasted and most everything was homemade.

Have fun and try something new.  Encourage someone today and be a POSITIVE light in the world.  We need it!  
There is so much negative in the world - WE DON'T NEED NEGATIVE COMMENTS HERE.

Have a great day to all.
Enjoy all the simple joys!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Now I'm curious, what was in that comment that triggered a removal? Enquiring minds want to know.

  2. I'm going to do the coffee one for my daughter. I think I may have everything here to make it. She set up a coffee bar in her new house. And loves to make everyone something to drink when they drop in.

    I started doing baskets for Christmas gifts a couple of years ago. Everyone has really liked them. My goal this year is to have most of the basket items be homemade.

    1. Yay - glad you found something you want to use. How neat - to have a coffee bar (if you drink it). It is fun to have options.
      I love the baskets and they are very requested in my family. I love the homemade idea!

  3. Well if you don't like negative comments, don't read the ones left on my blog! LOL
    Everyone pray for the potential Milton victims and all those NC Helene victims please!

    1. LOL - I know! I have read some - dang!!!!!
      Oh yes, these people need so many prayers. It is all so sad.

  4. It sure was chilly this morning! But that is okay, it is time for some fall weather. We have been eating our meals outside in the sukka we put up for Sukkot or Feast of Booths. It is nice to look at all the greenery in our backyard and listen to the birds. A quarrelsome blue jay was upset about something this morning.

    Encouragement, also called exhortation, is one of the spiritual gifts. Think how many times you have been encouraged about a situation and what a gift it felt like. I am in awe of the folks who are going to help out in Tennessee and North Carolina, and I find that very encouraging. They are definitely a positive light in the world. Gives me hope for our fellow man. The lines of traffic leaving the Tampa area are long and slow. No fuel to be found so I pray that folks thought ahead and prepared for this trip. One of the ladies I follow on Instagram lives in Sarasota and she left a few days ago to stay with friends. Smart lady!

    We are headed to Costco to pick Rx and do a bit of shopping. I need to dig out my fall/winter shoes and boots. Sandals won't cut it in this weather...ha!

    Enjoy this beautiful fall day!

    1. How cool to eat outside. I love watching and listening to the birds. I have a bluejay who does a yelling song every morning - he wants peanuts!
      Yes, encouragement is a gift. We here want to encourage all who are starting out and who are continuing this frugal journal in every way. I just dislike negativity so much. Grew up with a lot of it - and it really shaped me to be a positive person.
      I saw lines last night on the local news showing the highway from Tampa. Bumper to bumper. This morning not so much.
      So scary.
      I have worn my flip-flops outside today - but put my slippers on in the house!! LOL

  5. Your pretzel recipe looks good, however there is a tip for more authentic flavor that is simpler than the traditional method of boiling the pretzels in soda water before baking. Brushing with egg lacks the authentic alkaline flavor of pretzels sold at the airports in Europe and US malls. Instead of brushing the with egg, just mix a half cup of water with a small amount of baking soda like a half teaspoon, brush and top with salt or seeds before baking.

    1. Thanks I have heard that as well. This was just a simple recipe for those needing a fun snack at home.
      I do like that idea of baking soda water. Would be more authentic. Sometimes, just a snack of any type is yummy.
      Thanks for the tip!

  6. Love, love, love, making my own pantry items. Making food from food as I always say. For me it's a necessity because of celiac and histamine in tolerance issues. The mocha espresso will definitely become gifts. I have all the ingredients. I'm going to try the pretzels with grain free flour. By the way, the chocolate came out great. I've learned that if food grade cacao is used in place of the coconut oil, it can be chopped up and baked with in lieu of purchased chocolate chip. Score for me because allergy free chocolate chips are off the charts in price. It was really cold here last night, down in the 40s but will go up to the 60s today. Supposed to be nice and sunny here all week. Today's activities will be trip to the post office to mail off October birthday cards, fertilize the broccoli plants, check to see if any sweet potatoes are ready to dig, work on holiday cards. We continue with our prayers for all those effected by the hurricanes. And last but not least, let us all be the reason someone smiles today. Cookie

  7. Ugly comments is why my comments are moderated. Some people need to get a life. LOL

    I love the chocolate syrup recipe and have made it multiple times. It's great to make chocolate milk.

    I'm praying for all those souls in the path of Hurricane Milton.
