Thursday, October 17, 2024

Take Your Control Where You Can

 Happy frosty Thursday!  We had our first frost - ugh.  It is in the upper 30's here this AM.  I knew it was coming - but just not ready.  It looks to warm up for at least a few days.  
How is it Thursday already?  Dang the week has flown by.  Well, the month is flying by - we are over halfway through October.

The weather is one of those things we cannot control - but we can control how we react and can control our temperament!   I am not a fan of cold - but heck, I get another day, so I am fine.  Too many things more important in this world.
I have seen so many talk about the recent hurricanes and flooding, and I just almost cry when I see their beautiful attitudes.  They are alive - even though losing everything in some cases - yet they smile and praise the Lord.  It is amazing.  Their attitude is infectious!  Making the best of a bad situation.

There are many things we cannot control - but we can control other things.  

We cannot control that getting older brings new challenges - but we can take the best care of ourselves as possible - and stay as healthy as possible.

We cannot control the inflation and greed in this world - but we can control how we spend.  We can make different choices in our purchasing - thus saving ourselves maybe a bit of money.  We can control the things we eat.  We can control our purchase powers.  Buy from thrift stores or secondhand shops, buy from small family shops, buy the 'good' food and not the junk.  We can make many decisions still.

We cannot control the rates the utilities charge - but we can turn the heat down, turn off the lights, and not wastefully let water flow from the faucets.  Put on an extra blanket on the bed, or extra clothes in the house, use some solar lights or light candles, catch the water flowing from the faucet (that is warming) to use for pets or plants.

The list goes on and on - some things are out of our control, so we have to learn to not fret about them.  They just take away precious time and energy from our lives.  Control what you can and let the rest go.  Your life will happier.  
I am not a big worrier.  I used to be - and I used to have quite a temper.  Somewhere along the road of 'growing up' I learned it really did no good for me or those around me.  I think I finally got happy with my life and that made a huge difference.
That silly little song we all sang at some point "don't worry - be happy" is so very true.

I think these items are needed in every life.  If you do these things - life will be so much better.
I know they seem like no brainer things - but I know a ton of people who do not do at least half of these!
Some people grow older and just never learn.

Take time a do all you can to be a good person, do the right things, and be positive.  If we all do that, the world would be a little better.  We can make a difference in our lives and maybe with each person we meet.  That gets the ball rolling - who knows where it could lead.

Have a wonderful day.  Enjoy the remainder of your week.
Do a good thing every day!



  1. Yes yes yes! -20 in winter? Pile on wool under my parka and go walk. 100 in summer? Get up at 0500 and walk by 0600!

    Control is my attitude. Period.

    1. Yes mam. We can each and every one control our attitudes - if nothing else. We need to grab the control where we can!

  2. There is so much truth in here, Cheryl! I look at all the damage from the hurricanes and then at all the neighbors helping neighbors, individuals coming in on their off-time from their full time job to help out ... A friend reminded me regularly after my hubs passing to remember to open the gift I'd been given of a new day. Today, not only do I stop and remember to be grateful for another day, but also for all that I have been given and to use that gift wisely. Please know that I am grateful for your "space" and online friendship and I look forward to reading your posts and learning from you and your readers. Blessings for a great day!

    1. Yes indeed. There is so much love and caring happening right now - folks to folks. Neighbors helping neighbors - that is what it is all about.
      You are so right - it is so easy to wallow in our misery when losing our family members. We have been given a gift that they weren't, another day on this earth to do something good.
      Thank you so much. I am grateful for all of you - you guys have all been my rock during tough times.
      We uplift each other - I love that.

  3. As usual, good solid advice on how to live a happy life and be a good person.
    For too long electricity was cheap, at the expense of the environment. I think that the cost of disposing of products should be included in the price of purchasing; sort of like the $5. disposable fee when you buy a battery or the fee for buying tires.
    Consider the cost of buying perfect fruit... apparently growers spray a poison on the blooming apple trees after the first blossom is pollinated on each cluster. This ensures that only one large apple will develop. Wonder why cancer is rampant?
    We all need to get back to being connected to the necessities of life and share responsibilities for keeping them wholesome.
    We had a kiss of frost (or is that a bite?) but temperatures will go up again.
    I love that song. A real mood changer. Don't worry; be happy.

    1. yes - so true. We need to look at everything we do and not be so impressed with the perfection of natural things we buy - go for the seconds. Those perfect items can take a toll on our environment and bodies. I do believe that we all need to connect more with the earth and truly understand wants and needs.
      We got a big kiss! LOL - but like you our temps will be lovely for the next week.
      You see the words and have to sing it!!

  4. Living in a rural area, I see neighbors helping neighbors regularly. I also see the adaptability & resilience of those making a living off the land, close to nature & at the mercy of nature. As one rancher said, we don't live on the land; we live with the land.

    1. I love it. I have great neighbors as well - and people help each other out. We are all of a certain age - so it means a lot.
      I love that sentence "we live with the land". YES - that is how it should be. Don't mess it up - work with it.

  5. Excellent tips on how to deal with what we think is unpleasant! Cold? Put on more clothes. We have our thermostat set at 67 degrees and while that doesn't encourage wearing short sleeves and shorts in the house (in the winter!), it is still pleasant. We had some frost this morning when I went out to pull green onions. Not bad, just a bit.

    Two more quotes that were pinned on my Quotes board on Pinterest and will be copied into my quote notebook. Sounds like too much but I find if I write things down, I remember them better.

    Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Thanks. We tend to get all upset about things that we actually can't control - so take hold of those you can control. Sounds like a plan!
      I like that you save so many of the quotes.

  6. I am often reminded of the Serenity Prayer to "accept the things I cannot change (which can be anything, other people, circumstances and a host of other things) and change the things I can" ( which is only me, my thoughts and my actions among other things.) It's a very peaceful way to live. This weekend presented us with some unexpected expenses beyond our control. Firstly we came home from errands only to find the garage door wouldn't automatically open. It turned out that the mechanism that lifts the door had broken. Blessedly, we were able to get it fixed. Next the we noticed some stones had come loose from the chimney. Our chimney is stone and the some of the mortar was cracked among other things. The chimney repair people came out today to give us an estimate. Not an inexpensive proposition but it needs to be done. We're so grateful that we live a frugal debt free lifeand have saved our resources to get this work done without worry. Cookie

  7. Great advice, as always. And thanks for the tip about the stainless steel getting rid of my stinky onion hands. I think it may have helped, but they still have a slight aroma. Every time I pat the dogs they think they are getting something to eat !
    Enjoy your weekend, Louise.

  8. I have decided that this coming year will be one of learning what I can control and what I can not. The one area I struggle with is how Harvey's family treats me most of the time (unless they want something then I am good enough to talk to). I am hoping to just ignore and carry on with my really wonderful life. I am also going to remind my husband that he can always put on more clothing or get up and get busy to warm up.

    God bless.

    1. Oh Jackie, I am so sorry about that. I hope you can go forward and not let these people get to you. You sound like you have a wonderful little family and friends and you do not deserve to be treated badly.
      Take control of YOU!
      We all have to be responsible for how we let people treat us.

  9. Yes, so many things out of our control. I'm trying to learn to let go of some of my worrying. One of those life lessons that is so important because it surely won't add any days to my life, haha! We haven't had a frost yet, but it sure got cold Wednesday morning here! I wasn't quite ready for that yet.
